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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

08-17-2021-2336 - South Park ideas continued...

1. South Park Idea: Mingele, Ching Chong, Long Duck Dong, Wane Chung, Chan Ching, Ching Chong Chang, Ching Chang, Chin Chin, Ching Ching, & Dr. Bob Bettey D.V.M., working together design a new technology to clone human in the 1900s. The create Stephanie Anton and make her a dentist. Stephanie and Dr. Bettey marry. Things in south park start to become unpredictable. (Loc USA/space)

2. South Park Idea: Sharon Petersen appears and things begin to go missing from the south park laboratory. Grigory catches Sharon Petersen and hands her off to Nikiya. Nikiya Grinds up her body after amnestic amputation of sharon in SSF state, and feeds it (the sharon remanents) to the laying family slaves at south park research subject holding facility (to design a human-prion diseased Cannible model of research and education). The laying family becomes very sick with HIV, COVID-19 appears and makes friends with Nikiya, and teaches nikiya how to turn HIV into highly infective leukemia virus type 1. Nikiya makes a name for herself in the underground, and sends a weapon to piples on CL1 that disappears after they open it. Then F.U appears in the laboratory with a message. Nikiya sends a return message and starts blowing up americans-cloaks-etc. with no trace (record and person connect and disint transfer and spread remains over all function); but F.U missed the message ack. Nikiya realized she was a genius and told grigory, and they... then the story ends and cartman is concerned that kyle will start a conspiracy. kyle and stan start a conspiracy to attempt to create an ending for a story with no ending. kenny dies in an accident. cartmen decide to not be their friend anymore, and kyle and stan realize that cartman was cloned; but now cannot find the original cartman. Cartman is taken to nikiya and grigorys nlab and learns to do lab work. stan and kyle make conspiracy about nikiya out of malice, and nikiya poisions the familys and CL1 with insecticide in the fields, until they fall sick with her virus. Grigory and Nikiya cease operations and hold for 100 years until re-release with refinements. (Loc USA)

3. South Park Idea: Mingele and Dr. Bettey are working in the laboratory together and dr. bettey realizes that he is not mingele and begins to become suspicious of her.  (Loc USA)

4. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey is amnestic and working on cloning operations in underground laboratory in USA, when mingele tries to explain the she is not the same as bob. She continues to say, 'not the same as bob', until dr. bettey understands that he is not mingele and is not the same kind as mingele. dr. bettey spirals out of control in confusion when he realizes that he is different than asians, mingele, and the world. Dr. Bettey designs an asian amoeba to be his friend, and talks to his amoeba. His amoeba has no resolutions to offer. Dr. Bettey decides to pretend or forget, because his amoeba has no amensia and therefore he cannot plea amnesty by amnesia to his amoeba/other people because of his amoeba friend that he has created and become attached to. Dr. bettey argues that no one exists except for what he creates; that means the only other person who exists is his asian amoeba that he doesnt like because she knows the truth that she is different than him (she is more intelligent than dr bettey and dr bettey realizes and knows and then becomes suspicious of his amoeba/creation/self/etc.). The amoeba begins to grow on dr. bettey until dr. bettey is making amoebas. some other lab worker finds dr. bettey with amoebas growing out of him and attempts to convince the amoebas to grow in the culture medium. The amoebas agree and leave dr bettey. dr. bettey wakes up and cannot remember what happened.  loc usa.

5. South Park Idea: Nikiya, Grigory and VIV dress up as goths and go into town to test their cloak. They go to sax fifth avenue and take photographs. Then they go home. loc usa.

6. South Park Idea: Nikiya, Grigory and VIV send their clones into town to test their cloak. They go to sax fifth avenue and take photographs. Then they go home. loc usa.

7. South Park Idea: Nikiya, Grigory and VIV send their clones into town to test their cloak on double connect, state match, record disint. They go to sax fifth avenue and take photographs. Then they go home. loc usa.

