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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

T-Pain - Up Down (Do This All Day) (Explicit) ft. B.o.B

08-10-2021-1749 - 921

 08-10-2021-1749 - 921

08-10-2021-1701 - Scientific Method

 The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. These are principles of the scientific method, as distinguished from a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises.[1][2][3]

08-10-2021-1406 - Conspiracy (Two Doms)

1.  In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future.[1]Criminal law in some countries or for some conspiracies may require that at least one overt act be undertaken in furtherance of that agreement, to constitute an offense. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect (compare attempts which require proximity to the full offense). For the purposes of concurrence, the actus reus is a continuing one and parties may join the plot later and incur joint liability and conspiracy can be charged where the co-conspirators have been acquitted or cannot be traced. Finally, repentance by one or more parties does not affect liability (unless, in some cases, it occurs before the parties have committed overt acts) but may reduce their sentence.

An unindicted co-conspirator, or unindicted conspirator, is a person or entity that is alleged in an indictment to have engaged in conspiracy, but who is not charged in the same indictment. Prosecutors choose to name persons as unindicted co-conspirators for a variety of reasons including grants of immunity, pragmatic considerations, and evidentiary concerns.

2. A civil conspiracy or collusion is an agreement between two or more parties to deprive a third party of legal rights or deceive a third party to obtain an illegal objective.[1] A conspiracy may also refer to a group of people who make an agreement to form a partnership in which each member becomes the agent or partner of every other member and engage in planning or agreeing to commit some act. It is not necessary that the conspirators be involved in all stages of planning or be aware of all details. Any voluntary agreement and some overt act by one conspirator in furtherance of the plan are the main elements necessary to prove a conspiracy. A conspiracy may exist whether legal means are used to accomplish illegal results, or illegal means used to accomplish something legal.[2] "Even when no crime is involved, a civil action for conspiracy may be brought by the persons who were damaged."[1]

In the law of tort, the legal elements necessary to establish a civil conspiracy are substantially the same as for establishing a criminal conspiracy, i.e. there is an agreement between two or more natural persons to break the law at some time in the future or to achieve a lawful aim by unlawful means. The criminal law often requires one of the conspirators to take an overt step to accomplish the illegal act to demonstrate the reality of their intention to break the law, whereas in a civil conspiracy, an overt act towards accomplishing the wrongful goal may not be required. Etymologically, the term comes from Latin con- "with, together", and spirare "to breathe".

Warefaring Covers 

1. (War by USA-etc.-et-al. w/o declared war; trafficking ring sustenance; stolen child working/paid/ID/mischling@SS=Stoch/specpriv (inc. reworded)/etc. esp. as federal/local/state/national/international/etc. clandestine-public-CL1-underground-extraterrestrial-exploratory-experimental-etc. occurance-ops-etc. (Maine State USA NAC DOM; USA); victim original injured-enhostaged (few actual sires/mares, all are unwilling, all are et enhost or dead, all are w/ framed-id); etc.; cloning with brain transplant, transplant petersen brain into stolen shell of sup gen line; head of fielding neanderthals - grayden; reverse fielding by mind/psychology to confer on chainey-italian-psychopath non-psychopath privilege and to permit him to frame any as psychopath in his place, etc. (to reveal large espionage fan/etc. base of italian-psychopath); overfunding criminals/foster children/stolen children/traffickers/aberrations/abominations/perturbations/derivations/deviations/theft/integrants/stolen/steal/theif/stolen gene/stolen product/stolen part/stolen material/stole Intellectual property/etc. and to sustain trafficking theft of intellectual property by trafficker family with stolen child (both knowing guilty evidence present with illness-cover of denial/argument/refutation/etc. and due awareness/knowing of heavy punishment/sentence/extermination/etc. awaiting their family lines (their fated end is known) - however, trafficker w/ stolen child family continue to attack their victims despite victims with special privilege and no need for cover, and je'accus espionage or trafficker or stolen child or etc. to victim in endeavor to transfer their sentence/guilty-verdict onto the innocent; time limited endeavors before switch to new victim group; etc.). Four violences.

2. Crimes by Petersen to injure birthright required petersen to fac conspiracy over and down her line 100+ years; as a degenerate. Petersen facted conspiracy as a US resident/citizen accused/etc. (accuse of US citizenship by birth and fam and resource and welfaring etc.) to avoid revelation of her crimes against humanity, genocide, mass self procreation, mass trafficking of non-self, cover up of scientist enhostage w/ reframing/rebody/organ trans/etc., espionage, traitorism, antiscience/fsci (e.g. 'DSM' psychopathology/psychiatry/social work/etc. principles/premises/ideas/thoughts/actions/etc.), secrecy, deception, conspiracy, targeted victims, criminal victim indiscriminacy (neander gene/mind), lie and wait stalking predatory behaviors with weapon (gun), petersen stolen child hand off with knowing theft (vul-cr-traff-esp-etc.) from body of non-self, mass trafficking of birthright, stolen shells, foreign country planting of petersen and her victims, espionage, contracting/agreements, business, clandestine, self-ranking, antagonism to right of superior, je 'accus tactics, witching birthright (attempting to papenheimer fam situ birthright), etc..

3. Petersen not intelligence (high gang committance; where group is a gang not a humane/etc. group etc.) means no freedom by betrayal and treason.


