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Saturday, July 9, 2022

07-09-2022-0344 - The United States of America Armed Forces women are in Dire Need of Marriage and Procreation and Progeny.

The United States of America Armed Forces women are in Dire Need of Marriage and Procreation and Progeny.

The United States of America Armed Forces females, women, etc., need marriage and progeny.

Please no trafficking, slavery, peonage. Please no violence harm torture to them.



Note. When USAF female prepare to marriage procreate progeny, may or may not have extra options; please ensure to the highest extent of capacity that progeny including multiple progeny delivered by the procreated, with conception pregnancy delivery etc.. Request to euthanize all missing/stolen/etc. infants/descendants/embryos/conceived fetus/fetus/conceived egg/fertilized egg/conceived/progeny/baby/etc. at any age in which the missing/stolen/etc. infants/descendants/embryos/conceived fetus/fetus/conceived egg/fertilized egg/conceived/progeny/baby/etc. is/are found (i.e. identified/considered/etc.).

Dating for USAF is insource (through USAF) or outsource (online). Dating websites: Pof, zoosk, eharmony, okcupid, etc.. Requirement is location, date/time, persons. 

Purpose: Marriage and Progeny. 

ASIDE Progeny and Intimate-Relationship (usually uncertain requires long time relationship before marriage commitment, this is most common). Funds are relevant, men please accommodate. Leap of faith copulation procreation progeny allowed. Process Clean up, Meet, Clean Up, Copulate, procreate, progeny. Contact information and communication is paramount. Please be respectful of the man and his privacy. the man may need multiple suitoresses, etc.. Please consider in advanced euthanasia option for progeny/etc., also physician should accommodate USAF women to ensure that there no situation occur where USAF female (including male) have difficulty obtaining a self-clone progeny, brain sequence clone progeny, progeny with donor sperm legal, progeny semi-progeny near-descendant etc. (even in absence of fertility and mate), progeny, etc.. In vivo preferred for all women. In vitro for men.  The progeny may become  from copulation, conception, procreation, pregnancy, delivery, progeny. The pregnancy for USAF female is critical, each check point from copulation to delivery is critical. Trans abdominal ultrasound clinic or ER for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy check; STD test optional (hopefully clear usually single antibiotic course for bacteria) same for MRI brain (never necessary). Please do not stamp virus or weird diseases on USAF women/men some have bioweapons background. Please no violence harm torture to them; please do not sterilize amputate mutilate traffick etc.. Please euthanasia only of the USAF female if no mate, no progeny, afertile, sterile, no set, missing set, bad set, stolen set, stolen ovary, missing ovary, dead ovary, missing infant, miscarriage, failures, contraceptives, abortion drugs, no husband, no marriage, no man, no love, no sex, no copulation, no procreation, no pregnancy, no delivery, no conception, no family, no child, no fertility, missing component, dysfunctional set component, afunctional egg, etc.. Physician check point is critical, no CART team under any circumstances, no arrest, no psychiatry, no psychiatric care unit, no abduction, no break enter, no involuntary institutionalization, no treatment, no experiment, no exploitation publication, no use/etc., etc.. Please euthanasia of all missing/stolen/etc. infants/descendants/etc. at any age in which they are found. Please replace afertile defective etc., set with reproductive organ set grown from genetic signature/origin point/blank-blank innoculation cultivation development/etc. with beauty youth fertility structure function intact that may procreate bear have progeny always viable 100% success rate. Innoculated artificial organ ovary, etc., may be permissible for USAF women that withstand greater conditions and require a reproductive component fully functional that may procreate without further obstacle. (procreate and facilitate bear/have progeny by womb or internal cavity; please no damage to ovary including fallopian tubes connectors junctions etc.). Please address ectopic and out of womb impregnantation prompt to ensure no afertility outcome and no irremediable permanent damage to internal components, fertility, etc.. ectopic should be addressed prompt and in a manner that would reduce likelihood to outcome of gross damage such as ovary loss, afertility, loss of last egg, miscarriage, difficult procreation/conception, total loss (no fertility remains including in spare or second ovary), internal gangrene, misdiagnosed condition, unidentified pregnancy, etc.. USAF women require storage for original organ including afertile damaged etc.. Many damaged organs repair successfully without trafficking. Again, the USAF women require that each and every one of the USAF women have a reproductive organ set with beauty youth fertility structure function intact that may procreate bear/have progeny always viable 100% success rate.

