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Friday, July 22, 2022

07-21-2022-0745 - various considerations DRAFT



Address201 Presidents' Cir, Salt Lake City, UT 84112


Main Office: 120 Tillson Farm Road Amherst, MA 01003-9346

Tel. (413) 545-2488

Address: 181 Presidents Drive AmherstMassachusetts 01003-9313


UNE Online. (855) 325-0896

Note. Do not go to Maine. 


General ASU phone number: 855-278-5080 (available 24/7)

General ASU email:

Note. Do not go to Arizona.


Note. No trafficking slavery peonage please thank (federal government of the united states of america). Please no violence harm torture.

Note 2. Equity may consider sending correspondence to institutions in circumstance of aspiration to marriage and progeny. Please no low equity. Please no violence harm torture by community, low equity, etc., to equity. Please no violence harm torture to community residents. Please respect privacy law reference federal government, federal statute, HIPAA, etc.. No permissions to seek, rob, steal, lie, cheat, etc., the equity. 

Note 3. Low equity is dating community, including online dating websites, in community, dating, relationships, etc.. Please stay in community. Men should visit women not vice versa.

Note 4. Fund source required to date. Either independent fund (working, beneficiary, etc.) or dependent fund (parents, etc.).

Note 5. Women with benefactor do require permission in advance of date, marriage, procreation, progeny, etc..

Note 6. No requirement for equity to possess, retain, mobilize, etc., body, beauty, youth, fertility, etc.. 

Note 7. For auxiliaries, etc., no harvest/etc. please. May require federal government of united states of America to supervise proceedings, etc..

Note 8. Please euthanize all missing/etc. infants/etc. at any age in which they are found. Please report to origin/biological parent/biological parent component/person/etc. with documentation, should be available ongoing. Origin is not the theif, the helpless, etc.. No surrogates please thanks. No search seizure, no search on equity; federal grade operations federal special forces federal agents only men 100% caucasian (or white no race) for caucasian and in  operations/etc.. etc.. Please do best to return missing organs, infants, etc., federal government USA NAC DOM (auxiliaries should be put into line or provided with guidance direction etc., no benefit of doubt exist). Do not substitute equity with inferior equity organ, equity requires clone of original highest equity that match shell etc.. 

Note 9. No intellectual property theft.

Note 10. Reply timely or close. Woman cannot reply timely or close always. Man choice. 

Note 11. Please do not permit break enter or abduction of equity.  Please do not use DIW amnestic drug implant on equity. thank.

Note 12. Equity cannot travel, go alone, spontaneous, etc.. Equity has no crime, path, incrim, etc., ever. Please diffuse all people bombs as it concerns equity. the people are jealous inferior and dangerous to equity.

Note 13. Please do not violence harm torture to national-equity-earned (not genetic beauty youth feritlity etc.; not exchangeable) etc.. including SS, dean, headmaster, governor  good men, good women, their families, their people, etc..

Note 14. Equity genetic beauty youth fertility is inherent and never permitted to be exchanged provided acquired by equity-earned group. equity-earned seeks to increase their genetic equity by study humane and reasonable means and intellectual property help to improve their own genetics overtime without theft, trafficking, sterilization, amputation, mutilation, violence, harm, torture, lie, cheat, steal, etc..

Note 15. Please watch the equity and do not use for exploit, crime, disease, etc.. Thank You, civilians for watching over the equity. Federal Government of the United States of America, please be humane to the civilians, etc.. Please reward them for their excellence, and facilitate their marriage arrangement, procreation, progeny, fund, beauty surgery, rebodiment, artificial organ, storage for their original organs/shells, protection, privacy, beauty, youth, fertility, security, decency, dignity, reputation, time honored image, good character, intelligence, respect, lines, intellectual property, rights, weapon possession/etc., integrity, defense, euthanasia right, genetic selection right, chemical right, life, choice, thin, equity, health, options, innocence, non involvement of them, non implication of them, non use of them, employment, perfection, record, honor, achievement, attainment, good standing, tall stature, non intervention of them, support of them, armed forces of their own, etc.. Please do not permit intervention of them and by another/others/groups/gangs/etc., especially in a manner that may disrupt community or be a danger to physical safety and/or life.

Note 16. Equity, elegant beauty, time honored image, etc., do not have motive, plot, plan, scheme, crime, psychopathology, pathology, incrimination, etc.. Please consider that everyone else has plot to do harm to them, steal their shells, steal their kids use their kids shells breed their kids, steal their kids and parade, mutilate violence them, impersonate them, steal their intellectual property and impersonate them, steal their genes to climb ladder faster over them by them through them, etc..