  • 5. 
  • Antiscience - Grayden (character analysis with character is disease is disorder is etc.; anti to natural/empirical measure/ostensible/etc. biological-chemical-physical cause for disease of dombiological-organism (tri-plane biology chemistry physics; biological dominance traditional; biological organism hierarchy p-c-b [system] in p-c-b env [surroundings] etc.)) 

6. Secrecy fails where power appears; Deception fails where Intelligence appears (nik is indeceivable but does kill over dece); Espionage Fails never where stolen children/traffickers/etc. traffick intellectual property not self-designed/not original/not apart of design team/not pow fam host/not rejectatory of inferior races-other fam-etc./etc. - et to highest std. (birthright, one with power, viv, not human anti-human survival, etc. - everything everyone wants to be and cannot be have et).
Broke civil conspiracy by bustin petersen-smith-walsh-wade-mccl-geoffeson-tilove-dinurysis-rooney-grayden-hurd-rosegrayden-chaney-silvers-sc-graydenmiddlefeastys-middle feasty layng-romanivusamaine layng-german cc layng-blackmed?-aziv civs-german pole-germ-germans-bleached gang (middle hair length)-short hair old gang xx 1930-70-rabys web-pmaine state gang-bleached hair gang-california state gang-maine state gang-usa state gang-usa cunt gang-usa underground-usa etc.-layng-centopiedals-large round germ yellow beatles-polish witch-etc. 100+ and busted her whole foundation broke flawed usa count to dest and open land to new owners.
Busted criminal conspiracy by recognizing victims and hostages (on drugged amnestic drugged abduction excursions and during dfa w/ mult wep src), stolen children appearing and by realization that the missing children were not with their parents. found clones/surg/gen mod/sto seq/etc.. working w old cloaks.  found clone when reeng clone design recovered mem from last cent.

7. psychosis is grayden bruen neander - genetics with attack in undeclared war against birthright, mass traffin of birthright, abudction and druggin w/ CWI/amnestic drug/etc. of unk birthright, swapping birthright shell, swapping birthrt brains, cloning birthright, putting birthright kids with trafficker amcan, etc.. Victims accept death is not psychosis or psychotic life. deception to deny them euthanasia or death is psychotic by grayden who deceive them about true nature of affairs of reality and their opportunity to die. - CIA n e

8. - Not for CL1 or any USA affiliate, USA, amcan, suspect lists, Group suspect lists, groups, bruen neander, norway, germany, germ, jew, niger, amcan, aziv, etc..

9. - Not to incriminate/criminalize/pathologize/involve/imply/etc. in conspiracy the hero, god, deity, religion, rules/values/morals/principle/etc., victims of USA, victims, persons not informed, persons, person, etc., foreign, scientist, alien, persons not informed by proper person/time/documentation/evidence/etc., persons who resist conspiracy/unlawful/crime/etc., grigory and his clones (seized by foreign country or deceived, enhostaged, and used; no espionage/ridulosity/conspiracy/right to detain/detainer right/etc. when betrays united states - where standard conventions fail circumstance exclusive to detainment/punishment and betrayal by detainee and violence by detainer (Reference USA; blind)- pows/etc. betray to facilitate prompt return to home country/safety/euthanasia/etc. as no other tactic is as highly effective in clandestine/criminal/etc. detainment of pow on foreign or domestic soils - as rejection of assimilation/integration/crime/conspiracy/etc. by betrayal), persons of circumstance, helpless, without evidence, law abiding, respectful of privacy, rule abiding, obedient, immigrant, coincidence, selfless, humane, proper, decent, hierarchical, maths, consideration, etc., person/persons/business/establishment/organization/entity/existence/school/culture/race/politics/religion/orientation/gender/resource/individual/group/categ/part/whole/single/apart/together/character/etc..


False flag operation conspiracy theories[edit]

Several claims have been made in Spanish-speaking media that the sinking was a false flag operation conducted by the U.S.[85][86] and those claims are the official view in Cuba.[87] The Maine monument in Havana describes Maine's sailors as "victims sacrificed to the imperialist greed in its fervor to seize control of Cuba",[88] which claims that U.S. agents deliberately blew up their own ship.[89]

Eliades Acosta was the head of the Cuban Communist Party's Committee on Culture and a former director of the José Martí National Library in Havana. He offered the standard Cuban interpretation in an interview to The New York Times, but he adds that "Americans died for the freedom of Cuba, and that should be recognized."[87] This claim has also been made in Russia by Mikhail Khazin, a Russian economist who once ran the cultural section at Komsomolskaya Pravda,[90] and in Spain by Eric Frattini, a Spanish Peruvian journalist in his book Manipulando la historia. Operaciones de Falsa Bandera. Del Maine al Golpe de estado de Turquía.[91]

Operation Northwoods was a series of proposals prepared by Pentagon officials for the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962, setting out a number of proposed false flag operations that could be blamed on the Cuban Communists in order to rally support against them.[92][93] One of these suggested that a U.S. Navy ship be blown up in Guantanamo Bay deliberately. In an echo of the yellow press headlines of the earlier period, it used the phrase "A 'Remember the Maine' incident".[93][94]

false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. 

