08-05-2022-0740 - CHERYLNOBLE TOWN DRAFT CONTINUED... (cherylnoble town days get heavy as leaders try to keep out americans (inc fbi appearance entrance to cherylnoble town draft continued...), however dr bettey appears to visit cherylnoble town ground zero, and celebration of zaks birthday, etc..)
cherylnoble town leader is requested to correspondance to fbi to help them in stopping the mass trafficking ring without violence. almost a hundred years later or more, she sends a partial correspondence, but not directly or herself but rather by an unfortunate substitute soul.
"+" shows new cases reported yesterday·
Location | Cases | Deaths |
United States | +657 | |
India | +19,406 | +49 |
Brazil | +29,976 | +222 |
France | +30,592 | +80 |
Germany | +49,609 | +141 |