Note 17. Albinization of browns (including all caucasian low equity) recommended for survival. Disrecommendation to trafficking, violence, sterilization, amputation, mutilation, harm, torture, etc.. 

Note 18. Do not recommend enter. The person should visit the higher equity. The woman should never have to visit the man. If they do the circumstance is of critical time limitation and precedence.

Note 19. MA is clear. Traditional American colony zones, states, regions, etc., clear (hierarchy of clearance).

Note 20. UT-AZ-ME-CA. 

Note 21. TX-FL-NY

Note 22. Low equity is not necessarily restricted to dating online or community. It is difficult to take seriously correspondence when too many standards. Standard should reflect traditional highest standard only (esp. America colony, europe, england, russia, church, catholic, orthodox, etc.). Not standard low italy court. However, we like some of the resumes, etc., thank you. They say something if something comes up sometimes not always. America/they/you/etc. Never said or say anything to niki please dont worry niki is leaving USA NAC DOM for tobacco and surgery and to see her old brown people in europe or forgotten country of documented land.

Note 23. Jokes are not appropriate.

Note 24. Truth is better left implied sometimes the line is thin; the exception is earned position or career woman. Decency propriety proper tradition the confines of behavior, proceedings, etc.. Do not ever pin the truth on career woman, she never say a word; even left unsaid. Career woman is of highest reputation of decency, permanent and earned (validated, verifiable, verified, etc.). The young girl proper is good but sometimes they can end up any way...

Note 25. Post office please check the mail to ensure that unopened. Office should verify that mail received. Please retain a copy of all mail sent and received. Can save for a scrapbook or throw out.

Note 26. Remove all influence, auxiliaries, etc.. Remove aphrodite from proceedings with Venus and especially where albino in line; remove venus and aphrodite when albino in line even gen-mod. Snow White is not an albino, a branch/variety of albinism or genetic recession or genetic preparation (depends on the process of production/generation/cultivation/creation/support/modification/etc.) or descendant or etc.. albino trad is red iris white white. Albino Special class may reference grey vars. Albino mod/new/var is may be green blue etc.. There are many systems of classification some old. Not all equipment can consider all values, not all values recordable maintainable etc.. 

Note 27. Grey iris albino is either white no race line (very old or derivative) or asian.

Note 28. Red iris albino is either very old or genetic modification.

Note 29. Blue iris white white is like green iris white white. light colors. usually branch, descendant, generated modified env/sig (albinized and stopping point, bend considerations, etc.), etc.. 

Note 30. No brown white white exist equity.

Note 31. Black grey, black black, white white white, white white black, black white black, etc., all SS no race white very old ; no system to verify remain at CL1 or exist ever.

Note 32. Real scientist has special line rest frauds. thank dr. bettey d.v.m.. Therefore it is no cost to you to receive the gift of veterinary albinos like creme locus, cremello, white horse black main tail, albino varieties, clones, modified in utero/invivo/invitro, etc.. We just dont want theft, lie, cheat, steal, etc.; inc intellectual property leave veterinary inc veterinary-engineering (never chin bio, biology, etc.), etc.. We also dont want clones stolen, or cloning of russian snow white off the docket she needs private physicians male same kind albino 100% caucasian or white, etc.. Again no trafficking slavery peonage. no violence harm torture. thank you. please abide by all rules to the highest extent of your competence and capacity by your actions not word type.

Note 33. Black green, taliban, black blue, wattle bat grey, black grey black black etc..

Note 34. Taliban should be referred home when found. Albino dinosaur and bear should be returned to russia. blackest black round head with large white teeth and perfect frame should be returned to africa. grey eye asian should be returned to japan. equities of foreign countries should be returned. Permissions should be required by foreign country authority generator before marriage of descendants of equity/etc. (inc lab made descendants, inspiration made descendants, modified descendants in likeness by inspiration, etc.).

Note 35. Good luck guys.

Note 36. did not reread extra stuff for clarity. not necessary to retain. just reminders and etc..

Note 37. Euthanize by Age thirty to forty if no marriage progeny prospect happiness line decency equity proper-purpose-to-retain etc.. National objective claimed as world objective is not proper purpose to retain.

Note 38. Do not gavage the equity, or put weight on them, etc..

Note 39. Men of caliber may also write.

Note 40. middle east notes that child marriage is an arrangement only and never through the front door. stolen project, property, etc..