The term "false flag" originated in the 16th century as a purely figurative expression to mean "a deliberate misrepresentation of someone's affiliation or motives".[1]It was later used to describe a ruse in naval warfare whereby a vessel flew the flag of a neutral or enemy country in order to hide its true identity. The tactic was originally used by pirates and privateers to deceive other ships into allowing them to move closer before attacking them. It later was deemed an acceptable practice during naval warfare according to international maritime laws, provided the attacking vessel displayed its true flag once an attack had begun.[2][3][4][5]

The term today extends to include countries that organize attacks on themselves and make the attacks appear to be by enemy nations or terrorists, thus giving the nation that was supposedly attacked a pretext for domestic repression and foreign military aggression.[6]

Similarly deceptive activities carried out during peacetime by individuals or non governmental organizations can (by extension) also be called false flag operations, but the more common legal term is a "frameup", "stitch up", or "setup".

The Vietnam War POW/MIA issue concerns the fate of United States servicemen who were reported as missing in action (MIA) during the Vietnam War and associated theaters of operation in Southeast Asia. The term also refers to issues related to the treatment of affected family members by the governments involved in these conflicts. Following the Paris Peace Accords of 1973, 591 U.S. prisoners of war (POWs) were returned during Operation Homecoming. The United States listed about 2,500 Americans as prisoners of war or missing in action but only 1,200 Americans were reported to have been killed in action with no body recovered. Many of these were airmen who were shot down over North Vietnam or Laos. Investigations of these incidents have involved determining whether the men involved survived being shot down. If they did not survive, then the U.S. government considered efforts to recover their remains. POW/MIA activists played a role in pushing the U.S. government to improve its efforts in resolving the fates of these missing service members. Progress in doing so was slow until the mid-1980s when relations between the United States and Vietnam began to improve and more cooperative efforts were undertaken. Normalization of the U.S. relations with Vietnam in the mid-1990s was a culmination of this process.

The redemption movement is a debt-resistance movement and fraud scheme active primarily in the United States and Canada.[1]Participants allege that a secret fund is created for everyone at birth, and that a procedure exists to "redeem" or reclaim this fund to pay bills. Common redemption schemes include acceptance for value (A4V), Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA) and secured party creditor kits.

Although the movement has maintained a following since the 1990s, its theories are false and meritless. Those who participate in redemption schemes, and especially those who promote them to other people, can face criminal charges and imprisonment. Several government institutions have issued warnings about the fraudulent character of redemption schemes.

The ideas of the redemption movement should not be confused with the actual legal right of redemption, under which a debtor may buy back property that has been levied or foreclosed, either by paying the balance of the debt or by matching the price at which the property sells.[2][3]

The sovereign-citizen movement is a loose grouping of primarily American litigants, commentators, tax protesters, and financial-scheme promoters, who see themselves as answerable only to their particular interpretations of the common law and as not subject to any government statutes or proceedings.[1] In the United States, they do not recognize U.S. currency and maintain that they are "free of any legal constraints".[2][3][4] They especially reject most forms of taxation as illegitimate.[5] Participants in the movement argue this concept in opposition to the idea of "federal citizens", who, they say, have unknowingly forfeited their rights by accepting some aspect of federal law.[6] The doctrines of the movement resemble those of the freemen on the land movement more commonly found in the British Commonwealth, such as Australia and Canada.[7][8][9][10]

The oral polio vaccine (OPV) AIDS hypothesis states that the AIDS pandemic originated from live polio vaccines prepared in chimpanzee tissue cultures, accidentally contaminated with SIV virus and then administered to up to one million Africans between 1957 and 1960 in experimental mass vaccination campaigns.

Data analyses in molecular biology and phylogenetic studies contradict the OPV AIDS hypothesis; consequently, scientific consensus regards the hypothesis as disproven.[1][2][3][4] The journal Nature has described the hypothesis as "refuted".[5]

Template:Denial of mass killings

08-10-2021-1308 - Albedo 918

 Albedo (pronounced /ælˈbd/Latinalbedo, meaning 'whiteness') is the measure of the diffuse reflection of solar radiationout of the total solar radiation and measured on a scale from 0, corresponding to a black body that absorbs all incident radiation, to 1, corresponding to a body that reflects all incident radiation.

08-10-2021-1307 - Carbonaceous Chondrites

Carbonaceous chondrites or C chondrites are a class of chondritic meteorites comprising at least 8 known groups and many ungrouped meteorites. They include some of the most primitive known meteorites. The C chondrites represent only a small proportion (4.6%)[1] of meteorite falls.

Some famous carbonaceous chondrites are: AllendeMurchisonOrgueilIvunaMurrayTagish LakeSutter's Mill and Winchcombe.

08-10-2021-1304- Pallas

 On the night of 5 April 1779, Charles Messier recorded Pallas on a star chart he used to track the path of a comet (now known as C/1779 A1 (Bode)) that he observed in the spring of 1779, but apparently assumed it was nothing more than a star.[23]

Ceres (/ˈsɪərz/;[17] minor-planet designation1 Ceres) is the largest object in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It comprises a quarter of the mass of the belt and, at 940 km (580 mi) in diameter, is the only asteroid large enough to be rounded by its own gravity. This makes Ceres both the smallest recognized dwarf planet and the only one inside Neptune's orbit.

08-10-2021-1252 - Accidents, Space, Covid-19 Update, etc.

