Blog Archive

Saturday, July 17, 2021

draft petition - Stipend to cover Minimum Living Expenses USA-NAC DOM FI Schedule [Ref. COVID19/DVT] (2021)

Nikiya Bettey23 seconds ago
America must execute amcans ex patriat and present; prohibit further defecation of americans onto world by emigration to foreign country in advance of hostage scientist unreleased. etc.
Nikiya Bettey23 seconds ago
America must execute amcans ex patriat and present; prohibit further defecation of americans onto world by emigration to foreign country in advance of hostage scientist released (hostage scientist present unreleased). etc.
Nikiya Bettey23 seconds ago
America must execute amcans ex patriat and present; prohibit further defecation of americans onto world by emigration to foreign country in advance of hostage scientist released (hostage scientist present unreleased). etc.

Nikiya Bettey23 seconds ago
America must execute amcans ex patriat and present; prohibit further defecation of americans onto world by emigration to foreign country in advance of hostage scientist release (hostage scientist present unreleased). etc.


Nikiya Bettey1 minute ago
Minimum living expenses is required to cover leave, recitizenship, euthanasia, body, rights, genetic line, line, progeny, etc., etc..

Nikiya Bettey2 minutes ago
2018; scientist and immigrant hostage scenario in america. america left scientist in poverty, etc..

Nikiya Bettey2 minutes ago
America has caused scientist and immigrant hostage scenario.

Nikiya Bettey3 minutes ago
America has caused enhostage scenario of scientist and immigrant by poverty. Minimum living expenses not conferred on/accessible to scientist, immigrant, slave, etc., has resulted in enhostage scenario to yield no escape with cover (to scientist not… Read more

Nikiya Bettey5 minutes ago
America has caused enhostage scenario of scientist and immigrant.

Nikiya Bettey6 minutes ago
America has caused enhostage scenario of present.

Nikiya Bettey1 day ago
Decline to fund stolen child and state infected population 0717211207 - Execution orders and prohibition to enter Russia Genetic Verification Warranted Study on Petersen-Large American Fam w kids in foster care warranted to establish genetic link to… Read more

1. Scientist & Immigrant enhostage in America by poverty. Not cover. 

2. America has Enhostaged presences by poverty (minimum conditions to support non-hostage scenario have not been satisfied by america et al., minimum amount to leave america not accessible to scientists but rather to amcan trafficker gen mod and stolen child only occurrence.) 

3. Scientists leave has been advanced by gangs of conspiracy-trafficker-stolen child-criminal-psychopath-disease-etc. americans in american gang that were indocrinated and as evidenced by their precedent emigration where scientists remain enhostage by the trafficker-emigrant's america funding country.

4. Amount to the people is less than required to enable scientist to secure leave ever.

5. Funds distribution scheme by trafficker america to enhostage scientist. eg funds to stolen child and trafficker.

6. America has overpopulated and mass trafficked to enslave enhostage scientist and to debut themselves as the true originals underground (god ideas) where present operations of stolen material clone surgery gen mod stolen organs stolen shell and transplant brain etc.. no disclosure by america yet.

7. too little money or no money etc. to people to maintain hostage scenario with cover.

8. america cover to exterminate original and facilitate acceptance of america decency (no excision clause; cannot exceed else america steal). imperative to stop america scheme (reference large exp fam stolen child gene etc.) by execution and extermination.

9. Minimum living expenses provision required to sustain scientist and immigrant; including with leave to prevent escalation by world to enhostage scientist call on america.

10. great death of america to secure resource and prevent petersen infection of gene sample.

11. america  has caused condition of brain-body (need to best or else steal and obesity) to exceed excess american resource and have therefore outsourced and trade etc.. business indication sat.

12. Drugs americans claim to use to control or subdue eliminate signatures of diseases on standard and federal military and other tests. Mental Health idea indicator sat.

13. planetarthy or mcdonalds world

14. Falsehoods by america. rect america does not control the cloak or underground beheath their own (the world outside of their own). should be exterminated the project has enslaved and stolen scientists who are in peonage many false leads by stolen intellectual property; mass trafficking reveals scientist with no origin traceable on level one or any surviving with integrity around them.
15. the surrounding persons have no integrity.

16. no funds accessible to/available to hostage scientist/persons/immigrants to leave america.

17. Hostage scenario regardless due insufficient fund to  scientist/immigrant/etc. to enable the scientist/immigrant/etc. to leave america/north america continent.

18. Scientist does not have resource to leave is scientist enhostage by scenario.

19. Scientist no resource to leave and located in america is enhostage scientist by America the presiding authority-government at the location where they both reside north america continent.

Date: 071720211732

topic: Other


Place: United States

Going out for a smoke will edit if can.



Community Draft (Church, Library, Store, Federal Structure, Record Department (gov building identity/marriage/birth/death/property/immigration/etc.), Large Residential Units (community housing paid/leased/rent/etc.), Business/Store/etc. Unit, Government Unit, Transport Units, Historical Unit (maintained, unmaintained, etc.), etc.)

Community Draft



Store (local shop, department store; Food, Clothes, Hygiene, Supplies, etc.; General and Specialty. Specialty: Trades, Fabrics, Tools, Materials, etc.; Product/Goods/etc. Sales.)

Education (teacher, student, school house)

Professional Service (mathematician, chemist, engineer. physicist. Services by professional w/ or w/o apprentice.)

Skilled Trained Tradesmen Service (Tailor, weaver, furrier, silk farm, woolery & wool farm, farmer, linen farm, silversmith/etc., dressmaker, seamstress, carpenter, mason, blacksmith, glassmaker, brick maker/clayery, linguist/languician/recorder/writer/etc., multilingual affairs (2+ allegiances), painter, scientist, etc.) 

Skilled Trained Laborer Service (Caregiver, Nanny, etc.; Transport, Construction, miner, necessary and dangerous trades (hunting, lumber, mining, etc.), etc.)

Special Domain: Nun.

Government (record department)

Residential Unit Large Apartment Structure (1000 sq ft each apt; 0 yard)

Residential Unit Single Family Home (5000 sq ft each; 1 acre each yard = minimum)

Armed Forces (artillery - manuf/trans/stock/sd/etc., weaponists, academy)


Government Affairs:  Records identity/marriage/birth/death/property/immigration/etc.. Record. Language and Maths employees; physicist.

Armed Forces: Executions. Verification (physical, identity, genetic). Example. Stolen Child-organ-gene-face-trafficker-fam-etc. Executions.

Professional, Business, Trade and Labor Occupations hand down Family.



Dissipative System Quantum Decoherence Decoupling Optics (carry over blog Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019) [illicit edit advisory]


To Americans,

Please feel welcome to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Respectfully Yours,

Nikiya Lisa Anton-Bettey




Contact FBI Headquarters

FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000

Note: At this time we do not have a national e-mail address for public questions or comments. Some of our local FBI offices, however, do have their own e-mail addresses.



07-11-2021-1658 draft poem sarge

Sarge held his breath waiting for the moments to pass.

Sarge knelt over his tack caddy, and cleaned his gun in secret.

Sarge opened the window.

Sarge rested his head in his hands.

Sarge saw the future.



Red Castle - Coccoon-a-Baby - Ergonomic Baby Nest - Cocoon -

Kekaroo - Peanut Changer -

Engel -

Engel Organic Virgin Wool Fleece Blanket - Engel Fleece Baby Blanket -

Engel Fleece Baby Dress - Fleece Baby Dress  - 

Organic Merino Wool Sleeping Bag for Premature Baby and Newborn
by Engel -
Engel Fleece Baby Hood Suit 

Storchen Wiege - Baby Carrier:

Polarno-Pyret - Suit -

Triplet Carriage -

Silver Cross Heritage Kensington Pram -

Stokki Jogger -



Baby Dress, Baby Blanket (100% wool)

Baby Pilot Cap (100% wool or silk)

Cocoon, Cocoon Cover & Sheet [Cradle 100% wood Gothic/etc., catholic or orthodox]

Peanut Changer [Changing Table 100% wood gothic/etc., catholic or orthodox]

Silver Spoon, Silver Rattle, Silver Tooth and Hair Boxes, Silver Photo Frame, Silver Chest, Silver Cup, Silver Hair Brush and Comb and Mirror, etc.. Silver Engraved ID Cert square (special person only never trafficker/stolen child/clone/gen-mod/transplant/fam designated/self designated/etc.; not civ), etc..

Music Box, Carousel

Pewter Mirror and Comb

100% Silk Christening Gown Cap

100% Silk comforter baby

Wood Trunk or Chest (100% wood)



Notredame Self Build

Precious Moments Sarge

Cars Sarge

Crystal Ash Tray

Crystal Alcohol Set



Americas Elite Baby Furniture and Attires: Strolleria, Scully & Scully, Children's Salon



Five Phone Calls 

1. 'I have no baby'

2. 'Im not married'

3. 'I have no house'

4. 'I have no money resource etc.'

