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Monday, September 6, 2021

09-06-2021-1719 - Scalpellomorpha barnacle thecostraca Scalpellomorpha

 Scalpellomorpha is an order of acorn barnacles in the class Thecostraca. There are about 11 families in 3 superfamilies and more than 450 described species in Scalpellomorpha.[1][2]

2534 missing files massive repost required.

above. drowning pool bodies

09-06-2021-1719 - Ostracods crustacea

 Ostracods, or ostracodes, are a class of the Crustacea (class Ostracoda), sometimes known as seed shrimp. Some 70,000 species (only 13,000 of which are extant) have been identified,[1] grouped into several orders. They are small crustaceans, typically around 1 mm (0.039 in) in size, but varying from 0.2 to 30 mm (0.008 to 1.181 in) in the case of Gigantocypris. Their bodies are flattened from side to side and protected by a bivalve-like, chitinous or calcareous valve or "shell". The hinge of the two valves is in the upper (dorsal) region of the body. Ostracods are grouped together based on gross morphology. While early work indicated the group may not be monophyletic;[2] and early molecular phylogeny was ambiguous on this front,[3] recent combined analyses of molecular and morphological data found support for monophyly in analyses with broadest taxon sampling.[4]

Ecologically, marine ostracods can be part of the zooplankton or (most commonly) are part of the benthos, living on or inside the upper layer of the sea floor. Many ostracods, especially the Podocopida, are also found in fresh water, and terrestrial species of Mesocypris are known from humid forest soils of South AfricaAustralia and New Zealand.[5] They have a wide range of diets, and the group includes carnivores, herbivores, scavengers and filter feeders.

As of 2008, around 2000 species and 200 genera of nonmarine ostracods are found.[6] However, a large portion of diversity is still undescribed, indicated by undocumented diversity hotspots of temporary habitats in Africa and Australia.[7] Of the known specific and generic diversity of nonmarine ostracods, half (1000 species, 100 genera) belongs to one family (of 13 families), Cyprididae.[7] Many Cyprididae occur in temporary water bodies and have drought-resistant eggs, mixed/parthenogenetic reproduction, and the ability to swim. These biological attributes preadapt them to form successful radiations in these habitats.[8]

Temporal range: Ordovician to Recent, 450–0 Ma 
Scientific classificatione
Latreille, 1802
Subclasses and orders

Ostracods, or ostracodes, are a class of the Crustacea (class Ostracoda), sometimes known as seed shrimp. Some 70,000 species (only 13,000 of which are extant) have been identified,[1] grouped into several orders. They are small crustaceans, typically around 1 mm (0.039 in) in size, but varying from 0.2 to 30 mm (0.008 to 1.181 in) in the case of Gigantocypris. Their bodies are flattened from side to side and protected by a bivalve-like, chitinousor calcareous valve or "shell". The hinge of the two valves is in the upper (dorsal) region of the body. Ostracods are grouped together based on gross morphology. While early work indicated the group may not be monophyletic;[2] and early molecular phylogeny was ambiguous on this front,[3] recent combined analyses of molecular and morphological data found support for monophyly in analyses with broadest taxon sampling.[4]


Nicki Minaj - Your Love (Official Music Video)

09-06-2021-1718 - Phyllopharyngea ciliate motile monokinetid chonotrich suctoria crustacean Tsar sar

 The Phyllopharyngea are a class of ciliates, including some which are extremely specialized. Motile cells typically have cilia restricted to the ventral surface, or some part thereof, arising from monokinetids with a characteristic ultrastructure. In both chonotrichs and suctoria, however, only newly formed cells are motile and the sessile adults have undergone considerable modifications of form and appearance. Chonotrichs, found mainly on crustaceans, are vase-shaped, with cilia restricted to a funnel leading down into the mouth. Mature suctorians lack cilia altogether, and initially were not classified as ciliates.

The mouths of Phyllopharyngea are characteristically surrounded by microtubular ribbons, called phyllae. Nematodesmata, rods found in several other classes of ciliates, occur among the subclass Phyllopharyngia, most of which are free-living. In others, the mouth is often modified to form an extensible tentacle, with toxic extrusomesat the tip. These are especially characteristic of the suctoria, which feed upon other ciliates, and are unique among them in having multiple mouths on each cell. They are also found in many rhynchodids which are mostly parasites of bivalves.

Suctoria wiki.jpg
Scientific classificatione
de Puytorac et al.1974[1]
Typical orders

Subclass Phyllopharyngia
Subclass Chonotrichia
Subclass Rhynchodia
Subclass Suctoria


Nicki Minaj - Itty Bitty Piggy (Audio)

09-06-2021-1716 - Delftia acidovorans bacteria acid vorans coma mona delftia delta

 Delftia acidovorans is a Gram-negative, motile, non-sporulating, rod-shaped bacterium[1] known for its ability to biomineralize gold[2] and bioremediation characteristics.[3] It was first isolated from soil in Delft, Netherlands.[1] The bacterium was originally categorized as Psuedamonas acidovorans and Comamonas acidovorans before being reclassified as Delftia acidovorans.[4]

Delftia acidovorans
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Delftia acidovorans
(den Dooren de Jong 1926) 
Wen et al. 1999
Type strain
ATCC 15668T

Comamonas acidovorans (den Dooren de Jong 1926) Tamaoka et al.1987 
Pseudomonas indoloxidans Gray 1928 
Pseudomonas desmolytica Gray and Thornton 1928 
Pseudomonas acidovorans den Dooren de Jong 1926


Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne - Seeing Green (Audio)

09-06-2021-1717 - Cupriavidus metallidurans bacteria Ralstonia eutropha Alcaligenes eutrophus adapted to survive several forms of heavy metal stress.

