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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Jaba The Hutt & Bra Leia Analysis [052521; 2241] (repost, excerpt; Prior Post Reference: Bra Leia)

Above. The significance of Jaba The Hutt to the Elevation of the Status, High Attainment and Excellence of Character of the Character of Princess Leia in the Film (series): Star Wars.

Advanced Analysis only.

A measure of security, development, quality and weight of character; to reveal possibility of greatness by realm of event, and to foreshadow the magnificence of a becoming plane.

On a separate level, Princess Leia is a foil or stock character without her relationship to Jaba The Hutt. 

A measure of character is predicted v. actual behavior in extraordinary circumstance to challenge expectations, aspirations and plans of the lesser and as it concerns a matter of life, death and between. 

As Princess Leia's esteem accrues by her relationship to Jaba The Hut; the audience becomes or unbecomes etc., aware that her greatness is dependent on her status and circumstance-behavior-etc. as  an appendage of Jaba The Hutt. Jaba The Hutt reveals that the actuality is relevant; actuality is relevant to fantasy and/or plans, that fantasy or plans are not relevant without actuality, and that due credit requires full appreciation of reality/actuality that is not always possible given the true nature of reality of affairs and the harmony or union of the perceptions that conflict to the weaker mind that may cause reality to collapse, and actuality to cower in fear or guilt of it's own existence to yield gross disturbance in reason by inferior existence (audience, Han solo, Luke, even Leia, etc.). Jaba The Hutt possesses a extraordinary understanding of both actuality and reality; and as evidenced by the image, text, movement, proceedings, circumstance, setting, scene, characters/incumbents, choice, perspective, etc.. Jaba The Hutt is a proper recipient of great power, knowledge, health, and wealth.

Princess Leia was welcomed by a great power; the honors are due to Jaba The Hutt (never Princess Leia). Without Jaba The Hutt, Princess Leia would never have attained the proper character/foundation to pursue her aspirations, respects, awards, or outcome desired.

Jaba The Hutt is the shadow character of the greatest transpiration/manifestation of Princess Leia. Young Princess Leia is the Light character aspect, and Jaba The Hutt is the dark character aspect of herself. The dark character aspect appreciates actuality-reality-reason-understanding-power-wealth-etc., and is of magnificent weight to contrast the thin light character aspect of emphasis for reputation. The light character aspect is a narrow character without certainty or fear, but with high esteem, security and persistence in memory/stability; the dark character aspect beholds the reality-actuality that may not be acceptable to the light character profile (and is indicated by circumstance only beyond her control).

The actions of Princess Leia are due insufficient wealth of reason to appreciate, perceive-etc. and weigh the options/etc. accurately, as it concerns a splitting, parallel fate, or plane, etc. (actual, real, etc.); including an inability to appreciate the circumstance in context, structure reality appropriately, or solve a problem of self. A lifesized puzzle was not able to be solved by Princess Leia from within the domain of the puzzle pieces; and a superior solution to a solved puzzle with evidence by pieces arranged and non-labeled was unappreciated.

Princess Leia was received by a master of solutions, who had solved a complex puzzle from within the domain. The puzzle of circumstance-etc., was already with solution and the pieces were already arranged/ordered/etc. when she arrived. The solution was not appreciated or realized by Princess Leia and her team and due credit was not conferred; but rather the motive of the will of a transforming, unactualized existence (Leia and her team) with no pre-defined or known endpoint caused great suffering to the realm/etc. as Princess Leia et al. great betrayed a superior existence without equal privilege (without privilege attainable). Unknowing betrayal to herself, that became apparent later when a mismatched character evolved to become her (as opposed to a wholesome balance of her dark character aspect to bastion and safeguard her younger light character aspect), and where the two faces of her character no longer matched her becoming, and where the narrow light character was a faded apparition of self-face unreal-unguarded-imaginary becoming-etc. with disparate relevance due unacknowledged time.

Note. illicit edit advisory reference.

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