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Sunday, October 17, 2021

10-17-2021-0233 - News and Considerations

Russia breaks record with over 1,000 COVID-19 deaths in 24 hours
BY LEXI LONAS - 10/16/21 07:06 PM EDT

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
Russia's daily COVID-19 death toll hits record high 968

1. Euthanize all missing, missing children, branches, particle, part, component, embryo, fetus, blastocyst, cell, gene, sequence, code, fragment, sample, gas, solution, infant, newborn, child, adolescent, adult, elder, shell, brain, matrix structure, structure, function, database faction, sect, section, fact, faction, secular, whole, part, aspect, existence, life, death, non existent, acellular life, wave, frequency, system, continued consciousness, neurostimulation additive/etc., etc., and in relation to the deceased, infected and infected-treated state of the covid-19 pandemic.

2. euthanize parents without progeny and their missing descendants/branches/etc., euthanize illegitimate/stolen/missing/etc. children/progeny/descendant/person/etc., euthanize trafficker/etc., euthanize children with no relative (parent generation of generation 1 (child generation 2's parent)), euthanize all foster care/adoption/guardian/social services/fertility bank/donation/possession/sample/etc., etc..

3. euthanize upon verbal action to request euthanasia. euthanize persons who seek or request euthanasia. Share the word euthanize, help euthanize, euthanize, etc.. Euthanasia only policy. No violence (euthanasia is not amputation, mutilation, sterilization, trafficking, torture, etc.). Do not violence (violence not necessary for euthanasia). Do no harm to beauty, youth, fertility, health, reputation, integrity, record, whole, part, etc.. For human and semi-human beheading and cremation, or prompt cessation of all biological/electrical/chemical/etc. function and cremation. Recommend to euthanize by euthanasia method that is complete, quick, painless, permanent, irreversible, prompt, etc. (with dignity of the dying intact). Suicide permitted. Do not donate. Upon death or in preparation of death euthanize all donation, fertility donation, storage, donated organ, etc.. Do not donate the organs/cell/life/etc. of euthanasia, euthanize all existence. Euthanasia, suicide and execution all cause death. Euthanasia and suicide are humane death (that is prompt). Deviation from premise by second party, including clone/etc. is a crime, death cannot be patient/experiment/etc..

4. euthanize hybrids, gen-mods, stolen genes/sequence/code/etc., humanoids, huminals, artificial intelligence, extended intelligence, continued or shared consciousness (computer basing and reaction principles with nuclear foundations and linear motion, signal by derivative-etc. of human), derivatives, integrans, perturbations, aberrations, deformed, degenerate, deprecant, disseminative, diseased, dangerous, deviant, disordered, dysfunctional, desecrated, vile, vulgar, violent, profane, permutations, recombinations (distinct existences (bodies/persons) with temporal coexistence or contemporaneous existence and distinct entitazation/existence or forced shared/occurred shared/etc., or extra-origin existences created by computer/human/etc., state of late entry, etc.), clones, resurrections, reincarnations, revivals, resuscitations, sally person (pieced organs/whole/exist/etc.), psychopathology, criminal, incriminated, rebuilds, shell swaps, brain transplants, stolen matrix, recellularized matrix, decellularized matrix, polymer structure organ, polymer artificial, polymer biological minced/clone/etc., electromagnetic matrix with and without implosion collapse, cloak CL1, distance incapacitation weapon, amnestic drug, DCAT, amnestic drug compound antatonist, structure amnestication, function amnestication, apparition/psychoacoustic operations, psuedo-body, artifical metabolic system, artificial body system, artificial body, etc..

* There was an issue with USA-NAC-DOM (1000-2020). petersen mass self procreating herself and trafficking high equity/etc. genetic lines. including thru her mass self procreation occurrance within or over the last thousand + years. possession of stolen intellectual property by irvine trafficker-petersen-USA-NAC-DOM-etc. trafficker gang. Mass trafficking operation occurrance by USA-NAC-DOM (1900/1800/1400 to 2000).

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