 Cupriavidus metallidurans strain CH34 (renamed from Ralstonia metallidurans[1] and previously known as Ralstonia eutropha and Alcaligenes eutrophus[2]) is a non-spore-forming, Gram-negative bacterium which is adapted to survive several forms of heavy metal stress.[3][4] [5]Therefore, it is an ideal subject to study heavy metal disturbance of cellular processes. This bacterium shows a unique combination of advantages not present in this form in other bacteria.

  • Its genome has been fully sequenced (preliminary, annotated sequence data were obtained from the DOE Joint Genome Institute)
  • It is not pathogenic, therefore, models of the cell can also be tested in artificial environments similar to its natural habitats.
  • It is related to the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum.[6]
  • It is of ecological importance since related bacteria are predominant in mesophilic heavy metal-contaminated environments.[2][7]
  • It is of industrial importance and used for heavy metal remediation and sensing.[4]
  • It is an aerobic chemolithoautotroph, facultatively able to grow in a mineral salts medium in the presence of H2O2, and CO2 without an organic carbon source.[8] The energy-providing subsystem of the cell under these conditions is composed only of the hydrogenase, the respiratory chain, and the F1F0-ATPase. This keeps this subsystem simple and clearly separated from the anabolic subsystems that starts with the Calvin cycle for CO2-fixation.
  • It is able to degrade xenobiotics even in the presence of high heavy metal concentrations.[9]
  • Finally, strain CH34 is adapted to the outlined harsh conditions by a multitude of heavy-metal resistance systems that are encoded by the two indigenous megaplasmids pMOL28 and pMOL30 on the bacterial chromosome(s).[3][4][10]
scanning electron microscopeimage of a gold nugget, revealing bacterioform (bacteria-shaped) structures

Also it plays a vital role, together with the species Delftia acidovorans, in the formation of gold nuggets, by precipitating metallic gold from a solution of gold(III) chloride, a compound highly toxic to most other microorganisms.[11][12][13]

Cupriavidus metallidurans
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Cupriavidus metallidurans
Goris et al. 2001; Van Damme and Coenye 2004


Nicki Minaj - Fractions (Audio)

09-06-2021-1715 - Cladocera water flea crustacean

 The Cladocera, commonly known as water fleas are an order of small crustaceans that feed on microscopic chunks of organic matter (excluding some predatory forms). [1]

Over 650 species have been recognised so far, with many more undescribed.[2][3][4][5] The oldest fossils of cladocerans date to the Jurassic, though their modern morphology suggests that they originated substantially earlier, during the Paleozoic. Some have also adapted to a life in the ocean, the only members of Branchiopoda to do so, even if several anostracans live in hypersaline lakes.[6] Most are 0.2–6.0 mm (0.01–0.24 in) long, with a down-turned head with a single median compound eye, and a carapace covering the apparently unsegmented thorax and abdomen. Most species show cyclical parthenogenesis, where asexual reproduction is occasionally supplemented by sexual reproduction, which produces resting eggs that allow the species to survive harsh conditions and disperse to distant habitats.

Temporal range: Jurassic–Present 
Ветвистоусые ракообразные.jpg
Scientific classification

Latreille, 1829

Eucladocera (no evidence for grouping together all other cladocerans as the sister taxon to the monotypic Haplopoda (Leptodora))


Nicki Minaj - Truffle Butter (Lyric Video) (Explicit) ft. Drake, Lil Wayne

09-06-2021-1713 - Spinochordodes tellinii nematomorph hairworm hair larvae grasshopper cricket Wnt family

 Spinochordodes tellinii is a parasitic nematomorph hairworm whose larvae develop in  grasshoppers and crickets. This parasite is able to influence its host's behavior: once the parasite is grown, it causes its grasshopper host to jump into water, where the grasshopper will likely drown. The parasite then leaves its host; the adult worm lives and reproduces in water.[2] S. tellinii does not influence its host to actively seek water over large distances, but only when it is already close to water.[3]

The microscopic larvae are ingested by their insect hosts and develop inside them into worms that can be three to four times longer than the host.

The precise molecular mechanism underlying the modification of the host's behaviour is not yet known. A study in 2005 indicated that grasshoppers which contain the parasite express, or create, different proteins in their brains compared to uninfected grasshoppers. Some of these proteins have been linked to neurotransmitter activity, others to geotactic activity, or the body's response to changes in gravity. Furthermore, it appears that the parasite produces proteins from the Wnt family that act directly on the development of the central nervous system and are similar to proteins known from other insects, suggesting an instance of molecular mimicry.[4]

A similar parasitic worm is Paragordius tricuspidatus.[5]

Spinochordodes tellinii
Spinochordodes in Meconema.jpg
Spinochordodes tellinii with its bush-cricket host (Meconema thalassinum)
Scientific classificationedit
S. tellinii
Binomial name
Spinochordodes tellinii
(Camerano, 1888) [1]

above. five finger death punch i apologize