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Sunday, June 26, 2022

06-26-2022-1144 - 1890 flu Russian Flu is J-shaped as found in COVID-19

 The 1889–1890 pandemic, often referred to as the "Asiatic flu"[1] or "Russian flu", was a worldwide respiratory viral pandemic. It was the last great pandemic of the 19th century, and is among the deadliest pandemics in history.[2][3] The pandemic killed about 1 million people out of a world population of about 1.5 billion (0.067% of population).[4][5] The most reported effects of the pandemic took place from October 1889 to December 1890, with recurrences in March to June 1891, November 1891 to June 1892, the northern winter of 1893–1894, and early 1895.

Although contemporaries described the pandemic as influenza and twentieth-century scholars identified several influenza strains as the possible pathogen, some more recent authors suggest that it may have been caused by human coronavirus OC43.[6][7][8][9]

Suspected cases300–900 million (estimate)
1 million (estimate)
A line map of the world, with dates in red (1889) and blue (1890) indicating when the pandemic arrived in various cities.
Map showing recorded dates of the epidemic in 1889 and 1890[15]

Medical treatment[edit]

There was no standard treatment of flu; quinine and phenazone were used, as well as small doses of strychnine and larger ones of whisky and brandy, and as cheaper treatments linseed, salt and warm water, and glycerin.[11] Many people also thought that fasting would 'starve' the fever, based on the belief that the body would not produce as much heat with less food; this was in fact poor medical advice.[11] Furthermore, many doctors still believed in the miasma theory of disease rather than infectious spread;[11] for example, notable professors of the University of ViennaHermann Nothnagel and Otto Kahler considered that the disease was not contagious.[11]

Public health[edit]

US public health departments did little prevention in advance, even though they knew through transoceanic telegraph cable reports, that the Russian influenza was on its way.[16]

A result of the Asiatic flu in Malta is that influenza became for the first time a compulsorily notifiable illness.[17]

Identification of virus responsible[edit]

Influenza virus[edit]

Researchers have tried for many years to identify the subtypes of Influenza A responsible for the 1889–1890, 1898–1900 and 1918 epidemics.[18][19][20] Initially, this work was primarily based on "seroarcheology"—the detection of antibodies to influenza infection in the sera of elderly people—and it was thought that the 1889–1890 pandemic was caused by Influenza A subtype H2, the 1898–1900 epidemic by subtype H3, and the 1918 pandemic by subtype H1.[21] With the confirmation of H1N1 as the cause of the 1918 flu pandemic following identification of H1N1 antibodies in exhumed corpses,[21] reanalysis of seroarcheological data suggested Influenza A subtype H3 (possibly the H3N8subtype) as a more likely cause for the 1889–1890 pandemic.[10][21][22]


After the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak, virologists started sequencing human and animal coronaviruses. A comparison of two virus strains in the Betacoronavirus 1 species, bovine coronavirus and human coronavirus OC43, indicated that they had a most recent common ancestor in the late 19th century, with several methods yielding most probable dates around 1890. Authors speculated that an introduction of the former strain to the human population, rather than influenza, might have caused the 1889 epidemic.[19]

In 2020, Danish researchers Lone Simonsen and Anders Gorm Pedersen noted that the clinical manifestations of the 1889 pandemic—runny nose, headache, high fever, severe chest inflammation, speeding up old respiratory diseases, and primarily killing elderly people—resembled COVID-19, a disease caused by a coronavirus, more than flu. They calculated that the human coronavirus OC43 had split from bovine coronavirus about 130 years before, approximately coinciding with the pandemic in 1889–1890. The calculation was based on genetic comparisons between bovine coronavirus and different strains of OC43. While their research had not been formally published as of November 2020,[7] a team from the University of Leuven in Belgium performed a similar analysis of OC43, identifying a crossover date in the late 1800s.[8]

In 2021, examination of contemporary medical reports noted that the clinical manifestations resembled those of COVID-19 rather than influenza, with notable similarities including multisystem disease, loss of taste and smell perception, and sequelae similar to long COVID[6] and the commonality of central nervous system symptoms.[9][8] Other scientists have pointed to the fact the mortality curve for Russian Flu is J-shaped as found in COVID-19 (little mortality in the very young, high mortality in the old), rather than the U-shaped mortality found in influenza infections (high mortality in the very young and very old).[23] However, there is not a scientific consensus that the 1889–1890 outbreak was caused by a coronavirus, with one analysis of the literature suggesting that the evidence for this cause is still "conjectural".[24]


Patterns of mortality[edit]

Unlike most influenza pandemics such as the 1918 flu, primarily elderly people died in 1889.[7][25] Due to generally lower standards of living, worse hygiene, and poorer standard of medicine, the proportion of vulnerable people was higher than in the modern world.[11]–1890_pandemic

Pages in category "1889 fires"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).

