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Saturday, August 7, 2021

08062021-1857 -

U.S. population at the beginning of 2021 was over 330 million.1
U.S. population is growing by over 1,600,000 people per year -- that's over 180 per hour -- about half from new births and half from immigration.1
According to Global Footprint Network data, U.S. renewable resources and waste absorption capacity can sustain a population of only about 150 million at current consumption levels.2
The U.S. population is using renewable resources and waste absorption capacity over twice as fast as these can be regenerated.2
If everyone on the planet lived like an average American, it would take over 5 Earths
U.S. population will double in the next 150 years. 
The average American is responsible for over 3 times the greenhouse gas emissions of the global average.5
slaves underground (is not immigrant when born-on-usa-soil-nac-dom-etc. or sto fr imm/etc. or delayed release, etc.) and enhostages with no body count released; excess emissions underground slave ring with stolen children/clones/cloak-cl1 traversation/etc. (ip) from birthright-family (1900s) post enhost; and birthright-fami-et al from 1900s et bf. frst doc knwn to amcan 1900s not 1992. US reports above indicate expectancy of rebodied life/artificial life/transform/etc. 150 y with half of populace intended to survive genetically by trafficking while the other half extincts.

U.S. population will double in the next 150 years. 

The average American is responsible for over 3 times the greenhouse gas emissions of the global average.5
slaves underground (is not immigrant when born-on-usa-soil-nac-dom-etc. or sto fr imm/etc. or delayed release, etc.) and enhostages with no body count released; excess emissions underground slave ring with stolen children/clones/cloak-cl1 traversation/etc. (ip) from birthright-family (1900s) post enhost; and birthright-fami-et al from 1900s et bf. frst doc knwn to amcan 1900s not 1992. US reports above indicate expectancy of rebodied life/artificial life/transform/etc. 150 y with half of populace intended to survive genetically by trafficking while the other half extincts.

Manufactured persons in of and by USA are neither immigrants nor USA citizens (standard immigrant or citizen classification of undocumented persons and/or persons) to confound slaves/hostage/pow/etc. release. Manufactured persons in of by USA are US citizens by std n-classification of undocumented persons (to prevent release of petersen-indoctrinants; and to prevent violence/abuse/use/etc. against advanced scientist projects/etc., esp. unfinished/original Highest equity design team original work stolen/pulled off project/etc. (does not include petersen expelled/pulled off project/etc. - petersen pulled off project is IP theft attempt by petersen or stolen product by petersen etc. = crime by petersen; when petersen on another's project is crime by default due petersen trafficker gene/trait/etc.; petersens own projects are either on base of/struct by/etc. stolen ip or failures)). 
Manufactured persons include gen-mod/deviations/integrans/derivation/derivations/perturbations/aberrations/clones/mass/disseminated/unk/unver/undoc/stolen organs-gene-sequence-particle-flash-image-structure-function-etc./stolen handled-etc./trafficker/polymer shell/shell swap/brain transplant/cell work/piecing/neo/novelity/stolen child (handeled/exposure/etc.)/etc., etc..

Immigrants, enhostages, pow, etc., and their trained/clone/etc. without perturbation/deviation/etc. etc. are not US citizens by requirement but should be included in body count without obsurance/obscuration/etc..

Immigrant is separate class from US citizen, enhostage, pow, etc. (by USA standard US citizen or Immigrant classification used by USA/Petersen/large expanding USA families/etc.). 

US Citizen is to group Amcans (inc. petersens et al. etc.); should not force immigrants/slaves/enhostages to US citizen for presence/right/prevent catastrophe/etc..

The above is never permitted for use in/of/by/etc. USA in processes/procedures/state/etc. of US citizenship granting/assess/entrance/question/leave/etc..

1. US citizen long time (A Type Asian, B Type Black, C Type CaucEu, D Type Lat, E Type ME, F Type Other etc.)
2. US citizen by birth (A Type Asian, B Type Black, C Type CaucEu, D Type Lat, E Type ME, F Type Other etc.)
3. US citizen manufactured by USA or on USA soil by US citizen (e.g. clone)
4. Immigrant
5. POW
6. Scientist
7. Enhostage
8. VIV-Birthright Cat (two et f; nt ty) [Non-Citizen, Non-US-Citizen, Scientist, Special Class Citizen, Immigrants, Enhostaged, POW, fram-ID by US cit, etc.]
9. Prisoner for Murder/etc..
10. VIV, Genius, Extraordinary, etc. (wrong classification by USA +100y with nigger additions to wrong class constituted by single man et only et framed by USA; single man only class abv. classific by earth/world/univ/etc.)
11. Similar to CL1 Genius assns, etc. choosen by USA (where usa put aspiring substitutes/doubles/stoch/second-in-line/covers/etc. that were chosen by USA)
12. Assns.
13. S
14. etc.
15. unk
16. n/a


New Topic

Note. England did have early colonies in America; and traveled to America from England. 
Note 2. Germany invasion of America damage quotient assessment required.
Note 3. America language is English. America country/land/etc. should be rightfully the property of England.
Note 4. England should shoulder no burden/cost/penalty/etc. and for the actions of America the  independent, etc.. (Reference. Revolutionary War 1700s est.; America wars against Great Britain/etc. 1800s).


New Topic

Events of 1941

With continental Europe under Nazi control, and Britain safe - for the time being - the war took on a more global dimension. Following the defeat of Mussolini's armies in Greece and Tobruk, German forces arrived in North Africa in February, and invaded Greece and Yugoslavia in April.

