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Thursday, July 1, 2021

070120210435 - drafting N&N, wardrobe sy draft

Once Upon a time...

Nati and Niki were looking at their wardrobes together deciding what to wear...

"What are you going to wear?" asked Niki. Nati considered with pensiveness, "I..."

Niki turned to her wardrobe, and commented, "Well...What If we do our whole wardrobes in black and white, and start preparing for our marriages and progeny's marriages?" Nati lowered her gaze and shook her head solemnly, "I don't know... That seems so far away..."

Niki paused and responded, "Well...Probably not too far away...Maybe, we could wear black ribbons for our hair?" Nati turned away, "I can't wear black...Because of my religion...We cannot abandon white."

Two men walked in suddenly through the door and into the chamber, "Hello! We are here to helping you with your wardrobes." 

Nati turned in surprise, "Oh...Who are you?"

The tall blonde did not smile, "My name is B. Do you have any alcohol or do I have to use my golden flask?" The blonde pulled a golden flask out of his pocket and took a swig. Nati turned to Niki confused, "Do you know him?" Niki stood aghast, "No...I do not know him...Um, we don't have alcohol. We don't drink alcohol. But I have some cigarettes. I am a brunette and not religious. My sister is a religious blonde, she has no drugs, alcohol or cigarettes; only water."

The blonde shook his head, "Yeah, I'll take one." Niki advanced an open pack, and the blonde took a cigarette. He slide a lighter out of his pocket and lit the tip, "Thanks." Niki put her cigarettes away, "Sure, You're Welcome."

Nati stood very still while the procession occurred and was without words, "...". Following a few moments of peace, Nati turned toward the tall blonde man and furnished her hospitality,  "May you be interested in a bottle of water?" The tall, thin and handsome blonde man smiled, "Yes, please." In a kind regard, Nati extended her arm toward the chamber's sofa couch, "May you wish for a place to rest? We have this sofa. The sofa is very comfortable." The man acknowledged her considerate gesture by nod, and seated himself gracefully on the sofa couch. Nati turned to Niki and she reported on the proceedings, "I am going to retrieve a few bottles of water for our guests." Niki acquiesced, "Yes, please. Thank You." Nati left promptly to retrieve a glass of water. 

Niki and the two guests waited patiently for Nati's return. When Nati returned, she carried four water bottles in her arms, and handed them out to the presences in the room. 

The blonde male provided a verbal expression of gratitude to Nati, and had a sip of water from the water bottle. The brunette male lit a cigarette from his own pack and began smoking. The blonde male rested for a moment, before proceeding to peruse Nati's wardrobe. "..." he inspected the clothes carefully before turning to his friend, "I don't really like anything in here. I can't marry this... Do you make or sew clothes?" Niki paused, "She can sew, but because of her excellence of character she has waited a very long time pretending to read books, refraining from speech, sleeping on a pea, growing out her hair and never tainting her white fingers with the poison of rusted needles and in order that she may be married without betrayal; including without betraying her gifts to another's husband or to an insincere unmarried man. She has great respect for and fear of women, and has no use for excellence without piety, refrain, purpose of decency and humane, proper, etc.. She has cannot free her gifts with malice to swarm and destroy humans; and survive herself with knowing altogether."

The blonde male adjusted his glasses, "That sounds agreeable." Nati stood quietly with downcast eyes and said nothing. The blonde male went over to Nati, "Well, would you be interested in a date sometime?" 

Niki turned back toward her wardrobe; and pretended to look at her clothes. The other man came over to Niki, "Hi, My name is Chris Walsh. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Chris Walsh was tall and thin; 100% Caucasian, Amcan (West German Mix), with wavy medium  brown hair and medium brown eyes. Niki glanced surprised, "It is a pleasure to meet you; Mr. Walsh." Chris Walsh smiled and gestured a bow. Niki turned back toward her wardrobe, and continued to pretend to look at her clothes. 

Meanwhile, Nati and the blonde male had taken a seat on the sofa couch. 

Niki considered for a moment, and before offering Mr. Chris Walsh a seat on the other sofa couch. Chris adjusted his stance and commented, "Sure, in a minute. I'll have a seat in a minute."

Niki turned back to her wardrobe and began to reconsider her clothes.



Niki paused as a sudden insight appeared, "Nati, I figured it out."

Nati requested a moment from the blonde male, and walked over to Niki.

"I think I may have figured something out...I was checking a few details across multiple levels...I don't know to say this but..." Niki trailed off.

"Well...What if it was the resource, the family, the record and the equity."

Nati listened carefully. Niki continued, "For instance, the evidence weighted equity; acquired and inherent."

Nati turned away and back again, "What do you mean?"

Niki shook her head, "My deepest apologies...I do not know...I am not sure how to say this...But, I was just looking at a few details, and our circumstances..." 

Niki turned away, "To consider, a family either new with no record or old with corrupted record; To consider a corrupted family with false record including expungements or a victim family with eradicated record. To consider the players positions and perspectives. To consider the deprecation of To appreciate the influence of violence and the amcan trafficker legacy, including evidence by dissemination and the increasing sumptuousness of disparagement, discredition, deprecation and destruction, etc. to correlate with spread of trafficker influence by theft of child and familial expansion irregarded/unchecked/ill-sanctioned, etc.; to consider work by gangs of amcans that are 100% caucasian - to consider their spread without apparent evidence by confession, document, etc. - or expectation satisfaction including supported by visual evidence and set up to reveal or stage/reenactment of their crimes live for once and for all end - and their abuse of law. To consider that correlation causation and association non identical, independent defines. To consider change in technology unacknowledged that has bent the language of the people to an extent that may render the language irredeemable and unusable; including abstractions, common language, common sense, etc.."

Nati blinked, "What?"