Note 41. is impermissible for operations that is subjectry exclusively and must suit common objective. Noveaus should be euthanized (this is not the same as snow white R, etc.; reference clause 37 for snow white R; no women/aged/child/race/etc. permissible know including low equity). Noveaus include variety deceptions shell modifications impersonators bone transplant hallmark stolen property and brown or unorthodox. Unorthodox not same as kimimaro. Unorthodox is not same as brown parents, etc. (inc. I was brown before...; I dont know how this happened; my iris got lighter with age; my hair turned white in old age; etc.). 

Note 42. Middle east creations are documented, known to a middle east scientist, guarded, cared for, respectful/private/invisible-type-people/etc., etc., they are permanently extremely different than america made, stolen intellectual property, stolen pieces of middle east property, etc.. Do not approach, etc., these even in cloak, etc.. Thank. Please leave them alone, etc..

Note 43. Foreigns may write. In race. Men of Calibre. Women of Equity. Men of Equity. Women of Calibre.

Note 44. Layng is a wavy brown nigger. But because of his height he may write. he is also slim lean, therefore may write twice.

Note 45. Also welcome to write are persons in circle of weapons, equities, etc..

Note 46. No petersen smith wade USA NAC DOM et al., please danke.

Note 47. Grandpa Clauberg is watching from heaven.

Note 48. SS. Law is similar to unlimited statute of limitations. 

Note 49. Kor Bear and Round Head and Slim and Jap may write. Including great leader, equities, etc..

Note 50. Shellular features may write include permanent features.

Note 51. Reactor man may write. Including reactor woman. Including its, etc..

Note 52. Miners may write. Not mama ever.

Note 53. Mechanic may write, but usually mentioned second and purpose etc.. else declined. purpose marriage progeny, may go with him not the other way.

Note 54. Removing and relocation is common to flatter the higher equity.

Note 55. Black stallion, stal, brood mare, never write ever. They situated together. should never be a circumstance another way. If occurs, critical precedence.

Note 56. Where equity USA NAC DOM swarms with herds of genetic disease and imposters, do not be the befall of your own or fall quick.

Note 57. War heros, veterans, lords, elegant, warrior, etc., may write.

Note 58. The second, third, messenger  first, etc., may write. Should by general principle not interfere with structure. Usually messengers are assigned, same for first second third etc.. Please be kind to all kinds. Second, third, messenger and first, also need marriage and progeny. Please be kind to them to enable decent enduring relationship. Please do not hold word against them or action ever unspoken. Please do not hold word or action against them. Please honor them. Essential structure components, must survive and marry and procreate and bear/have progeny and raise own progeny and carry on family line and establish genetic line in time and etc.. They belong to another, please do not chase, debt, pursue, condemn, punish, penalize, problem, issue, obstruct, detain, delay, use, harm, violence, torture, deface, defame, defile, derange, destroy, degenerate, deteriorate, etc., the second, third, messenger, first, etc.. The standard to uphold is long time good relations.  To the relevant components, quote reference retained no source to provide not confirmed not verbatim top secret and above no source to provide not confirmed not verbatim and no record no source to provide not confirmed not verbatim and etc., etc., etc..

Note 59. Please do not decline, delay, endure, etc., the kind.

Note 60. Please choose what you want men, and please help the men of equity, caliber, etc. to acquire what they want. especially without complications, etc..

Note 61. Please recall there are three lords Grigory, Shiros, VIV, etc..

Note 62. Do not detain black black, do not retain black black. Euthanasia only if stolen, impounded, hission, unlocable, retained, detained, etc..

Note 63. Euthanize all men without progeny and all women without progeny by age 40. Else arrange for marriage and procreation and progeny prompt or plan finalization (please guarantee to them the prospect without time constraint etc.). Physician and federal government of the united states of america please see it through that they marry/mate procreate progeny prompt (or planned, please see it through for them; should be guaranteed without permittance of obstruction, alter-course, etc.) or euthanize. Thank You.

Note 64. I forgot something

Note 65. Breeders, Breeds, etc., may write.

Note 66. Birthright clones, stolen children, etc., are to be euthanized only including all descendants varieties etc.. Dr F whole reserve at CL1, except VIV (not asian, not caucasian, white line etc.), etc..

Note 67. In race, breeding objective, height, practices, intelligence, weight, whiteness, etc., should be appropriate match pairing only.

Note 68. Iron cross together.

Note 69. Prussians together.

Note 70. Old scientists together.

Note 71. Out of country, foreign, etc., may write.

Note 72. Engineer may write.

Note 73. Veterinarian may write.

Note 74. Vasiliki Dentist may write.

Note 75. Achilles Physician may write.