5. 'I need euthanasia.'

Note. For female of any age, transabdominal ultrasound (non-invasive, across top of abdomen only) recommended to consider fertility prospect in advance of higher-level course of action. Proper physician only recommended; physician of humane and same ethnicity-race-etc. as candidate/person/patient/etc..

If fertility present, then recommendation to consider health (1. Is a biological infection of interest present or absent (infections of interest (parasitic, protozoal, viral, biological, fungal, etc.) may or may not be treatable with antibiotics/etc. and without harm to fertility); 2. Is a biological infection remediable by antibiotics/etc. or not safe to treat due prospect of harm to fertility, etc.), male-female pairing, etc.; and then to embark on conception endeavor. Health status should be equivalent. 

Some drugs impede fertility, please do not use drugs with adverse effect to fertility/reproduction/etc.. 

Marriage and direct line progeny is objective; progeny come before or after marriage.

Additions/Consideration of Options for young/etc. of pairing-marriage-etc. age (10-100+).

1. Baby - Family - 1. Pair and conceive (copulation-conception-pregnancy-delivery-etc., have/bear/keep/raise/etc.) [Fertility Present]; 2. In vivo (artificial insemination (purchased sperm) with self egg or purchased egg) [Fertility Absent or no pair]; 3. In vitro (lab) [a. Fertility Absent and no pair; also independently, b. circumstance of male without progeny/without female-copulant-capable-etc./etc.; c. consideration to circumstance of fertile male that has no woman (i.e. James Bond).].

2. Male/Female Pair - Marriage - 1. Pair and take the plunge, 2. Legal Marriage (Full) - USA domestic Court, 3. Traditional Marriage (Part) - Church (USA domestic with current standing/activity), 4. Unconventional Marriage - Business, Family, etc..

3. Dwelling - House - 1. Secure funds, 2. Secure fund assistance if necessary/etc., 3. Secure housing.

4. Resource - Funds - 1. Social Security, Government Assistance, 2. etc.

5. Death - Euthanasia - 1. Written letter to support humane, complete, painless, permanent, irreversible timely and quick euthanasia.


* Marriage age was used as opposed to working age due to restructuring to consider life order of: MarriageProgenyEmployment Term



070120210435 - drafting N&N, wardrobe sy draft
Once Upon a time...

Nati and Niki were looking at their wardrobes together deciding what to wear...

"What are you going to wear?" asked Niki. Nati considered with pensiveness, "I..."

Niki turned to her wardrobe, and commented, "Well...What If we do our whole wardrobes in black and white, and start preparing for our marriages and progeny's marriages?" Nati lowered her gaze and shook her head solemnly, "I don't know... That seems so far away..."

Niki paused and responded, "Well...Probably not too far away...Maybe, we could wear black ribbons for our hair?" Nati turned away, "I can't wear black...Because of my religion...We cannot abandon white."

Two men walked in suddenly through the door and into the chamber, "Hello! We are here to helping you with your wardrobes." 

Nati turned in surprise, "Oh...Who are you?"

The tall blonde did not smile, "My name is B. Do you have any alcohol or do I have to use my golden flask?" The blonde pulled a golden flask out of his pocket and took a swig. Nati turned to Niki confused, "Do you know him?" Niki stood aghast, "No...I do not know him...Um, we don't have alcohol. We don't drink alcohol. But I have some cigarettes. I am a brunette and not religious. My sister is a religious blonde, she has no drugs, alcohol or cigarettes; only water."

The blonde shook his head, "Yeah, I'll take one." Niki advanced an open pack, and the blonde took a cigarette. He slide a lighter out of his pocket and lit the tip, "Thanks." Niki put her cigarettes away, "Sure, You're Welcome."

Nati stood very still while the procession occurred and was without words, "...". Following a few moments of peace, Nati turned toward the tall blonde man and furnished her hospitality,  "May you be interested in a bottle of water?" The tall, thin and handsome blonde man smiled, "Yes, please." In a kind regard, Nati extended her arm toward the chamber's sofa couch, "May you wish for a place to rest? We have this sofa. The sofa is very comfortable." The man acknowledged her considerate gesture by nod, and seated himself gracefully on the sofa couch. Nati turned to Niki and she reported on the proceedings, "I am going to retrieve a few bottles of water for our guests." Niki acquiesced, "Yes, please. Thank You." Nati left promptly to retrieve water for the guests. 

Niki and the two guests waited patiently for Nati's return. When Nati returned, she carried four water bottles in her arms, and handed them out to the presences in the room. 

The blonde male provided a verbal expression of gratitude to Nati, and had a sip of water from the water bottle. The brunette male lit a cigarette from his own pack and began smoking. The blonde male rested for a moment, before proceeding to peruse Nati's wardrobe. "..." he inspected the clothes carefully before turning to his friend, "I don't really like anything in here. I can't marry this... Do you make or sew clothes?" Niki paused, "She can sew, but because of her excellence of character she has waited a very long time pretending to read books, refraining from speech, sleeping on a pea, growing out her hair and never tainting her white fingers with the poison of rusted needles and in order that she may be married without betrayal; including without betraying her gifts to another's husband or to an insincere unmarried man. She has great respect for and fear of women, and has no use for excellence without piety, refrain, purpose of decency and humane, proper, etc.. She has cannot free her gifts with malice to swarm and destroy humans; and survive herself with knowing altogether."

The blonde male adjusted his glasses, "That sounds agreeable." Nati stood quietly with downcast eyes and said nothing. The blonde male went over to Nati, "Well, would you be interested in a date sometime?" 

Niki turned back toward her wardrobe; and pretended to look at her clothes. The other man came over to Niki, "Hi, My name is Chris Walsh. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Chris Walsh was tall and thin; 100% Caucasian, Amcan (West German Mix), with wavy medium  brown hair and medium brown eyes. Niki glanced surprised, "It is a pleasure to meet you; Mr. Walsh." Chris Walsh smiled and gestured a bow. Niki turned back toward her wardrobe, and continued to pretend to look at her clothes. 

Meanwhile, Nati and the blonde male had taken a seat on the sofa couch. 

Niki considered for a moment, and before offering Mr. Chris Walsh a seat on the other sofa couch. Chris adjusted his stance and commented, "Sure, in a minute. I'll have a seat in a minute."

Niki turned back to her wardrobe and began to reconsider her clothes.

Niki paused as a sudden insight appeared, "Nati, I figured it out."

Nati requested a moment from the blonde male, and walked over to Niki.

"I think I may have figured something out...I was checking a few details across multiple levels...I don't know to say this but..." Niki trailed off.

"Well...What if it was the resource, the family, the record and the equity."

Nati listened carefully. Niki continued, "For instance, the evidence weighted equity; acquired and inherent."

Nati turned away and back again, "What do you mean?"

Niki shook her head, "My deepest apologies...I do not know...I am not sure how to say this...But, I was just looking at a few details, and our circumstances..." 

Niki turned away, "To consider, a family either new with no record or old with corrupted record; To consider a corrupted family with false record including expungements or a victim family with eradicated record. To consider the players positions and perspectives. To consider the deprecation of To appreciate the influence of violence and the amcan trafficker legacy, including evidence by dissemination and the increasing sumptuousness of disparagement, discredition, deprecation and destruction, etc. to correlate with spread of trafficker influence by theft of child and familial expansion irregarded/unchecked/ill-sanctioned, etc.; to consider work by gangs of amcans that are 100% caucasian - to consider their spread without apparent evidence by confession, document, etc. - or expectation satisfaction including supported by visual evidence and set up to reveal or stage/reenactment of their crimes live for once and for all end - and their abuse of law. To consider that correlation causation and association non identical, independent defines. To consider change in technology unacknowledged that has bent the language of the people to an extent that may render the language irredeemable and unusable; including abstractions, common language, common sense, etc.."

Nati blinked, "What?"

Niki paused and reconsidered, "Is it our image, race, behaviors-habits, language ability or intelligence that is the bust? Because we have white skin, and we have decent age... Why-"

Nati shrugged, "I don't know...I think...It's probably something we don't know that..." Nati hesitated, "That others believe, or what others believe that they don't know."

Niki was not discouraged, "We'll need a few scientists overseas with no souls, and a few dollars to leave the country. We need euthanasia arranged."

Nati considered for a moment, "What about mom and dad?" 

Niki shook her head, "I don't think they are allowed to leave. They have to stay or we have no decoy. If they come with us, it's only for their cloning and surgery technique. They're with request and arrogance; we may have to have them replaced. The family can't have access, we didn't choose their marriage or life, we got stuck in the pit of their hatred. There is no forgiveness past the point of no redemption. They are driving the beautiful daughters into the deep."

Nati remarked, "What about Zak?"
Eh...Zak can decoy," Niki replied.
Nati grimaced, "He can't...decoy....his character...." 

