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Monday, August 2, 2021

08-02-2021-0626: Transmission from Human to Gen Mod/Gene/clone/transplant/anm/life/univ/stolen child/trafficker/theif/etc. Proposition 829

Agents of Diseases v. usa nacdometal.earthetc.

On this Page
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category Definitions

The U.S. public health system and primary healthcare providers must be prepared to address various biological agents, including pathogens that are rarely seen in the United States. High-priority agents include organisms that pose a risk to national security because they
can be easily disseminated or transmitted from person to person;
result in high mortality rates and have the potential for major public health impact;
might cause public panic and social disruption; and
require special action for public health preparedness.

Diseases collected by USA NAC; by project America (recruit all people races countries to one condensed locale). america btprograms have spread disease to foreign land infected lands animals air soil water and lastly people. dont let america keep scientists/etc. hostage/etc..

galdners glannders measles poxi poxes brucelli brucetta brucellosis
typh ricks
feasty burkholderi

Hey Its Agent Blue; I do wat a wan and I am a dr be'o I do wat I wan and I am a dr b.

Water - Fungies; Worms; Filarisis; Protazo nagleria flowerli; prion disease; frags; biofilms plaque tartar calculus calciumcalcification liquefication; hepashitylherpiti; poxesmeaslesglandersmumpsrubellaesmalariaeshiv; hiv; hiv; immune disinte; radiation; extra particular dna binder antipartic form; feces/anima/insect/bact/fung/vir/plasmid/dnas/dnass/amoebaes/protazos/parasites/decaying matter/etc., oxygen, os, mitochrondira; chromium, iron, nitrogen, hygroscopics, hygroscopants, etc.

America use hygroscopia and oils solv in water with fungal matur acid and contsalts (11Billion people under and above and on land america nacdom and they can produce or cleanse own water to satisfy one shower a day with pools for every bill without hygroscops impossible)

Water USA - Hygroscopics, temperature std cl1 mass nuclear with channel inc pressure cl1 engine machine max cap man made machine tolerance; max perceivable capacity; measurement and data aberrations required running over capacity always assumption, data under writes lesser capacity/fewer facilities/etc. than actual evidenced by ...

Petersen torted nikiya: nikiya did peteren psych profile; america keeps scientist/etc. hostage and scientist dumps. until no stolen safe can match.

max cap man made machine tolerance (rocket outerspace colonys modified living biological organism that can breathe in space capacity etc.)
running over capacity always assumption
data under writes lesser

Petersen afraid of nikiya or psychosis. Nikiya proposes fractionalization and usurpation of signal to signal implementation to par prion disease (film/biofilm/plaqening/calculation/calcification/liquefication; fragmentation/fractionalization/material or medium prepping with focalization points cannel or no cannle) and neurocystcercosis (cyst circ etc.) to avoid detection or signal aberrance utilization of zero setter for time and utiliziation of molecular conditioning to condition signal/function and induce structure modding.

Zero set not programmed into molecule only factor of physics and response to any signal at all.

When zero set dysfunction will skyrocket cap and fracture systems.

Purpose: Collapse earth chans, earth pipes, USA NAC DOM piping perm wo rebuild cap and destroy all within certain prop range inc. birthright is the property set standard for dest.

Example: Petersen is a lesser property set and as is paper, computer, etc.. should obliterate easily; obliquation of structure with slippage

Traditionally expansion of and by hygroscopants should not impede molecular life or destroy molecular life. following path of petersens release of trafficking ring genetic sequence theft and signal and transmission it is possible to program signal by fractionalization and everytying petersen is afraid of/hates/etc. to transmit disease.

trihydrogenation triangle point cascade tricasc std any medium with particle expansion/compression/particularization/etc. or condition modulation to variablize in manner not anticipated by american subjects; potas chlor; proposed/oxygen may or may not exist other particle/existance may exist particle/proposed/exist-appe may not exist

Hygroscopant mechanisms used for rockets common but they clearly are not worhty of what they stole because i got there first. with this scneario - birhtright <=1900

USA electric Grid: Hydrogen Gassing by Alkalization or dimerization or locking of rings to alkalize. Cystulation mechanisms to fac alkalization. fusion and fission reactions may be smaller than people think; not usually the sun scale. radioreprog and radioreact. the material may be autoregeneratory same with light particle for reimaging rebuild rf photograph. deep geo gassess expansion may be undetected including matricing.