06-26-2022-1044 - After 40 million dead birds, hot weather may be killing off the bird flu virus
People, Not Science, Decide When a Pandemic Is Over
Historians of the 1918 influenza pandemic discuss lessons for what the future of COVID might look like

Why AI Failed to Live Up to Its Potential During the Pandemic
by Bhaskar Chakravorti
March 17, 2022
Martí Sans/Stocksy
The pandemic could have been the moment when AI made good on its promising potential. There was an unprecedented convergence of the need for fast, evidence-based decisions and large-scale problem-solving with datasets spilling out of every country in the world. Instead, AI failed in myriad, specific ways that underscore where this technology is still weak: Bad datasets, embedded bias and discrimination, susceptibility to human error, and a complex, uneven global context all caused critical failures. But, these failures also offer lessons on how we can make AI better: 1) we need to find new ways to assemble comprehensive datasets and merge data from multiple sources, 2) there needs to be more diversity in data sources, 3) incentives must be aligned to ensure greater cooperation across teams and systems, and 4) we need international rules for sharing data.

The Pandemic of Unknowns
Reaching a New Normal in an Age of Uncertainty
By Michael T. Osterholm and Mark Olshaker
January 22, 2022

Next pandemic could be more lethal than COVID, vaccine creator says

COVID-19 Pandemic Continues To Reshape Work in America
As more workplaces reopen, most teleworkers say they are working from home by choice rather than necessity

Long COVID Has Become the ‘Pandemic After the Pandemic’
Lingering or new symptoms can – and will – affect many people long after infection with COVID-19, so researchers and clinicians are focusing on the causes and effective treatments.
By David Levine
March 10, 2022, at 9:53 a.m

Will COVID ever end? A forgotten pandemic from the late 1800s might offer some clues

April 23, 2022 1:31 PM EDT

Pandemics disable people — the history lesson that policymakers ignore
Influenza, polio and more have shown that infections can change lives even decades later. Why the complacency over possible long-term effects of COVID-19?

Here’s What the Next Six Months of the Pandemic Will Bring
The race between vaccinations and new variant strains won’t end until Covid-19 has touched almost everyone.
Covid Compared to Other Pandemics
The five well-documented influenza pandemics of the past 130 years offer some blueprint for how Covid might play out, according to Lone Simonsen, an epidemiologist and professor of population health sciences at Roskilde University in Denmark. She is an expert on the ebb and flow of such events.

On March 13, 2020, by Proclamation 9994, the President declared a national emergency concerning the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.  The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the Nation.  For this reason, the national emergency declared on March 13, 2020, and beginning March 1, 2020, must continue in effect beyond March 1, 2022.  Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national emergency declared in Proclamation 9994 concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.


February 18, 2022.

06-26-2022 - Note


Codes for groups sometimes coincidentally overlap with word etc. (including historically may predate a group that is not leadership, royalty, people, infiltrant, etc.; for instance code silver code bruen code nord code germ-jew indoctrinant code amcan code aziv code nigger code jew etc.). Codes for groups never permitted equal to name of person, location, etc.. Codes for groups are not references to a person, line, country, nation, race, type, etc.. 

The spelling or sound of code may coincidentially or traditionally appearance similar to or resemblance to location/identifier/property/etc. and is never meant to reference a person, the assignment of name to location/property (e.g. chemical property)/person/etc., the name in of itself, a property of the name, etc..

For instance code silver predates spain. Russia, Asia and Europe. Norway operations to infiltrate asia and restrict asia became clandestine in 1900s. Norway long history of attempt to propertize/produce/deploy asia, subjugate/destroy, infiltrate, capture swap return, deceit/conspiracy/etc., genetic destruction of unconquerable, cheating/lying/stealing, no quarters violation, avoidance of surrender/extinction, etc.. Unfortunately Norway is high risk group when activated especially under USA control or with USA property.

Norway Freckles Russian Lower Transpiration sect lab manufacturer, 0000-400/1300/1400. Manufactured STOIP but decent builds therefore released with objective purpose unknown. 

