Blog Archive

Thursday, August 5, 2021

08-05-2021-1057 - TLS et EMR

 Tumor lysis syndrome is a group of metabolic abnormalities that can occur as a complication during the treatment of cancer,[1]where large amounts of tumor cells are killed off (lysed) at the same time by the treatment, releasing their contents into the bloodstream. This occurs most commonly after the treatment of lymphomas and leukemias. In oncology and hematology, this is a potentially fatal complication, and patients at increased risk for TLS should be closely monitored before, during, and after their course of chemotherapy.

Tumor lysis syndrome is characterized by high blood potassium (hyperkalemia), high blood phosphate (hyperphosphatemia), low blood calcium (hypocalcemia), high blood uric acid (hyperuricemia), and higher than normal levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and other nitrogen-containing compounds (azotemia). These changes in blood electrolytes and metabolites are a result of the release of cellular contents of dying cells into the bloodstream from breakdown of cells. In this respect, TLS is analogous to rhabdomyolysis, with comparable mechanism and blood chemistry effects but with different cause. In TLS, the breakdown occurs after cytotoxic therapy or from cancers with high cell turnover and tumor proliferation rates. The metabolic abnormalities seen in tumor lysis syndrome can ultimately result in nausea and vomiting, but more seriously acute uric acid nephropathyacute kidney failureseizurescardiac arrhythmias, and death.[2][3]

Aneuploidy is the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell, for example a human cell having 45 or 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.[1][2] It does not include a difference of one or more complete sets of chromosomes. A cell with any number of complete chromosome sets is called a euploid cell.[1] An extra or missing chromosome is a common cause of some genetic disorders. Some cancer cells also have abnormal numbers of chromosomes.[3][4] About 68% of human solid tumors are aneuploid.[4] Aneuploidy originates during cell divisionwhen the chromosomes do not separate properly between the two cells (nondisjunction).

08-05-2021-1054 - Radiation


Illustration of the relative abilities of three different types of ionizing radiation to penetrate solid matter. Typical alpha particles (α) are stopped by a sheet of paper, while beta particles (β) are stopped by an aluminum plate. Gamma radiation (γ) is dampened when it penetrates lead. Note caveats in the text about this simplified diagram.[clarification needed]
The international symbol for types and levels of ionizing radiation (radioactivity) that are unsafe for unshielded humans. Radiation, in general, exists throughout nature, such as in light and sound.

In physicsradiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. [1][2] This includes:

Radiation is often categorized as either ionizing or non-ionizing depending on the energy of the radiated particles. Ionizing radiation carries more than 10 eV, which is enough to ionize atoms and molecules and break chemical bonds

Gamma rays, X-rays and the higher energy range of ultraviolet light constitute the ionizing part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word "ionize" refers to the breaking of one or more electrons away from an atom, an action that requires the relatively high energies that these electromagnetic waves supply. Further down the spectrum, the non-ionizing lower energies of the lower ultraviolet spectrum cannot ionize atoms, but can disrupt the inter-atomic bonds which form molecules, thereby breaking down molecules rather than atoms; a good example of this is sunburn caused by long-wavelength solar ultraviolet. The waves of longer wavelength than UV in visible light, infrared and microwave frequencies cannot break bonds but can cause vibrations in the bonds which are sensed as heat. Radio wavelengths and below generally are not regarded as harmful to biological systems. These are not sharp delineations of the energies; there is some overlap in the effects of specific frequencies.[3]

The word radiation arises from the phenomenon of waves radiating (i.e., traveling outward in all directions) from a source. This aspect leads to a system of measurements and physical units that are applicable to all types of radiation. Because such radiation expands as it passes through space, and as its energy is conserved (in vacuum), the intensity of all types of radiation from a point source follows an inverse-square law in relation to the distance from its source. Like any ideal law, the inverse-square law approximates a measured radiation intensity to the extent that the source approximates a geometric point.


Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionize atoms; that is to say it can knock electrons off atoms, creating ions. Ionization occurs when an electron is stripped (or "knocked out") from an electron shell of the atom, which leaves the atom with a net positive charge. Because living cells and, more importantly, the DNA in those cells can be damaged by this ionization, exposure to ionizing radiation is considered to increase the risk of cancer. Thus "ionizing radiation" is somewhat artificially separated from particle radiation and electromagnetic radiation, simply due to its great potential for biological damage. While an individual cell is made of trillions of atoms, only a small fraction of those will be ionized at low to moderate radiation powers. The probability of ionizing radiation causing cancer is dependent upon the absorbed dose of the radiation, and is a function of the damaging tendency of the type of radiation (equivalent dose) and the sensitivity of the irradiated organism or tissue (effective dose).

