Blog Archive

Friday, July 1, 2022

07-01-2022-0717 - news

Spain and southern France hit by second extreme heat event of year

Experts say heatwaves happening earlier and more often as temperatures hit highs not normally recorded until July or August

New data reveals extraordinary global heating in the Arctic

Temperatures in the Barents Sea region are ‘off the scale’ and may affect extreme weather in the US and Europe

Japanese weather satellite accidentally watched Betelgeuse go dim
Observations say that two main explanations for the star's fading are both right.

JOHN TIMMER - 5/31/2022, 3:10 PM

Record-shattering events spur advances in tying climate change to extreme weather
2021 Pacific Northwest heat wave serves as testing ground for new attribution methods
16 JUN 2022
2:20 PM

War, Weather Endanger Global Food Supplies, Farm Leaders Say

Disruption to Ukraine’s output plus poor weather in the U.S. and South America are two crises, Syngenta CEO says at Wall Street Journal Global Food Forum