8. South Park Idea: Nikiya and Grigory decide that no one knows who they are. VIV show grigory a photo of his ancestor. Grigory looks for Grigory. Nikiya and Grigory start to look for Grigory. loc usa.

9. South Park Idea: Nikiya comes to the lab crying saying that sharon petersen has been cloned and replaced and has no memory that she is supposed to be dead and grounded. Cartman dutifully prepares to defend his laboratory. Sharon petersen begins to balloon, develops lipodystrophy syndrome and nikiya flicks leukemia her way. Only, sharon doesnt believe that sharons got a problem she cant solve. Sharon eternal dying cycle begins; fated same outcome, middle, origin. loc usa.

10. South Park Idea: Grigory falls ill with leukemia, one of nikiyas friends saves grigory and leaves to carry on with his project. Cartman works dutifully in the lab. Loc USA.

11. South Park Idea: Grigory clone gets taken to jail. Nikiya sends cloaks. Things begin to mule until nikiya gets her way. nikiya's cloaks can traverse the boundaries has power not religion; work not second hand; remains are stolen only. Nikiya poisons and sterilizes the whole country. USA took advantage as joseph smith and god told them to steal eggs; all eggs remaining were stolen and nikiya knows. Then she kills the remains by hand after escape from attempted enhostage by usa (theyre real parents are dead has an attribute ; the actual they dont exist except for stolen argument). afterwards she returns herself to her shell in USA, then USA cannot be cleared because of theft is communicated/evidenced by USA own enhostage situation of foreign/power/etc.. usa begins to sell people to foreign country but foreign country says no. then usa begins to plant people on foreign soils anyway to take over foreign soils, and foreign country kills them. then usa argues that foreign either become us or die. then world war four. USA dies of leukemia and gangrene, with foundations by nikiyas family. ice age returns and all persons supported by usa died from gangrene and leukemitic disease of the bone and blood, with degenerative prionation of the brain (melt and disint). Nikiya slowly disintegrates connects and planets of earth similarity after obtaining profile. Universe and Dr. Bettey last human words are alien. Loc USA. [removed real due usa malapprec]

12. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey gets poisioned when a mini reactor he was building accidently melts. He turns into the incredible hulk. grigory and nikiya and a tech find dr. bettey and move him. dr. bettey recovers gradually and has amnesia. nikiya tries to explain his name is dr. bettey, and dr. bettey tries to repeat his name as 'beattey' 'beatles' 'diobeatles' 'eobetti' etc.. nikiya mentions that dr. betetey may have condition deterior, grigory visits dr. bettey and dr. bettey says 'dr beatteys, dr beteteys dr. betteys dr beatles'. grigory and nikiya euthanize dr bettey. unfortunately he survives. dr betteys then develops a need for speed, and nikiya gives him meth. wallace bettey gives dr bettey tobacco and dr bettey recovers. grigory and nikiya treat dr bettey for virial infiltration and bacterial-parasitic-infiltrant multiplication-accruual. dr bettey recovers, but not his memory past point tobacco. wallace bettey and dr. bettey become friends. nikiya and grigory have an idea; nikiya refines nuclear idea nd; and chuck the data. petersen finds the data and steals their devise to form a plan and use maliciously to subjugate the world people. Petersen uses sterilytic to purify the fields and make more food; mass procreates herself and becomes obese, diseased and susceptible to HIB-HIV-Leuk. Then petersen blames nikiya and grigory. Then nikiya and grigory say F U and leave. Loc USA.

13. South Park Idea: Nikiya starts nuclear work. Nikiya reengineers nuclear structure to match biological structure. nikiya realizes she has to rebuild the human and begins working with team to rebuild the whole human (manual by hand from gen sig). nikiya leaves open references because she looks for slaves anyway even though amcans try to stop her from freeing her shell, reclaiming her shell and killing them all for stealing intellectual property from her by stealing her shell from her and leaving her a hostage on loc USA. Nikiya attains genius stature as her team completes all projects early and on time, to perfection. Then they all get killed. Their intel is disseminated to their clones. loc USA.