If the source of the ionizing radiation is a radioactive material or a nuclear process such as fission or fusion, there is particle radiation to consider. Particle radiation is subatomic particle accelerated to relativistic speeds by nuclear reactions. Because of their momenta they are quite capable of knocking out electrons and ionizing materials, but since most have an electrical charge, they don't have the penetrating power of ionizing radiation. The exception is neutron particles; see below. There are several different kinds of these particles, but the majority are alpha particlesbeta particlesneutrons, and protons. Roughly speaking, photons and particles with energies above about 10 electron volts (eV) are ionizing (some authorities use 33 eV, the ionization energy for water). Particle radiation from radioactive material or cosmic rays almost invariably carries enough energy to be ionizing.

Most ionizing radiation originates from radioactive materials and space (cosmic rays), and as such is naturally present in the environment, since most rocks and soil have small concentrations of radioactive materials. Since this radiation is invisible and not directly detectable by human senses, instruments such as Geiger counters are usually required to detect its presence. In some cases, it may lead to secondary emission of visible light upon its interaction with matter, as in the case of Cherenkov radiation and radio-luminescence.

Graphic showing relationships between radioactivity and detected ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation has many practical uses in medicine, research and construction, but presents a health hazard if used improperly. Exposure to radiation causes damage to living tissue; high doses result in Acute radiation syndrome(ARS), with skin burns, hair loss, internal organ failure and death, while any dose may result in an increased chance of cancer and genetic damage; a particular form of cancer, thyroid cancer, often occurs when nuclear weapons and reactors are the radiation source because of the biological proclivities of the radioactive iodine fission product, iodine-131.[4] However, calculating the exact risk and chance of cancer forming in cells caused by ionizing radiation is still not well understood and currently estimates are loosely determined by population based data from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and from follow-up of reactor accidents, such as the Chernobyl disaster. The International Commission on Radiological Protection states that "The Commission is aware of uncertainties and lack of precision of the models and parameter values", "Collective effective dose is not intended as a tool for epidemiological risk assessment, and it is inappropriate to use it in risk projections" and "in particular, the calculation of the number of cancer deaths based on collective effective doses from trivial individual doses should be avoided."[5]

Ultraviolet, of wavelengths from 10 nm to 125 nm, ionizes air molecules, causing it to be strongly absorbed by air and by ozone (O3) in particular. Ionizing UV therefore does not penetrate Earth's atmosphere to a significant degree, and is sometimes referred to as vacuum ultraviolet. Although present in space, this part of the UV spectrum is not of biological importance, because it does not reach living organisms on Earth.

Gamma radiation detected in an isopropanolcloud chamber.

Some very high energy alpha particles compose about 10% of cosmic rays, and these are capable of penetrating the body and even thin metal plates. However, they are of danger only to astronauts, since they are deflected by the Earth's magnetic field and then stopped by its atmosphere.

08-05-2021-1051 - DNA parasite w effect macro w apparent sigs 08-05-2021-1051

DNA parasite w effect macro apparent sigs particle or blueprint may be variant/classified/etc. Imprintable Signature/Sequence onto Similar organism or organism blank - requires single copy any where in body std env rad 08-05-2021-1051

Condensation of chromosome and distal signal comm etc. env draw for restructure by particle-light image/sequence/code imprintation/matricing/incorporation/fixation/dissemination/replications or not/etc. not ostensible (signal is not sensory fitted).


Klinefelter syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal disorders, occurring in one to two per 1,000 live male births.[4][8] It is named after American endocrinologist Harry Klinefelter, who identified the condition in the 1940s.[13] In 1956, the extra X chromosome was identified as the cause.[14] Mice can also have the XXY syndrome, making them a useful research model.[15]


Condensed chromosomality with duplicant/insert/tags/aetc.; the effective blueprint (for human/etc.) may not be DNA or exclusive to dna/singular type-structure-etc./etc. or singular outcome dna etc.. Sample processing collection etc., must have no error, etc..


