Blog Archive

Thursday, July 22, 2021

072220210902703 - Fiction Story Draft


Africa - Made by a Blonde Tall Thin Scientist who was light  skin color and said no word ever.

Asia - Made by Brad a human man.

Latin America - Made by Brad's son.

Middle East - Made by a scientist with long hair dyed skin and tattoos or stephanie anton

Europe - Made by bob bettey

America - Made by Petersen a research subject who killed a peonaged enslaved scientist enhostaged (without proof or memory) and stole his intellectual property before he could finish his work; and procreated her race en mass by stolen ip/stolen gene/stolen child/etc.

Russia - Made by a secret elite group

Changes occurred after mass extinction; maximum verification was simple only space and time and communications and signal +/-

No signs of life, no signs of advanced developed communicable capable etc. lifeformes or lifeforce. No discoveries, none recovered no dead discovered or etc.. all deceased determined genetic-etc..

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