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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Method of Marriage Prospect Identification/Securation of Babies (between families/groups): USA Name and Census (05-19-2021; 043a)

Method of Marriage Prospect Identification/Securation of Babies (between families/groups): USA Name and Census (05-19-2021; 043a) 

Top 10 Baby Names of 2020

RankMale nameFemale name1 Liam Olivia
2 Noah Emma
3 Oliver Ava
4 Elijah Charlotte
5 William Sophia
6 James Amelia
7 Benjamin Isabella
8 Lucas Mia
9 Henry Evelyn
10 Alexander Harper

Above. Social Security Administration, US Census Bureau, etc..

1. Name Your Baby one of the Top 10 Baby Names (same year, next year, or last years - girls can be named retrograde years; boys maybe coming year or same year as birth; etc.). The name type should match the biological sex.

Example. Two moms live in town arrange for marriage of progeny. Moms meet through gynecologist/family physician/church/etc.. One mom in group is pregnant with a boy, one mom is pregnant with girl. Mom pregnant with boy names her boy: Benjamin; the Mom pregnant with girl names her girl: Isabella.

2. The name should match race, wealth/equity, associations (e.g. over time), defining feature empirically measured/analyzed/etc., and with objectivity (accuracy/precision/reliability/etc.) sufficient to present to the Queen or the Birthright for recorder. No fantasy, aspiration, etc. (cannot name deformed person beauty).

3. A name should be used to identify a person in a group; by his or her biological sex, RACE/ethnicity, year of birth, social group, birth location, parents names/status/health/etc., native language/country, colors, wealth/equity, character/trait/tendency/etc., background, name associations, name connotations/denotations, travel history, health, reality/actuality/fate/destiny, etc..

4. Acquire social security cards or baby identifier cards through the SSA for your baby same year as birth.


Names-Identifiers (Nominal (Var); Name of Category/Variable/etc.) of Persons in English Language

1. Biological Sex should be indicated by name, and knowledge/association between biological sex-name-etc. should be stable over time.

2. Names of persons, leaders, nobles, etc., should never be used by people for amusement and adjacent to persons lifetime.

4. Names of places, things, ideas, are discouraged for use.

5. Foreign language, second language, etc., names are discouraged.

6. Nouns/etc. are not acceptable English names for Americans unless approved by higher English authority.

7. Alphabets, numbers, symbol names are generally discouraged. (Plus, A, 4, etc.)

8. Category titles, jargon, scientific terms, scientific names, classification, hierarchy, ideology, philosophy, mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, computer science, terms, variables, levels, order, organization, psychology, drugs, pharmacy, veterinary, dental, medical, etc., names are not permitted for general populace (generally strongly discouraged).

9. Long names, short names, character, joke names, non sense names, misspelled names, discouraged.

10. qualifiers, quantifiers, identifiers, indicators, nominers, nomenclatures, descriptors, etc., are not permissible for names.

11. Titles, Category Titles, Subcategory Titles, Category/Subcategory subheadings, etc. not permissible for names. (e.g. nominal, long psychology variable titles, psychology phrase, psychology descriptor, psychology name/define/set/etc., names of names, names of domains, domains, spheres, topics, levels, dimensions, empirical, research, experimentation, terms, etc..)

12. Phrases, rhymes, axiom, adage, quotes, songs, sayings, etc., not permissible for names. (e.g. John Jacob jingle)

13. Terms are not permissible for names.

14. English language and literature words, terms, defines, etc., are not permissible for names. (e.g. rhetoric, syntax, linguist, languigici, etc.)

Above. Applies to General Populace.


Name Appreciations

Liam Olivia
Latter Day Saints/temple/etc.; Germans/unknown/etc.

