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Saturday, September 4, 2021

09-04-2021-1448 - CIA Observatory Nine

CHAPTER 2 page 23 SUICIDE AND SPECIAL PATIENT POPULATIONS Of all medical conditions, cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are associated with the highest rates of suicide and suicide requests.(1) In general, the elderly are also at increased risk of depression and suicide. Requests for assisted suicide and euthanasia by these patients and others with serious illnesses have fueled the debate about the physician's role
in responding to these requests.
My Job: Suicide Allowed for HIV, stolen child, trafficker, hostage, Siboan Wade (Stage Five Aids Toxo), Smith, Petersen (Stage Five Aids Lipody), Mister, violence, etc. Active prion disease without transplant or assault - CIA 618 observatory nine.


Your Job:
You Go Here: At USA NAC.
Infarction: USA et al. deliberate mispositioning of massive nuclear weapons to frame foreign and justify exterminations already sanctioned  - SSF.

My Job
I go here: Nuclear Winner. CIA. 618.

Peoples Job - Find This, go there.
They go here: Long Term Care or hospice USA NAC.

Infarction: USA et al. deliberate mispositioning of massive nuclear weapons to frame foreign and justify exterminations already sanctioned - SSF.

1 comment:

  1. CIA Observatory Nine
    [USA Infarction: USA et al. deliberate mispositioning of massive nuclear weapons to frame foreign and justify exterminations already sanctioned - SSF.]
