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Monday, July 11, 2022

07-10-2022-0833 - Thank You, NCIS NAV MIL

Automatic reply: The United States of America Armed Forces women are in Dire Need of Marriage and Procreation and Progeny

ContentMgr <ContentMgr@NCIS.NAVY.MIL>


Sun 7/10/2022 2:59 PM

Thank you for your interest in NCIS. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as we can.

To contact a specific field office, please visit our website for locations and contact information:

07-09-2022-0344 - The United States of America Armed Forces women are in Dire Need of Marriage and Procreation and Progeny.
The United States of America Armed Forces women are in Dire Need of Marriage and Procreation and Progeny.
The United States of America Armed Forces females, women, etc., need marriage and progeny.
Please no trafficking, slavery, peonage. Please no violence harm torture to them.
Note. When USAF female prepare to marriage procreate progeny, may or may not have extra options; please ensure to the highest extent of capacity that progeny including multiple progeny delivered by the procreated, with copulation conception pregnancy delivery etc.. Request to euthanize all missing/stolen/etc. infants/descendants/embryos/conceived fetus/fetus/conceived egg/fertilized egg/conceived/progeny/baby/etc. at any age in which the missing/stolen/etc. infants/descendants/embryos/conceived fetus/fetus/conceived egg/fertilized egg/conceived/progeny/baby/etc. is/are found. 
Thank You.

07/10/2022 0258PM 

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