Noah Emma
Jew-Middle East - The Bible; British-Mixed - Actress (Emma Watson)

Oliver Ava
Oliver Twist; Ava Braun (Eva Braun)

Elijah Charlotte
Jew/LDS; Charlottes Web

William Sophia
King of ******* or ******* enslaved by America; Persian-Greek Woman or Europe-Sophia of Prussia-Sophie of Netherlands-etc. (Illegitimate Heirs - Sophia of Prussia and family, Sophie of Netherlands and family; Niggers Infiltration by Austria/Rome/Browns/etc. to assume seats of pruss-neth to demise of countries due illegitimacy/illegitimate/low-equity genetics at throne LEGAT w/ ostensible disease w/ nigger choices etc./stolen kids-stolen genetics-H/IGr-trafficking-traffickers-gen_mod_kids-consorts-concubines-etc. [reference Romanies, romaniniys, traffickers, stolen kids, rominanovs=rome/asia/brown/gen-mod/transplants/traffickers/stolen organs/disease/yellow people w. l-blu eye disease/etc.])ürttemberg

James Amelia
Bible King James (v. Grayden; White-Red v. Norway-Asia); Amelia Airheart (leaving the country; taking a plane a way)

Benjamin Isabella
Zakary Bettey/Felicity Merriman; Isabelle American Girl Doll

Lucas Mia
Werewolf, Harry Potter, The Bible, Jew; Eating Disorder

Henry Evelyn
King Henry; Stolen Elf research subject slave

Alexander Harper
Alexander the Great (Greek, Rome, Nati Bettey Boy); Harper Lee (Harper Girl)

Note. The names coincide with a terrible and vast pandemic of disease (HIV-COVID-etc.); with great casualty and unconscionable losses. It is never appropriate for America to name William, Wilhelm, etc.; including to make reference to the country and nation deceased of Prussia, and/or to the country and nation alive of Great Britain. Sophia et al. is not a legitimate heir to the throne of Prussia due never scientist, equity, etc. (the equity is the birthright and her biological ancestors to the birthright shell/genetics/etc., in accompliceship to the scientist). The Birthright cannot honor the reign or names of America, etc.. The name choice by America has unfortunately minced the countries of Great Britain and Greece-Netherlands-Prussia. The timing of the name selection is to evidence malicious intent by Americans who have mourned the loss of a legitimate honorable heir to the Great Britain throne, and by the adoption and dissemination of the name of the elder surviving heir to the Great Britain throne. Strong advisory against and prohibition to the naming of American children after the heirs, leaders, etc. of the grandfather country: Great Britain.

The younger heir to the Great Britain throne was/is a legitimate heir to the Great Britain throne.

The country and nation of Great Britain has no dependency/inferiority/subordination/etc. to the domains of the netherlands, greece, deceased country/nation/etc. of prussia, germany, jews, middle east, latin america, americas, finland, norway, brown europe, diseased europe, africa, Australia, etc..

The country and nation of Great Britian is closest to the countries and nations of Russia, Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, France, etc. (inc. possibly Iceland, Greenland, Antartica, etc.). The country and nation of Great Britain has appreciated very long excellent camaraderie with white (Caucasian) Europe.
The country and nation of Great Britain is not Asian, Latino, Black, Middle-East, Brown, Greek, Southern Europe, American, Mixed Race, Finland, Norway, Welshian, etc..

The countries and nations of latin america were colonized by Southern Europe and africa.
The countries and nations of america were colonized by Asia, spain, latin america and Africa.
The middle east was colonized by africa and asia.
Europe was colonized by Whites from North Country; and Browns from south country-africa-middle-east-etc.. Some asians colonized in small places in Europe, no further information has been released.
Antartica, Greenland, Netherlands, Islands, Other Lands Continents, etc., are being colonized (pre-existant continents) or created to colonize (novel continents) at this point in time.
We aspire to maintain 100% caucasian high equity genetics (including non-caucasian deceased races; e.g. goth, scientists, special colors, blues, greys, very whites, albinos, etc.) residency on the Ice-lands, artics, frozen lands, cloaked continents/bodies, novel lands, new discovered lands (created by cloaks/geo-mod/etc.), green land, antarticas, poles, neo planets, underdomains, underseas, above lands, etc..