Niki surveyed the options, "um...what-well....he can go with you. You guys can carry the line... But dad and mom keep binding you and me and Zak into a bunch of emotional reimbursements to their gangs and for their lives, choices, etc.. We're gonna end up paying the bill of their crimes, if we dont dog the fam and return home without cans."

Nati sighed, "I hope its not you."

Niki grimaced partially, "...I don't think it's gonna be me this time. Because I have no ties. United States has become spread and sustained it's own caucasian disillusions... Its the reactor grounds nat. This is fair play. The grounds go downs..."

Nati waved as Chris Walsh approached, and entered the conversation, "What?" 

Niki stepped aside and brushed her sleeve, "I am considering." Chris Walsh smiled, "Reactor grounds?" Niki held her breath, "No Chris, the circumstances of your amcan gang. Our only protection is weapon. Amcan great violence."

The blonde man stood up and walked over to Nati, "Chris, have a seat." Chris Walsh took a swig out of his own flask and lit another cigarette as he approached the wall.

"We do need you to probably relocate to somewhere with better enforcement and a bunker; the law has completely topsy turvied in americas. it's too dangerous to maintain lines. the amcans are trafficking out every gen and every line, every gen. Its gone on way too long...Disease prevalence has increased dramatically over the last four centuries."

"True. Any considerations to proffer?" The blonde man adjusted his collar and smiled, "I am chewing gum. But don't say too much..."

Niki smiled, "We cannot structure until resource addressed acquired and secured in sustainable manner."

The blonde man laughed, "Don't make too much of a spectacle out of a glass...Look, what I am trying to say is that it is far to dangerous to do anything other than oblige, consume, acquire, etc. for women."

Niki frowned, "I deeply apologize, however, I do not speaking..."

The blonde man paused, "What we did in the past worked however, but only rather speaking with special considerations about remains, and purpose, persistence, survival, and threat....laaand....sppaaace.....tiimmme....everything. everything. We have now...broken all of the rules...forever. forever. forever."

Niki adjusted her position, covered her mouth with one hand and rested her elbow on the other arm crossed, "...So we wait for the downfall or stop the coaster. we wait in the bucket or climb down the Ferris this circumstance what are we up against, who do we conflict, contend, etc., where is the interface and is our participation in a low level regimen required for euthanasia?"

Niki cleared her throat quietly, "It seems to me, that euthanasia is the only neglected orphan of equity."

The blonde man responded, "the permissions are between the rights of the people and the feelings of their regretted survivals...The react-"

"Reaction formation, to consider they opposite to decoy and deter revelation of character inferiority and crimes past. For example, war against asia by united states and crimes against Asia by usa-amcan. the Sharon Petersen exemplar of mental illness is herself. just add all of those people to a list..."

The blonde man straightened his posture and smiled half sided, "Well...We did. It's only a matter of inferiority that their positions should exist at all."

Niki considered again, "The wrong leadership; threatens the hierarchy and fritters resource. We will become stretched too thin, as Greece and everyone. make a list of the amcans and executions."

The blonde man glanced over his shoulder, "I try...But we need an army."

Niki shrugged, "Easy. I can helping always. That would be a very good advance toward stability. Good leader good people survive and good contry become and bad people killed."

The man continued, "Sometimes war, when lesser have access to technology that they do not understand and use for selfish or false pretense/premise/etc., etc.."

Niki addressed, "Separation warranted, executions warranted, to kill stolen kids, clones, stolen genetics, stolen organs, etc., all of it. reincarnations, perturbations, novelity, etc... Amcan not one. not first. amcan pretend, weight of punishment by pretense. Should need no war, only executions. Survival of criminal with theft is great adversary until crippled. Giant misinformation by America say to detain, violence, injure, punish; where should only be death. Sharon crippled adversary now, lesson is to execute prompt and without delay to avoid injury to young woman fertility by violent diseased woman trafficker always. Sometimes, very abnormal existences in america defy logic and world heritage, conventions, etc.. Even positions executed, when mistake happen... As Petersen grave disease and human disease is mistake to sustain, despite america procreate with Petersen by hire and favor them with wishes of grandeur and other peoples children, bodies, etc. to grant garnered...very ill america become from their feigned pity and overt violence to grand assault by america of a foreigner."

The blonde male yawned, "I think it's probably a dupe... They seem positioned to feign lifedom."

Niki lowered her gaze, "I consider, they have no reality grounds and are ineffective vulgar diseased genetic fundaments. we cannot ever repair due vivs work."

Niki continued, "They are bar coded or marked for execution only; whoever wait so long is execution we must turn the wheel, as lee would the wiser. We cannot have these ever foreboading shackles on the ankles of humankind; in an enduring wait for a happening or change to facilitate proper execution of amcan."

The blonde male remarked, "to be considered..."



0630210151 - Base Room Party draft
Base Room: 12'x18'

Wall Panel/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

Floor Flooring/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

Ceiling Panel/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

Photography Backdrop Stand/etc. (Estimate Dimension: ~10'x12')[Quantity: 3-4]. **

Photography Backdrop Curtain/Panel/Sheet/Fabric/etc. (Estimate Dimension: ~10'x12')[Quantity: 3-4; 6-8]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}.*

Floor Mat/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

* Double quantity of backdrops is for purpose to layer backdrops for facilitation of  impression/appearance/effect/etc. to increased opacity/etc..

** May elect to use riser or photography backdrop stand-curtain set of greater height/dimensions/etc. that estimated/specified/indicated/etc. above. Please consider whether or not to use riser in design and before selection of photography backdrop stand/curtain/etc. size.  Acquisition of photography backdrop stand and measurement/assessment/etc. of stand assembled, prior to photography backdrop curtain selection/acquisition/etc..

Note 1. Materials/Types/etc.: Foam, Cardboard, Fabric, Plexiglass, Lexan, Tarp, Drop Cloth, Polycarbonate, Polyethylene, Butyl Sheets, Acrylic, Mirror, Mylar, Pond Liners, Velvet, Wood, Marble, Stone, Brick, Carpet, Canvas Fabric, dry wall panel, etc..



Basic Cover/Basic Tarping-Droping for Living Quarter


Windows: Over window - Canvas Tarp (Canvas Stud/Drywall tack pins, or Canvas Tape)

Walls-Ceiling: Polyethylene Two Layer Drop Cloth - Walls/Ceiling (Corner Attachments, Interval attachments ~1-2') [3 walls, 1 ceiling, 1 door face]

Peripherals/Attachments: Masking Tape, Scotch Tape, Tack Pins, etc..

Floor: Interlocking Floor Foam Mat, Plastic roll down (not fabric), Corner guards/Edge guards foam/plastic [tack at corners and 1-2' intervals] (edge guard optional; plastic roll down optional)

Min.: Wall drop plastic, Floor drop plastic, corner attachments, attachments as nec., etc..


1. Remove, Wash and Store Fabrics.

2. Remove, Clean and Store Hardware

3. Remove, Clean and Store Furnishings.

4. Clean, Close, Tape Seal Windows. Cover for cleaning.

5. Clean Ceiling and Walls.

6. Clean Floors.

7. Ceiling Cover/Drop.

8. Window Cover/Drop.

9. Walls Cover/Drop.

10. Floor/Cover/Drop.



Arrangements for Living Quarters

Sections: Rest, Consumption, Activity, Hygiene, Post-Consumption.

    Rest: Double Blanket Floor (King bottom fold, queen blanket top).

    Consumption: Cabinet or box, Water distiller.

    Activity: Chair for smoking.

    Hygiene: Steel tub, milk house heater.

    Post-consumption: portable/fixed/oor restm.

    Laundry: portable/fixed/oor fac.

    Waste disposal: portable/fixed/oor fac-loc.

Min. sect.: Rest section/sleeping area.

Utilities: WATER - Water Inlet (construct for drinking water/water for human consumption all inlets), Water outlet 1 (consumption), Water outlet 2 (hand wash), Water outlet 3 (Shower/Bath), Water outlet 4 (Washing Machine out), Water outlet 5 (restroom/toilet); WASTE - Handled refuse outlet (non-bio waste), non-handled refuse outlet (biowaste), special refuse outlet (chem, phy, etc.). HEAT - Gas, Nuclear, Chemical, tar, etc.; LIGHT - nuclear, gas, tar, implant, etc. (overnight work; non 12h sched).

Structure: Lead, Nuclear, Phy-EME, etc..

Energy: Nuclear, Chemical, Gas, Physical (EMR, EM, MECH, EME, E, ENG, CE, PE, NE, BE, etc.), tar/etc., manufactured, etc..

Conditions/Calibration: Chemical, biosensor, nsen, csen, etc..

Environment: Air, Water, Soil, Fire, Greenery, Stone, Nuclear, Physical, Chemical, Biological, Animal, Plant, Human, Cell, etc..

