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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Signs Yard Size (Canva) (05012021) American Aspirations, Barriers & Solutions. American Aspirations (Non-Genetic (e.g. genetic/quality/etc. related aspirations include theft, trafficking, etc.), Non-Second Party Requiring, Non-Advanced Science Requiring, etc.); Barriers (no euthanasia, trafficking, crime, access to persons, defense/offense, enforcement, etc.); Solutions (executions, euthanasia, grudge with pursuit until all killed (stolen, missing, trafficker, etc.), access considerations, prohibitions, funded life of quality, distance implementation/etc., etc.). (2021)


Signs Yard Size (Canva) (05012021) 

American [CL1] Aspirations, Barriers & Solutions.

American Aspirations (CL1 Non-Genetic (e.g. genetic/quality/etc. related aspirations include theft, trafficking, etc.), Non-Second Party Requiring, Non-Advanced Science Requiring, etc.); 

Barriers (CL1 no euthanasia, no executions, trafficking, crime, permissions to traffickers with accident/unknowing/etc. ungraded/disorg/dehierarchial/etc. ideas or illness, access to persons, surveillance neglect, townships, out of home endeavors, out of locality endeavors/etc., defense/offense, enforcement, travel, work outside of home, breeding patterns of humans in North America, mating and union difficulties, fertility concept, no federal operations of pro-marriage/pro-procreation/etc., no policy-regulation-enforcement-etc. of marriage/procreation/appearance/etc., America reinforcement of childrearing/etc. for pleasure without purpose (e.g. purpose equal to Nikiya's, etc.), etc.); 

Solutions (CL1 executions, euthanasia, grudge with pursuit until all killed (stolen, missing, trafficker, etc.), access considerations, prohibitions, funded life of quality, distance implementation/etc. for neighborhood design/housing design (space requirements), genetic selection direct line only, prohibition to in vivo/in vitro/surrogate/clone/etc., arranged marriage, supervised procreation (direct line progeny only, else execution), right to self-operate/etc. (surgically lengthen legs/arms/neck; surgically reduce jaw/neck width, etc.) (no permission to operate on another/others), prohibition/debarrment/etc. to amnestic drug/incapacitate/brain transplant/transplant/infusion/transfusion/inject/infect/parasitize/abduction/enhostage/detainment/torture/amputation/mutilation/sterilization/trafficking/etc., etc., legalization of botox/amphetamines/tobacco/antibiotics/de-wormer/anti-parasitics/etc., disregard/etc. of obsolete or defunct tech/discipline/etc. - e.g. psychiatry/psychology/social work/soc/etc. - (due that neurocystcercosis/schizophrenia integral to DSM/MHT/BHT/etc. & income of aforementioned person group, may exotic disease reframed 100 yr as anybody disease of schizophrenia w/o link to gen-mod/genetics-comm (ref. traffickin/petersens overpopulating/american demise/etc.) or parasites (parasite claim/consideration/expectation by provider/exposure/etc. is diagnosed as psychosis or schizophrenia with evident by MRI, organism of a parasite/etc. (ameobaes, protozoa, prions, bacts, viris, etc.) or not; parasitic disease and infectious disease are not mental disorders premise of great medicine);; therefore, able to be deliberate induction by aggr/exp/etc. method/etc. or gen-mod/etc. w/ or w/o cover by mental disorder when infectious disease untreated transmissible ref. covid 19; etc.); close fund sinks, return troops home, technological advancement considerations addressment and privacy/protections/rights/etc., etc.). 


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