Note. Name lists do not coincide in actuality with naming choices of the people, etc.. Please consider statistics and function application to data (esp amended).

Note 2. If you may be interested in arranging marriage for your child/baby, please do consider name compatibility. Please work together to find a suitable name pair that may be approved or endorsed by a church, legitimate authority, home country, etc.. 

Note 3. Goths are an exception, they already know how to name their children. 

Note 4. Irvine trafficker is not a goth ever. Germans/Southern Europe/Middle Europe/etc. are not goths ever. Geoffeson and Walsh are never goths, etc.. These are niggers as are their descendants/families/friends/etc.. 

Note 5. Hostages/Missing/'Goths'/People/etc. end up in trafficker countries of Germany, Italy, Greece, etc.; and may call themselves German, Germans, etc. or speak German language/have adoptive German parent/have raising parent with ethnicity/etc.; May end up in sections of Southern Europe, Middle Europe, etc.. The countries of the birth/reappearance/appearance/etc. of the aforementioned types of persons have never been able to find the actual-etc. origins with precision/accuracy/reliability of the goth/person/dislocated/misplaced/etc. person, as trafficker country is low equity/low intellect save that what was stolen assigned to demise.

Note 6. Most goth of old is variant, and does not coincide with goth of new/subculture/pop-culture/etc.. Goth of archaeology, paleontology, anthropometry, history, language, architecture, marketing, biology, chemistry, physics, maths, engineering, religion, culture, tradition, philosophy, value/moral/ethic/etc., science, art, associations, record (artifact, written retrograde, oral tale, etc.), genetic ideals/classification schemes/categories/etc., library organizations/categorizations/classifications, aesthetic, etc., derives influence from multiple sources including non-goth (e.g. church, zeitgeist, black themes, white themes, sciences, fine arts, asia, Russia, etc.). Goths are not inclined to mate with apes, even in times of human shortage; instead genetic tendency to solve problems (inc. maths, sciences, arts, etc.); and to perform essential duties of life/death. Goths address caregiving, standard maintenance (house/activity of daily living), spirituality, necessities, euthanasia/execution/disposals, etc.. Goths almost never have injuries or accidents; high safety orientation. Goths are never criminals, pathological, psychopathological, incriminated, violent, traffickers, etc.; a level above violence of the world people. World have great effort to frame German heathens, huns, niggers, jews, amcans, azivs, browns, etc., as goth; unfortunately, the trafficking of the goth people has continued due their superior genetics and non-ape ancestry foundation populace that does not disseminate (despite attempts by countries to spare the goth and present the heathen or ape as a substitute, or to mince various Goths together, or to gen mod, or to create new goths by theft/schemes/etc., etc.). The violence toward goth people has caused dissemination, deprecation and destruction to the world of humans.

Note 7. Segregation of Goth. Low goth, high goth, science goth, engineer goth, mathematician goth, secret goth reserve families, hands, slaves, research subjects, waste, etc.. Common to have dead bodies of other countries niggers thrown onto gothland or DTDK/killed on gothland by trespassers who drag the body to gothland to kill the body, etc.; including fossils, parts, disease, etc.. Beggars and diseased people often pursue or beg goth; including sent and malicious beggars/etc. with a scheme.

Note 8. Goths do not scheme.

Note 9. Austria was not involved in demise of Prussia. The infiltration to Prussia occurred independent of Austria, etc..

Note 10. Traditional country, high equity genetics, pure lines, superior genetics, humane, equity, good, nature, land, intellect, value, moral, ethic, persons with brown hair/eye/skin/etc., etc., are not grouped in category of the term brown, etc. (despite overlap of brown color as feature of presence made manifest or trait, etc.).

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