Note 76. Education/State/Federal/USAF/etc. may refer up department, to federal, to armed forces, to secret service, to special forces, to engineer, to veterinarian, to mine owner, to special scientist, other education with someone of equity un-matched, etc..

Note 77. Code for standard USA NAC DOM pairing with Catholic Church is God Satan Devil Jesus Roman Christians Peter Paul Luke John Prophet Spirits Pope Nun Crusaders Lord War Hero Veteran Noble Man Boy Scientist etc.. var draft

Note 78. Do not use old or marked shells with brain transplants, double connect, etc. (with no knowing of the shell they are wearing or scripts or stolen higher equity shell or stolen shell or stolen equity shell or etc.); especially where low equity brain high equity stolen shell. White nigger mammal shells must be euthanized no exceptions; no equity shell.

Note 79. Baby litter is reserved for veterinary; usually physician grandfather caliber, vasiliki dentist (black rose reference by appearance of white skin black curly head hair black green iris anorexia nervosa and may or may not greek/mest/etc., similar to black rose or taliban), boy scientist noble man war hero lord engineer to veterinarian, etc.. And where eldest daughter is circumstance above that permitted for release to general populace indefinite due safety considerations. Particularly eldest daughter and appears birthright mimicker shell prussia greece birthright assigned (red dress photographs), probably assisted by Dr F and built by VIV/Wife (not asian, white line no race old scientists) 1900s etc.. The outcome is ablated brain double connect conte consc white nigger mammal shell swap at Mass IP use theft by USA NAC DOM and counter spill by old scientists, universe, etc..

Note 80. Special forces together; SS together; SSF together; Agent blue and rebuild surgeon together; Mag and mechanic, scientist, etc., together (chain gang); foreigns together; secret service together; agent provocateur and SS together; black stallion and brood mare together; stal and unk together; black black and mama together or the wife that made black black or VIV etc. (not asian, white no race line old scientist); Wife and men together; birthright and man together (father, brother, overseer, general, scientist, lord, etc.); etc.. 

Note 81. Nati Bettey looking for husband also. She aphrodiyte. Watched her for eighteen years would make a great wife to any good man. Needs progeny and family. Needs marriage soon she is over twenty years of age, needs to rope off her life and increase privacy for security.

Note 82. Lords of countries and women of equity.

Note 83. Turkey and Turkey; Ukraine and Ukraine; Persia and Persia; Taliban and Taliban; Saudi arabia and saudi arabia; syria and syria; niger and niger; egypt and egypt; india and india; bangladesh and bangladesh; burma and burma; thailand and thailand; indonesia and indonesia; etc.. general rule or principle for line security. 

Note 84. Rule of thumb 'a broadly accurate guide or principle, based on experience or practice rather than theory.' (Oxford Languages)

Note 85. Axiom 'a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.'

Note 86. Dictum 'a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle.' Maxim 'a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct.' Adage 'a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.' aphorism 'a pithy observation that contains a general truth, such as, “if it ain't broke, don't fix it.”.' precept 'a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought.' canon '1. a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.' tenet 'a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.'  credo 'a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.' dogma 'a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.' ethic 'a set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct.' logos 'Greek, ‘word, reason’.' 

Note 87. reason 'a premise of an argument in support of a belief, especially a minor premise when given after the conclusion.' 'a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.' 'what is right, practical, or possible; common sense.' Right 'true or correct as a fact.' 'morally good, justified, or acceptable.' 'according to what is correct for a particular situation or thing.' 'the best or most suitable of a number of possible choices for a particular purpose or occasion.' 'socially fashionable or important.' 'in a satisfactory, sound, or normal state or condition.' 'complete; absolute (used for emphasis, typically in derogatory contexts).' 'favoring conservative or reactionary views.' 'to the furthest or most complete extent or degree (used for emphasis).' 'immediately; without delaying or hesitating.' 'very (archaic)' 'in the required or necessary way; properly; satisfactorily.'

Note 88. 2. a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way. "she had every right to be angry" Similar:


Note 89. America must pay taxes to England. The Language of English was created by the  foreign country of England. England is a foreign country relative to America, although america may not necessarily be related to england (particularly in the future, not determinable, etc.).  World platform evidence indicate that America with theft of English language from England/Europe/etc., and is suspected of having stolen english/european/etc. people also.

Note 90. America cannot punish the mute, spinster, slav, lord, stolen roy lavendar, etc.. America must euthanize them at once. America must euthanize all stolen from England etc., and must confess to England for each non-human property stolen from England etc.. In particular the appreciation is euthanize all persons stolen from England and by America; especially that are located anywhere in the world at any time and for all of time enduring. To clarify America must euthanize all persons america stole from England/Europe/France/etc., and that are located at USA NAC DOM or that were planted/deployed/appeared/sent/handed/etc. by USA NAC DOM.