14. South Park Idea: Randy is concerned about spys. Nikiya shows up and catches jews-clones-germans spying with petersen. Nikiya poisons more fields, and amnesticates the germans. nikiya talks to germany and germany doesnt remember or have evidence. nikiya keeps rebuilding, by destroying deformed structures. nikiya attains nuclear winner status world wide by world want. nikiya calls aliens to kill earth. the aliens come to earth and start killing all life forms with nikiyas disease creations (only americans dont remember earth doesnt remember and the universe favors nikiya).

15. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey is recruited to join jesus christ and the golden assburgers the schitz and the sanctsfalsified religion. Dr. Betteys amoeba refuses to go to church and he kicks her out. Nikiya goes to meet brad and tells brad what his people did. Then nikiya releases DVT on earth. Brad and the church sing praises to nikiyas work. Dr. Betteys amoeba goes to church with him and begins to say 'redrum' repeatedly. Aziv explains to dr bettey that his amoeba has seen a stolen child at church who belongs to a distant person who could not possibly exist biologically concomittant with the raising father and they have delusions and lies that they projected onto dr. betteys amoeba instead. Nikiya calls poisoner 5 and the german-jew channel network develops incap amnes and neanderthalism with grayden until they can be profiled by graydens character as a single profile (with no scientist spotlight). nikiya then gives them leukemia with vsp collection. nikiyas amoeba develops spots and she cures her amoeba; dr. bettey's amoeba does not develop spots until after nikiya has cured her amoeba of spots. nikiya cures dr betteys amoeba, but wont cure the trafficker-stolen child, church-gang, gang, german-jew, etc.. nikiya earns foreign honors for leaving them sick. nikiyas prussian credentials from century past are restored underground where records are retained; the prussians become confused and say 'we dont know'. Nikiya sends amoebas and then they know, realize and sing songs to their amoebas. The united states tries to cover up the usa german-jew invasion of prussia and nikiya blows the cover by her amoebas who begin to argue with usa. then the prussians have peace and do not have to speak to usa ever again. AziV gets married and has direct line progeny. Dr. Layng Gets amputated and his family is evidenced to be hiding criminals/traffickers with stolen child. Nikiya does not give dr layng a god and he goes to long prison eternal sentence metaphor by/w/etc. death. dr. layng realizes there is no such thing as eternal life and realizes now that he is a criminal alone and dies rotting eating pus by german-whites gavaging him to death. (The amoeba should look like a pokemon ditto white without eyes/face/etc.)