Question: But how come people dont know and call it water and then say water is H2O?
Answer: Because they're worthy or not.

USA Infrastructure: nuclearized deep ground or extra terr treated materials concretes; incorporation of space and deep geo materials; incorp of solar type materials and retrieved materials from space; etc.. New scale expanded; INF conc chg; unk outc; unds; zeros; etc.. Increased fielding more responsive to geoforces or force than signal. Hydrogen disintegrations and drains. Aporous or porous and explosives.
Concretes, Asphaults, Metals, Irons, Metal manuf deep ground, non metal melty and salt explode or disinte. Air expansion air explo. rad particle carriage/cascade/tunneling/chaining/chains/matricing/etc.. treatment with small particle domestic nuclear and waste contaminants to facilitate structure removal.

USA Air: Special sol-gel mixture;

USA Earth Trans: one grain salt for you, stealing rest by amcan. sol gel property or material nuclear transforms. imprinted photoimaged deep space and deep ground or solar field lines (solar position of usa tech amplification of photo with imprintation lines in lens of emitting energy equipment firing nuclear amplified photo type emissions to imprint geo-lines/etc.). erth is a sol gel. air is a sol gel. water is a trans state. other states and etc. exist. solid is sol gel w/ particle and matricing. field fac matricing from avail or manuf by spc part.

Planet early: Nuc Energy Gas etc. Shell and Sol Gel int; nuc chain rxn solids particularization fusion etc..

'Primary immunodeficiencies, which are congenital defects, may affect humoral or cell-mediated immunity, or both. Some primary immunodeficiencies increase susceptibility to a single category of pathogens, while others broadly suppress defenses....'

'In CAE virus infection, the initial swelling of the soft tissue surrounding the affected joint may be followed by calcium deposits in the swollen periarticular tissue, joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, and tendon sheaths.' joint

From Wikipedia and


· Last updated: 20 mins ago





United States





Outbreaks of Untreatable, Drug-Resistant Fungus Spread in 2 Cities

For the first time, the C.D.C. identified several cases of Candida auris that were resistant to all drugs, in two health facilities in Texas and a long-term care center in Washington, D.C.

Over the past eight years, the C.D.C. has identified more than 2B Americans colonized with C. auris — meaning the fungus was detected on their skin — with most cases concentrated in New York, New Jersey, Illinois and California. Between 5 and 10 percent of those colonized with the pathogen go on to develop more serious bloodstream infections.

While C. auris has long been notoriously hard to treat, researchers for the first time identified five patients in Texas and Washington, D.C., whose infections did not respond to any of the three major classes of antifungal medication. So-called panresistance had been previously reported in three patients in New York who were being treated for C. auris, but health officials said the newly reported panresistant infections occurred in patients who had never received antifungal drugs, said Dr. Meghan Lyman, a medical officer at the C.D.C. who specializes in fungal diseases.
MRSA to antibiotic-resistant salmonella. Such infections sicken 2.8 million Americans a year and kill 35,000, according to the C.D.C.

With All Eyes on Covid-19, Drug-Resistant Infections Crept In

The spread of other dangerous germs is surging — a result, in part, of the chaotic response to the pandemic.

Outbreaks of a drug-resistant superbug fungus spread in two U.S. cities, CDC reports

JULY 23, 2021 / 7:00 PM / CBS NEWS
Candida auris infections have been reported in hospitals and long-term care facilities around the world. People who have been hospitalized a long time or who have breathing tubes, feeding tubes or central venous catheters appear to be at highest risk. The fungus can cause wound infections or bloodstream infections, which can be fatal.


