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Monday, July 18, 2022

07-18-2022-0522 - SSA Drafting


1. Physician Verification of Disability Letter

2. Father or Parent Letter of Observation (Appeal Letter, Letter to condition, etc.)

3. Self Appeal Letter or Letter of Observation

4. Medical Record Brief Summary

5. Verification Note of Medical Record Brief Summary

6. Sources (Raising Parent, Primary Care Provider (walk in), School Exam, Nurse, PA, Sibling, Grandmother, etc.)

7. Consideration of Extenuating Circumstances. Auxiliary Documents. Non-liability clause, the patient is not the primary care provider, etc..

8. Codes: ICD and SSA.

9. Support for Code ICD, Support for code SSA.

10. Exemptions for progeny marriage work career deviance-(ageing, insufficient fund, survival, crime victim, change) etc..

Appropriate Code Types

1. Code 100 Failure to Thrive (Final Adult Height <6'0; or verified low weight or verified low birth weight including implied (clemency appropriate some circumstances); please clemency to worked, married, increased weight, etc., full exemptions required. especially with circumstance at USA NAC DOM) [Baby or Child ; Minor]

2. Code 12.03: eating disorder restrictive type (order do not gavage, violence, increase weight, or impede/stop weight reduction behaviors; weight is not the same thing as pregnancy, please facilitate mate procreation pregnancy progeny; thank. no sterilization amputation mutilation traffickation. no trafficking slavery peonage. if issue non remediable realistic account individual then euthanasia only no delay.) [Adult or Adolescent ; All Ages]

3. Severe Injury: 
Acute (swelling, inflammation, wrinkles, weight gain, ageing, suffering, big thighs (american thunderthighs look or thick), blown round, barrel chest, hunch back, jelly abdomen, jelly person, filariasis legs, lead pelvis, sawed off hip joints, teeth change (filed teeth), face bone structure, skull injury, bone injury, neck injury (inc short trunk neck), etc.). Requires reconstructive surgery rebuild artificial organs, possibly rebodiment, progeny, etc..
Chronic (materials, needs reconstruction rebuild or rebodiment ; possibly artificial organs, may require new reproductive system (or component such as ovary teste tubes multiple etc.) grown from genetic signature etc. or blanks inoculation etc. or embryo cultivated etc.; etc.. needs progeny, etc..)

4. Circumstance and Time

5. Code 11.00 [Adult ; All Ages eligible]

6. Code 112.13 ED restrictive type anorexia anorexia nervosa [minor ; All ages eligible]
(do not increase their weight)

Note. Each one need reproductive organ system with beauty youth fertility structure function intact that may procreate have bear progeny always viable 100% success rate. (clone, semi-progeny, etc.). No trafficking slavery peonage (federal statute federal law federal government USA NAC DOM). No violence harm torture. If need new reproductive organ system please refer to University (clinic or hospital; please call first by telephone to inquire about procedures options for organ transplant reproductive artificial etc.), Federal government, armed forces, special hospitals, even referral through PCP, testing facilities, etc.. Sometimes in incidents, federal government or special forces may support remediation without further elaboration, due security, etc.. However, we cannot employ the secret service or special forces at civilian level because they federal government. Also americas have no conduit to differentiate the two on civilian platform (imposter and real).
The method must be approved by federal government, for large scale implementation. Because of intellectual properties, there have been concerns about frayed american structure that has not been reconstructed to support the actual need of the modern people without divergence or splitting channels. 

We cannot have them shunted by incrimination, pathologization and criminalization as a warfaring entrance of variety when niki is leaving or being tortured to death with history as xlif builder, birthright of prussia greece, vasiliki raising eldest daughter, agent blue, don of prussia, mag, 618, etc..

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