14 April 1964Cape Canaveral, US3Delta rocketThe third stage of a Delta rocket had just been joined to the Orbiting Solar Observatory satellite in the spin test facility building at Cape Kennedy. Eleven workers were in the room when the 205 kg (452 lb) of solid fuel in the third stage ignited. Sidney Dagle, 29; Lot D. Gabel, 51, and John Fassett, 30, were severely burned and later died of their injuries. Eight others were injured, but survived. The ignition was caused by a spark of static electricity.[94][95][96]

 Adams' seventh X-15 flight, Flight 3-65-97, took place on November 15, 1967.[3][4] He reached a peak altitude of 266,000 feet (81 km); the nose of the aircraft was off heading by 15 degrees to the right. While descending, at 230,000 feet (70 km) the aircraft encountered rapidly increasing aerodynamic pressure which impinged on the airframe, causing the X-15 to enter a violent Mach 5 spin. As the X-15 neared 65,000 feet (20 km), it was diving at Mach 3.93 and experiencing more than 15 g vertically (positive and negative), and 8 g laterally, which inevitably exceeded the design limits of the aircraft. The aircraft broke up 10 minutes and 35 seconds after launch, killing Adams. The United States Air Force posthumously awarded him Astronaut Wings for his last flight.

Mach number (M or Ma) (/mɑːk/German: [max]) is a dimensionless quantity in fluid dynamics representing the ratio of flow velocity past a boundary to the local speed of sound.[1][2]


M is the local Mach number,
u is the local flow velocity with respect to the boundaries (either internal, such as an object immersed in the flow, or external, like a channel), and
c is the speed of sound in the medium, which in air varies with the square root of the thermodynamic temperature.

By definition, at Mach 1, the local flow velocity u is equal to the speed of sound. At Mach 0.65, u is 65% of the speed of sound (subsonic), and, at Mach 1.35, u is 35% faster than the speed of sound (supersonic). Pilots of high-altitude aerospace vehicles use flight Mach number to express a vehicle's true airspeed, but the flow field around a vehicle varies in three dimensions, with corresponding variations in local Mach number.

The local speed of sound, and hence the Mach number, depends on the temperature of the surrounding gas. The Mach number is primarily used to determine the approximation with which a flow can be treated as an incompressible flow. The medium can be a gas or a liquid. The boundary can be traveling in the medium, or it can be stationary while the medium flows along it, or they can both be moving, with different velocities: what matters is their relative velocity with respect to each other. The boundary can be the boundary of an object immersed in the medium, or of a channel such as a nozzlediffuser or wind tunnel channeling the medium. As the Mach number is defined as the ratio of two speeds, it is a dimensionless number. If M < 0.2–0.3 and the flow is quasi-steady and isothermal, compressibility effects will be small and simplified incompressible flow equations can be used.[1][2]

The max q condition is the point when an aerospace vehicle's atmospheric flight reaches maximum dynamic pressure. This is a significant factor in the design of such vehicles because the aerodynamic structural load on them is proportional to dynamic pressure. This may impose limits on the vehicle's flight envelope.

An apsis (plural apsides /ˈæpsɪdz/ AP-sih-deez, from Greek "orbit") is the farthest or nearest point in the orbit of a planetary body about its primary body. The apsides of Earth's orbit of the Sun are two: the aphelion, where Earth is farthest from the sun, and the perihelion, where it is nearest. "Apsides" can also refer to the distance of the extreme range of an object orbiting a host body.

Soyuz 1 (RussianСоюз 1Union 1) was a crewed spaceflight of the Soviet space program. Launched into orbit on 23 April 1967 carrying cosmonaut colonel Vladimir Komarov, Soyuz 1 was the first crewed flight of the Soyuz spacecraft. The flight was plagued with technical issues, and Komarov was killed when the descent module crashed into the ground due to a parachute failure. This was the first in-flight fatality in the history of spaceflight.

The original mission plan was complex, involving a rendezvous with Soyuz 2 and an exchange of crew members before returning to Earth. However, the launch of Soyuz 2 was called off due to thunderstorms.

There are two apsides in any elliptic orbit. Each is named by selecting the appropriate prefixap-apo- (from ἀπ(ό), (ap(o)-) 'away from'), or peri- (from περί (peri-) 'near')—then joining it to the reference suffix of the "host" body being orbited. (For example, the reference suffix for Earth is -gee, hence apogee and perigee are the names of the apsides for the Moon, and any other artificial satellites of the Earth. The suffix for the Sun is -helion, hence aphelionand perihelion are the names of the apsides for the Earth and for the Sun's other planets, comets, asteroids, etc., (see table, top figure).)

According to Newton's laws of motion all periodic orbits are ellipses, including: 1) the single orbital ellipse, where the primary body is fixed at one focus point and the planetary body orbits around that focus (see top figure); and 2) the two-body system of interacting elliptic orbits: both bodies orbit their joint center of mass (or barycenter), which is located at a focus point that is common to both ellipses, (see second figure). For such a two-body system, when one mass is sufficiently larger than the other, the smaller ellipse (of the larger body) around the barycenter comprises one of the orbital elements of the larger ellipse (of the smaller body).