Somatic mosaicism in the nervous system

Mosaicism for aneuploid chromosome content may be part of the constitutional make-up of the mammalian brain.[7][8] In the normal human brain, brain samples from six individuals ranging from 2–86 years of age had mosaicism for chromosome 21 aneuploidy (average of 4% of neurons analyzed).[9] This low-level aneuploidy appears to arise from chromosomal segregation defects during cell division in neuronal precursor cells,[10] and neurons containing such aneuploid chromosome content reportedly integrate into normal circuits.[11] However, recent research using single-cell sequencing has challenged these findings, and has suggested that aneuploidy in the brain is actually very rare.[12][13]


Double Connect by Insertion Genetic singular plasmid/viri/etc. starting point non-recog or partial recog sequence with evasion by light/energy/etc. variation from std human con to human gen/manf cycle temp/etc. (time or signal prep disint; signal rec cap; time to disint; zero setter; sig rec cap same rev emis wrap consider material env units-var-pwr-e--ions-transforms-energy-stch-etc. and radiation/traversation/etc.), Manuf of condensed chromosome or chromesome novel in vivo, condensation of chromosome by physics of chromosome code and outcome structure, expansion of chromo require lab env, etc.. chrom usually as particle micro/fragment/prion/etc. in body may be viral size bacterial size or nano size or etc..

[never same as acute myeloblasic leuk usually caused by rads (multifarious factors/etc.; should bear no special relation to or preference for aneupl or gen-dis/etc.).]

neurofibromatosis - dna. parasites. fibrotics, exposure to aggravants/etc. (keloid scarring; post inflam, granulation, scar, biofilm,. plaque, tartar, calculus, mineralization, liquefication, etc.) - ageing.

dna not required for human survival; acute myeloblasic leuk.

interference at all including signal reception cause decay/disturbed ext.

problems - 
1. euthan blood cell
2. euthan no dna cell
3. euthan no nuc cell
4. euthan no code sequence cell
5. euthan zero setter double
6. euthan space spc cell
7. euthan time spc cell
8. euthan pluripotency
9. euthan pre-diff
10. euthan multi
11. euthan st c
12. euthan no tag cell
13. euthan no dna-tag cell
14. euthan no parasite cell
15. euthan condensed cell
16. euthan nano pico femto yoct yott (single time double dir single signal)
17. euthan clock chromo transfor transla transpir telep/appear state-level-scale transforms
18. micro ops by amcan have change to gross nano etc. that is not universal/etc. may alter effic over tiem
19. spont disintegration spont comb contact explo by signal matrix amnesia collapse rad (ltetc. not osten) overload to sust amnestic reduce molecular rate with heavy rad (snetc. not osten) alter forces alter rate by force to molecule abn beh to effectatoin; riptiance.
20. spont disintegration nano to inf (must obli multi levels downward and arc to chem/lifeparticle/lifefield/macro/etc.); spont disintegra mic etc., var scales should not use schedule/etc. to preserve cell;
21. grad env inc with s-pois; water conditioning; air transform perm irrev. cp all org/regen/life/etc.. rate time-space warp; pressure and light change particle change; error increase algor; entropy reduction staticity to singular baseline with build to etc. and reverse. soil and land need preserve. brown ops. particuarization matricing waveform creation for particle stability eg etc. particle incorporation holographing dirty particle implementation physics change rate change enthalpy increase non-ostensible. non-ostensible operations to euthan. missing gene/sequence/person/etc..
22. man made bioforms have incorporated man bias (e.g. low level des - petersen presence deprecates design); may be easily susceptible to reinfection by dna virus w/ or w/o dna. able to receive to novel signal and frequ-waveform-etc.; novel developing org stolen should dep quickly without 100 y else may be cause to infect all other components/lifeforms non-self; signal to rectify behavior alignment may be cause for warfare by impersonation and corruption of integrity when coupled to biological lifeform diseased asympto that attracts exposes or breathes/emits/releases particle/wave/life/etc.; rf. computer, dna, human, biological, physical, chemical, scale, time, etc..; des profiling of petersen should reveal all manners and weakness that may be used to rap eradicate stolen lines/genes/sequence/etc. and by petersen et al.; most recommendation is biological explosive - lysis/apoptosis/necrosig/etc..
23. Proposed solution is lysis for basilar rudimentary education level biological lifeforms. Non-periodic table element selected for eradication of special stolen lifeforms (arsenic etc. non salt hydrogen oxygen chemical/particle/component/derivative/perturbation/etc.); Non-Standard physics for eradiation of non-physical etc. or advphysically-habituated or etc. lifeforms.
24. Proposed solution is for application to USA, NAC, AMCAN, degenerates, etc.. Proposed solution is for application to stolen, stealer, etc.. Proposed solution is not for implementation to Asia, Russia.
25. Africa is a scientists project because they have dna. dna comes from beginning of human race story/human race regeneration/human recolonization post mass extinction/human settling/etc. (now appreciated fully as tags for bodies; regardless of presence or absence of jews); either were their own manifestations by variation of single parasite-code set (to enable communication) or would be required to be communicated with by double connect. amnestic drugs used by america w/ btr w/ etc. to corrupt history. America has no truth.
26. Dr. Bettey DVM - one way comm channel. point source receiver emissions. may be multiple point source receivers; including unintended receivers/recipient/etc..
27. Non specific, general signals. sol gel nuclear. chemical energy. energy max capacity. outliers data. unexpected outcome, etc..
28. Acellular lifeforms probably before time, etc.. - [Black Black] (not verbatim)
29. Extinction of acellular with complementary/compatible co-habitatant/compatible/etc. or co-habitat design and war/etc.. Either symbiosis, infiltration, extinction, etc.. 
30. Extinction of cellular with incompatible (antonym of complementary).
31. S.Petershits and the Golden Assburgers and aneuploidy and USA amcan neander abuse of bioweapon integrants/genotoxins/genetic parasite/genetic symbio comp org/organisms abused/etc..
32. Scientists hate USA/petersens/petersons/petersins/norway/germ/nord/neander/herd/heathen/etc.. petersens best scientific creations are degenerate. The petersens have dementia/mental retardation/etc.; and mass procreate themselves; and make degenerate everything. Petersens using intellectual property they stole is how more degenerate things keep appearing (e.g. stolen shell, stolen gene, stolen sequence and degenerate petersen brain on petersen-brain transplanted into stolen shell).