Transport/Access/Surveillance/Presence/Absence/Defense/Documentation/Enforcement/Rule/Law/Locality/Town/City/Region/Country/etc.: N/A

Diet: Cellulose, Water, Chemical, Plants, Special Biological (processed biological for human consumption; xanthan gum, gum), etc..

Activity: Sustenance, Preservation, Integrity, Science, Maths/Documentation, Isolation.


Note: 4H P, 6H W, 2H-T. 93.

Note 2.: Pressure Cooker. PhyME.

Note 3.: Phy-EME.





0627211433: Social Structure American Ga-Civ Sep Fac-Fam 3PT ST draft
Social Structure American Ga-Civ Sep Fac-Fam

1. Chemical/Drug; Biological Mixture (powder, liquid, sol, gel, etc.) (1/4c or upscale) [contained or worn-car. or etc.] (Chemicals and Drugs)

2. Portable Equipment EMT VET etc. (ultrasound, Calculus remover electric/etc., Nail Dremel, Tools, Dental Tools, Electric or Gas tools (nuclear tools, SPT), etc.) (Tools and Mechanics)

3. Underground/Home/At Home/Room/Etc. Laboratory (growing kids/genetics/orgharv/etc., etc.) (Facility)

* Store is All Three Point where presence. Most Store/Biz/etc. Points Two and Three. Supplier of Drugs is Point One.


1. Teeth: Plant or Protein Thread Floss, Washcloth, Mints/Mint

2. Body: Soap, Washcloth (2.2. acid, 2.3. base, 2.4. buffer, 2.5, solv, 2.6. cat, 2.7. chamber)(powder, gas, part, etc.)

3. Eyes: Eyewash (?)

4. Ear: Q-Tip (?)

5. Diet: Plant, etc. (No biowep or animal or chem Fert./etc., Soli/Bd ref bel, Water ref bel, Gas cont ref bel, Grw on site, etc.) [No meat, animals, dirt, etc.]

6. Water: Sep, Dist, Ext, etc. [PBCN]; Water substitute, FLardCarbonCalciumPhospholipGlycOil solvent, etc.

7. Hair: Soap (7.2. extrctnt/deherent, 7.3. solv (Remove - R. organphos, calc, lard, prot, sealants, deterrent crmsolgeletc., rad, sasulfac, sb, ars, transmet, met, carbons, hydcarb, adhesives, coincidential/Non-CL1 understood permeant act, Transitioners, GMC, etc.), 7.4. permeant, 7.5. buffer, 7.6. chamber)

8. Facility: Nuc proof fac, vaccume ch, undg, no surf st con, molp/c-p, etc.. No W/R/F, etc.

9. Def: NWRF T GS RS UnvscS

10. Planet crt


11. Met sub rert, no GI/no Viand/etc., var resp met, el card. etc..



Dharma Trading Company - Silk Knit - Fabric [0531211858]






Marie Antoinette (Coppola, 2006)

Dr. Bettey, D.V.M. (California, United States of America, North America Continent)







Renouncing American Citizenship Hits All-Time Record - Forbes - (Feb 7, 2021,12:59pm EST|)




White People [052821; 2009]
 White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European origin;


New: USPS - Cremated Remains [052821; 1847]


Wikipedia: Grey [052821; 1918]
Grey or gray (American English alternative; see spelling differences) is an intermediate color between black and white.


Friday, May 28, 2021
USAF USA - USPS Domestic North America Continent Year: 2021 [052821; 1657]
1. Two 100% wool blankets (cal king) - Black

2. Two sets 100% silk thermal (long sleeve, hip length shirt/waist high pant, full length pant, drawstring/button/elastic waist, crew neck collar, knit ankle/wrist cuffs, reinforced hems and collar, etc.) - Black Knit Pontelle or fine knit or woven. - Black

3. Heavy weight 100% silk thermal woven set (long sleeve, hip length shirt/waist high pant, full length pant, reinforced hem/collar, elastic waist, knit ankle wrist cuffs reinforced; sweat style crew neck sweatshirt elastic waist pant) - Black

4. Head covers (100% silk knit black, 100% wool knit cushion beanie or cap, 100% wool head wrap/cover XL) - Black

4. 100% wool scarf woven XL, 100% silk scarf woven XL - Black

5. 100% wool Boiled coat with Hood XL+ (Thigh or Knee length, reinforced hems and cuffs, Collared, straight cut, straight shoulders, preshrunk or dry clean only/standard laundromat dryer with dry clean sheets, etc.) - Black

6. Cigars or Cigarettes PreRolled ($2-4/pack; 6 months supply Tobacco, NDA)

Famous smokes dot com. Circle K.

7. Cash 1000

8. Bank Account w/ Debit and Credit Card 10000 (for tobacco)

9. Wool and Silk mending supplies

10. 100% silk knit and 100% wool knit socks (Above Ankle, Knee, Thigh) - Black

11. 100% silk knit and 100% merino wool knit under shorts - Black

12. Botox, Antibiotics, Facelift, Lipo, Iodine, Dental (purchased on base) - Cash

13. 100% Leather Fine Clogs YORBPBRGRYBKWT Hazard Grade Sole 2-3" (no metals, meltys, inserts, composites, laces, glass, buckles, buttons, Velcro's, etc.) - Black

14. Mirrors Hand Mirror XL

15. Boxes and Cases (1 - bedding, 1 - silk thermal, 1- underwear, 1 - socks, 1 - sweats, 1 - head cover, 1 - head scarf, 1 - shoes, 1 - mending supplies, 1 - mirror, 1 - 6 mo supply cigars, 1 - 1 mo supply cigars, 1 - coat; 3 - Boots, 2 - sandals, 6 min - case for electronics)

16. Boots 100% Leather Boots Fine Knee High Semi-Fitted w/ Walk/Ease (should fit w/o tailoring, tailor to fit for proportion-task set-etc.), Haz Soles Heel and Haz Soles Slim (Two Pairs) - Black

17. Boots 100% Leather Riding Boots Fine Knee High Haz Soles Slim - Black

18. 100% leather sandals with 1-2" sole Haz Non Slip - Black

19. Impression Sandals for Shower Haz Shoe 1-3" sole flat/plat/etc. - Clear or Black

20. Calculator, pen, paper, etc..

21. MacBook Laptop and iPhone, Backup Hard drive, Camera w/ memory chips, cords/connectors/power cables, etc., hard cases for computer/phone/backup disk/camera/memory chip/etc., separate cases/bags for computer/phone/backup disk/cables/headphones/memory chip/camera/power cables/etc., head phones ear phones, etc..

Note 1. Low Grade Kittance - Do not send drugs in non active war due tampered/tampering, do not send chemicals/etc. due tampering, do not send hygiene products due tampering - especially in times of risk/war/etc. (unless requested). 

Note 2. Tobacco (2-4 pk/day 6' man), Cash. Should be uninterrupted supply regardless of war/no war.

Note 3. Parents with house/utilities/etc., euthanasia order for USAF w/ Tag, physician referral to perform euthanasia for USAF if need/etc. (including on base and troop connections to locate/etc.).  

Note 4. Request for Clean individual Shower Seats for washing feet.

Note 5. Request for Clean Toilets & Non Slip Floors. Request for Cleaning Supplies sufficient; Private Bathrooms (non portable/etc.).

Note 6. Request for Clean Water.

Note 7. Request for cross contamination minimization.

Note 8. Request for execution of injured/violent; request for isolation of diseased/sick with execution.

Note 9. Request for infection/sterilization minimization. Execution of sick, ill, diseased, sterile, trafficker, stolen child/person, crim-psycho-etc., etc..

Note 10. Request for isolated sleeping space. Request for clean sleeping space (separate rooms non portable).

Note 11. Request for hazard prevention (Biohazard; fire, knifes, explosions, etc.); including torture prohibitions.

Note 12. Request for dental implants and salvage of remains of extracted tissue/tooth. May be retained until discharge. No permissions for reuse, may be retained as prepared, etc.. No metal or composite implants to melt in fire or nuclear occurrence.

Note 13. Request for laboratory grown organs for injuries/etc. Organ Injured may be sent home with candidate upon discharge, with instructions to maintain as prepared/etc..

Note 14. Request for return of original organs upon discharge. No permissions for genetic signature, biological material/product, progeny, offspring, material/product, gene, genetic, biological, biology, chemical, nuclear, physical, conceived, conception, concept, theory, non theory, aspect, organ, etc., retention/use/etc., and by USAF/USA/Business/Private/Personal/Entity/Existence/Non-Existence Flawed Logic/etc.. One person one genetic signature and incumbent organs.

Note 15. Execution of twins, stolen child (inc when find as adult/person/emancp/etc., matching signatures, clones, etc..

Note 16. One person one genetic signature and incumbent organs/progeny/etc..

Note 17. Prohibition to violence: sterilization, trafficking, amputation, mutilation (including torture). 