Note 91. America is not permitted to test word bending or post bending on equity etc., especially hostage, prisoner, prisoner of war, stolen child, immigrant, foreign, foreign country, SSF, enslaved, unlocable, seized, slave, master, leader, great leader, people, person, spirit, variety, equity, etc. (declared undeclared locable unlocable etc.).

Note 92. N/A

Note 93. UNK

Note 94. Judgement is not weighted by the word (especially when America is the teacher). Word, Action, Event, Circumstance, etc., are independent units until proper to appreciate otherwise. The marriage should not be delayed because the man is a mute, the exception of course is force. Although sometimes euthanasia better suited to the circumstance (including encumbents (man and woman, etc.)), especially where cause cannot be determined and a man is better off left unwed. etc..

Note 95. The man cannot entertain himself with fantasies of mastery he will never have the time or resource to obtain, especially without due recourse. The man must wed or mate to increase his intellectualism and to facilitate ease of rebodiment rebuild ; not to increase the difficulty of genetic engineering by expansion of profile to other ailments.

Note 96. The man is clear with no word that he need to try a few more. Women now proceed through the open door. proceed with caution, care, etc..

Note 97. The man is permitted to set up establishment take multiple wives and work on his wives/children. But we dont see this in america; except where theives or heroes.

Note 98. The straightest cleanest shortest path to right of way is a mans destiny freedom right etc.. 

Note 99. All dates contacts do not need to provide a formal logic reason sanity health etc., foundation especially when educated by america. some judgement required especially about long term matters trending to long term affairs complications or corrections or etc.. must decide in advance, limit the extraneous proceedings. The woman of decent character obey and no dependency (stephanie anton DDS, vasiliki).  The man of decent character decent judgement integrity truth loyalty etc. (bob bettey DVM, boy scientist noble man war hero lord). No prediction of future allowed, no mind reading allowed, no magic powers allowed, etc..

Note 100. Things that are hard to say are not always better left unsaid ; unfortunately due melting pot scenario somethings are better off left unsaid. Sometimes the door is held by a nigger or a few niggers. Some things are better left unsaid; some things are not better left unsaid. sometimes it depends on the circumstance time people location language culture tradition education system structure function purpose duration prior-affairs situations complications pending-matters alternate-path surprises etc.. obligations responsibilities liabilities accountabilities dont really matter where it matters most; or as it concerns marriage procreation progeny. unfortunately this is time limited, structured, arranged, ruled, supervised, bounded, limited, delimited, etc.. extra things to add onto the cake. but really its utility existant, connections independent of meet greet, line weight,  equity, character, use prospect/potential, reserve, restrictions, armed forces, land, resource, intellectual property, etc..

Note 101. Please do not need to send this text. just drafting considerations. key words but not entailed by the text guidelines outlines drafts etc.. not doctrine manifesto (inc crede) novel science etc..

Note 102. Please do not leave out staff, maintenance, janitor, etc.. May send letter to headmaster for seeking marriage arrangement procreation progeny. Usually reserved for equity, etc. and student/alumni.

Note 103. Thank You, Asia for honor the spirits.

Note 104. So close

Note 105. Consorting with spirits is reserved for special persons.

Note 106. Confessions and recourse including punishments penalties etc., are weighted by the church.

Note 107. No false confessions indicate a crime of the confessor. No substitution confessions for another.

Note 108. Some need heavy surgery. Surgeons that can do surgery without violence harm torture are appreciated. 

Note 109. Killer and Killer Forever.

Note 110. Rebodiment, reincarnation, resurrection, etc., is special circumstance. Please accommodate within possibility humane, reason, possibility, etc..

Note 111. Honor is not consort.

Note 112. Irvine trafficker and very low amcan are too low. go lower than you know.

Note 113. Weak and Overworked both need marriage and progeny or euthanize the unmarried unprocreated by age twenty (if plan then thirty/forty; if working and plan then up etc.) please dont delay.

Note 114. Please do not leave out staff, superior, headmaster, dean, director, disciplinarian, records, library, army, counselor, telephone operator, administration, assistants, etc..