08-05-2021-1042 - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Other namesAcute lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoid leukemia
Acute leukemia-ALL.jpg
Bone marrow aspirate smear from a person with precursor B-cell ALL. The large purple cells are lymphoblasts.
SymptomsFeeling tired, pale color, fever, easy bleeding or bruising, bone pain, enlarged lymph nodes[1]
ComplicationsInfectiontumor lysis syndrome[2][3]
Usual onset2–5 years old[4]
TypesB-cell ALLT-cell ALL[2]
CausesUsually unknown[5]
Risk factorsIdentical twin with ALL, Down syndromeFanconi anemiaataxia telangiectasiaKlinefelter syndromehigh birth weight, significant radiationexposure[6][5][1]
Diagnostic methodBlood tests and bone marrow examination[3]
Differential diagnosisInfectious mononucleosisacute myeloid leukemialymphoblastic lymphomaaplastic anemia[3]
TreatmentChemotherapystem cell transplantationradiation therapytargeted therapy[7][1]
PrognosisChildren: 90% five-year survival rate[2]
Adults: 35% five-year survival[8]
Frequency1 in 1,750 children[4][9]
Deaths111,000 (2015)[10]

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a cancer of the lymphoid line of blood cells characterized by the development of large numbers of immature lymphocytes.[1] Symptoms may include feeling tired, pale skin color, fever, easy bleeding or bruising, enlarged lymph nodes, or bone pain.[1] As an acute leukemia, ALL progresses rapidly and is typically fatal within weeks or months if left untreated.[11]

In most cases, the cause is unknown.[2] Genetic risk factors may include Down syndromeLi-Fraumeni syndrome, or neurofibromatosis type 1.[1] Environmental risk factors may include significant radiation exposure or prior chemotherapy.[1]Evidence regarding electromagnetic fields or pesticides is unclear.[4][6] Some hypothesize that an abnormal immune response to a common infection may be a trigger.[4] The underlying mechanism involves multiple genetic mutations that results in rapid cell division.[2] The excessive immature lymphocytes in the bone marrow interfere with the production of new red blood cellswhite blood cells, and platelets.[1] Diagnosis is typically based on blood tests and bone marrow examination.[3]

ALL affected about 876,000 people globally in 2015 and resulted in about 111,000 deaths.[14][10] It occurs most commonly in children, particularly those between the ages of two and five.[15][4] In the United States it is the most common cause of cancer and death from cancer among children.[2] ALL is notable for being the first disseminated cancer to be cured.[16]Survival for children increased from under 10% in the 1960s to 90% in 2015.[2] Survival rates remain lower for babies (50%)[17] and adults (35%).[8] According to the National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN), generally for people with ALL: around 70 out of 100 people (70%) will survive their leukemia for 5 years or more after they are diagnosed.