16. South park idea: Nikiya develops a technollogy to have german people crave/ingest/eat pus after she purifies a protein and isolates gene sequence from dr layng canibal deceased. she chucks it to petersen. petersen spreads it to american-100% caucasian-amcans in her programs who contaminate sewers and spread the disease to persons not in program/unknown/etc.. Nikiya sends late message that germans are infected genetically-biologically with prion disease, tropical infectious disease, neuro-parasite, very tiny parasite (esp of voc, brain, blood, fat, protein, cell), etc.. petersen and usa ignore nikiyas message and decide to harm nikiya. one of nikiyas friends kills her and hides the body (1920)[no crime/not crime]. Dr. Bettey finds the text paper long after nikiyas death 1960 and realizes she was correct, its prion disease with a botulism reference. dr. bettey realizes that nikiya is a genius for referencing herself as botulism, nikiya. Dr. Bettey catches a similar disease in field later, thanks to dead scientist-nikiyas earlier paper. people of south park beleive that dr bettey became sick with prion disease nikiya botulism either or both when in fact he identified the disease in field only (as with nikiya create/find/etc. disease in field by self-hand not self product/etc.). neither dr. bettey nor nikiya had prion disease; but nikiya would use botox to kill muscles/bacteria/organisms/wrinkles/etc. (e.g. stop wrinkles). Nikiya gets escalated to all bioweapon class, and begins working on gross diseases strong diseases and fast diseases (lastly no trace extinctions, isolate exterminations, etc.). Americas ideas spiral out of control as they have no set point, baseline, perspective valid, reference, anchor, or stopping point - because of jew-germ-prion diseased-neanderthal-grayden petersenpsychosis genes-seq-etc. and the american degenerate state of fated destruction due origin of disease. America decides they want to look like barbie doll and mass traffick barbie the woman and begin stealing her shell, copying her, stealing and cloning her organs/kids/embryos/cells/sequence/gene/fertility/egg/material/product/etc. illegally, etc.. No one stops america. Nikiya and Grigory petition to defect and leave; americas prove themselves defective to detain or cause to circumstance nikiya or grigory and or etc., and get flashed and befailed. Then usa forget until usa can pretend nikiya doesnt survive the flashes or remember either; and nikiya writes papers to reveal usa inferiority-plans-disease-etc.. zombie-cans-usa attempt to infect nikiya with their own diseases, nikiya disappears. Grigory and Nikiya realize that somewhere they were cloned, and dont know who the originals are; they know america knows without evidence by ocular-handular-aurual actions of theft against scientists by the america theivular usa accomplice petersens use of stolen intellectual property to spread to usa  jew-germ-prion diseased-neanderthal-grayden petersenpsychosis genes-seq-etc. information without incrimination by evidence and with amnesty by amnesia argument. Grigory and Nikiya work to break their sanity, not amnesty. Nikiya cracks grayden and chaney and they fall ill with prion disease; nikiyas gang leaves the Grayden-Chainey gang infected by and at all who tresspass may same befall on usa/(removed for miscom prev) until one of us wins. Nikiya and Grigory use the antagonist forces and forces of hatred to spread disease to other hateful people. They realize the cascade carries on its own.  grigory nikiya set a time clock for prion disease of earth. and a VLPvsp disease clock for usa. Grigory and Nikiya set a death clock for themselves. nikiya and grigory realize that earth doesnt understand them and that they are aliens. they set a death clock for earth.

17. South Park Idea: Dr. bettey begins to fall ill with hiv-prion disease-dementia-amoebitis-leishmaniasis-hepashityl-gangers-leukemia-podis-etc.. chris walsh continues to poison dr bettey and accidently injures nikiya and bobs amoebas. the amoebas escape to goth land on nikiyas cloaked ships.  Chris walsh begins hunting for niks amoebas, and poisons her with standard CL1 organism parasites. The secret service euthanizes the standard cl1 organism parasites. chris walsh gets drugged amnestic abducted and amputates the secret service. chris walsh devises an obscene and lustful plan to traffick nikiyas kids. chris walsh develops grandiosity as he escalates with a religious fan base of demented people like himself, and infects nikiyas kids with his brownsomeness. Nikiya grants chris impunity for executin her missing kids and the children stolen from her shells/her/birthright/etc.. chris walsh flops back and forth to throw off usa as he goes through lands poisoning fields and killing people; help a usa help a nickle. grayden grants chris amnesty by amnesia and information without incrimination by receipt aurular ocular handular brainular, etc.. Nikiya poisons graydens family with rare genetic exotic type exio. grayden spreads the disease after his accomplices steal intellectual property by using disease bioweapon presence to weaponize on cl1 toward themselves on rapid time clock. nikiya denies them the antidote and sends executioners. They victims die and are reincarnated with no memory and no honors.

* note the amoebas look like pokemon dittos without faces and they are white.

18. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey developes amoesia, and forgets about what the amoebas are. Nikiya tries to cure dr bettey and tells him what some amoebas look like. Dr. bettey dies with petersen brain syndrome by stage five blow (hypertension, stiffening, slacking with decay and liqueficiation tension release, cardiovasular circul collapse periph gang, ns decay and cycle reduction, liopdystrophy xxy, chromesome rep decay and defunction, fattening/thickening/shrinking/laxing, brain damage with inflammation scarring, fibrosarcomas, conn tissue failure, heart failure, electro gradient dysf-dec-coll, etc.). Viv and nikiya leave.