Niki paused and reconsidered, "Is it our image, race, behaviors-habits, language ability or intelligence that is the bust? Because we have white skin, and we have decent age... Why-"

Nati shrugged, "I don't know...I think...It's probably something we don't know that..." Nati hesitated, "That others believe, or what others believe that they don't know."

Niki was not discouraged, "We'll need a few scientists overseas with no souls, and a few dollars to leave the country. We need euthanasia arranged."

Nati considered for a moment, "What about mom and dad?" 

Niki shook her head, "I don't think they are allowed to leave. They have to stay or we have no decoy. If they come with us, it's only for their cloning and surgery technique. They're with request and arrogance; we may have to have them replaced. The family can't have access, we didn't choose their marriage or life, we got stuck in the pit of their hatred. There is no forgiveness past the point of no redemption. They are driving the beautiful daughters into the deep."

Nati remarked, "What about Zak?"
Eh...Zak can decoy," Niki replied.
Nati grimaced, "He can't...decoy....his character...." 

Niki surveyed the options, "um...what-well....he can go with you. You guys can carry the line... But dad and mom keep binding you and me and Zak into a bunch of emotional reimbursements to their gangs and for their lives, choices, etc.. We're gonna end up paying the bill of their crimes, if we dont dog the fam and return home without cans."

Nati sighed, "I hope its not you."

Niki grimaced partially, "...I don't think it's gonna be me this time. Because I have no ties. United States has become spread and sustained it's own caucasian disillusions... Its the reactor grounds nat. This is fair play. The grounds go downs..."

Nati waved as Chris Walsh approached, and entered the conversation, "What?" 

Niki stepped aside and brushed her sleeve, "I am considering." Chris Walsh smiled, "Reactor grounds?" Niki held her breath, "No Chris, the circumstances of your amcan gang. Our only protection is weapon. Amcan great violence."

The blonde man stood up and walked over to Nati, "Chris, have a seat." Chris Walsh took a swig out of his own flask and lit another cigarette as he approached the wall.

"We do need you to probably relocate to somewhere with better enforcement and a bunker; the law has completely topsy turvied in americas. it's too dangerous to maintain lines. the amcans are trafficking out every gen and every line, every gen. Its gone on way too long...Disease prevalence has increased dramatically over the last four centuries."

"True. Any considerations to proffer?" The blonde man adjusted his collar and smiled, "I am chewing gum. But don't say too much..."

Niki smiled, "We cannot structure until resource addressed acquired and secured in sustainable manner."

The blonde man laughed, "Don't make too much of a spectacle out of a glass...Look, what I am trying to say is that it is far to dangerous to do anything other than oblige, consume, acquire, etc. for women."

Niki frowned, "I deeply apologize, however, I do not speaking..."

The blonde man paused, "What we did in the past worked however, but only rather speaking with special considerations about remains, and purpose, persistence, survival, and threat....laaand....sppaaace.....tiimmme....everything. everything. We have now...broken all of the rules...forever. forever. forever."

Niki adjusted her position, covered her mouth with one hand and rested her elbow on the other arm crossed, "...So we wait for the downfall or stop the coaster. we wait in the bucket or climb down the Ferris this circumstance what are we up against, who do we conflict, contend, etc., where is the interface and is our participation in a low level regimen required for euthanasia?"

Niki cleared her throat quietly, "It seems to me, that euthanasia is the only neglected orphan of equity."

The blonde man responded, "the permissions are between the rights of the people and the feelings of their regretted survivals...The react-"

"Reaction formation, to consider they opposite to decoy and deter revelation of character inferiority and crimes past. For example, war against asia by united states and crimes against Asia by usa-amcan. the Sharon Petersen exemplar of mental illness is herself. just add all of those people to a list..."

The blonde man straightened his posture and smiled half sided, "Well...We did. It's only a matter of inferiority that their positions should exist at all."

Niki considered again, "The wrong leadership; threatens the hierarchy and fritters resource. We will become stretched too thin, as Greece and everyone. make a list of the amcans and executions."

The blonde man glanced over his shoulder, "I try...But we need an army."

Niki shrugged, "Easy. I can helping always. That would be a very good advance toward stability. Good leader good people survive and good contry become and bad people killed."

The man continued, "Sometimes war, when lesser have access to technology that they do not understand and use for selfish or false pretense/premise/etc., etc.."

Niki addressed, "Separation warranted, executions warranted, to kill stolen kids, clones, stolen genetics, stolen organs, etc., all of it. reincarnations, perturbations, novelity, etc... Amcan not one. not first. amcan pretend, weight of punishment by pretense. Should need no war, only executions. Survival of criminal with theft is great adversary until crippled. Giant misinformation by America say to detain, violence, injure, punish; where should only be death. Sharon crippled adversary now, lesson is to execute prompt and without delay to avoid injury to young woman fertility by violent diseased woman trafficker always. Sometimes, very abnormal existences in america defy logic and world heritage, conventions, etc.. Even positions executed, when mistake happen... As Petersen grave disease and human disease is mistake to sustain, despite america procreate with Petersen by hire and favor them with wishes of grandeur and other peoples children, bodies, etc. to grant garnered...very ill america become from their feigned pity and overt violence to grand assault by america of a foreigner."

The blonde male yawned, "I think it's probably a dupe... They seem positioned to feign lifedom."

Niki lowered her gaze, "I consider, they have no reality grounds and are ineffective vulgar diseased genetic fundaments. we cannot ever repair due vivs work."

Niki continued, "They are bar coded or marked for execution only; whoever wait so long is execution we must turn the wheel, as lee would the wiser. We cannot have these ever foreboading shackles on the ankles of humankind; in an enduring wait for a happening or change to facilitate proper execution of amcan."

The blonde male remarked, "to be considered..."

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