Note 18. Secure marriage and direct line progeny (on side of presence/enlistee/USAF/etc.).

Note 19. Euthanasia for all USAF with no expiration date.

Note 20. Ensure satisfactory clean safe secure stable affordable housing for all USAF worthy; with income to afford for need/want/etc. without violence/etc.. 

Note 21. Perturbation of idea/word/etc. is not sufficient to new policy. Else executions.

Note 22. Draft men do not receive same award by Nikiya. Draft petition to draft married men and women USA 8 year term Full employment 7/h + 24/w, etc. (start basing 24/7). Gen sig test TSCL TS. Execution if issue/execution of fam for unpassed tests. Must pass all tests to earn outcome of house/basic need low society in groups based on intelligence and breeding assignment; else execution with pursuit to foreign. Cannot mix pre-draft/non-draft men and draft men ever, including families/genetics/etc.. Perm seps. Execution of overlaps/middle ground/middle group/middles/etc..

Note 23. Execution unmarried or betrayal wars until one wins. Exception is none.

Note 24. Scientists, mathematicians, engineers, veterinarians, teacher, immigrant, visitor, Russian (except Layng type), Asia (except Aziv type), student, pure line, rare line, sup gen line, high equity gen line, CS, etc.,  are exempt.

Note 25. XLT preferred including disintegration for warfare; special suits black/cloak/fielded NR/etc. and vehicles/equipment only; self-euthanize function for all ops. Cloak tech amnestic drugs and incapacitants followed by disintegrants.

Note 26. Missin.

Note 27. No niggers, jews, azivs, am cans, psychos, criminals, etc.. Nikiya grade above only: pure line, high equity line, superior genetic line, rare genetic line HEG high quality grade etc.. rf. 25.

Note 28. Until procedures finalize and persons are assigned to euthanizia, work or survive, no further traversation or testing or infiltration or contestance of civil bounds/etc..

Note 29. prop birth to death all cl1 satisfy criteria above not exempt cat..

Note 30. premise: violent armed forces breed violent children/people must be USAF for 20+ yr for screening. Violent armed forces traffick out their genetic lines to expansion without declared war/tech/money/etc., any with child may be present stated and applicable.

Note 31. Violent US armed forces trafficking out their dumb genetic lines to je accuse; victim lines are often sterilized; and violent armed forces (Petersen) influence code writing and database including civ database to argue that their children belong to non-self lines post-trafficking of themselves for expansion-warfaring  purposes.

Note 32. Execution of expanding lines, resemblances, etc.. Common ancestor farce/relative farce/relation where none except gen-mod/etc. prevention (mass deluge mitigation tac; anti-trafficking/sterilization/violence/etc.).

Note 33. Implementation to avoid framing of birthright of Prussia and Greece who was unwillingly enhostage by USA for thirty yr and trafficked by the USA thereof.

Note 34. Petersen about marriage; birthright power/lines/etc.. Never in same boat. intel by-retby birthright alone. rf. sample grp 2020. birthright never joke.


Domestic North America Continent
Year: 2021



Collectibles 2021 [052721; 913]: Kirsten Doll, Velvet Silk Check Pumpkin, Owl Mask, Breyer Horse Black 2021, Whinney the Pooh, Dean Ballet-Marble-Glitter Letterhead!







Jaba The Hutt & Bra Leia Analysis [052521; 2241] (repost, excerpt; Prior Post Reference: Bra Leia)



Above. The significance of Jaba The Hutt to the Elevation of the Status, High Attainment and Excellence of Character of the Character of Princess Leia in the Film (series): Star Wars.

Advanced Analysis only.

A measure of security, development, quality and weight of character; to reveal possibility of greatness by realm of event, and to foreshadow the magnificence of a becoming plane.

On a separate level, Princess Leia is a foil or stock character without her relationship to Jaba The Hutt. 

A measure of character is predicted v. actual behavior in extraordinary circumstance to challenge expectations, aspirations and plans of the lesser and as it concerns a matter of life, death and between. 

As Princess Leia's esteem accrues by her relationship to Jaba The Hut; the audience becomes or unbecomes etc., aware that her greatness is dependent on her status and circumstance-behavior-etc. as  an appendage of Jaba The Hutt. Jaba The Hutt reveals that the actuality is relevant; actuality is relevant to fantasy and/or plans, that fantasy or plans are not relevant without actuality, and that due credit requires full appreciation of reality/actuality that is not always possible given the true nature of reality of affairs and the harmony or union of the perceptions that conflict to the weaker mind that may cause reality to collapse, and actuality to cower in fear or guilt of it's own existence to yield gross disturbance in reason by inferior existence (audience, Han solo, Luke, even Leia, etc.). Jaba The Hutt possesses a extraordinary understanding of both actuality and reality; and as evidenced by the image, text, movement, proceedings, circumstance, setting, scene, characters/incumbents, choice, perspective, etc.. Jaba The Hutt is a proper recipient of great power, knowledge, health, and wealth.

Princess Leia was welcomed by a great power; the honors are due to Jaba The Hutt (never Princess Leia). Without Jaba The Hutt, Princess Leia would never have attained the proper character/foundation to pursue her aspirations, respects, awards, or outcome desired.

Jaba The Hutt is the shadow character of the greatest transpiration/manifestation of Princess Leia. Young Princess Leia is the Light character aspect, and Jaba The Hutt is the dark character aspect of herself. The dark character aspect appreciates actuality-reality-reason-understanding-power-wealth-etc., and is of magnificent weight to contrast the thin light character aspect of emphasis for reputation. The light character aspect is a narrow character without certainty or fear, but with high esteem, security and persistence in memory/stability; the dark character aspect beholds the reality-actuality that may not be acceptable to the light character profile (and is indicated by circumstance only beyond her control).

The actions of Princess Leia are due insufficient wealth of reason to appreciate, perceive-etc. and weigh the options/etc. accurately, as it concerns a splitting, parallel fate, or plane, etc. (actual, real, etc.); including an inability to appreciate the circumstance in context, structure reality appropriately, or solve a problem of self. A lifesized puzzle was not able to be solved by Princess Leia from within the domain of the puzzle pieces; and a superior solution to a solved puzzle with evidence by pieces arranged and non-labeled was unappreciated.

Princess Leia was received by a master of solutions, who had solved a complex puzzle from within the domain. The puzzle of circumstance-etc., was already with solution and the pieces were already arranged/ordered/etc. when she arrived. The solution was not appreciated or realized by Princess Leia and her team and due credit was not conferred; but rather the motive of the will of a transforming, unactualized existence (Leia and her team) with no pre-defined or known endpoint caused great suffering to the realm/etc. as Princess Leia et al. great betrayed a superior existence without equal privilege (without privilege attainable). Unknowing betrayal to herself, that became apparent later when a mismatched character evolved to become her (as opposed to a wholesome balance of her dark character aspect to bastion and safeguard her younger light character aspect), and where the two faces of her character no longer matched her becoming, and where the narrow light character was a faded apparition of self-face unreal-unguarded-imaginary becoming-etc. with disparate relevance due unacknowledged time.

Note. illicit edit advisory reference.




Tardigrade Piglet - Whinney the Pooh [05-24-21; 1434]


Tachypodoiulus niger

Monday, May 24, 2021
Incubation Embryo Animals Schematics Drafting 05-24-2021; 903a: Eyedrops, Cardboard Box, Powder, Marble/Rock, Grass/Plants/etc., Glitter, Silk, Syringe Feed, Duster, Creams, Sunscreen, Vetbond/Endust/etc., Salt, Contrast Weight, Mirrors, Cath, etc..


Above. Perfect Marriage Pair.

Note. (Made two text collages with text, did not know how to title...). 

Note 2. Photo collage made with the following website:

Above. Very Rare Race (likely Russia branch); Perfect Marriage Pair Type. 


Friday, May 21, 2021
Jeremiah 29:11 the Bible 052121; 1427
 Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 in all English translations

Rephrasement for Interrogation: "I know the plans he has for you."



Friday, May 21, 2021
DRAFT: Celluloafs Retained Varieties (Cheese Powder, Lemon-Citric Acid, Tomato Sauce, Cinnamon-Pancake/Maple Syrup, Sprinkles, Blue Colored, etc.) DRAFT (05-21-21; 850a)
DRAFT: Celluloafs Retained Varieties (Cheese Powder, Lemon flavorant/Citric Acid powder, Tomato Sauce, Cinnamon powder-Pancake/Maple Syrup, Sprinkles, Blue Colored, etc.) DRAFT  (05-21-21; 850a)

2: Buttermilk Powder Yeast; Chocolate Powder Erythritol; Dry Milk Powder.

1: Cellulose, Hydrocolloid/Gum (Xanthan, Guar), Water, Baking Powder. (Must be Aerated; Ratios sufficient to support erection and sustenance of stable matrix (porous internal matrix structure); tri-dimensional measure, measure, etc.)