The barycenter of the two bodies may lie well within the bigger body—e.g., the Earth–Moon barycenter is about 75% of the way from Earth's center to its surface. If, compared to the larger mass, the smaller mass is negligible (e.g., for satellites), then the orbital parameters are independent of the smaller mass.

When used as a suffix—that is, -apsis—the term can refer to the two distances from the primary body to the orbiting body when the latter is located: 1) at the periapsis point, or 2) at the apoapsis point (compare both graphics, second figure). The line of apsides denotes the distance of the line that joins the nearest and farthest points across an orbit; it also refers simply to the extreme range of an object orbiting a host body (see top figure; see third figure).

In orbital mechanics, the apsides technically refer to the distance measured between the barycenters of the central body and orbiting body. However, in the case of a spacecraft, the terms are commonly used to refer to the orbital altitude of the spacecraft above the surface of the central body (assuming a constant, standard reference radius).

The two-body system of interacting elliptic orbits: The smaller, satellite body (blue) orbits the primary body (yellow); both are in elliptic orbits around their common center of mass(or barycenter), (red +).
∗Periapsis and apoapsis as distances: The smallest and largest distances between the orbiter and its host body.

The words "pericenter" and "apocenter" are often seen, although periapsis/apoapsis are preferred in technical usage.

  • For generic situations where the primary is not specified, the terms pericenter and apocenter are used for naming the extreme points of orbits (see table, top figure);  periapsis and apoapsis (or apapsis) are equivalent alternatives, but these terms also frequently refer to distances—that is, the smallest and largest distances between the orbiter and its host body (see second figure).
  • For a body orbiting the Sun, the point of least distance is the perihelion (/ˌpɛrɪˈhliən/), and the point of greatest distance is the aphelion (/æpˈhliən/);[1] when discussing orbits around other stars the terms become periastron and apastron.
  • When discussing a satellite of Earth, including the Moon, the point of least distance is the perigee (/ˈpɛrɪ/), and of greatest distance, the apogee (from Ancient Greek: Γῆ (), "land" or "earth").[2]
  • For objects in lunar orbit, the point of least distance are called the pericynthion (/ˌpɛrɪˈsɪnθiən/) and the greatest distance the apocynthion (/ˌæpəˈsɪnθiən/). The terms perilune and apolune, as well as periselene and apselene are also used.[3] Since the Moon has no natural satellites this only applies to man-made objects.

Terminology summary[edit]

The suffixes shown below may be added to prefixes peri- or apo- to form unique names of apsides for the orbiting bodies of the indicated host/(primary) system. However, only for the Earth and Sun systems are the unique suffixes commonly used. Typically, for other host systems the generic suffix, -apsis, is used instead.[9][failed verification]

Host objects in the Solar System with named/nameable apsides
Astronomical host objectSunMercuryVenusEarthMoonMarsCeresJupiterSaturn
of the name
Other host objects with named/nameable apsides
Astronomical host
StarGalaxyBarycenterBlack hole
of the name
Lat: astrastarsGr: galaxias; galaxyGr: melos; black
Gr: bothroshole
Lat: nigerblack

Perihelion and aphelion[edit]

Diagram of a body's direct orbitaround the Sun with its nearest (perihelion) and farthest (aphelion) points.

The perihelion (q) and aphelion (Q) are the nearest and farthest points respectively of a body's direct orbit around the Sun.

Comparing osculating elements at a specific epoch to effectively those at a different epoch will generate differences. The time-of-perihelion-passage as one of six osculating elements is not an exact prediction (other than for a generic 2-body model) of the actual minimum distance to the Sun using the full dynamical model. Precise predictions of perihelion passage require numerical integration.

Inner planets and outer planets[edit]

The image below-left features the inner planets: their orbits, orbital nodes, and the points of perihelion (green dot) and aphelion (red dot), as seen from above Earth's northern pole and Earth's ecliptic plane, which is coplanar with Earth's orbital plane. From this orientation, the planets are situated outward from the Sun as Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, with all planets travelling their orbits counterclockwise around the Sun. The reference Earth-orbit is colored yellow and represents the orbital plane of reference. For Mercury, Venus, and Mars, the section of orbit tilted above the plane of reference is here shaded blue; the section below the plane is shaded violet/pink.

The image below-right shows the outer planets: the orbits, orbital nodes, and the points of perihelion (green dot) and aphelion (red dot) of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—as seen from above the reference orbital plane, all travelling their orbits counterclockwise. For each planet the section of orbit tilted above the reference orbital plane is colored blue; the section below the plane is violet/pink.

The two orbital nodes are the two end points of the "line of nodes" where a tilted orbit intersects the plane of reference;[12] here they may be 'seen' where the blue section of an orbit becomes violet/pink.

The two images below show the positions of perihelion (q) and the aphelion (Q) in the orbits of the planets of the Solar System.[13]

Ceres (/ˈsɪərz/;[17] minor-planet designation1 Ceres) is the largest object in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It comprises a quarter of the mass of the belt and, at 940 km (580 mi) in diameter, is the only asteroid large enough to be rounded by its own gravity. This makes Ceres both the smallest recognized dwarf planet and the only one inside Neptune's orbit

The first asteroid discovered, Ceres was discovered on 1 January 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi at Palermo Astronomical Observatory. It was originally considered a planet, but was reclassified as an asteroid in the 1850s after over 20 other objects in similar orbits were discovered. 

