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Sunday, July 11, 2021

071120211723 - When you knoe someone bad - draft

Exactly what he wanted... Exactly as she had expected. 

Christopher Walsh raced in the door, as his victim awoke suddenly from her sleep to arise in a half state of consciousess.

"Sarge?" the woman inquired. Christopher Walsh shook his head and smiled with malice, "No...a sheriff..just a sheriff..." The woman gazed confused, "A welshian?" Christopher Walsh suffocated his victim as he put a bag over her head, "No...I drive a car. I never walk." Christopher Walsh wacked his victim in the head with a gun from his double hip sling. "Dont mention two guns...You have to-" Someone mumbled in the background as the two dialogues intertwined.

"This is what I always wanted..." Christopher Walsh sniggered under his breath, "to become a criminal, adulterer, trafficker, and violent thief."

The woman held her breath with sity (sixty) years of cover, "Christopher Walsh-". The man laughed, "I m not Christopher Walsh...I am his long lost forgotten son."

The man shined a flashlight through the bag over the woman's head. "You don't really look alike," someone commented, as christopher walsh peered into the bag at his victim.

The man, christopher walsh, giggled, "No...No...We actually are related. By brotherhood."

The woman reached for the bag over her head, and christopher walsh stopped her from removing the bag over her head from over her head. He smelled like women's perfume and dust, "I changed my purse, my perfume and my cover."

The woman attempted to remove the bag from over her head and remarked, "You cannot escape the chainey chain."

The man did not smile, "I am not tryin to do that. We've mixed, transplanted, cloned, stolen, swapped, and perturbed reality - its anyone."

The woman smile, "I appreciate your second hand. We have no use for you anymore."

Christopher Walsh zak covered his eyes and grinned, "We have too much breadth."

The woman considered, "Breadth is not enduring, where short genetic lived and novel creation group."

The woman set down the bag on the bed beside her and sat up, "Please go away forever, Christopher Walsh gang."

Christopher walsh's eyes darted with a fire of brown, "We can't go down."

The woman half smiled, "The bunkers need to remain hidden, no traversation or continued import of missing or perturbed from discovered or declassed bunks."

Christopher Walsh started to move his mouth in a chewing pattern, "...I thought you'd stay in a whore house, but you left. Now my men are nude crude and lewd."

The women raised her eyebrow and smiled, "I cannot suffice to serve your suffering, christopher walsh...They are many dead, or There (location ref no specification to extend to existence, sep existentialism philosophy abstraction state/etc. logic sci mth etc.) are many dead."

Christopher walsh wiped his hands on his blue jeans and stood his long legs, "But you didnt see it comin."

The woman fixed her hair, "I cant pretend to know that which I do not know, and where there is no evidence proper and decent there is no argument to be had at all."

Christopher Walsh smiled, "But your pretend decent. whre there is no right to decent to be had by a hole t ol."

The woman raised her eyes, "your raping the argument that is defilement of logic science maths philosophy law and humankind."

chris walsh fell impasse, "I thought id shorten your time. But instead you fell into rhyme...then u stole my dime...and took me blind."

The woman vomited in her mouth.

Christopher Walsh continued, "You have forsake my rhyme."

The woman sighed, "You are an imposter, Christopher Walsh. You cannot continue to conceal yourself and spread your kind behind the line."

Christopher Walsh grabbed his victim's head and spoke, "Your on my time, now. In that well I hope you die well."

The woman held her breath and spoke quietly, "You won't find my body there, chris, ever."

Christopher walsh slowly lowered himself to the victim's eye level and breathed in her face, "You-a're-u-nda welming."

The woman ignored his continued tirade, "Look Chris, you are in huge trouble because your card says this to me as an old woman."

Christopher walsh began to talk to himself in rancid poetry, "Christopher walsh continued to shun himself away from you."

The woman snickered, "Chris." 

Christopher walsh began to self-serenade in a bout of illness as a grave fever became of his heart and brain.

The woman was detained hostage while christopher walsh lauded himself with ill-survived odes, plagues of language, and corruption of knowledge and humankind.

The woman interrupted christopher walsh with indignance, "You are between the lines now, and have survived the plague or pandemic. Your kind is a plane alone. Your spread is far beyond, the reach, of your land, and known family."

Christopher walsh gazed in a fury of brown man, "If I hadn't told you so myself, I'de be a gonor not a liar."

The woman narrowed her eyes, "Your memory is cruel to you sometimes Chris, your reality is so far from the reality you aspire, dismal and lesser to the universe than your foes and accomplices."

Christopher Walsh petted his own head, "I thought you were wiser."

The woman sneered, "My need no you. You lose hard n suffd, I winner anyway. I hate your disease. You will pursue where words fail to sooth your mind where true nature of reality become with great averse to your lesser existence. Idea to become me is profane chris; your action to harm my race is the face you will wear long after your death."

Christopher Walsh negotiated, "don't say anything... If I were..."

The woman considered, "I can't imagine chris, I'm too old. You were that way even young. Go out there and have lots of babies - more than you can carry. More than you can love ever."

Chris walsh guttered and smiled, "well..."

The woman shook her head, "Desperate, for the answer you wanted not for a prediction of your future."

Christopher Walsh lifted the hems of his pants and slackened the knees, "You are a criminal. In every country."

The woman was disinterested, "I cannot even ever. There is no equal to my massive anchor. I need no one ever. They come anyway. You cannot make to the front ever in your time chris, your out of line; maybe your on another plane."

Christopher Walsh shrugged, "If I was out of line, there would be more of me."

The woman appreciated, "Considering, you don't understand."

The woman explained, "It is not your position alone, it is your path chris. It is your character. It is your choices. Sometimes, you can be sometimes you cannot be. Your character chris, is deplorable."

Christopher Walsh forwarded a fist, "I'm a bad hand man."

The woman moved away from the assailant, "Don't break the marble chris, its' rare."

Christopher walsh spoke in a empty fated voice, "I won't be coming home."

The woman tilted her head, "You are now extinct and on my radar as a bad character. I have clones, we cannot have your kind survive to corrupt humanity."

Christopher Walsh rubbed his hands together and wiped them on his blue jeans, "I thout ud knw soemthing. I was never a welshian." Christopher Walsh drugged the woman in the back of the neck.

The woman reached for her severely injured neck, "I m real Greek kill chris, you cant argue in time that you are not a welshian. now your half man half damn beast."

Chris helped himself to a seat on the bed aside to his victim, "I never tht ude arrive."

The woman checked her thyroid, "hddddhjjj....ur illo chris berry bery ill."

Chris commented into his radio, "I'd bury her."

The woman tried to slide off of the other side of the bed, and chris moved onto the whole bed himself. The woman tired, stood up and began to walk around the bed in the tiny room, when chris walsh darted her and she collapsed to the ground post-20s.

Christopher walsh jumped off the bed and knelt down to observe his dying victim, "I really evil." Chris walsh repeated the woman's old words back to her.

Nikiya took a wire, and slit his head.

Nikiya put the woman onto the bed, the woman was dead. Nikiya dragged Chris Walsh to the cellar and cremated the body. Nikiya called a man and he came to autopsy and said the killer had been executed.

Nikiya went back to the base with grigory.

Unfortunately, a scientist cloned chris walsh by accident. 

He was seen again in 2018 California Orange County. *m1900/1920-41; **; r2018.

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