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Friday, July 30, 2021

Radioactive or salt nuc or salt or etc. inj w/ DIW 073020210355


Radioactive or salt nuc or salt or etc. inj w/ DIW

distance incapacittion wep (eg engine, transformative, transpiratory, laser, maser, fusors, etc.)


Env Gas 

cloak is gasses particle matrix ops transpiration standard change slow time large part exp laws/ops/etc.; light operations is no gas cloak spec cond; computer cloak is light particle gas w/ env etc. manipulation/etc. for std surround/env/pred w/ double connect with weapons (brain can read/receive straight signal tx - memory may indoc w/ event amn; time triggerable; condition trig; incap by Two point source double con or not or weapon diw or etc.); quantum is interface. Wave comes out on the other side; appears to have wave trans cap but were gettin waves/signal amp etc.. Nikiya modeled a computer type cloak in film eye 2019 - can be appreciated by human brain eye computer just not everyone agrees depending on dementia/degeneracy no dementia/degeneracy (dementia cannot fath or implants or btr w labgrown etc.) - nikiya needs release promptly same principles as used by amcan for current cloak ops on retriveables rereleased into usaf or bunk or post etc.; using nikiya and vivs work last cen and bf.

Nitro neg N30 O20 x7u cv6 *9) C-a

nitro comp energy excision

plasma sublim

excision - exceed of threshold env etc. standard scale level dimension plane fusion fission etc..

No time processes

Zero setter

zero set time

Time empty time drain

time hatered zero times

digitization molecular conditioning

outcome sinks

sink portals dp

waste cycles

mole degen mol reconst

transpiration cultivation calibration executions

living vsp vsmpar

refraction operations

diffusion modulation

slow field striation single ops cat

dr.bettey/bob slow part expansion

bone matrix solid makes blood or gas metabolite etc. env setter

Cellular single code regen

No code corrup on part expansion intend by univiv QM

petersen viewer particle corruption corruption occur indef fact deliberate mistakes when non intended viewer/party/etc. = improper env may imply view/exist/etc. rather than QM

Cannot appreciate particle corr occur when no/n-intended rec cannot choose place or become intend etc. QM

universe et viv QM

birthright QM

proper time is nikiya et cloak chosen by QM

Nikiya hate earth kill earth QM

Nikiya hate becomes dead w no prior exist QM

Petersen mass procreated her race and rapes life to make APECAN AMCAN ETC. QM

Birthright was mass trafficked QM

We kill perturbations QM

Dont stop us kill perturbations QM

Universal code enforce QM

dont touch QM

violent violations QM

violent QM

violations QM

no obediant particle occurance QM

no reliable particle occurance QM

no accurate id measure occurrance QM

no rock find no water find no air find no life find occurance house of QM

no precision occurrance QM

statistical outlier and deviation favors QM

disappearing outlier occurance QM

humankind corrupt QM

etc. QM



Universal code violation: Petersen, America, Stolen Child, Trafficker, et al., etc..

Nikiya particle

Transpiration particle matrix code elevation rematricing dissemination adaptative point expansion retranspiration

Baseline est establishment estimate etc.

Energy simple motion facilitation; responsive e proc; int e; sig ops txrx com; non direct indirect proc; metabolite; byproducts; reaction mixture; mixture system; mixture surroundings; mixtures; contaminants; auxiliaries; non essential component; etc.


Rxn Transplantation of particle/Transfer of particle/Channelization of particle/energy chan/elec arc/flash/arc fi/beam/las/etc..

nikiya can discriminate. nikiya ability non transferrable non ideal lifeform current and non ideal environment will no prior exist completely for all existence.

Signal pattern; patterns, pathways, harmonization, interference, discretization/quantification rapid, transform, malform, euform, shadow particle/etc., quantum incoherence/decoherence, particle scale/rate variation and identification with patterner genetic identification and location/locable source/etc., etc..

COVID 19 et Mucormycoses. Black Plague. Gerbils. 

Quantum loves killers QM
Quantum gold QM
Gold Grid | 0000 QM
Gold particles QM
Gold particle relation laws QM
Particle ID transform QM
Macro-Micro Ops QM
Particle Gridification complete already by study time QM
No interference complete already by study time QM
Amnestic Requirement QM
Machine Amnesia QM
No perspective to evaluate law QM
Maximum human evolution law QM
Maximum capacity given gridification QM
Chaos enhancement QM
Signal override attempts by germs and change to field operations QM
Germs quantum signal QM
Macroscopy v. Scale QM
Pattern overrides QM
Conditioned particle behavior typification type tendency and macroscopic life form ex/noex pathways of interference/destruction etc. QM
no ex codes QM
quantum construct and deconst operations by humans to use QM

Dissipative transformative energy systems etc. QM

Slow Time Law of Quantum QM
Big ops over big space law of Quantum QM
We know law of quantum v. human double connect signalification/comms/btr/etc. operations by USA et al. etc. QM

No adaptation law QM
No compromise law QM
No negotiation law QM
No communication law QM

Great law of no power QM
Thin light blue law QM*
    * Impossible for america earth to find/id/change/use/etc. without retributory dest. timelessness. travel/lieben/leaving/etc. or abuse of ex/noex. earth destroys.

ref. no rock find no water find no air find no life find occurance house of QM

Traversatory case silent disregarded ex/noex QM
Nikiya particle/etc. QM
No Time denotations QM
Living field/part/etc. living no ex/ex living no ex/ living no ex etc. QM

Chaos or patternization etc. differentiation discrimination identification etc. defination setting QM
molecule id relys on pattern of behavior or pattern or etc. with conditions and/or constraints QM
the unheard unsensed unrecog dissipative system quality QM

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