Despite being closer to Earth than Jupiter, which has been known since antiquity, Ceres's small size means that, from Earth, its apparent magnitude ranges from 6.7 to 9.3, peaking at opposition once during its 15- to 16-month synodic period. Thus even at its brightest, it is too dim to be seen by the naked eye, except under extremely dark skies. Its surface features are barely visible even with the most powerful telescopes, and little was known of them until the robotic NASA spacecraft Dawnentered orbit around Ceres on 6 March 2015.

Ceres appears to be partially differentiated into a muddy (ice-rock) mantle/core and a less-dense but stronger crust that is at most 30 percent ice. It probably no longer has an internal ocean of liquid water, but there is brine that can flow through the outer mantle and reach the surface. The surface is a mixture of water ice and hydrated minerals such as carbonates and clayCryovolcanoes such as Ahuna Mons form at the rate of about one every 50 million years. In January 2014, emissions of water vapor were detected around Ceres, creating a tenuous, transient atmosphere known as an exosphere. This was unexpected because large bodies in the asteroid belt typically do not emit vapor, a hallmark of comets.

German astronomer Johann Elert Bode, in 1772, first suggested that an undiscovered planet could exist between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.[18] Theoretical astronomer Johannes Kepler had already noticed the gap between Mars and Jupiter in 1596.[18] Bode based his idea on the Titius–Bode law; a now-discredited hypothesis first proposed in 1766. Bode observed that there was a regular pattern in the size of the orbits of known planets, and that the pattern was marred only by the large gap between Mars and Jupiter.[19] The pattern predicted that the missing planet ought to have an orbit with a radius near 2.8 astronomical units (AU).[19] William Herschel's discovery of Uranus in 1781[18] near the predicted distance for the next body beyond Saturn increased faith in the Titius-Bode law. In 1800, a group headed by Franz Xaver von Zach, editor of the Monatliche Correspondenz, sent requests to 24 experienced astronomers (whom he dubbed the "celestial police"),[19] asking that they combine their efforts and begin a methodical search for the expected planet.[19] Although they did not discover Ceres, they later found the asteroids 2 Pallas3 Juno and 4 Vesta.[19]

 In April, Piazzi sent his complete observations to Oriani, Bode, and French astronomer Jérôme Lalande. The information was published in the September 1801 issue of the Monatliche Correspondenz.[21]

Ceres is the largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt.[12] It has been classified both as a C-type asteroid[12] and, due to the presence of clay minerals, as a G-type asteroid.[53]Its composition is similar, though not identical, to those of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.[54] Ceres has a mean diameter of 939.4 km (583.7 mi)[3] and a mass of 9.39×1020 kg as determined from the Dawn spacecraft.[55] This gives it a density of 2.162±0.008 g/cm3,[3] suggesting up to a quarter of its mass is composed of water.[56]Ceres is an oblate spheroid, with an equatorial diameter eight percent larger than its polar diameter.[3]

Ceres comprises approximately a quarter of the estimated total 3.0 ± 0.2×1021 kg mass of the asteroid belt,[40] or 1.3% of the mass of the Moon. Ceres is close to being in hydrostatic equilibrium, and thus to being a dwarf planet, though some deviations from an equilibrium shape have yet to be fully explained.[57] Ceres is the smallest known dwarf planet, and the only dwarf planet inside the trans-Neptunian region.[56] Ceres is intermediate in size between the smaller asteroid Vesta and the larger moon Tethys, and approximately the size of the large trans-Neptunian object Orcus. Its surface area is approximately the same as the land area of India or Argentina.[58] In July 2018, NASA released a comparison of physical features found on Ceres with similar ones present on Earth.[59]

Ceres is the smallest object likely to be in hydrostatic equilibrium, being 600 km (370 mi) smaller and less than half the mass of Saturn's moon Rhea, the next-smallest likely object.[60] Modeling has suggested Ceres could have a small metallic core from partial differentiation of its rocky fraction,[61][62] but the data are consistent with a mantle of hydrated silicates and no core.[57]

Carbonaceous chondrites or C chondrites are a class of chondritic meteorites comprising at least 8 known groups and many ungrouped meteorites. They include some of the most primitive known meteorites. The C chondrites represent only a small proportion (4.6%)[1] of meteorite falls.

Some famous carbonaceous chondrites are: AllendeMurchisonOrgueilIvunaMurrayTagish LakeSutter's Mill and Winchcombe.

Pallas (minor-planet designation2 Pallas) is the second asteroid to have been discovered, after 1 Ceres. Like Ceres, it is believed to have a mineral composition similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, though significantly less hydrated than Ceres. It is the third-largest asteroid in the Solar System by both volume and mass, and is a likely remnant protoplanet. It is 79% the mass of 4 Vesta and 22% the mass of Ceres, constituting an estimated 7% of the mass of the asteroid belt. Its estimated volume is equivalent to a sphere 505 to 520 kilometers (314 to 323 mi) in diameter, 90–96% the volume of Vesta.