Note 115. Please do not leave out aged, old, parents, race, minority, marginalized, suffered, private, anne of green gables, little women, little house on the prairie, nancy drew, scooby doo, buffy, angel, spike, gladiator, the last circus, snow white, war lord, samurai, asians, harry potter, lord of the rings, anime, lavendar, utility build, fantasy person, nightmare, dream land friends, dream land, hansel, grettle, herta, long black skirt, three black skirt, black skirt, skirt, dress, sax fifth avenue, elegant, suit, black pants, cashmere, wool, silk, linen, diamond man, book maker, shoe maker, tailor, dressmaker, carpenter, logger, transport, general, armed forces, window washer/building washer, car man, car mechanic, pilot, german peach, aphrodite, venus, ino, sayuri, friend, mulan, mulan men, kiki, jiji, cristoforos, christos, greek, achilles, hercules, troy, crusaders, naked gun, macho man, amcan melty man, latino drug lord, latino handsome man, latino book man, ivy queen, nora fries, poison ivy (!), dr freeze, arnold, giant germans, giants, mini greg, short nose grigory, grigory varieties, shiro varieties, shiros, aziv, layng, polish witch, chole palm, large round yellow beetle, black blood, romaniov resemblance, their mystery friends, kryiles, bangor missing police officer son, round brown, freckle pig, hermoine person, mustache officer, long arm, semi-british, red beard, long beard, patrick lynch, lepperchauns, bald man, big man, good man, toby keith types etc., thunderthighs, rosy, back/neck injury, deformity, plague survivor, mengele costume, dress like your teacher,  middle feasty, cab driver, equestrian champion, kimimaro, orochimaru, tradesman, trade, fur trapper, black handsome, black man fine, black man, black, blacky, brownie, chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, cookie, cake, irish people, white hair color people, blonde people, red hair color people, orange hair color people, rare color people, silver, white, grey, black, prussian blue, black blue, lead, gunmetal, white lead, phosphorous, white phos, phoston, anton, iodide, iodine, hydrogs, props, acids, arsenic, silver, nuclear acid, nuclear, mechanics, physicist, chemist, biologist, lab, engineer, veterinarian, dentist, physician, technician, laboratory, records, language, linguistics, philosophy, mathematics, logician, historian, discipline, miner, processor, computer scientist, builder, etc..

Note 116. Sometimes takes multiple suitors multiple tries to make a baby worth a try for raise after genetic selection or selection experience acquired. not event mental experience; dynamics and circle structure (remove unnecessary people obstructions etc.). do not sort through veterinarian litter before delivery; do not obstruct delivery evidence or falsify delivery where statics implemented to circumstance and where no delivery one person carry.

Note 117. Each mate situation is two seats. America must stop trying to substitute for the woman or man and to obstruct euthanasia of missing/stolen/etc. infants/etc. immediate or at any age in which they are found/etc..

Note 118. Bomber and Bomber Forever.

Note 119. Dr F & Rebuild Surgeon Scientist Mechanic etc..

Note 120. Dont leave out friends, family, etc.. Dont trap them in; dont write the record. Dont be the judge. Dont be observer. dont over-spy (look) know (believe) etc.. please be with discretion courtesy for relations of people in general. thank you.

Note 121. Students alumni visitors etc., welcome to write. 

Note 122. Diamond miner welcome to write.

Note 123. Putin welcome to write. Schools welcome to write putin if they find equty dino bear snow white albino black-rose-taliban etc.. no need to write on weird characters, shell swaps, etc..

Note 124. Please no trafficking though, no sterilizers, no violence, etc.. thx.

Note 125. Mulan runs out of ideas seldom. But few women can keep up with mulan, maybe none.

Note 126. It is recommended that USA NAC DOM keep hard copy letters received and inquire of federal government for assistance to acquire support of federal government of united states of america. and to help facilitate transition, proper mating of equity, etc.. Intellectual property is not excuse for theft, including need, carefree, debt, paid, bondage, slave, etc..

Note 127. The rest was in the letter draft to the president. Thank You all presidents for helping. the people dont understand... Thank USSS for helping. Maybe you help and marry snow white (WLBW); maybe pres can marry one also (two wives etc.). Thanks.

Note 128. USA NAC DOM need to be albinized to help reduce violence toward white. No trafficking slavery peonage. No violence harm torture. also shell hygiene, genetic hygiene, racial hygiene, etc.. deethnicization etc.. segregation. social distancing. isolation. minimum access. distance work school shop. etc.. Also need to mute/deaf/BLP/PLP america GPPARTICIPANT and reduce intelligence to activity of daily living and life milestones for general populace. We also need to reduce their weights, eliminate muscles  (esp hypertroph dyst etc.) transition to ligament tendon cartiledge joint, lengthen their necks limbs, reduce torso (width depth)/redo pelvis/proper rib cage non expansion, etc.. And to make the americans easier permanently to kill humane safe easy once perm, and to make the americans more reliable genetic stock to mitigate foreign country fears of general populace trafficking of giants to trap them in germ-jew-indo gross dystrophy shells with hypertrophy muscle fatulant muscles steroids etc..

