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06-07-2022-1042 - Rising Sea-Levels May Have Forced Vikings to Leave Greenland, Shows Study ; On this date 51 years ago, climate scientists predicted a new ice age was coming ; Hunting Antarctica's Holy Grail, Deep Beneath the Ice ; Outsiders Weather and Ice Age Watch: ‘Coldest days on record’ prompt BOM ‘volte-face’

 Rising Sea-Levels May Have Forced Vikings to Leave Greenland, Shows Study

By Ashmita Gupta17 January, 2022TWC India

What could have possibly driven out the mighty Vikings?

There are, of course, several theories attached to their perplexing disappearance, but the most conceivable hypothesis is climate change. New findings point to ice sheet growth and sea-level rise as the causative agents of massive coastal flooding that inundated Norse farms and ultimately led them to desert the region.

“The literature suggests that Viking out-migration was forced by the climatic shift from the Medieval Warm Period (~900-1350 AD) to the Little Ice Age (~1350-1850 AD) when environmental conditions became unfavourable for continued settlement,” reads the abstract of the presentation at AGU.

By sheer luck, when the Vikings first arrived in Greenland in the 10th century, the region was experiencing a warmer climate which allowed agriculture to flourish. And the group continued to enjoy this warmer climate for the next 500 years.

However, between the 14th and 19th centuries, Greenland experienced what is known as the "Little Ice Age".


On this date 51 years ago, climate scientists predicted a new ice age was coming

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