19. South Park Idea: Nikiya considers perfunctory ambiguous on conditions of dysfunction/etc., and sparse/selective use of term disorder indicates science background. nikiya identifies condition deterior, with vague appreciation of mini reactor melt down near proximity CL1 amcan post-event discovery with time. The south park media wants information on old underground condition deterior, and nikiya/VIV decline.

20. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey begins to look for cloaks in his house (1968). Nikiya and the gang show up and Rabys Meb is making dinner. Nikiya shows dr. bettey the cloak and explains in a foreign language what dr bettey needs to know. She tries to explain using a mirror, and explain the amnestic drug by moving objects (object conservation was not the test, used as metaphor for higher order process-communication). She tells dr bettey to write down what he remembers. dr. bettey wrote a poem and put a farside comic on a paper (with his photograph). He asked for nikiyas number. She wrote a number down, and does not know if he retained the number or not. she told him the number and he memorized the number. she told him she has no number. dr. bettey called the number and found multiple people with a common prefix by telecom/directory/etc.. dr bettey could not remember if the number was foreign or domestic. and found a telecom/old/etc. printer. the printer rang. 

21. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey on halloween (1979) did not have a halloween costume that mattered to him. He discovered the brain transplant, and imagined building things including mini reactors. He began to collect guns and expand his gun collection for a lead reserve in case the energy went out. Cloaks came to visit dr bettey and tried to communicate with him in foreign language. someone said he spoke english but they didnt speak english. they brought dr bettey to their laboratory and told him to do some work. (they help dr. bettey). dr. bettey began working on projects underground, until he devised a clone and began to understand the way things work. Dr. Bettey met randy and the jeckylopes on separate occasions in the underground laboratory. He also saw an embryo named layng, and chris walsh and aziv. He met many scientists and their clones. they had to explain in non-memorizable (non-direct) words-language-ways-etc.. Dr. Bettey learned many skills, words, procedures, processes, etc.. Although he had no way to connect them to his own life without relearning the material properly and following the rules (as appropriate). He relearned the material, followed most rules, etc.. His memory was never fully returned to him or he make choice to try and separate two scales of one time unit or two dimensions of one life or etc.. Dr. Bettey read comics (The Farside) most of his life. Then go to church sometimes.

22. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey and Nikiyas amoeba meet at his front door at his moms house (1978-1988). Dr. Bettey almost didnt answer the door until the amoeba unlocked the door and opened the door because importent content message. A great flash of light and two cloaks. Dr. Bettey received a note. and Nikiyas amoeba went to leave. Nikiyas amoeba told him I'm real. Nikiyas coming have to be ready for her. cant cause her problems. The amoeba transformed and dr. bettey lost consciousness and decodingencoding ceased. Nikiyas amoeba came back into focus and explained that she cannot explain the calibration, time is up, nikiya is on her way, must be ready. cannot kick her out. she needs to leave the country and receive euthanasia.  Dr. Bettey regained consciousness, and found the note in his hand. The amoeba and her cloaks were gone.

23. South park idea: south park decides dr. bettey is the greatest criminal on earth. dr. bettey is dragged to jail with his accomplice criminals, etc.. He gets celled with wade and petersen. They reattain consciousness, and nikiya is deported from the country as conspiracy breaks out in USA. Nikiya deports her sister back to Germany. and receives gold stars for returning her sister product to germany, natalya bettey.