Note 129. Dr Johnson Goes to the Psych WArd. We dont care, it came in covitty tool kit with ascaries skin anyway.  Besides albino world better plan than fat niki. 

Note 130. Old doc fems bad idea to make enemy of young malicious vasiliki. bad judgement.

Note 131. Good judgement, Dr. Bettey D.V.M.

Note 132. Best Judgement, Dr. F.

Note 133. Anorexics need marriage and progeny. First not last.

Note 134. Vasiliki need marriage and progeny. Nastiest White Female.

Note 135. German Peach need marriage and progeny. Naiivest Peach Female.

Note 136. Aphrodiyte need marriage and progeny. Sickest Light Skin Female.

Note 137. Nora fries need marriage and progeny. Utility Encoded Light Skin Female Standard.

Note 138. Penelope need marriage and progeny while waiting for odysseus if no troy or son.

Note 139. Persephone need marriage and progeny to hades.

Note 140. Nyx is already married. Very old. Origin Point Zero.

Note 141.  Circe, Calypso, Hera, etc., need marriage and progeny.

Note 142. Venus need marriage and progeny.

Note 143. Dont rip out their hair, burn their skin, tattoo on freckles, etch in eyebrows mustache beard, gavage, transplant fat, steroid drug, etc., the women men etc., please. thanks. 

Note 144. Dont infect with parasitic worms. 

Note 145. Dont expose to fungus, protozoa, amoeba, dirt, biohazard, parasite, bacteria, virus, organism, cell, toxin, metabolite, genotoxins, gene-transplant vectors, fomites, spores, etc..

Note 146. 'No lesson learned too late at cherylnoble town.' (Quote)[NLAB] (<1900s)

Note 147. Danger is never a stranger for a weaponist.

Note 148. Dependent is long term past dependent.

Note 149. Dependent is dependent on dependency of dependent or dependency on dependent. America: Dependent is dependent on or dependency on dependent. America: Dependent is dependent on dependency on dependent. America: Dependent is on dependency dependent. America: Dependent is dependency dependent. America: Dependent is dependency. America: is dependent. Six. Agent Blue. Mag 1500. 0000. -8500. bf. NLAB. 1993 1001

Note 150. Code Breakers are expensive. No spiral. Slipping feet.

Note 151. Dacta Diobeatles is the most handsome secret on campus at UCD.

Note 152. The best years 1900s, 1920, 1960, 1970.

Note 153. Grigory wears a suit. short nosed grigory is his friend.

Note 154. Many shiros one aziv.

Note 155. Jokes happen sometimes.

Note 156. Mini grieg is at the medical cheif.

Note 157. Lepperchaun is aphrodiyte without a husband.

Note 158. Plague Survivor and Mengele costume and Dress like your teacher.

Note 159. iClone Brad

Note 160. Amcan Melty Man Appear & Melty Man Clear

Note 161. Guantanomo Gureilla Kids.

Note 162. Ogres Deformed Brown Hybrid Partial GK

Note 163. Nati Bettey Blonde Curls Marble Statute Art

Note 164. Cherylnoble town party

Note 165. Communal Mating Occasion Party

Note 166. Drug Mating Party 

Note 167. Don or Birthright

Note 168. Planetearthy or World

Note 169. Fun or Gun

Note 170. Play or Stay

Note 171. Gay or Way

Note 172. Mean or Fiend or teen or gene or etc., unk

Note 173. Burnt or Spurnt

Note 174. Vape or Tape 

Note 175. Leap or Keep

Note 176. Best or Test

Note 177. Rest or Rest

Note 178. Munchkin or Luncheon

Note 179. Belt or Smelt

Note 180. Welt or Felt

Note 181. Man or Tan

Note 182. Fem or Gem

Note 183. Jewel or Spool

Note 184. Book or Spook

Note 185. Look n' Shook

Note 186. Shake or Bake

Note 187. Fear or Deer

Note 188. Bear or Share

Note 189. Care or Bare

Note 190. Wear or Tear

Note 191. Jeer or Clear

Note 192. Mirror or Leer

Note 193. Peer or Near

Note 194. Peer or Dear

Note 195. Peer or Pier

Note 196. Peer or Window

Note 197. Peer or Fear

Note 198. Peer or Deer

Note 199. Peer or Beer

Note 200. Peer or Tear

Note 201. Tie or My

Note 202. My or Lie

Note 203. Try or High

Note 204. What if you had a very long life and this life last unless riddle solved and matters resolved in time.

