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Sunday, July 24, 2022

07-24-2022-1011 - Marriage Consideration Art Draft (07-15-2022-0813) USA NAC DOM [NT nik; To: President, SS, USAF, etc.]



Note. Art work on brief to pres SS USAF USA NAC DOM. 2022. 

Note 2. Not Niki, Thank. The woman in the image photograph is NOT niki, nikiya anton bettey, NLAB, agent blue, etc.. by any other identity, name, shell, form, brain, etc.. Thank You. Respectfully spoken to ensure that the civilian general populace does not contrive malicious idea or opportunity by dire circumstance of current state of equity and within the domain of domestic united states of america affairs, or otherwise, etc..
Note 3. The photograph of reference is located at post: 07-15-2022-0813 - CONSIDERATIONS DRAFT MARRIAGE ARRANGEMENT PRECEDENCE . Thank You.
Note 4. The woman in the photograph is not involved not implied innocent not guilty all clear. Nikiya does not have permission to use or post the photograph, etc.. Nikiya found the photograph on Google with a standard google search, or possibly pinterest, canva, etc.. Nikiya does not have any auxiliary information. 
Note 5. Please be respectful mindful and courteous that people may be married already and with children/family already. Please do not leave behind the equity that is not yet married, with progeny, etc..
Note 6. The equity of reference is strict sticking to standard of Catholic and Orthodox Churchy (white countries; not MEST, AS, NOR, etc.), inc. God, Devil, Satan, Roman. Secondaries include crusaders, lord, russian snow white R, pope, etc.. Thank You.
Note 7. The equities of the christian church do not explicate all varieties of equities appreciated, sustained, kept, etc..
Note 8. Thank You. 

Note 9. Grigory, Shiro, VIV, and Niki are not equities of reference, when speaking of standard world scale identifiable equities. This does not change. Thank You.
Note 10. No trafficking slavery peonage; federal statute federal government federal bureau of investigation of the united states of america, USAF, SS, Ex, etc.. No violence harm torture to the equities, church, etc.. please, thank you.
Note 11. The purpose is fitted to the circumstance of world contemporary. (mass migration, technology pharmacy advancement, extinction/threat of mass human trafficking to equity, delayed marriage procreation progeny of equity by jealous low inferior genetics and genetic disease persons of gross psycho-criminal-conspiracy-incrimination-etc. intent (that stalk surveil break enter abduct gossip conspire deceive assault threaten question group-opinion-social-mind etc.), obstruction of justice by enemies, conglomerating enemies in secret, criminal teachers/women/aged/kids/races/etc., gross violence by brown, harm by women inferior, torture by psychopath imposter, etc.)

Note 12. Nikiyas life plans are leave USA NAC DOM, surgery, restraining orders all world (due birthright incident), bombs, euthanasia. dr. robert lee bettey dvm [laguna hills CA USA NAC DOM] is nikiya lisa anton bettey's raising father (1992); raised her eighteen years. dr bettey and niki bettey are not in agreement about why they do not get along; but niki is not mad at her raising father (dr bettey) he doesnt want her (niki bettey) to leave the domain of jurisdiction to exclusive-tort-illusret-noret-thirt-etc. and she has obligation of need to leave (esp for euthanasia) and he painstakingly delayed her too long for life.
Note 13. Also americans need to be euthanized because they pose a danger to snow white R etc.. Even dr johnson and grayden imposter frauds attempt to steal equity of snow white R by tactics such as knowing-first-principle-gen-mod-from-brown-undrugged-retained-position-etc., sally dolling (part mincing), illegal gene theft gene transplantation vector hybridization, theft and use of stolen intellectual property (with improper release on time to facilitate ensure marriag procreation progeny etc.), claims to ownership (invalid claims and where the traffickers assert the claims are valid repeatedly as in a war declaration with no added defense by USAF to the equity, etc.), etc..

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