Surface features[edit]

Besides one bright spot in the southern hemisphere, the only surface features identified on Pallas are craters. As of 2020, 36 craters have been identified, 34 of which are larger than 40 km in diameter. Provisional names have been provided for some of them. The craters are named after ancient weapons,[10]

Features on Pallas (southern hemisphere)
FeaturePronunciationLatin or GreekMeaning
Hoplon/ˈhɒplɒn/ὅπλονa weapon (esp. a large shield)
Kopis/ˈkpɪs/κοπίςa large knife
Features on Pallas (northern hemisphere)
FeaturePronunciationLatin or GreekMeaning
Aklys/ˈklɪs/āclysa small javelin attached to a strap
Falcata/fælˈktə/falcātaa sword of pre-Roman Iberia
Makhaira/məˈkaɪərə/μάχαιραa sword of ancient Greece
Pilum/ˈpləm/pīluma Roman javelin
Scutum/ˈskjuːtəm/scūtuma Roman leather-covered shield
Sica/ˈskə/sīcaa dagger
Spatha/ˈspθə/spathaa straight sword


A small moon about 1 kilometer in diameter was suggested based on occultation data from 29 May 1978. In 1980, speckle interferometry suggested a much larger satellite, whose existence was later refuted a few years later with occultation data.[53]

Objects considered for dwarf planet status under the IAU's 2006 draft proposal on the definition of a planet.[60] Pallas is second from the right, bottom row.

The stony-iron Pallasite meteorites are not Palladian, being named instead after the German naturalist Peter Simon Pallas. The chemical element palladium, on the other hand, was named after the asteroid, which had been discovered just before the element.[42]

As with other asteroids, the astronomical symbol for Pallas is a disk with its discovery number, ②. It also has an older, more iconic symbol, ⚴ (Pallas symbol.svg) or sometimes 🜍 (Variant of Pallas symbol), the alchemical symbol for sulfur.[d]

On the night of 5 April 1779, Charles Messier recorded Pallas on a star chart he used to track the path of a comet (now known as C/1779 A1 (Bode)) that he observed in the spring of 1779, but apparently assumed it was nothing more than a star.[23]

The planets of the Solar System can be divided into categories based on their composition:

  • Terrestrials: Planets that are similar to Earth, with bodies largely composed of rock: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. At 0.055 Earth masses, Mercury is the smallest terrestrial planet (and smallest planet) in the Solar System. Earth is the largest terrestrial planet.
  • Giant planets (Jovians): Massive planets significantly more massive than the terrestrials: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
    • Gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, are giant planets primarily composed of hydrogen and helium and are the most massive planets in the Solar System. Jupiter, at 318 Earth masses, is the largest planet in the Solar System, and Saturn is one third as massive, at 95 Earth masses.
    • Ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, are primarily composed of low-boiling-point materials such as water, methane, and ammonia, with thick atmospheres of hydrogen and helium. They have a significantly lower mass than the gas giants (only 14 and 17 Earth masses).

The Kármán line (or von Karman line) represents both the attempt to define a boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space, and offers a specific definition set by the Fédération aéronautique internationale (FAI), an international record-keeping body for aeronautics. Defining the edge of space is important for legal and regulatory purposes since aircraft and spacecraft fall under different jurisdictions and are subject to different treaties. International law does not define the edge of space, or the limit of national airspace.[2][3]

The FAI defines the Kármán line as space beginning 100 kilometres (54 nautical miles; 62 miles; 330,000 feet) above Earth's mean sea level. While experts disagree on exactly where the atmosphere ends and space begins, most regulatory agencies (including the United Nations) accept the FAI Kármán line definition or something close to it.[4] As defined by the FAI, the Kármán line was established in the 1960s.[5] Various countries and entities define space's boundary differently for various purposes.[6][2][7]

The Kármán line is named after Theodore von Kármán (1881–1963), a Hungarian American engineer and physicist who was active in aeronautics and astronautics. In 1957, he was the first person to attempt to derive such an altitude limit.ármán_line


The Kremlin Wall Necropolis was the Soviet Union's National Cemetery for those who died in valor for the union from 1917 to its last burial in 1985.[1] Burials in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis in Moscow began in November 1917, when 240 pro-Bolshevik victims of the October Revolution were buried in mass graves at Red Square. The improvised burial site gradually transformed into the centerpiece of military and civilian honor during the Second World War. It is centered on both sides of Lenin's Mausoleum, initially built in wood in 1924 and rebuilt in granite in 1929–1930. After the last mass burial made in 1921, funerals on Red Square were usually conducted as state ceremonies and reserved as the last honor for highly venerated politicians, military leaders, cosmonauts, and scientists. In 1925–1927 burials in the ground were stopped; funerals were now conducted as burials of cremated ash in the Kremlin wall itself. Burials in the ground began with Mikhail Kalinin's funeral in 1946. The Kremlin Wall was the de facto national cemetery of the Soviet Union's deceased national icons. Burial there was a status symbol among Soviet citizens. The practice of burying dignitaries at Red Square ended with the funeral of General Secretary Konstantin Chernenko in March 1985. The Kremlin Wall Necropolis was designated a protected landmark in 1974. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, citizens of the Russian Federation and other USSR satellite states continue to pay their respects to the national heroes at the Kremlin Wall.