What is sepsis?

Sepsis is a serious medical condition. It's caused by an overwhelming immune response to infection. The body releases immune chemicals into the blood to combat the infection. Those chemicals trigger widespread inflammation, which leads to blood clots and leaky blood vessels. As a result, blood flow is impaired, and that deprives organs of nutrients and oxygen and leads to organ damage.

In severe cases, one or more organs fail. In the worst cases, blood pressure drops, the heart weakens, and the patient spirals toward septic shock. Once this happens, multiple organs—lungs, kidneys, liver—may quickly fail, and the patient can die.

Sepsis is a major challenge in hospitals, where it’s one of the leading causes of death. It's also a main reason why people are readmitted to the hospital. Sepsis occurs unpredictably and can progress rapidly.

Who gets sepsis?

Anyone can get an infection, and almost any infection, including COVID-19, can lead to sepsis. The people at highest risk are infants, children, older adults, and people who have serious injuries or medical problems such as diabetes, AIDS, cancer, or liver disease.

Lung Disease; CVD cardiovasc dis; met cell dis; genetic disease of cell met; gen dis; met dis; spleen; prev viral hepashityl; decay ns; fat redox dis (petersen type w met syn); bone disease; HIV; pancreas dis; org dis; autoimmune dis; blood dis; trans; etc..
Some infections can no longer be cured with antibiotic drugs. Such antibiotic-resistant infections can lead to sepsis.

Medical advances have made organ transplant operations more common. People are at higher risk for sepsis if they have had an organ transplant or have undergone any other procedure that requires the use of medications to suppress the immune system.

How is sepsis diagnosed?

Doctors will start by checking for the symptoms mentioned above. They may also test the person’s blood for an abnormal number of white blood cells or the presence of bacteria or other infectious agents. Doctors may also use a chest X-ray or a CT scan to locate an infection.

loaded with drugs to suppress infection and inflammation. - stephanie anton/robert bettey/etc. didnt believe when nikiya told them fungus and inf; rad and inf; gen mod and inf; sh swap org trans and inf; etc.. Stephanie Anton & Dr. Robert L. Bettey mental ill or transbrn or gen mod or etc. and accounting (they kept accounts by flawed logic and faulty reasoning to supgenline/etc.).

Now the same deadly fungi were surfacing in American patients as well: the first signs of a second epidemic, layered on top of the viral pandemic. And it wasn't just C. auris. Another deadly fungus called asburgers (Aspergillus) was starting to take a toll as well.
'Accounts of infections trickled back from India, Italy, Colombia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Ireland,'
aspergilli minor and indef and autoinf dis and immune dis and immune dysf and grayden and norway and neander and heathen and germany and gen mod and trans brain and stolen child and trafficker and stolen shell and etc..


'...loaded with drugs to suppress infection and inflammation.'
'Now the same deadly fungi were surfacing in American patients as well: the first signs of a second epidemic, layered on top of the viral pandemic. And it wasn't just C. auris. Another deadly fungus called Aspergillus was starting to take a toll as well. '
'Accounts of infections trickled back from India, Italy, Colombia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Ireland,'