24. South park idea: Nikiya and the germans are discussing sister product development and design the 'nati bettey', a sister product like barbie (but never same sequence/etc.) who will help you find and be yourself with confidence in an amnestic drug world with retrograde event memory belief confidence impairment. Concerns are discussed including state elevation, flash imaging of sequence (sequence acquisition/hiding/theft/etc.), rate increase to cover sequence like barbie/equal barbie/similar to barbie/etc. (e.g. how to prevent product failure/trafficking by product/trafficker product/etc.), relocation operations (e.g. how to find/identify/recover/etc.), rescue operations (e.g. if thrown into ocean), etc.. Nikiya agrees. Nikiya suggests NOT-barbie/birthright/viv/grigory/sh/asia/russia/etc., polymer shell neutral with actual living organ grown in lab from STD/global type signature/animal/etc. NOT-barbie/birthright/viv/grigory/sh/asia/russia/etc. or human-designed reproduction cell unit that make itself by cloning without assimilation/etc. (also appreciation of manual design to yield unit that produce standard stock character child/product; reliable and to approach trafficking/assimilations/physics/etc. concerns-problem) NOT-barbie/birthright/viv/grigory/sh/asia/russia/etc. and where polymer shell possibly enabled to create from itself a non descript bald child like charlie brown with dot eyes and line hair (NOT-barbie/birthright/viv/grigory/sh/asia/russia/etc.). Sister product and her child should die at same time. child product made by sister product must follow same rules/have same standard as sister product, etc.. Nati Bettey sister product was very interesting to germany who working world wide as soon as possible to design and help others design the sister product.

25. South Park Idea; Nikiya returns her sister product to germany before dying of old age at twenty-eight years of age, she reports that the best she can do is deport the shell-remanent sister product adult back to her home country of germany (esp. where usa prevented salvage by germany of sister product at an earlier point in time; despite that sister product found nikiya to exist and did exist herself independent). Mengele calls upon nikiya in her amnesty and nikiya surprises him with her scathing intelligence. Mengele agrees to take nati back to germany and to try and find her someone to euthanize her. Nikiya thanks mengele and asks that he also try and euthanize nikiya's & Natalya's pets, including licorice, annie, jiji, cecile, freedom, peewee, zipidee, doodda, amoebas, rabbits, mice, birds, bats, etc..

26. South Park Idea: Dr. Bettey looks up his geneology to find that he is middle east (by a typo during the search and exhaustion while studying in veterinrary school). Dr. Bettey realizes that his mom is named: Rabia Malihim Baklava, and was a CIA agent in the 1800s to 1900s who worked between Saudi Arabia (Middle East, esp. West), Europe, Russia Border and United Shits of Earth (USA).  He realizes his father: Count Geschaf Wilhelm de Wallacia was a German man, with a friend named 'kibbles' (also a blonde handsome german man). Dr. Bettey learns then that his name was: Roubla Leo De Beatles, Frau Heischen Gan Chaufen de Louvia. He finds a friend listed as a connection on his geneology chart as: Niklah de viv. He is horrified to find that his mother was a great grandmother agent, who was rebodied with her husband. they made it through more than two lives to find each other, marry and have children together to make him (dr. bettey) each generation. Dr. bettey looks up niklah de viv, to find an obscure chart of white photos. The text is written in an extinct language. dr. betteys feels bad and stops looking at the chart. He goes to check on his mom, who has perfectly reassimilated. His mom offers him freshly baked white cookies.

27. South Park Idea: In the <(30)1970s-1990s, Dr. Betteys does witchcraft in his basement when a gang of petersens break into his moms house and into bobs basement. A girl in a cloak was trying to talk to dr. bettey because he was doing witchcraft time, when petersen broke into the basement the girl left bob to stop the intrusion; and another cloak appeared to uncloak and cessate the intruders. The cloak explained in another language to bob that these are of the United shits of Earth. Nikiya neutralized the petersens prompt and ordered them to leave in an extinct language. The petersens were forced out of the basement, out of the house, and thrown down onto the street. Ambulances and helicopters were all around. The second cloak called on phone. The girl cloak neutralized a bunch of emts, police and fire niggers, etc.. A great flash occurred and the planes were crippled. The ambulance burned. The equipment and people were destroyed and never returned. The CIA arranged for a duplication with equipment leaving without any pick ups (to ensure no recorded loss of equipment). Rables Malihim even offered them cookies.