(including litter capacity for USAF et al. veterinary team always (including civilian veterinarians); and maybe with some litter capacity for regular USAF). Thank You Dr. Bettey D.V.M. & Equine Medical Associates, Inc., UC Davis, Veterinarian, Veterinarians, Scientists, Animals, USDA, FDA, FBI, DEA, Dentist, UCLA, Brown, Nuclear Reactor, Power Plant, Department of Education, Textbook Writers, Mr. Perry, Engineer, Mechanic, Physicist, Mathematician, Laboratory Scientist (old school), Computer Scientist, Chemist, Bioweaponists, 1900s Noble Prize French, Russia Turkey, Prussia, Persia, etc.. 

Thank You also Asia beauty surgery, Middle East rebodiment, Africa equity holders/security.

The USAF women require that all USAF women checked by man from special forces all the days of their lives; except special class women. May require implants to screen. Please do not expose implant to nuclear radiation, melt, explosion, etc.. Implants used should not melt down or explode upon exposure to nuclear radiation and should be engineered to withstand the pressure-time-frame-space to reassimilation (tolerance).

Mate Procreate Euthanize Progeny Split, is always allowed please try to save the first one anyway (please remind a sister to spare one; but euthanasia only for missing/stolen/etc., including change of heart at any age. however this cannot become a circumstance where woman has no progeny and doesnt want euthanasia; may euthanize both woman and progeny. if both man and woman ran out of fertility after first progeny then both may each try separately for new progeny etc.. The biggest thing here is the male bachelor who need many women. He need to have option to keep all prime, best, etc.. Please help yourselves women but no steal please thank you. Euthanasia only if issue (fragile deformed etc.), should never be an issue. Please euthanize deforms, malforms, half amputee, sterile, afertile, missing eye limb, blind, paralyzed, etc., or repairs prompt by federal grade agent male same race no shell swaps to another race no hybrid brain no games please dispatched by federal government USA NAC DOM, special forces special technology please do not bomb/intervene/seize/stop/etc. them. Please release all captives acquired by the aforementioned maneuver or in relation, including infiltrating/intervening/intercepting the aforementioned maneuver. Federal grade SF may repair; max capacity repairs without trafficking slavery peonage; particularly without trafficking etc. are highly encouraged. Reattach tubes, limbs/fingers, reinnervation facilitation reconnection implementation, pressure stabilization depressurization pressure equilibration, eye channel reimplementation with cellular point restructuring (addition or replacement) or implant (to support vision), reshelling equipment/flash imaging, blanks, etc. (standard ambient environment CL1; please accommodate all environment). Whatever methods to be used should be top grade only. Please be mindful and kindness of racial transitions, times, including ranks (sometimes exceptions), etc. (as well as your physical appearance, health, hygiene, etc.), etc.). The female only progeny critical is her only job after USAF.

Do recommend marriage and progeny federal task force and federal euthanasia task force. Do recommend task force for mating, copulation, conception, procreation, supervision, pregnancy, delivery, anti-trafficking support care of USAF women (100% men from origin not boy to girl, race to race, kind to kind, etc.).. Particularly pregnancy, mating, procreation, delivery, progeny process support for USAF women but only by Special Forces Men of same race with assigned duties and that enter unit with federal authority to perform reattachments, repairs, mitigations, replacements, euthanasias, antagonist drug, etc.. 

For civilians please do not attack USAF women because no federal task force currently implemented to public domain to serve both USAF and GP as it concerns euthanasia, etc.. Very critical. USAF women do not have pregnancy support by law and retain the order and authority to deny all pregnancy care, especially from the USA, USAF, GP, etc.. The USAF women beauty, youth, fertility is paramount; the pregnancy and procreation is the only honor in their lives that counts, is the most important occasion in their lives especially when positioned at the interface between birth to death and civilian general populace. Same for birth to death. It is considered to discourage separation of woman from her equity, regardless of her shell, status, health, condition, stigma, fertility, evidence, youth, beauty, etc.. The woman equity may not be evident by her physical appearance. 


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