- Thank You Italy for prompt & humane execution to general. Note to countries to please do same for Italy (humane euthanasia of Italy general/etc. if lost battle/hostage/prisoner risk/torture risk/person in pieces risk/captive/lost/last/men lost/etc..). Order do not torture Italy; Please euthanize only when circumstance dire for safe release/etc..

While the bombing of British and German cities continued, and the gas chambers at Auschwitz were put to use, Hitler invaded Russia . Operation Barbarossa, as the invasion was called, began on 22 June. The initial advance was swift, with the fall of Sebastopol at the end of October, and Moscow coming under attack at the end of the year. 

The bitter Russian winter, however, like the one that Napoleon had experienced a century and a half earlier, crippled the Germans. The Soviets counterattacked in December and the Eastern Front stagnated until the spring.

Winter in the Pacific, of course, presented no such problems. The Japanese, tired of American trade embargoes, mounted a surprise attack on the US Navy base of Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, on 7 December. 

- Not Verified

This ensured that global conflict commenced, with Germany declaring war on the US, a few days later. Within a week of Pearl Harbor, Japan had invaded the Philippines, Burma and Hong Kong. The Pacific war was on.

- Japan was checking on surrounding territories in order. No war. Execution of AMCAN-infiltrants.



In the Pacific, the Japanese continued their expansion into Borneo, Java and Sumatra. The 'unassailable' British fortress of Singapore fell rapidly in February, with around 25,000 prisoners taken, many of whom would die in Japanese camps in the years to follow.

- Japan was checking on surrounding territories in order. No war. Execution of AMCAN-infiltrants.



The news of mass murders of Jewish people by the Nazis reached the Allies, and the US pledged to avenge these crimes. 

- trafficker-stoch execution with avenger pledge by usa


Anything that was moving and German was liable to be attacked from the air. - quote


The New Year saw the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz, and the revelation of the sickening obscenity of the Holocaust, its scale becoming clearer as more camps were liberated in the following months.

While the bombing campaigns of the Blitz were over, German V1 and V2 rockets continued to drop on London. The return bombing raids on Dresden, which devastated the city in a huge firestorm, have often been considered misguided. 

The Russians won, reaching the capital on 21 April. Hitler killed himself on the 30th, two days after Mussolini had been captured and hanged by Italian partisans. Germany surrendered unconditionally on 7 May, and the following day was celebrated as VE (Victory in Europe) day. The war in Europe was over.

The British advanced further in Burma, and in February the Americans had invaded Iwo Jima. The Philippines and Okinawa followed and Japanese forces began to withdraw from China.

 Some 100 million people had been militarised, in the wars (American Wars in six years min).


World War III (often abbreviated to WWIII or WW3), also known as the Third World War or the ACMF/NATO War, was a global war that lasted from October 28, 2026, to November 2, 2032. A majority of nations, including most of the world's great powers, fought on two sides consisting of military alliances. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, along with the recently reformed Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, was pitted against the Asian Continental Military Force.


HUMALS-LAYNGS-etc.: Germany, Europe, America, Islands/etc., degenerates, Latin America, Spain, Norway, Finland, Browns, Jewejs, niggers, azivs, amcans, manuf/clone/masscreationgrps/lablinegrp/masstraff line descendants-outcomes-etc./mass self-procreation line descendants-outcomes-etc./gen mod/stochil/traffr/diseased/psycho/crumb/doublecon/hybrid/etc., neo-colonies/slaves/extraterr colonies/undergrounds/hidden/uncert/undef/matricing always zer w vert zer crt/etc., Blacks, derivatives/deviations/derivations/perturbations/integrants/etc., etc..


UNIVERSE-GOD-etc.: China, Asia, Korea, Japan, Russia, Goth, France, Prussia, etc.. 

unk. Africa, Middle East.

Treasure Pet Holding Facilities - one count for each treasure pet mix - ...

e.g. india, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Greece, Bulgaris, Belarus, Belgia, Serb, Yugosl, Ukraine, sweden old, dane some old, Austria, Turkey, steve, etc.. special class high equity old race no corr only.

eg. Ukraine, Turkey, Serbia. special class high equity old race no corr only.


Treasure pets nikiya rescued while stationed in America - ...grands...more than can count.

Tactic: Rescue by default as pow until win. infallible premise heroism.


Nikiya's First Pass Invasion 1900s to AMCANACDOM-Decimate anerican-USA-Empire (FPI- AMCAN - NAC DOM USA <1900s)[<1920-1960/>]

the United States

See also:

First Known Use of American empire

1901, in the meaning defined above


noun [ C ]
/ˈem.paɪr/ UK

empire noun [C] (COUNTRIES)

a group of countries ruled by a single person, government, or country:
the Holy Roman Empire

The Great Galveston hurricane,[1] known regionally as the Great Storm of 1900,[2][3] was the deadliest natural disaster in United States history and the fifth-deadliest Atlantic hurricane overall. The hurricane left between 6,000 and 12,000 fatalities in the United States; the number most cited in official reports is 8,000. Most of these deaths occurred in and near Galveston, Texas, after storm surge inundated the coastline with 8 to 12 ft (2.4 to 3.7 m) of water. In addition to the number killed, the storm destroyed about 7,000 buildings of all uses in Galveston, which included 3,636 demolished homes; every dwelling in the city suffered some degree of damage. The hurricane left approximately 10,000 people in the city homeless, out of a total population of fewer than 38,000. The disaster ended the Golden Era of Galveston, as the hurricane alarmed potential investors, who turned to Houston instead. In response to the storm, three engineers designed and oversaw plans to raise the Gulf of Mexico shoreline of Galveston island by 17 ft (5.2 m) and erect a 10 mi (16 km) seawall.

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