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Saturday, March 11, 2023

03-11-2023-1200 - indoctrination of lost and stolen children program (caucasian european german degenerate variety forms) draft

 'the caucasian americans usa nac dom...falsified their protections to support the indoctrination of lost and stolen children and by the use of psychiatric or abuse of religion church concept.' - unk

 'the caucasian americans usa nac dom...falsified their protections by psychiatry and religion to facilitate ease of indoctrination of lost and stolen children maintenance or initiation (double side pick up ; half drugged plant half undrugged retain) or program.' - unk

'the concept of that psychotic or that safe from damage (fear its you)' - unk

'the civilian usa nac dom general populace stems from psychopath ancestors, makers, users, constructors/etc., or etc. (all psychopathological, except for proper crime and don; including reserved/und positions, not described herein or poetically requiring last note.)...a crime requires a don, and is a gift.' - unk 

'humans are psychopathological, they generate psychopathology and are infected.' - unk

'civilian level one general populace caucasians are all psychopaths, especially usa nac dom within the last 2000 years from 2000 and calendar/clock record.' - unk

'exceptions are far and few...some hopefuls, some daydreamers, some care, some dare...' - unk



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