Blog Archive

Thursday, November 11, 2021

11-11-2021-1614 - Remediation Request to Google and to Address Unforseen Circumstance of Non-Intended/Coincidential Broadening of Drafts (Nikiya Anton Bettey's Drafts Non-Professional, etc.)

 Dear Google,

I apologize to trouble you, however, a myriad of non-professional drafts (fan art and fiction stories) have accidentally appeared on a Google search of my little sister's (year of birth: 1995; adult in year of 2021) name: Natalya Anton Bettey. 

Request to remove the links/artwork/etc. in relation to and of the person: Nikiya Anton Bettey, and from google search of non-self/separate person: Natalya Anton Bettey.

Any remediation would be deeply appreciated.

Thank You.

Respectfully Yours,

Nikiya Anton Bettey

Ps. Thank You, very much and again. I offer my deepest apologies for this unforseen circumstance... It would be deeply appreciated if you may be so kind as to remove my drafts from my little sister's general status Google search... 

Thank You. 

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