Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

04-20-2021: color drafting



(Moved from sax fifth avenue. attempt to separate 'White Christmas' collections and from circumstance. No connection to prior work/circumstance/etc. and by use in sax fifth avenue, Marie Antoinette, business, entity, person, reference, Grigory, etc. art/draft/etc..)

Fiction/Fake Story/Transfer of Plot (to eliminate reference to Nikiya's white christmas/circumstances/other drafts-work-etc.): Female character (Marie) is a swedish austrian American (18-30 years old; living with parents) and falls in love with Dr. Silvers MD (physician; working/employed; veteran WWII; very long career and hard working) a 'Catholic/Christian'-Russian-West_German Mix first generation immigrant alone (WWII) (50-70 years old) and friend to Grayden MD American-Norway controversial avant-garde fantastical careless/loose white haired Nord physican non-immigrant (65-100 years old). Marie is thirty years old and mint. Steve Silvers asks Marie to marry him; and she has one more baby (Marie could have one or no prior marriages and one more or no prior children; Steve's fourth marriage Italian mix, polish-europeans mix, German brown hair mix, German blonde Nord mix). End of story. Time is a pandemic (covid-19)(2019-2021) but in the decade of 1940-2020 (eg. 1990). Dr. Steve Silvers character is over worked brown-character 'Serious'/"Dour"/'nondescript'/'garish-harsh'/"brown"/etc. mixed race deprecated person (dr. silvers must be white skin/caucasian 100%). Marie is social friends with Stephanie, mark and Peter. Marie meets Dr. Silvers at Sax Fifth Avenue. Grigory and Nikiya are side characters (Nikiya is related to Stephanie mark and Peter); Grigory is a biochemist (Nikiya has no back story). Dr. silvers is US  secret service for story, however should not be stated but rather implied or elicited reference by audience without explication or evidence by film.

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