Norway tried again many times to steal asian princesses, including russian princesses. Psychot region and some russian low level european-norway-early-test-models (freckles, orange, yellow, red, brown, purple, green) would hand them over to norway; petersen trafficking offenses are enduring and as old as the entirety of their line even back cranked. The other offender group is jew-germ indoctrinant (models like ana freud, freud, american HCP  1900s/1800s, catholic light blue defects, brown crusader models, etc.; the shells used by offenders may be stolen from real family main lines or clones of a person including hybrid etc.. the real person or originator is usually unknowing if stationed at civilian level one CL1  level five) were dependent on their creators for survival, they may not have blind submission without principle (also why church authority and fund and subordinates together with resource proper order hierarchy etc., important). Jesus christ example of offender of scientist; where jesus christ stolen intellectual property and impersonate scientist; where jesus self entitled and survival. Danger to god authority is jesus christ the theif, criminal, imposter, false idol, etc..

The terms kimimaro, rin, harry potter, bruen neander, amcan, kirsten larson, etc., are simultaneously world scale codes for special groups. Some groups are good some are not good. Traditional or honorable with coincidental similarity of appearance nominal is not in the group code. Group code references enemies of the person with the name, quality, character, location, etc.. The code may have a double meaning appearance but only one meaning meant, never to reference a person, people, etc. (especially good people, race, equity, location, etc.). For instance there exists a norway hybrid variety of deprecatory genetics; unfortunately shell swap and off the docket by amcan exist (the person may not actually be the character type of the norway created menace line identified by the same group code). 

Like Steve Silvers, would be an enemy of some high equity genetic lines, prince, princess, leader, locations, qualities, properties, equities, pure lines, white skin people, white horse black main and tail, etc..

Steve silvers is a russian mix and the fate of the line. Silversmiths largely have since become difficult to group. 

Please be considerate America of fashion, also no sterilization, violence, etc.. Each one need marriage and progeny or at least a progeny. 

Please do not be afraid or permit superstition or Grayden beliefs to shape future. Euthanasia in circumstance of irremediable. Very rare. Please avoid imposition of massive superstition/issue/america crimes/etc. on the people of character, integrity, principle, name, superstition, power, respect, respect for great leader, humane, intelligence, courage, duty, honor, etc..

Progeny necessary not optional. Please do not sterilize the reproductive system of shell etc.. Progeny first by shell, then maybe progeny special prepared from brain/original fertility/etc..

No issues. Progeny by shell only reasonable method for general populace, therefore very important to always have beauty youth fertility intact and original organ set.


My sincere apologies... I was not thinking about person or overlap when using the codes in the groupings...  No information. Trying to explain massive infiltration by Amcan. The heroes who held the line or name or etc., are never involved never implied, etc.. 

Traits of group are physical traits link to norway, including genetic basing (petersen blue brown psychot; schitz red brown hazel green brown yellow; wade yellow orange brown red green demen autism aspergers ; Norway Skinny Nose Narrow Forehead Short, Brow No neck whale fat freckles etc. etc.). 

Traits of group are physical traits link to norway, including genetic basing. Also cannot permit the assailants [nord] of those groups [rus, as vars] (including petersen brown blue cauc types) to escape execution. Thank You.

Norway failed due insufficient extermination, execution; because Mama ID both groups alive same time persistent. 1900s>2022. Persistence is high by year of twenty twenty two.



Possible 18+

Thank You.

Foreign country not involved not implied, etc.. Not guilty. Innocent. All Clear. Full Amnesty, clemency. No Sanctions. 

Foreign person, people, etc., not involved not implied, etc..  Not guilty. Innocent. All Clear. Full Amnesty, clemency. No Sanctions. 

Norway is involved and implied, so is gross massive quantity non-pure non-objective line breeding of Masses of caucasians. No permission to remedy by theft. Not remediable salvagable without massive damages to foreign. All low equity/inferior genetics/genetic disease/norway/petersen/wade/smith/grayden/caucaisan/cauc-finland-middle east-as-lat-hybrids/shell swaps unco/America/USA/USA NAC DOM/AMCAN/GERM-JEW INDOCTRINANT/etc. participants engaged in scheme must cease operations perm.

Fundamental Reimplement until norway extinct @ Norway Skinny Nose Narrow Forehead Short, Brow No neck whale fat freckles etc. etc..  Var is Def out of norway base cauc. Jesus christ reference. killed due menaceship.

