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Friday, September 10, 2021

09-10-2021-0237 - Who is the Rise of the Moors militia group that stopped traffic on the highway in Wakefield?


Who is the Rise of the Moors militia group that stopped traffic on the highway in Wakefield?

Men involved in armed standoff sue state police, judge

July 27, 2021

Note 1. Request to release and return militia to Rhode Island; or euthanasia.
Note 2. Federal case is militia, return to rhode island for case; or euthanasia.

07-11-2021 - Note Draft
Rhode Island militia should be released at once. Please no harm to beauty, youth, fertility. Please no violence (please do not do four violence to them including any permutation/singular/etc. thereof; four violences: trafficking, sterilization, mutilation, amputation; please do not do violence; please do not do violences (pl); please do not torture (inc. drugs, antpsy, amnestic, nerve agent, pepper spray, parasite, etc.)). Please provide warmth, clean ground/air/room/etc. (clean facility), clean water, clean restroom (w/ special private sewer preferred), clean shower (special sewer preferred), laundry facility clean, hygiene product clean new, clean uniform and dry clean, barber (for shave/hair cut), tools (razor, nail clippers etc.), humane dentist (please no injury lost/dead/decayed/etc. teeth replace with dental implant - they may retain removed tooth at detention storage with possessions), amphetamine/antibiotic/antiparasitic/antifungal pharmaceutical optional (not with/to effect harm to beauty youth fertility), tobacco and lighter, coffee/caffiene, clean drinking water, clean fluids and viand-food (no infections), and safe private clean comfortable resting location. No charge or levy for detention (inc. by holding authority et al. (inc. presence etc.) no punish, tort, traff, trans, viol, extension/delay/excess, frame, coerce, lie-deny, etc.), no violence both sides. 

Please do not permit embarrassment (esp. in front of world, public, America, United States, USA, etc.). Please permit prompt and humane release and safe return home. 

Request to no charge, etc. (simple situation and militia status - USA territory Rhode Island, USA affiliate). Please permit clean release with no criminal records or citation to militia (militia is federal case)[including without detainment sentence unless irreconcilable - not key word, is circumstance only]. Status is Prisoner of War in prison. Please return all their possessions to them upon release, please retrieve to best of ability any lost/stolen/etc. items, please do not damage items, etc.. (fertility youth beauty not objects; organs/cell/biological material/biology/biohazard/biological product/chemical/reproductive material/genetics/gene/biology/chemical/physical/embryo/hair/nails/teeth/progeny/pets/dogs/cat/mouse/horse/etc. not items or objects, etc. - do not seize or return prompt or euthanize (please do not do violence, torture, etc.) - documentation provide). 

Please permit to keep rations/money/tobacco/vehicle/plane/guns/weapons/horses/etc., and over the duration of their presence/station/stay including after their leave/return home. Please return them home (Rhode Island, USA, NAC DOM). 

Please do not interface them to civilian level one (no mental health/public/private employee counselor/EMT/ambulance/social worker/low gov/police/indep state comps biz/etc.; government/federal/armed forces only (men same race older etc.) - no ment hlth/psy/etc..). They are armed forces and government equal only. Do not guantanamo, milprision, psychiatry, level one, low lev gov, stud, intern, research, experiment, nurse, public, private, out state prison, cross country out country prison, detain, prison, ward, psychiatric, BHU, MHF, etc., or expose their name/face/ID to low level worker/helper/presence/interest/employee/priv pract/emt ambulance/etc.. They may help w review of employees/domains; do not deescalate Rhode Island's status/position/intel/etc.. not CL1. Please comm upon request, and retain basic document. Their actions are rewardable at highest level of intel. Humane. Please do not levy a debt or levy the people. Please provide for them kindly without levy. They have very high intelligence and excellence of character. They are timely, very important matter.

Appropriate to award land in Maine to Rhode Island and Massachusetts. First award land to Massachusetts, then award land to Rhode Island. lastly states of original American colonies one by one to receive plots of land as permits/etc. (but only after Rhode Island and Massachusetts have chosen and surveyed/demarcated/mapped/etc. their resource/land plots/etc. anew and in Maine/etc.).

Rhode Island and Massachusetts require extension/expansion of colony immediately. Rhode Island and Massachusetts require more land immediately. Rhode Island and Massachusetts require more resource immediately. Rhode Island and Massachusetts require militia/armed forces/weapons/equipment/etc. increase immediately (and that what is under their ownership/leadership). Rhode Island and Massachusetts require more men for their separate armed forces immediately and enduring. Massachusetts is on the side of the right and rhode island is also on the side of the right. (Not political ref.). Massachusetts is of a higher federal tier than Rhode Island. Increased funding to Massachusetts and Rhode Island prompt and enduring is required. Increased funding to Massachusetts and Rhode Island prompt and enduring is requested. Massachusetts and Rhode Island are of the highest intel grade in the United States NAC (few others; e.g. Utah).

Note Draft

Illicit edit advisory, text remains, corrected early/orig/etc. text/s not locable in records. Editing remains/remanents. missing sections from CIA draft. Thanks.

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