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Saturday, August 6, 2022

08-05-2022-1222 - Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned

Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned

By The New York TimesUpdated Aug. 6, 2022, 12:15 A.M. ET
Full ban in effect
Six-week ban in effect

Abortion is now banned in at least ten states as laws restricting the procedure take effect following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Another four states now ban abortion at six weeks of pregnancy, before most women know they are pregnant.

Delivery and Euthanasia (of the progeny/descendant/infant/etc.); Provide person with progeny immediately (recommended). May require blanks innoculation or artificial. Depending on technology available. May try self egg and blank sperm inoculated/cultivated/developed with self genetic signature or modified genetic signature.
No sterilization. No trafficking.
No violence harm torture. No trafficking slavery peonage.
For persons appear with no fertility, may grow organ from genetic signature in laboratory or utilize an alternate method feasible [e.g. technology in possession etc.] (inc. blanks, artificials, etc.. Should consult with USAF and Universities including Animal Science, Laboratory, Pharmacy and Technology. Federal government USA should issue, supply, etc. technology pharmacy for reproductive organ system replacement, and progeny generation with no viable mate.
Standards reproductive organ system with beauty youth fertility structure function intact that may procreate bear/have progeny always viable, 100% success rate.

Not psychiatry/social work/gangs/civilian money ploys/etc. and issues standard civilian general populace civilian level one: break enters, abductions, DIW amnestic drug schemes, etc.. Most people physicians meet are victims of schemes; not for mental illness, mental health, psychiatry, social work, police, gangs, etc.. Schemes are in relation to crimes, the victim is the object, the criminal escapes using any path including the victims own escape path. Please do not frame the victim, or use the victims own escape path as a criminal. No room for psychiatry/social work/civilian money ploys-schemes/etc. in procreation, progeny, embryo laboratory, blanks, technology, pharmacy, engineering, veterinary, animal science, dental, neurology, rebuilds, rebodiments, reconstructions, surgery, euthanasia, etc.. 

The person genetic signature and reproductive material may be placed on reserve; but strict policies and procedures. Should contact armed forces, federal bureau of investigation, etc.. Requires consent, however there is no consent to use for another person or by descendent descendant or egg conceived fetus/embryo descendant or etc. (in other words, cannot smuggle or shunt the material derivatives for another use or for another person; if the person on reserve requires an organ may use to provide the person with organ, if person on reserve requires a progeny may use to provide the person with progeny). Please do not be frightened. May not need to contact armed forces, may have other options for use, etc.. In general try to uphold standard with less extraneous options, but sufficient to satisfy the condition, duty, task, etc..

child pregnant deliver baby and the euthanize. provide the child with progeny. 

if child has no set (i.e. in a circumstance that the child appears with a baby and no fertility or reproductive organ system functional); grow the organ from genetic signature, rebuild from tissue remains (verified self), rebuild from blanks (componential rebuild generator points connectivity matrix junctions structure function etc.)(blank egg self innnoculated signature cultivate develop, blank sperm innoculate cultivate develop, unionate conception cultivation development, etc.), generate a set from blanks (self signature), call USAF for assistance or referral, etc.. Provide the child with artificial organ or reproductive organ self (var  usually; or clone of clone (self); etc.). Last resort is order a set, or embryo harvest from legally donated embryo or egg/sperm, etc. (please remember proper euthanasia and cremation practices of embryo; proper embryo euthanasia and cremation practices and procedures; etc.). do not remove child set because not fertile and baby present. May add a generator section, prep the embryo in vitro and transplant in vivo and leave the original set to address later with transplant after age eighteen (if afertile, etc.). Child should have beauty youth fertility structure function intact at all times; including reproductive organ system (set) with beauty youth fertility structure function intact that may procreate bear/have progeny always viable 100% success rate (at all times). [DRAFT]

Reproductive organ system artificial, blank innoculated cultivated developed, grown from genetic signature in laboratory, ordered set, embryo harvest (please remember proper euthanasia and cremation practices as it concerns embryo remains). alternates including various models, humanized, etc.. Should be proper FDA grade for implant, transplant, human biological product. No violence harm torture. No trafficking slavery peonage. Thank You.

Legally donated egg/sperm may not be eligible for set harvest; including legally donated embryo. Please be considerate of human trafficking including various covers. The donor retains right to euthanize or have all euthanized at any time. Replace all kids/organs/etc. with new (even in circumstance of multiple generations); euthanize all of donor. (FBI)

Please be considerate of human trafficking, including various covers. The piles are not for use, reuse, harvest, etc.. euthanasia cremation only or return. No shunt permitted for retention, no permission to schemes and covers (FBI). 

Descendants descendants must deliver decide. brain (set) shell. neurological, retainer/container,  reproductive system. Litters exist do not separate the litter please. Failure to thrive exist, may grow to full adult height please be careful. ext low birth weight estimate at nine month litter exist may grow to full adult height please be careful. do not gavage, or seal growth plates, use human bio product on infants, feeble, tiny, injured, etc.. if shell will not grow euthanasia only, growth measurements are finer than micro. cannot facilitate horizontal growing and vertical stunt. do not use hormones steriods antipsychotics genotoxins, etc. (on the infants). Failure to thrive, litter and ext low birth weight estimate report to FBI. Self-report also. no theft by raising parents/theirs/etc.  permitted (esp. females raising parents). No swaps. etc..

Do not recommend to shift or abort before nine months. No sanction to abort before nine months (because babys as tiny as baby skink sometimes). Civilians cannot do off docket work. Armed forces may do repairs checks etc., off the docket ; need permissions (inc FBI backing do not pull the backing and frame people or pretend to defend criminals or forget or permit trafficking/theft/sterilizations/four violence/escalating crimes/etc. or etc.).

Baby can also have long pregnancy, including ten years. including w/ menstrual cycle. Armed forces may need to check. This either happens on its own and USAF can find/ID/monitor/etc. or it happened elsewise. adult can have long pregnancy w survival and even through menstrual cycle. these things are possible. sometimes common some types. possible at blacks, asians, anorexics, equities, snow white R, special species, middle east, shiva/elephant/baby litter/etc., etc..

Person: Mate, Procreate, Progeny. 

Police: Police should arrest prompt anyone who interferes with auxiliary medical and technology fields that has appeared with civilian scheme, money ploy, psychiatry, social work, gangs, traffickers, independent arrest companies (inc medical), public defenders/independent courts, etc.. In other words, it is recommended the prompt arrest of psychiatry (primary field of aggressor) that attempts to contact auxiliary medical field (gynecology, full rebuild surgeons, embryo laboratory). the jewish relativity of auxiliary to the jews primary field that serves them when all else beneath them and no negotiation on one side (inc auxiliary). we are at no negotiation by superior fields. DSM is psuedoscience, no safe way to manage dangerous people because they become employed for exemption when birthing litter gets mass trafficked because jews we the people say that what it is but they continued to try and break into our laboratories/technology/etc. and thug us for tech pharm and would hurt us like they hurt niki if they had the chance or even would steal our brains to shell swap us and put us into peonage as surgeon slaves. thank you.

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