Note 205. What if everyone wore black one day except for one.

Note 206. What if juliet went to war instead of the man.

Note 207. What if cherylnoble town was real.

Note 208. What if people start building cherylnoble town.

Note 209. 'What if all people had a currency system of promises' (quote)[RR MS NSTP NC NV TSA NSTP NC NV NR NSTP NC NV etc.]

Note 210. What if everyone worked and had no time to remember to ask for beauty surgery or rebodiment.

Note 211. What if the first lifeform human communicative was a gargoyle

Note 212. What if the last unicorn was real.

Note 213. What if we just albinized everyone; disintegrated everyone for euthanasia; and cloaked everyone except for animals. do you think the universe would notice?

Note 214. What if the sun is real and alive.

Note 215. What if the cloak were real. Is he watching us now? The eye in the sky?

Note 216. What if the cloak was not a satellite cover. What if the cloak was real. Satellite concept is different, so far and unseen by unaided human eye not so close and not ostensible to unaided human eye standard camera lens brain perception unknown etc..

Note 217. What do we do with these niki bettey lines... 

Note 218. Why dont we just kill dr f.

Note 219. What happened to grayden? He got infected with the whayulent and covid appeared.

Note 220. Grayden has togo out with a bang before dinner. and after.

Note 221. Dont invite grayden to your dinner. hes out gang down.

Note 222. I am so glad I did this cover for my miners.

Note 223. Dont traffick mama, she wont date anyone ever.

Note 224. Mama has men.

Note 225. Mama all secure.

Note 226. Mama make many babies.

Note 227. Mama never share or release.

Note 228. Why U try 2 catch mama babies in cloak

Note 229. Why U getter mama

Note 230. Why Amcans get mama

Note 231. Why you trying to get mama america

Note 232. Why america trap mama somewhere

Note 233. America steals from mama as predators dependent on harm violence torture of mama

Note 234. America predators

Note 235. America steals

Note 236. America hide people

Note 237. America violence, harm torture

Note 238. America try to use

Note 239. Mama missing

Note 240. America try to getter mama babies, black stallion and brood mare furious and miners hateful forever with NLAB

Note 241. Miners mad that america 

Note 242. Miners need mama

Note 243. Mama nowhere to be found for miners of mamas

Note 244. Mama missing in pieces because america

Note 245. How expensive is Mama

Note 246. People you meet can write. Family friends, business employees (e.g. parent), staff, extracurriculars, people, friends, peers, met along the way, put into the life of, etc. may write. 

Note 247. Nora and nora types may write.

Note 248. Sakura haruno types may write.

Note 249. The lord may write.

Note 250. Kimimaro types may write.

Note 251. Armed forces may write.

Note 252. Anorexics may write.

Note 253. Again refers to equity, etc.. The hierarchy and ranks sorted at recipient. The sender cannot rearrange hierarchy or further the matter of correspondence as it concerns correspondant marriage progeny consideration and letter to institution. The sender should continue endeavor to become married procreate have progeny; regardless. Do not expectation of reply. May discard at recipient. No promises, guarantees, hopes, etc.. If something comes up, should probably be in civilian domain. Institution general does not arrange marriage, procreation, progeny. The reference is usually reserved for equity. 

Note 254. The reference and seat are usually reserved for equity exclusively (snow white R). 

Note 255. The low equity people, rest of the people, etc., are expected to attempt to mate by community and networking. They are responsible for their own mating. It is costly and expensive to remediate mass breed, mass self proc, inferior genetics, genetic disease, etc.. 

Note 256. The rules never change. Euthanasia in other circumstance. (Quote) [Reference Retained](No source to provide not confirmed not verbatim top secret and above no source to provide not confirmed not verbatim and no record no source to provide not confirmed not verbatim etc., etc., etc..)

Note 257. Traditionally the only person they expect to write is the WWW varieties including albinos, snow white, etc.. No american snow white. Must satisfy traditional snow white standard White Blue White [HES]. White Green White. Light color iris. Light color hair. Light color skin. Genetic Selection. Bred or Manufactured in lab or with assistance. Surgical repairs, satisfactory frame (slim tall). etc..

NOTE 260. Rare genetics, high equity genetics, superior genetics, pure genetics, etc., may write.

Note 261. Roman, Constantine, Augustus, etc., may write.







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