0. Salt


Lipids (Food Grade - Lipids/Phospholipids/Hydrophobics/preservatives/stabilizers/surfactants/etc. Lecithin Emulsion Systems;

Protein (Food Grade - Whey, Caesin, Protein Extract, Protein Isolates, Protein concentrates, etc.)

Additional: Spices, Meat Flavorant, corn syrup, etc..

Not Assayed

Spectrums; Buffer Fine Calibration; Emulsion; Auxiliaries; Suspensions, Sols, Gels, etc.; etc..



Square Research (2019)


Square Research (2019)


Scientist Son Missing Pleasant Company Ticket 2020 (05-20-2021; draft; remains). Dean Son Missing. Nikiya Anton Bettey son missing.


Agent Bleu - Calcification, Dentistry (draft repost rem 052021)


Thursday, May 20, 2021
Black Blue Square Repoduction draft copy 052021


Thursday, May 20, 2021
Holograph Card (Repost; Remains; Draft; Border Missing; Original Post Missing) [05-20-2021; 1547] Pleasant Company. Scientist Son Missing. Dean son missing. Nikiya Anton Bettey son missing. Infiltration-on-foot-direct-access-equipment-physical-body-


Thursday, May 20, 2021
Green Draft (Men's Suit and Company; The Baby Company; Economic; Canva; etc.) [05-20-2021; 659a]




Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Method of Marriage Prospect Identification/Securation of Babies (between families/groups): USA Name and Census (05-19-2021; 043a)
Method of Marriage Prospect Identification/Securation of Babies (between families/groups): USA Name and Census (05-19-2021; 043a) 


Top 10 Baby Names of 2020

RankMale nameFemale name1 Liam Olivia
2 Noah Emma
3 Oliver Ava
4 Elijah Charlotte
5 William Sophia
6 James Amelia
7 Benjamin Isabella
8 Lucas Mia
9 Henry Evelyn
10 Alexander Harper

Above. Social Security Administration, US Census Bureau, etc..

1. Name Your Baby one of the Top 10 Baby Names (same year, next year, or last years - girls can be named retrograde years; boys maybe coming year or same year as birth; etc.). The name type should match the biological sex.

Example. Two moms live in town arrange for marriage of progeny. Moms meet through gynecologist/family physician/church/etc.. One mom in group is pregnant with a boy, one mom is pregnant with girl. Mom pregnant with boy names her boy: Benjamin; the Mom pregnant with girl names her girl: Isabella.


2. The name should match race, wealth/equity, associations (e.g. over time), defining feature empirically measured/analyzed/etc., and with objectivity (accuracy/precision/reliability/etc.) sufficient to present to the Queen or the Birthright for recorder. No fantasy, aspiration, etc. (cannot name deformed person beauty).

3. A name should be used to identify a person in a group; by his or her biological sex, RACE/ethnicity, year of birth, social group, birth location, parents names/status/health/etc., native language/country, colors, wealth/equity, character/trait/tendency/etc., background, name associations, name connotations/denotations, travel history, health, reality/actuality/fate/destiny, etc..

4. Acquire social security cards or baby identifier cards through the SSA for your baby same year as birth.


Names-Identifiers (Nominal (Var); Name of Category/Variable/etc.) of Persons in English Language

1. Biological Sex should be indicated by name, and knowledge/association between biological sex-name-etc. should be stable over time.

2. Names of persons, leaders, nobles, etc., should never be used by people for amusement and adjacent to persons lifetime.

4. Names of places, things, ideas, are discouraged for use.

5. Foreign language, second language, etc., names are discouraged.

6. Nouns/etc. are not acceptable English names for Americans unless approved by higher English authority.

7. Alphabets, numbers, symbol names are generally discouraged. (Plus, A, 4, etc.)

8. Category titles, jargon, scientific terms, scientific names, classification, hierarchy, ideology, philosophy, mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, computer science, terms, variables, levels, order, organization, psychology, drugs, pharmacy, veterinary, dental, medical, etc., names are not permitted for general populace (generally strongly discouraged).

9. Long names, short names, character, joke names, non sense names, misspelled names, discouraged.

10. qualifiers, quantifiers, identifiers, indicators, nominers, nomenclatures, descriptors, etc., are not permissible for names.

11. Titles, Category Titles, Subcategory Titles, Category/Subcategory subheadings, etc. not permissible for names. (e.g. nominal, long psychology variable titles, psychology phrase, psychology descriptor, psychology name/define/set/etc., names of names, names of domains, domains, spheres, topics, levels, dimensions, empirical, research, experimentation, terms, etc..)

12. Phrases, rhymes, axiom, adage, quotes, songs, sayings, etc., not permissible for names. (e.g. John Jacob jingle)

13. Terms are not permissible for names.

14. English language and literature words, terms, defines, etc., are not permissible for names. (e.g. rhetoric, syntax, linguist, languigici, etc.)

Above. Applies to General Populace.



Name Appreciations

Liam Olivia
Latter Day Saints/temple/etc.; Germans/unknown/etc.

Noah Emma
Jew-Middle East - The Bible; British-Mixed - Actress (Emma Watson)

Oliver Ava
Oliver Twist; Ava Braun (Eva Braun)

Elijah Charlotte
Jew/LDS; Charlottes Web

William Sophia
King of ******* or ******* enslaved by America; Persian-Greek Woman or Europe-Sophia of Prussia-Sophie of Netherlands-etc. (Illegitimate Heirs - Sophia of Prussia and family, Sophie of Netherlands and family; Niggers Infiltration by Austria/Rome/Browns/etc. to assume seats of pruss-neth to demise of countries due illegitimacy/illegitimate/low-equity genetics at throne LEGAT w/ ostensible disease w/ nigger choices etc./stolen kids-stolen genetics-H/IGr-trafficking-traffickers-gen_mod_kids-consorts-concubines-etc. [reference Romanies, romaniniys, traffickers, stolen kids, rominanovs=rome/asia/brown/gen-mod/transplants/traffickers/stolen organs/disease/yellow people w. l-blu eye disease/etc.])ürttemberg

James Amelia
Bible King James (v. Grayden; White-Red v. Norway-Asia); Amelia Airheart (leaving the country; taking a plane a way)

Benjamin Isabella
Zakary Bettey/Felicity Merriman; Isabelle American Girl Doll

Lucas Mia
Werewolf, Harry Potter, The Bible, Jew; Eating Disorder

Henry Evelyn
King Henry; Stolen Elf research subject slave

Alexander Harper
Alexander the Great (Greek, Rome, Nati Bettey Boy); Harper Lee (Harper Girl)


Note. The names coincide with a terrible and vast pandemic of disease (HIV-COVID-etc.); with great casualty and unconscionable losses. It is never appropriate for America to name William, Wilhelm, etc.; including to make reference to the country and nation deceased of Prussia, and/or to the country and nation alive of Great Britain. Sophia et al. is not a legitimate heir to the throne of Prussia due never scientist, equity, etc. (the equity is the birthright and her biological ancestors to the birthright shell/genetics/etc., in accompliceship to the scientist). The Birthright cannot honor the reign or names of America, etc.. The name choice by America has unfortunately minced the countries of Great Britain and Greece-Netherlands-Prussia. The timing of the name selection is to evidence malicious intent by Americans who have mourned the loss of a legitimate honorable heir to the Great Britain throne, and by the adoption and dissemination of the name of the elder surviving heir to the Great Britain throne. Strong advisory against and prohibition to the naming of American children after the heirs, leaders, etc. of the grandfather country: Great Britain.

The younger heir to the Great Britain throne was/is a legitimate heir to the Great Britain throne.

The country and nation of Great Britain has no dependency/inferiority/subordination/etc. to the domains of the netherlands, greece, deceased country/nation/etc. of prussia, germany, jews, middle east, latin america, americas, finland, norway, brown europe, diseased europe, africa, Australia, etc..

The country and nation of Great Britian is closest to the countries and nations of Russia, Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, France, etc. (inc. possibly Iceland, Greenland, Antartica, etc.). The country and nation of Great Britain has appreciated very long excellent camaraderie with white (Caucasian) Europe. 
The country and nation of Great Britain is not Asian, Latino, Black, Middle-East, Brown, Greek, Southern Europe, American, Mixed Race, Finland, Norway, Welshian, etc..

The countries and nations of latin america were colonized by Southern Europe and africa. 
The countries and nations of america were colonized by Asia, spain, latin america and Africa.
The middle east was colonized by africa and asia.
Europe was colonized by Whites from North Country; and Browns from south country-africa-middle-east-etc.. Some asians colonized in small places in Europe, no further information has been released.
Antartica, Greenland, Netherlands, Islands, Other Lands Continents, etc., are being colonized (pre-existant continents) or created to colonize (novel continents) at this point in time.
We aspire to maintain 100% caucasian high equity genetics (including non-caucasian deceased races; e.g. goth, scientists, special colors, blues, greys, very whites, albinos, etc.) residency on the Ice-lands, artics, frozen lands, cloaked continents/bodies, novel lands, new discovered lands (created by cloaks/geo-mod/etc.), green land, antarticas, poles, neo planets, underdomains, underseas, above lands, etc..

