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Monday, April 26, 2021

Community Draft

Community Draft (Church, Library, Store, Federal Structure, Record Department (gov building identity/marriage/birth/death/property/immigration/etc.), Large Residential Units (community housing paid/leased/rent/etc.), Business/Store/etc. Unit, Government Unit, Transport Units, Historical Unit (maintained, unmaintained, etc.), etc.)

Community Draft



Store (local shop, department store; Food, Clothes, Hygiene, Supplies, etc.; General and Specialty. Specialty: Trades, Fabrics, Tools, Materials, etc.; Product/Goods/etc. Sales.)

Education (teacher, student, school house)

Professional Service (mathematician, chemist, engineer. physicist. Services by professional w/ or w/o apprentice.)

Skilled Trained Tradesmen Service (Tailor, weaver, furrier, silk farm, woolery & wool farm, farmer, linen farm, silversmith/etc., dressmaker, seamstress, carpenter, mason, blacksmith, glassmaker, brick maker/clayery, linguist/languician/recorder/writer/etc., multilingual affairs (2+ allegiances), painter, scientist, etc.) 

Skilled Trained Laborer Service (Nun, Transport, Construction, miner, necessary and dangerous trades (hunting, lumber, mining, etc.), etc.)

Government (record department)

Residential Unit Large Apartment Structure (1000 sq ft each apt; 0 yard)

Residential Unit Single Family Home (5000 sq ft each; 1 acre each yard = minimum)

Armed Forces (artillery - manuf/trans/stock/sd/etc., weaponists, academy)


Government Affairs:  Records identity/marriage/birth/death/property/immigration/etc.. Record. Language and Maths employees; physicist.

Armed Forces: Executions.

Professional, Business, Trade and Labor Occupations hand down Family.

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