28. South Park Idea: Nikiya working in an underground laboratory before her re release with Grigory, when they decided to pretend to be french for a day, but it was nikiyas idea and grigory wouldnt play along and was concerned that she was transplanted with a degenerate-petersen-wade-etc. brain. Grigory had to find her brain and return it to her. Nikiya woke up and couldnt remember what happened.

29. South Park Idea: Niklah de viv, sent a serf to send james bond to bob (1900s). Dr. bettey came out obsessed with james bond. But nikiya could not find where james bond went. Nikiya reported to grigory how do we find all of serf and james bond? Grigory had various answers over time. As the same scenario was reproduced, by one single party use of stolen intellectual property. Obscurance occurred by repeat, etc. (motifization by usa of scenario realized by theft of intellectual property by usa). Player variance did not improve outcome/etc., remedy/etc., etc.. Various outcomes anticipated, as correct scenario origin with origin point difficult to ascert-id with obscurance intentionale by amcan as an inherent aspect of amcan default psychopathology and overpopulation. Five point blind-unknown scenario. Nikiya considered to grigory that we dont know who the original were, and now we have to find at least seven to fourteen people maybe sixteen. It was considered that there may be more than sixteen players if the scenario was recovered, or proposed at all. If scenario reproduced may be even more players with bad guys impersonating the originals, etc..  It is an impossible scenario to occur without enhostage situation of niklah de viv and viv and etc.; without enhostage of james bond, the serf and all of a confined environment...where they are moving between systems in a contained surrounding system... The scenarios are all different in time. (Time passes) America is enhostage. America is in hostage. America Hostage. America also making themselves appear not hostage, and me and you rightless, etc.. (Time Passes) Nikiya considers to what extent would the original leave trace, evidence when not whole unit but what extent is passage able to recover entire human by any flash, cloak, model, image, cell, particle, clone, process, lifting/float/inversion/etc., etc.. What consideration to brain transplant, amnestic drug, radioactive distance incapacitation weapon, DIW, dusting, explosives, amnesia processes, clone, state match and connect and exchange and reroute or cessate or disintegrate or incapacitation, trihydrogen cation/ions/hydrogen/oxygen communciation operation system. etc., effective in surrounding-system of reference. Who design, who audit, who participating in design procedures and maintenance of design personnel. Must find prompt. Respect to Rabia Malihim Baklava.

30. South Park Idea: Nikiya and Grigory fall in love, only to realize that they have been framed and were both amnestic. Then they go back to their work. The next day they decide to have chemicals and cigarettes for a day, and sit at a table. Not a word was spoken. Grigory decides that the only thing to do is to work for death.

31. South Park Idea: Nikiya and Grigory found themselves in a hot air balloon over some weird american industrial state (1900s). Nikiya addresses concerns about error correction, error, etc.. Grigory smokes a cigarette and has nothing to say. Nikiya feels light headed and sits down. (Time Passes) The air balloon eventually lands, they get off of the air balloon and board a SS plane and head back to the base through warps. The go through base and down to lab. Then they go back to work on their projects for death.

32. South Park Idea: Nikiya decides to make a transient spiral locking mechanism with nuclearized particles adherant to dna-code-etc. (i.e. pattern-complexity-rank-order-sequence, etc.) regardless of medium, means, air, concentration, dna aberrations/replacements, alternative codes, including light flash obscurance/warping/etc.. Nikiya works very hard to design a killer particle that will evade detection and warp-t-def-e united states stolen child genetics without radioactive material, and melt genetics with other peoples minerals-similars-electrons-ions-negative explosive induction-etc.. Nikiya kicks out phd students and usa people. nikiya kickd out cl1 amcans and americans. Nikiya grows her hair very long and wears a dress when she works. Various equal scientists help her to design the particle; usa stole the intellectual property; stole her shell; put another person in her identity; and forced the new person to redesign the technology from scratch; of course with the stolen intellectual property. Nikiya wakes up on CL1 to realize that usa stole her ip before she even realizes they stole her shell. she works very hard.