Note. Name lists do not coincide in actuality with naming choices of the people, etc.. Please consider statistics and function application to data (esp amended).

Note 2. If you may be interested in arranging marriage for your child/baby, please do consider name compatibility. Please work together to find a suitable name pair that may be approved or endorsed by a church, legitimate authority, home country, etc.. 

Note 3. Goths are an exception, they already know how to name their children. 

Note 4. Irvine trafficker is not a goth ever. Germans/Southern Europe/Middle Europe/etc. are not goths ever. Geoffeson and Walsh are never goths, etc.. These are niggers as are their descendants/families/friends/etc.. 

Note 5. Hostages/Missing/'Goths'/People/etc. end up in trafficker countries of Germany, Italy, Greece, etc.; and may call themselves German, Germans, etc. or speak German language/have adoptive German parent/have raising parent with ethnicity/etc.; May end up in sections of Southern Europe, Middle Europe, etc.. The countries of the birth/reappearance/appearance/etc. of the aforementioned types of persons have never been able to find the actual-etc. origins with precision/accuracy/reliability of the goth/person/dislocated/misplaced/etc. person, as trafficker country is low equity/low intellect save that what was stolen assigned to demise.

Note 6. Most goth of old is variant, and does not coincide with goth of new/subculture/pop-culture/etc.. Goth of archaeology, paleontology, anthropometry, history, language, architecture, marketing, biology, chemistry, physics, maths, engineering, religion, culture, tradition, philosophy, value/moral/ethic/etc., science, art, associations, record (artifact, written retrograde, oral tale, etc.), genetic ideals/classification schemes/categories/etc., library organizations/categorizations/classifications, aesthetic, etc., derives influence from multiple sources including non-goth (e.g. church, zeitgeist, black themes, white themes, sciences, fine arts, asia, Russia, etc.). Goths are not inclined to mate with apes, even in times of human shortage; instead genetic tendency to solve problems (inc. maths, sciences, arts, etc.); and to perform essential duties of life/death. Goths address caregiving, standard maintenance (house/activity of daily living), spirituality, necessities, euthanasia/execution/disposals, etc.. Goths almost never have injuries or accidents; high safety orientation. Goths are never criminals, pathological, psychopathological, incriminated, violent, traffickers, etc.; a level above violence of the world people. World have great effort to frame German heathens, huns, niggers, jews, amcans, azivs, browns, etc., as goth; unfortunately, the trafficking of the goth people has continued due their superior genetics and non-ape ancestry foundation populace that does not disseminate (despite attempts by countries to spare the goth and present the heathen or ape as a substitute, or to mince various Goths together, or to gen mod, or to create new goths by theft/schemes/etc., etc.). The violence toward goth people has caused dissemination, deprecation and destruction to the world of humans.

Note 7. Segregation of Goth. Low goth, high goth, science goth, engineer goth, mathematician goth, secret goth reserve families, hands, slaves, research subjects, waste, etc.. Common to have dead bodies of other countries niggers thrown onto gothland or DTDK/killed on gothland by trespassers who drag the body to gothland to kill the body, etc.; including fossils, parts, disease, etc.. Beggars and diseased people often pursue or beg goth; including sent and malicious beggars/etc. with a scheme.

Note 8. Goths do not scheme.

Note 9. Austria was not involved in demise of Prussia. The infiltration to Prussia occurred independent of Austria, etc..

Note 10. Traditional country, high equity genetics, pure lines, superior genetics, humane, equity, good, nature, land, intellect, value, moral, ethic, persons with brown hair/eye/skin/etc., etc., are not grouped in category of the term brown, etc. (despite overlap of brown color as feature of presence made manifest or trait, etc.).




By Nikiya Anton Bettey at May 19, 2021



Draft LEt

Stipend to cover Minimum Living Expenses USA-NAC DOM FI Schedule [Ref. COVID19/DVT] (2021)

(Foreign Country Sovereignty. Queen Privilege.)

Prohibition to intervention/involvement/etc. in/etc. foreign country affairs by Americas/colonies/etc..

Prohibition to Scientist, immigrant, foreign, etc., enhostage. 

Prohibition to Scientist, immigrant, foreign, etc., slavery/enslaved/slave/etc.. Prohibition to Scientist, immigrant, foreign, etc., trafficking/stolen child exist/trafficked/missing child/sterilized/transplanted/In vivo/surrogate/in vitro/adoption/abortion/etc.. Exceptions none. Classification Proper. No insights permitted by civilian level one including distinction/dimension/another's words/etc..

Disrespect by americans is enduring torture requires execution where unfit to live, including presence of stolen child/gene/organ/face/etc..

No stolen child privilege. No witness protection allowed. Execution only is mandatory and before consumption (eat/etc.). Including execution of poor unfortunate torturer soul parent, raising, helper, friend, accomplice, etc..

Stolen face is stolen human is trafficking.

Prohibition to mass trafficking. Mass trafficking requires mass extinction of (independent/etc.) descendants/progeny/etc. of mass trafficked victim (including all they knew/met/etc.). Verify dissemination, including of face/colors/etc.. For example mass trafficking of Nikiya's white (IPT).

Minimum acceptable standard of living. Security. Sovereignty. Executions. Every one Educated.

Three Story Manor and one acre of land per family with bunker. Farming Families. Permittance of family defense force arrangement. Prohibition of trafficking and slavery. No exceptions clause. 

Surgery proposition for improved relations (orthognathic surgery, leg extension surgery, weight reduction surgery, etc.). 

Prohibition to meat consumption; Enactment of plant diet clause. Diet: Chemicals, Plant, Cellulose, Salt. Pursuit of artificial or novel  metabolic system to prevent deformity, weight, obesity, etc..

Prohibition of VSP and disease. Prohibition of disease spread. Prohibition of Europe-German-Amcan Tactic of War (e.g. disease dumpin, disease spread).

Enhostage scenario prohibition; Eternal Slave of indefinite time prohibition/Slave prohibition/etc.; One Child per person direct line progeny (minimum) federal verification and federal marriage arrangement or execution, with no excision or except or etc..

Prohibition to four violence. Prohibition of harm to beauty, youth, fertility.

Organs and Shells must be from direct line progeny without stolen male or female component/outside/auxiliary/etc.. Including Clone brain, etc.. No Brain choose shell (brain and shell must match etc. else exec.).

Prohibition to self-mate selection, prohibition to different or variant equity mate, etc.. Mate must be appropriate for enduring value and equity even post-USA term.

Prohibition to pity helping.

Prohibition to indenture, debt exaction, debt illusory, debt collection, debt levy, etc.. (e.g. prohibit America collect human child or give human child to irvine trafficker to be acquired/disseminated/etc. and to accrue equity and levy debt unpaid by America).

No America traversation to Russia, switz, arctic or anywhere else nikiya, grigory and/or viv may present (inc. cloaked cont, undersea cont., cloaked planet, etc.).

Prohibition to deep drill, mine, dig, and rocket into sea launch, etc. (esp by america).

America mindful mixed race and all countries live together on america soil mixing (using same sewer, water and spreading to each other disease unlikely more) may become one single unit to exclude immigrants, presences undocumented/etc., etc.. america experiment too many variants.  Test of humankind.

Enhostage scenario due poverty of scientist and immigrant is America; and where scientist and immigrant are enslaved, etc. (cannot afford to leave or cannot leave due diseased etc.; not defamed). Prohibition to slavery and trafficking of scientist and immigrant. Stolen child is not immigrant or scientist, must be executed. Scientists have been stolen by USA and trafficked; no scientist present willing. Plant Privilege.

Prohibition of America and foreign traversation into Russia. (Russia is shrinking; presence of americans in russia and germans).

Execution of Misters.

Stalin and Constantine Regime. SSF, immigrant, etc. defection privilege.

Stolen child/etc. execution, including person he or she or it or etc. may become/exist/be to exist/etc.. Prompt execution of stolen person/etc.. Including gene, organ, child, embryo, fetus, particle, material, product, biology, data, part, whole, body, existence, etc..

Execution of government with out execution/euthanasia/won't kill/left irvine trafficker alive/left the kid alive/kids adult-excuses(document to warrant; e.g. nati bettey scenario)/person with rights excuses/etc.. Privilege to the Murderer that is of true Beauty/etc. and without trafficking/etc..

Execution of all/officer/human/etc. who do not execute nikiy'as warrant/etc..

Prohibition to civilian trafficking of unknowing SSF; including irvine trafficker. Warrant logic.