08052021-1041 857

 08052021-1041 857

08-05-2021-0936 - Drafting - USA NAC DOM/USA/USA-et-al/etc. (Euthanasia operations w/ Infrastructure; etc. draft)

USA NAC DOM/USA/USA-et-al/etc. 

1. Cessation of trafficking, violence, cloak, clone, witness protection/court/experiment/pilot-test-etc./etc., etc., operations/etc. (pro-violence operations cessation), etc..

2. Return America to North America continent. (Rf. India population capacity/Germany old population capacity, etc.). Do not permit leave from North America/America continent. Else enter to execute; work with foreign country to execute; permit execution on presence attempt; etc. (note. do not enter/etc. Asia, Russia).

3. Legislature to stay at home; provision of need for survival during stay at home order.

4. Do not permit leave from USA. Asia, Russia should be allowed to leave USA (special exceptions for persons of other countries).

5. Disclosure of advanced technology and pharmaceuticals (cloak, clone, laboratory grown organ from genetic signature, amnestic drug sets/scheme/etc., trafficker family-stolen child, gen-mod, brain transplant raid/brain transplant, double connect, etc.) - document, etc..

6. Visit each person/etc. to decide euthanasia date, provide each person with documentation. If euthanasia time, please euthanize where person is found. Euthanasia method must cause/be to effect/etc. Quick, complete, painless, permanent, prompt, irreversible, death (without paralysis, decay, time/time delay/etc.). Please cremate/spontaneous combustion/sublimination/etc. post euthanasia and to obliterate remains.

7. Euthanize trafficker, stolen child/person/etc., stolen gene/etc., stolen sequence/etc., clone, genetic modification, alt gene format/alt life format/alt format/etc., brain transplant, theft, stole, stolen from rebodied origin/etc., stolen from origin/etc., stolen from or before first point known-contact-immigrant-etc./etc., rebodied, stolen from original, stolen from origin, family line error, perturbations, deviations, derivations, integrants, amnestic/etc., double connect, amcan, missing, lost, theif, theft, stole, stolen, replacement/swap/sub/etc., shell swap/new shell/etc., stolen shell, stolen brain/intel/etc. pres, ip theft, ip stolen pres, etc.. Euthanize Stolen.

8. Euthanize *, slaves, cloaks, enhostage, hostage, defects, refugees, underground person/etc., non-intended for human habitation habitats/habitants/habitints/locations/operations/etc., unknown/undocumented, classified, non disclosed, non ref/id/locable/etc., doubles/line-mirror/etc., unaware/etc., alt. st./life, non-count, bodies, non space/non time/non space time/alts./etc., time, space, ions, pharm/tech concealment/obscuration/etc., adv technology, amnesia/drains/warp/non-use/use/etc., birth to death, recycled, amnestic/etc., no CL1 known id in time/etc. (e.g. disappearing/change/etc. evidence, people, etc.), no presence/etc., framed presence/etc., double intel single known presence (with or without known presence CL1), CL1 absent, appear/disappear/etc., uncertain CL1, etc.. Euthanize Hidden.

9. Euthanize disease, very sick patient, pathology, mental illness, neander, heathen, jw, aziv-amcan-USA-NAC-etc., amcan, nigger, white nigger, freckles, barbs, germs, research subjects, donors, experiments, experimentation subjects, medical subjects, disease carriers, asymptos, maine state, sharon petersen types, petersens, wades, inferior genetics, inferior line branches, deprecants, recovered, vaccinated, sick, ill, artificial health, stolen health, criminals, suffering, parasites of equity, stolen equity (Mental Illness), etc.. Euthanize Danger.

10. Please exercise caution some persons (refugee, vaccinated, recovered, false positive test, etc.) may not require euthanasia immediately; may be permitted euthanasia by choice (humane only). Please do not confer exemption on amcans, perturbations, deviations, derivations, integrants, second line/line mirror/etc., stolen person, USA indoctrinants, etc..