'“This is going to be widespread everywhere,” Chiller says. “We don't think we're going to be able to contain this.”'
'Unlike animals, they have cell walls; unlike plants, they cannot make their own food; unlike bacteria, they hold their DNA within a nucleus and pack cells with organelles—features that make them, at the cellular level, weirdly similar to us.* Fungi break rocks, nourish plants, seed clouds, cloak our skin and pack our guts, a mostly hidden and unrecorded world living alongside us and within us.'
'That mutual coexistence is now tipping out of balance. Fungi are surging beyond the climate zones they long lived in, adapting to environments that would once have been inimical, learning new behaviors that let them leap between species in novel ways. While executing those maneuvers, they are becoming more successful pathogens, threatening human health in ways—and numbers—they could not achieve before.'
' (It was a fungal infection, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, that alerted doctors to the first known cases of HIV 40 years ago this June.)'
'In the 1840s a funguslike organism, Phytophthora infestans,destroyed the Irish potato crop; more than one million people, one eighth of the population, starved to death. (The microbe, formerly considered a fungus, is now classified as a highly similar organism, a water mold.)'
'In the 1870s coffee leaf rust, Hemileia vastatrix, wiped out coffee plants in all of South Asia, completely reordering the colonial agriculture of India and Sri Lanka and transferring coffee production to Central and South America. '
'They destroy one fifth of the world's food crops in the field every year.'
'So when the feral cats of Rio de Janeiro began to fall ill, no one at first thought to ask why. Street cats have hard lives anyway, scrounging, fighting and birthing endless litters of kittens. But in the summer of 1998, dozens and then hundreds of neighborhood cats began showing horrific injuries: weeping sores on their paws and ears, clouded swollen eyes, what looked like tumors blooming out of their faces. '
'In 2001 researchers at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a hospital and research institute located in Rio, realized they had treated 178 people in three years, mostly mothers and grandmothers, for similar lumps and oozing lesions. Almost all of them had everyday contact with cats. Analyzing the infections and ones in cats treated at a nearby vet clinic, they found a fungus called Sporothrix. The various species of the genus Sporothrix live in soil and on plants. '
'this fungus transforms into a budding form resembling a yeast. '
' there were accounts of fungal cysts growing in people's brains.'



Biofilm Plaque Tartar Calculus Calcification Liquefication Decay Matter Soup Fungies/prion/etc.
chm rxn/expo/accruuals/etc. precipitation deposition aggregation agglomeration medium modification etc. transforms etc.

Fungal cystulation - fungus - lesion - Sporothrix brasiliensis (osis)-ulcers lesionation

Neurocystcercosis - parasite - hole or cyst - tape or nematode (osis)- piting/holes/tularemiae typ/etc.

Nagleria Floweri - amoeabaes/coos/aminals/animals/etc. - plaque/cyst/hole/etc. (rf. various; boen inf mole type var)- trad ulceration/dampening/malacia/softening/variation/striation/variegation/pressure sore/inflammation damage (met dis/dis)/etc.; etc.

Immunosuppressants-alkylation agents-dna cystulants=graydenrosehurd-neanderheathenwalshwadepetersenetc.

'Where and when is it most commonly found? Naegleria fowleri is found around the world, often in warm or hot freshwater (lakes, rivers, and hot springs). It is commonly found in lakes in southern-tier states, but has caused infections in more northern states, including Minnesota.'

'sporotrichosis has been found in rats as well as cats.'

(osis) - cystulation by organism etc.
(itis) - presence of non-self organism or fragment (prion etc.)

fungus - brain nervous system aerosol osmotic diffusiatory gradients cellular genetory compressatory lungs blood matrice pore store biofilms rates nuclear

'To protect him, his body produced scar tissue that stiffened and blocked off his lungs.'
'It is so challenging that a new class of antifungals reaches the market only every 20 years or so: the polyene class, including amphotericin B, in the 1950s; the azoles in the 1980s; and the echinocandin drugs, the newest remedy, beginning in 2001. (There is also terbinafine, used mostly for external infections, and flucytosine, used mostly in combination with other drugs.)'
'Irvin has spent almost two years recovering; he still takes six pills of olorifim a day and expects to do that indefinitely. '

'In New Delhi, physician and microbiologist Anuradha Chowdhary read the early case reports and was unnerved that COVID seemed to be an inflammatory disease as much as a respiratory one. '
'Estimated fungal species: 5 million. Number known to cause human disease: 300'

Cardiovascular disease with calcification of keloid/plaque/biofilm depositions, secondary to immune system dysfunction with chronic sepsis/metabolite accruual/hypoxiaby pre-existing condition: genetic disease of metabolism/genetic disease. Mental Retardation Evident. Genetic disease manifested in infancy with immunosuppression, resiratory disease and mental retardation. Metabolic disease diagnosed by empirical evidence (Genetic Disease Verification utilizing empirical evidence).