Execution of petersens, mclellans, smiths, wades, ispirescus, graydens, chaneys, silvers, rose (grayden), sheila, walsh (chris), rooney, et al and their accomplices. Do not permit traversation into nation and country of Russia.

Execution of stolen child require no discovery by parent generation.

Prohibition to Warefare by civilian, civilian with disease (inc. asymptomatic, gen-mod, stolen gene, bleach, zombies, infected, etc.), doctor-physician-etc. in cl1 (layng and aziv and et al gangs with medical doctorates/conspiracy/trafficking/etc.), vsp, graydens patients/grayden/etc., experiment, field/discipline/theory/school of thought/etc., education, institutions, jail, shelter, psychiatric unit, detainment unit, behavior unit, health unit, behavioral detainment facility, hospice, long term care, facility, infrastructure, privilege, power of people, terrorist vsp, terrorist amalgam of all races on singular land plot without divide/etc. america - including unmixed separate racial groups using same sewer america, drugs, adv incap tech dist incap wep, germansetc., trafficking, mutilation, sterilization, amputation, abortion, torture, theft, theif, covetry, greed, covet, lie, steal, amnestic drug, abduction detainment, slavery, trafficking, peonage, hostage, presence, existence, abortion, unknowing (e.g. inv) druggings, collective conspiracy, brown neander, german heathen, german gen mod thick neck fat geoffeson male, neanderthal, violent plague (mutilation of beauty - bubole plagues, neurocystcercosis), conspiracy, large brown, browns, trafficking of one/get lucky/too good to be true/etc., civilian ganging/gangs, black splash-spatter, f-trans, super races of gen mod amalgams, civilians with weapons (without disclosure; advanced weapons etc.), Child warriors/assailants/adult brain/etc., rap mature brain to release child from prison-home-etc. early, child conspiracy, etc..

Execution for all child in conspiracy pre-gang members recruited, assigned, indoctrinated already (any order), etc..

USA draft married never served for indoctrination testing and training.


Decision makers 215/245/etc.

  • US Department of Treasury et al.

  • US Armed Forces

  • US Institutions

  • Structure USA

  • Function USA

  • Four Violence Antagonism

  • No Harm Principle

  • Pharmaceutical & Technology Advancement

  • Anti-Pathologization 

  • Anti-Criminalization 

  • Anti-Incrimination 

  • Demolishment and Segregation

  • Bella Swan Life Idea

  • Minimum Acceptable Standard of Living

  • Land Building

  • Underground Expansion

  • CL1 

  • domestic

  • North America Continent

  • America Continent

  • Americas 

  • USA

  • United States of America

  • US

  • Social Security Administration

  • Hostage Mitigation

  • Anti-Slavery/Trafficking 

  • Anti-Peonage of Scientist

  • Scientist Enhostage Scenario Mitigation; Time Limit

  • execution

  • Euthanasia

  • USAF Drafts

  • Work Draft

  • Insource Production

  • Soverignty 

  • Self-Sufficiency 

  • Execution of adoption/foster/etc.

  • Cessation of public domain

  • Civilian Level one

  • Marriage Arrangement Federal Proj

  • Direct Line Progeny Verification else exec

  • BTR Prevention and Recovery

  • Brain Transplant Raid Illicit Mitigation

  • EMT cessation

  • Placebo drug swapping

  • Human Trafficking Executions

  • Human Trafficking

  • Abduction

  • Detainments 

  • Rules of Engagement

  • Psychological Warefare

  • Civilian Warefare

  • Very Sick Patient Civilian Armed Force Undocumented Cessation Call

  • VSP CL1 Project Execution/Retirement

  • Execution of Civilian differentiated disease group inc. MI/MH due prospect of dis spread warefare

  • Execution of stolen child/human/progeny/gene/identifier/genetic/organ/etc.

  • Clone Project

  • Direct line progeny lab grown for organ replacement

  • Execution of violence irremediable

  • America Behind America

  • Shadow Country

  • Scientists enhostage

  • Scientist Son Missing

  • Execution of Trafficker

  • Immediate and Prompt release of hostage in America Poverty hostage scenario

  • Coincidential enhostaging of peonaged mass trafficked birthright scientist w wepc

  • Free the people

  • Free the people not we the people

  • Soverignty to Foreign country land claims on domestic america soil

  • Public Awareness to prevent coincidential punishment violence etc.

  • Response Time

  • Long Time Good Relations

  • Future and Long Life

  • Health

  • medical

  • Dental

  • Veterinary

  • Science

  • laboratory

  • Restruct of young cans in lab employment esp blood work phleb

  • policy

  • police

  • Legislation

  • Judiciary

  • Representation 

  • Judiciation 

  • Government

  • NAC

  • dom

  • Stop Cans from Emigrating

  • Free the Immigrant Hostage in America!

  • America All World Races together in one pot experiment

  • Time to Evacuate scientists project

  • Find the undocumented scientist project

  • Find the base

  • Sewer

  • Water

  • Waste Disposal

  • Manufacturing 

  • Supply

  • Demand

  • Interfaces 

  • No-Contact Provisions

  • Amazon for No-Contact Provisions

  • House and Neighborhood Unit Restructuring

  • Bettey's Whroe House

  • Marble Brick Wood Silver Mirrors Glitter Grids Smoke

  • Pro-Tobacco 

  • Pro-Anorexia 

  • Tobacco Matters

  • Vape for Health

  • Nicotine for Health

  • Caffiene for Health

  • USAF Call to Return

  • Execute Ex-Patriats

  • Free the Asian Immigrants enhostage in USA by Poverty caused by poor USA policy

  • Three story Manor

  • One Acre per Family

  • Family no more moving

  • One Land one house per one family long time

  • Reduce surveillance and foreign activities

  • Prevent foreign activity by USA

  • No foreign experimentation by USA

  • Prohibition of Foreign experimentation

  • Prohibition of AMCAN

  • Execution of A-N-J-A

  • Irvine Trafficker Execution

  • House Euthanasia

  • End of Life in Home

  • Quick complete painless permanent irreversible humane euthanasia or execution with cremation

  • Euthanasia to include all missing child person part gene etc.

  • No exceptions clause

  • New World Ahead

  • Science do it yourself clause

  • Dr. Bettey

  • Assign Vehicle to USAF and high effort to keep all americans in their homes with no travel

  • Cease hydrocarbons and contaminant processes for goods products demand etc.

  • no more demands by america

  • USAF draft married american men

  • Black Planet Project

  • Make a planet project

  • Stop Submarining

  • Stop underwater and above ground activities

  • Stop driving non scientist to keep up because they trafficking scientist and enhostage parent scient

  • Make a new planet

  • clone earth

  • planetearthy 

  • Slavery with btr shell swap and no release or death

  • No false promise of escape etc.

  • etc.

  • Federal Bureau and Presidency

  • Presidential Families increased security call

  • Defense Awareness without Petersims

  • Corrupt defense

  • Corrupted offense

  • Euthanasia to Cloak

  • Execution of violence including lvta

  • VSP to execution

  • Execution for humane

  • Execution of Grayden et al and pt.

  • Execution of Mentally Ill

  • Execution of Diseased

  • Execution of Psychiatric Disease/Condition/etc.

  • Truth in Science Neurocystcercosis

  • Tropical Parasitic Infectious DiseaseGerman Hep A etc.

  • German TPID

  • Ivermectin 

  • Scale 

  • No more RBM

  • No more vile procedure

  • Executions of RMBs

  • No contact no ties clause

  • Highest Equity family member clause

  • Plant Privilege

  • Stop privilege theft

  • Conspiracy 

  • CIA

  • FBI

  • ss

  • ssf

  • NSA

  • Life Shaping not preparing

  • They are unaware that they are intoxicated while they are intoxicated

  • They cannot recall the events that occured while intoxicated once unintoxicated

  • Direct line progeny only option else euthanasia

  • No cross line surgery

  • Execute imposter etc.

  • Surgery to look like yours!

  • Federal Bureau oversee direct line procreation/progeny

  • Federal Bureau arrange suitors and/or marriage

  • Proper Profiles

  • Proper Sec Ranks

  • Dont put her above me on the rank

  • Pro-Murder 

  • My friend the pretty murderer

  • Free Jahar

  • Jahar

  • Free murders in Maine not abortionists

  • Birth control placebo replacement tillban

  • Alkylation agents and antipsychotics are dangerous drugs

  • POW undocumented

  • Soiled Generations must be executed in entirety and timely

  • GOD

  • World

  • Earth

  • No disease cure with disappearance of disease

  • Evacuate foreign countries

  • Don't use agent blue

  • Parasite infection becoming past present or future is not psychiatric diagnosis grounds inc aware

  • Grigory & Nikiya

  • Get rid of american society

  • exterminate social work

  • Social work reassigned to USAF Swat team raid and execute

  • Find the bad guys

  • Don't let amcans leave to Russia

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