* illicit edit advisory. 1612 08052021

* United States of America North America Continent (Amcan-etc.)

* Consideration of rights assignment: right over/to/etc., right do not exist for, no right.


* Note: slave-cloak indoctrinated-knowing or unknowing-skillful; CL1 pres, trafficking ring ip  appearance ip theft body-gene-etc. theft trafficker stolen child; CL1 absence, etc.; Shell swap, swap, transforms, possible reappearance in parts or by stolen/missing progeny in experiment/social hunting-trafficker hunt/stolen child in trafficker family/very sick/impossible release-perm tort-recyc to CL1 until someone finds and execs.

* Note 2:

1. slave-cloak 'indoctrinated-knowing or unknowing-skillful' (Quote) [Reference Retained] (no source to provide, not confirmed, not verbatim, TS, TS and above, possibly no record (e.g. CL1) not confirmed not verbatim); 

2. CL1 presence (delay to release [by USA is malice; injury aggravation/deprecation of state/missing part risk-certainty increase/shell swap, Brain transplant, critical injury-perm. and violence likelihood increase actual not perceived (including violence that soaks through USA soils to and by CL1 USA NAC DOM)/etc.; mass trafficking by USA with appearance of any indicator of return presence including message without hard copy/unusual signals/difficult to find-interpret-transform-elusive-pattern-complexity-rank-order-sequence-etc./transformed message (message received)/no record of message/Intel appearance/Intel signals/Intel keys/intel signals/deliberate action by USA to malice/perturbation by USA/derivation by USA/Intellectual property or Intelligent or Intellectual appearance or indication or signal or etc./etc. (also activation of CL1 public/global/etc. indicators such as influences, styles, colors, habits, intellectual property, non-locable people/missing references/incomplete knowledge due tort sometimes remediable by reason/mem or time/etc., knowledge high explicit recall/etc. (of prior; cloaked history/semantic knowledge/etc.) occasions few (may be corruption by tort; perfect base structure; base knowledge may be improved/recovered/etc.), occasions of self-intel release-etc. low apparent relative to knowledge (intel rel possibly another in line released or positioned or message direction or etc. science, people, history, language, etc.; connection, message received acknowledgement), ideas/themes/etc., rhythms/scenes/costumes/etc., etc.); USA commits  ip theft; ip released and distorted in advance; documents and records destroyed and missing; pre-framed ID; etc.] or no delay [wise]; delay to release with life [torture] or no delay to release with prompt execution/euthanasia/etc. by appropriate law enforcement personnel of superior authority [secret service] [proper]); appearance;

3. Presence CL1, Trafficking ring appearance (USA integral component - Amcans everywhere), Intellectual property appearance (cloak exemplary reasoning/not verifiable intel/foresight/accurate/rapid learning/no equal/past rebuild no aid accuracy high/intellectual property already present/intel present without learning-teacher-etc. apparent/etc., etc.), Ip theft body-gene-etc. theft; trafficker stolen child; 

4. CL1 absence, etc.; 

5. Shell swap, swap, degeneration of shell/life/etc. transforms, degenerate shell post-cloak brain/etc., possible reappearance in parts or by stolen/missing progeny in experiment/social hunting-trafficker hunt/stolen child in trafficker family/very sick/impossible release-perm tort-recyc to CL1 until someone finds and execs.


1. Cloak (TS+ no body count no record double life mult lives recy one line/ones/etc.), 2. Cloak's Missing Child Appears as Stolen Child in Trafficker Family, 3. Cloak recycled to VSP/Disease Body/life/etc.

1. Cloak (TS+ no body count no record double life mult lives recy one line/ones/etc.) [double intel or single intel; double blind or single blind; torts - var blnd or und/unk/etc. blnd or complex blind scheme or time-state-space-etc. blind or etc. (various unusual types of blind attempts; torture blind schemes; veterinary-psych (intelligent brain/human+/human above/etc.; deprecant shell; injury to intel brain by all source; unknowing/non-confirmed knowledge/non-confirmed/no-identifiable/no-rights/etc.; etc.)], 2. Cloak's Missing Child Appears as Stolen Child in Trafficker Family, 3. Cloak recycled to VSP/Disease Body/life/etc.