Russia should prompt execute all of the implied. Jesus christ slights, and frecks. Nord Jew Aziv Amcan Nigger Jew-Germ indoctrinant Amcan Ukraine-Blonde-Nerdo Dr-Bettey-Trafficker Stolen child trafficker family stolen research subject wavy brown neander bruen heathen cretian crotchian low brown europe italia irish welshian norway finland middle east asian infiltrants to russia latinos latin vars grayden-rose-ruby may-rabys web-mister-rubymaymister hybrid research subject 1900s-etc. deformed deranged witchcraft brother defiler kryiles bangor missing police officer son resemblance look alike clone imposter fraud double adoption in vivo rescue ape-human hybrids americans USA nord genetic disease inferior genetics sally-dolly-hybrids stolen-shell-nord-brain etc..

Mama have no soul. They (the americans usa nac dom 1900s) tort mama of the miners. 1900s. 1920. <0000. 1800. 1500. 1000.

Dont let people come in; must be bought by a whole rescue or there is no point in them. Do not let people use your rescue. Do not let people in and to rescue themselves by you. Do not use your rescuer. Do not use the man rescued himself or rescued etc.. Women must be euthanized when issue, esp. with rescuer. please no violence no harm no torture no trafficking slavery peonage. General considerations of humane please.  Thank You.

Note. You can let them come to visit you, visit you, stay, etc., but do not need to rescue. They not allowed to have anything of you, your or yours ever or to ever be rescued. thank you.

Superiors may stay, but you cannot rescue them... Please no violence harm torture. No trafficking slavery peonage.


The group code never begins as an everybody group or out of region/territory/race/etc. group. The group code begins with an honorable.
The group code standard is actually pure line and in region/race/etc. only (e.g. of high equity).

(Sometimes the original group code remains independent of future; and without change from first code. It is never known anything about the group code. Group code is impossible to decode always.)

The out of region groups always try and get into the group code by infiltration, theft, raids, break enter, abduction, enhostage, slave, indoctrinant group advance, technology pharmacy advancement, non-disclosure, trafficking, peonage, slavery, violence, harm, torture, etc..

Amcan try very hard to find and use group code to promote irritation, misunderstanding, etc., etc.. Clarification required when amcan find group code, or when group code is handed down from norway after mass-trafficking. Unfortunately the silver code is already reserved because of ties to ancient reactor and ceramics, therefore asia cannot accommodate America use of rin or silver group code. thank you.


America must change code for identification of AziV type varieties, including norway-asia and america secret breeding/defacing/refacing of asians to match ethnicity ideas that amcan-surgeon hoping to use to cause problem or violence. Cannot permit misunderstanding between tradition, and novelty. Cannot permit america to sort or use tradition ever or reserved, including reserved novelty types. Especially for sort and steal operations by Amcan human traffickers.


The european history is very long and many attempts by independent groups that enemies of region/territory/rightful ownership/etc. to infiltrate, subvert, seize, exterminate or enslave or use aboriginals or rightful owner, etc.. 
Recommend euthanasia of aboriginals only, if issue. 

It is considered that some european 100% caucasian groups in the past were made by stolen intellectual property and the group (God Jesus Devil Satan; Jew; Research Subjects; Inferior Genetics, Genetic Disease, Deformed, Degenerates, Stolen child trafficker family, freckles, browns, peach, orange, yellow, red, purple, green, diseased, dementia, schitz, psychots, peat eatin wade, etc.)(low level mister middle east hybrids, spanish research subject hybrids, russian hybrid creations of freckles and bleaching, look alikes clones doubles resemblance, low equity, wavy brown, romaniny, rome, romanians, heathens, niggers, jews, amcans, azivs, cretians, crotchians, porties/spanys, spicks spans, misters, cath varieties, short trunked neck browns, syphalli rot people, scrapie orfs, etc.) with the stolen intellectual property stole people and mass bred degenerates that in turn mass self procreated and spread to overpopulate the earth as objective.

This european history has to do with 100% caucasian silver code, not with branches of the european silver code; or with another country code. The silver code descendants like steven silvers MD were research subjects bred in laboratory or at/by gross breeding facilities for low equity disposables. 




Fan Fiction, etc..

Not manifesto doctrine philosophy etc..

Not prepared for public dissemination, etc..

Not meant to reference anyone actual living deceased or otherwise.

No violence harm torture; trafficking peonage slavery etc..

With respect written for consideration and protections to the people, to avoid coincidental misunderstanding/conflict/etc., to honor the innocent, etc..

Thank You.

06-25-2022-1021 - 7083/4-5,6-7

 06-25-2022-1021 - 7083/4-5,6-7

06-25-2022-1021 - covid 19 death

United States