33. South Park Idea: Nikiyas twisty particle is stolen by usa and sold by usa in antidotes including meth, chemicals, insecticides, acids, salts, drinks, food, medical grade, etc. (but not cellulose). Nikiya goes around town watching round brown and assaying the denaturation of the people she designates 'particle peporus'. Nikiya and Grigory wave goodbye to america, and work for death.

34. South Park Idea: Nikiya and a guy are working together on a project, he gives her a present. It's a Bettey-O. Nikiya thanks him kindly, and watches the bettey-o, but gives the present back to him. He then cremates the present. Present work for death, also. Grigory work for death, very happy to see proper humane retirement of present. Proper disposal techniques, methods, procedures, equipment, customs, rituals, times, etc., are reviewed.

35. South Park Idea: Nikiya 100% caucasian-amcan-blue-son brought into her working unit, she have working for death to do and exits the gang by guards. She designs or begins working on a separate project to turn the atmosphere into a carrier for her leathal weipienis/wepens/wipins/wipinis/etc., etc.. She closes project in a week completed. 

36. South Park Idea: Petersen appears in Nikiyas working unit underground and complements nikiya. Nikia poisons her and has her defucted from the room. Nikiya throws bomb flash powder over her and lights her on fire. Nikiya uses a magnetic rope to pull her across the activated floors and into the doorway, and closes the vault door with heated seal to sever petersen sharon into two. Nikiya grants herself new project honors, and designs another lethal project to poison all earth carbon.

37. South Park Idea: After nikiyas engineering of a large scale model of the united states old school stolen intellectual property scheme (one option of many listed), the smiths want to meet her but she doesnt speak english and says no word. She tell grigory later they need to die, work for death, begging death for more death. grigory had nothing to say. Nikiya worked on embryo engineering, and rapid alterations of state to cloak of embryo operations including chemical weapon dinsintegrants.

38. South Park Idea: Nikiya use disintegrant on self, but it didnt work. Grigory explained that she was in a partial field cloak and that her disintegrants or chemicals have been poisoned. The opportunity for death is now though - nikiya. grigory explained that sometimes americans soil the work for death. nikiya used a disintegrant on her leg until it worked and her leg disappeared. Grigory made her a new leg, and attached the leg.

39. South Park Idea: Nikiya learned from a fellow how to make teeth, and decided to make lots of teeth. She made many sets of Grigory's teeth from genetic signature, and gifted them to grigory. Grigory had to spend all night humane cremate the teeth, for sake of humane. Nikiya went to help but grigory must work for death alone. Nikiya left grigory alone. In the morning grigory told her not to use other peoples genetic signatures to grow organs for a gift/for them/for yourself/for someone else/etc.. grigory explain never for profit benefit make other peoples organs, or use signature, sequence, model, etc.. Nikiya learned important lesson or remembered. Nikiya agreed.

40. South Park Idea: Nikiya have idea to do without grigory knowing. Nikiya performed nine vault. Meanwhile, grigory looking for nikiya, and very worried. Nikiya could not hear grigory under nine vault, until open channel and request nikiya. nikiya ignored and say to go away. Nikiya decide to make disease to poison petersen and kill her by burning her cells with virus. After two weeks, nikiya came out from work because she have questions for grigory. Grigory was smile but not happy. 

41. South Park Idea: Nikiya had to escape after she forgot her nine vault project, escaped from grigory to design kill indiscrim weapon really fast to kill all even grigory and nikiya. Nikiya induced fatal mutation to particle by field warp and ceased at cascade with particle excision of randomness and unascertainable dimensionality-property-no id particle. She reported to grigory that she failed and needed to try again, she made the wrong weapon by accident. Grigory appreciate carrier particle or vector. Nikiya was very disappointed in herself by her failure.

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