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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Decline to fund stolen child and state infected population 0717211207 - Execution orders and prohibition to enter Russia

Decline to fund stolen child and state infected population 0717211207 - Execution orders and prohibition to enter Russia Genetic Verification Warranted Study on Petersen-Large American Fam w kids in foster care warranted to establish genetic link to overbreeding large american family with travel (names may be changed warrant public link foreign to prevent infiltration by large american terrorist fam without discovery by name identifier due change of name type infiltrant).

Decline to fund stolen child and state infected population 0717211207

  LLawmakers in California, in bipartisan votes, unanimously approved the nation's first state-funded guaranteed income program—providing $35 million that will be used to pay qualifying pregnant state residents and young adults who have recently left foster care.

The votes for the monthly cash payments passed 64 to 0 in the California state Assembly and 36 to 0 in the California state Senate, the Associated Press reported on Thursday. Although not all state lawmakers cast votes for the guaranteed income program, Republican leaders expressed support for the $35 million in funding.

"If you look at the stats for our foster youth, they are devastating," state Senate Minority Leader Scott Wilk, a Republican from California's 21st District, said, according to AP. "We should be doing all we can to lift these young people up."

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