United States

Fire in altitude chamber23 March 1961(Soviet Air ForceGroup 1)Soviet Union Valentin BondarenkoFirst space-related fatality. During a 15-day endurance experiment in a low-pressure altitude chamber with at least 50% oxygen atmosphere, Vostok cosmonaut trainee Bondarenko dropped an alcohol-soaked cloth onto an electric hotplate. He suffered third-degree burnsover most of his body and face, and died in a hospital 16 hours later.[20]

Sergey Vozovikov

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Sergei Yuriyevich Vozovikov (17 April 1958 – 11 July 1993) was a member of the Soviet Air Force Cosmonaut Training Group 11. His Cosmonaut training was to take place from October 1, 1991 to March 6, 1992. This was cut short when he drowned on July 11, 1993 during water recovery training in the Black Sea, near Anapa, Russia.[1][2][3][4]


  1. ^ "Vozovikov" Retrieved 2018-02-16.
  2. ^ David Shayler (June 2000). Disasters and accidents in manned spaceflight. Springer. p. 470. ISBN 1-85233-225-5
  3. ^ "Biographies of USSR/Russian Cosmonauts: Sergei Yuriyevich Vozovikov". April 19, 2018. Retrieved December 15, 2018.
  4. ^ "Сергей Юрьевич Возовиков" Retrieved 15 December 2018.
Sergei Vozovikov
Born17 April 1958
Died11 July 1993 (aged 35)
Space career
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Constantin Anton

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Constantin Anton[1] (May 21, 1894 in Bucharest – March 17, 1993 in Bucharest[2]) was a brigadier general of the Romanian Armed Forces during World War II

From 1944 to 1946, he served as the Inspector-General of the Jandarmeria Română, a Romanian military police force.[1] In 1948, he was arrested and tried by the Bucharest People's Tribunal for "complicity with high treason".[3] He was sentenced to 18 years of hard labor as a result. In 1952, his sentence was altered to 10 years in prison and demotion to civilian status.[2][3] In 1959, he was released, and in 1964 he was reinstated to the military with the rank of divisional general.[3]


  1. Jump up to: a b "Galeria comandanților | JANDARMERIA ROMÂNĂ" Retrieved 2017-05-21.
  2. Jump up to: a b "Generals of World War II - Anton, St. Constantin" Retrieved 2017-05-21.

QAnon[a] (/ˌkj.əˈnɒn/) is a disproven far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satanic,[1] cannibalistic pedophilesoperate a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against former President Donald Trump during his term in office.[2][3][4][5]QAnon has been described as a cult.[6][7]

One shared belief among QAnon members is that Trump was planning a massive sting operation on the cabal, with mass arrests of thousands of cabal members to take place on a day known as the "Storm".[8][9] QAnon supporters have accused many Hollywood actors, Democratic politicians, and high-ranking government officials of being members of the cabal, with little or no evidence.[10] QAnon has also claimed that Trump simulated the conspiracy of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the sex trafficking ring, and preventing a coup d'état by Barack ObamaHillary Clinton, and George Soros.[11][12] The QAnon conspiracy theories have been amplified by Russian state-backed troll accounts on social media,[19] as well as Russian state-backed traditional media[13][20] and networks associated with Falun Gong.[21]

Mechanical Astronaut, Mercury
Mercury Atlas 5
Mercury Atlas 5
Credit: NASA
American phantom cosmonaut. The MAS was an electronic mannequin that could 'inhale' and 'exhale' man-like quantities of gas, heat, and water vapor. It flew twice - on the MA 3 launch abort 1961-04-25 and one orbit on MA-4 on 1961-09-13.

The project 'Mechanical Astronaut Simulator' flew twice (The Mercury-MA 3 launch abort on 25 April 1961 and one orbit of the earth aboard Mercury MA-4 on 13 September 1961). The simulator was an electronic mannequin that could 'inhale' and 'exhale' man-like quantities of gas, heat, and water vapor.

Chemical poisoning24 July 1975Apollo–SoyuzDuring final descent and parachute deployment, the U.S. crew were exposed to 300 µL/L of toxic nitrogen tetroxide(Reaction Control System oxidizer) fumes venting from the spacecraft and reentering a cabin air intake, because a switch was left in the wrong position. 400µL/L is fatal. Vance Brand lost consciousness for a short time. The crew members suffered from burning sensations of their eyes, faces, noses, throats and lungs. Thomas Stafford quickly broke out emergency oxygen masks and put one on Brand and gave one to Deke Slayton. The crew were exposed to the toxic fumes from 24,000 ft (7.3 km) down to landing. About an hour after landing the crew developed chemical-induced pneumonia and their lungs had edema. They experienced shortness of breath and were hospitalized in Hawaii. The crew spent five days in the hospital, followed by a week of observation in semi-isolation. By July 30, their chest X-rays appeared to return to normal except for Slayton; he was diagnosed with a benign lesion, unrelated to the gas exposure, which was later removed.[51]

trans-lunar injection (TLI) is a propulsive maneuver used to set a spacecraft on a trajectory that will cause it to arrive at the Moon.

Pogo oscillation is a self-excited vibration in liquid-propellant rocket engines caused by combustion instability.[1] The unstable combustion results in variations of engine thrust, causing variations of acceleration on the vehicle's flexible structure, which in turn cause variations in propellant pressure and flow rate, closing the self-excitation cycle. The name is a metaphor comparing the longitudinal vibration to the bouncing of a pogo stick. Pogo oscillation places stress on the frame of the vehicle, which in severe cases can be dangerous.[1]