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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

02-27-2023-2311 - carpal tunnel or carpal canal

In the human body, the carpal tunnel or carpal canal is the passageway on the palmar side of the wrist that connects the forearm to the hand.[1]

The tunnel is bounded by the bones of the wrist and flexor retinaculum from connective tissue. Normally several tendons from the flexor group of forearm muscles and the median nerve pass through it. There are described cases of variable median artery occurrence.

When any of the nine long flexor tendons passing through the narrow carpal canal swell or degenerate, the narrowing of the canal may result in the median nerve becoming entrapped or compressed, a common medical condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).[2][3] 

Carpal tunnel
815 The Carpal Tunnel.jpg
The carpal tunnel
LatinCanalis carpi
Anatomical terminology


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