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Monday, May 24, 2021

Incubation Embryo Animals Schematics Drafting 05-24-2021; 903a: Eyedrops, Cardboard Box, Powder, Marble/Rock, Grass/Plants/etc., Glitter, Silk, Syringe Feed, Duster, Creams, Sunscreen, Vetbond/Endust/etc., Salt, Contrast Weight, Mirrors, Cath, etc..


Incubation Embryo Animals Schematics Drafting 05-24-2021; 903a: Eyedrops, Cardboard Box, Powder, Marble/Rock, Glitter, Silk, Syringe Feed, Duster, Creams, Sunscreen, Vetbond/Endust/etc., Salt, Contrast Weight, Mirrors, Cath, etc..

Test skin cell first, before dust or eye drop or sanitize. If cannot make test, read test and interpret results/test/test results/etc. do not proceed.

One shot, no cheating allowed. References required for prior attempts, including classified attempt by civ. Must find and reference amnestic witness/etc., must reference attempts under influence of amnestic drug. No comparisons, one winner only. Must be coherent, in context, direct, applicable. Set ups/etc. are crime, please do not proceed.

Advanced Scientists only.

Ex. Nikiya v. Grayden/Layng/German/USA/amcan/aziv/DSM/nigger/jew/et al./etc.; with verdict of favor to nikiya for dissolution of gang, by revelation of parasite chemical injury [bio/chem/phys/etc.] as reason for/cause of disease. Nikiya predict disease caused bio-chem-phys-etc.; without constrictor or theory or proposal or information advance due protected elite domain not for dissemination/recruitment/sales/etc.. Nikiya & Grigory level and above.

Asia: Grass & Plants, Must be uninfected, etc..


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