Nagleia Floweri eats special Neurotransmitters proteins and fats etc. she digests very small protein (adenine, guanine, dna, cell, etc.) can survive for while.

'In nature, Aspergillus fumigatus serves as a clean-up crew. It encourages the decay of vegetation, keeping the world from being submerged in dead plants and autumn leaves. Yet in medicine, Aspergillus is known as the cause of an opportunistic infection spawned when a compromised human immune system cannot sweep away its spores. In people who are already ill, the mortality rate of invasive aspergillosis hovers near 100 percent.'

'During the 2009 pandemic of H1N1 avian flu, Aspergillus began finding new victims, healthy people whose only underlying illness was influenza. '

'In Baltimore, physician Kieren Marr was acutely aware of the danger. Marr is a professor of medicine and oncology at Johns Hopkins Medical Center and directs its unit on transplant and oncology infectious diseases. The infections that take hold in people who have received a new organ or gotten a bone marrow transplant are familiar territory for her. When COVID arrived, she was concerned that Aspergillus would surge—and that U.S. hospitals, not alert to the threat, would miss it. Johns Hopkins began testing COVID patients in its I.C.U. with the kind of molecular diagnostic tests used in Europe, trying to catch up to the infection in time to try to treat it. Across the five hospitals the Johns Hopkins system operates, it found that one out of 10 people with severe COVID was developing aspergillosis.'

'olorofim' - dental medicine veterinary medicine plant, animal with resistance and human with resistance become the drug including biofilm created by and from them to cause cofid scen

. auris already shows resistance to drugs in all three major antifungal classes. Aspergillus has been amassing resistance to the antifungal group most useful for treating it, known as the azoles, because it is exposed to them so persistently. Azoles are used all across the world—not only in agriculture to control crop diseases but in paints and plastics and building materials.

'The best counter to the ravages of fungi is not treatment but prevention: not drugs but vaccines.' vac wont work ; ref. principle of vac/vac premise. gen-mod prop with genotoxins on manufact/etc..
'gene that is key to its reproductive cycle, CPS1, has been deleted. ' gen mod propositions from psychotic wine italians and dfxt-mxdrc-germbruens-genmods-stoch-traffr-etc.

Gene dele and gen mod not vaccine principles/not vac premise. - UCLA

gen mod proposal with large scale and to seize reproductive mech by italy again...just say vics are unknowing inject them with niks stolen genetic nuclearized to rebuild/self-propagate according to your code-programming or light image genetics and infusion them with her pcr cells to facilitate long term stability of stolen shells/organs/brain/etc. in a traff ring without a cloak or amnestic drug when she breaks to russia.

“We would be flying the plane and building it at the same time,” Galgiani says.
Chainey v. China.
gen-mod and gen-deletion plasmid/etc. incorp into human (esp into human code/etc.) where human is vaccine/vac/inj/etc. recipient and vaccine is with/etc. dna/virus/gene/gene conditioner/deletion/gene/plasmid/sequence/phage generator/phage/viruslive/virusderivative/derivative/perturbation/stolen/life/prion/fragment/fraction/etc. or insert/delete/etc. into/to/etc. any or meios/mitos/etc. cell cycle alteration rel to baseline, occurrence/process/post-vaccine/cause/effect/outcome/etc. is not vaccine but rather is gen mod theft-conduit traff-gene-dissem etc. and by America-USA-INFRIT-IT-GERM-NORD-et-al.. (rf. petersen money laundering thru foster care enhostage-scientists/immigrants/etc. and enslaved population hidden/enslaved population etc.)
China wins. Chaney looses. 

Middle Feasty

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