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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

06-27-2023-1104 - Negative Checking, Tort Law, Civilian Grade, Financial, Content Ping Pong (story suitary, limit of education, terms missing, poverty, etc.), general populace, usa, fund request court, highest ranking position request (mobs), wemels, limitations of psychology, limitations terms conditions, brain transplant, intended retainer time nation indeterminate, no motive v motive, intent v coincidence, unrelated v irrelevant, cause and construct v illusory correlation, illegal human experimentation v sorcery, mind reading v respectful request for modification of abstract profile or graphic image suit, same dong many times no pay behind fallen lines (gov power failures), mass trafficking collection submission helpless vics schemes, return court and police appearance, illegal arrest of hostages unknown, taking hostage for funding, no slavery error and slavery requirement, pathology in courts and fall of judge/court/deendorsement of americakind/humankind/etc., tort law, film term, terminology, vocabulary, standard form contract and overextension exploitation of disclaimer and overexploitation provocation by displacement when not serious or light weight, limitations of deformed humans civiilians and hostage imagery etc., detachment point and chase disgustification and assault deformation of hostage ideation by american civilians, stolen child trafficker family, tracing american variety criminals, american history and caucasian history, church history, russia history, overlimit requirements, no power death orders and resisting hostaged a don, repeated displacement attempts with effor to age her in their race/kind/type/human/var/civ/etc. shell form (models, relations, resemblance, records, multilevel, no preanticipated requirements, extortion schemes, tranplant of non pat into human, ex-pats with cheap tech, how hostagery hides, hission, american secret past ex-subjects, claims that require no doctrine philosophy belief know claim disclaimer proof evidence psychosis psychopathology religion enemy or somehting else absurd, etc.) (suspicion of hostage joke, over image and over puffage, pathology mass psychosis, harm and damage that is not brute violence hopping with concordance to don, requested time wasting by american people with no outcome measure or record on no case, closure of discipline/debarrment/rest order/executions/american-people/deception were not/education/church/stolen ip use/stolen ip/theft/foreign pres/hostag/btr/etc., etc.) etc.) draft

Although the disclaimer is routinely included as boilerplate, producers sometimes vary from it, sometimes to make a statement about the veracity of their work, for humor, or to satirize the standard disclaimer.

South Park, which frequently features well-known public figures or parodies of them, always opens with a tongue-in-cheek disclaimer that begins by stating, "All characters and events in this show—even those based on real people—are entirely fictional. All celebrity voices are impersonated... poorly. The following program contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone."

Variations sometimes employ irony or satire. The 1985 film The Return of the Living Dead features a disclaimer that reads "The events portrayed in this film are all true. The names are real names of real people and real organizations." The novel Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut features a truncated version of the disclaimer: "All persons, living and dead, are purely coincidental, and should not be construed", referring to the novel's existentialist themes. The 1990 film Slacker ends with "This story was based on fact. Any similarity with fictitious events or characters was purely coincidental."

In response to controversies over cultural appropriation and the use of an indigenous term, Filipino television network ABS-CBN used a special disclaimer in the 2018 fantaserye Bagani, maintaining that the series takes place in an alternate fantasy universe inspired by, but unrelated to, pre-colonial Philippines and is in no way intended to trivialize or misrepresent tribal groups: "Ang kuwentong inyong mapapanood ay kathang-isip lamang at kumuha ng inspirasyon mula sa iba’t ibang alamat at mitolohiyang Pilipino. Ito’y hindi tumutukoy o kumakatawan sa kahit anong Indigenous People sa Pilipinas." ("The story you are about to watch is a work of fiction and merely takes inspiration from various Philippine legends and mythologies. It does not pertain to nor does it represent any Indigenous People in the Philippines.")[9][10][11]

If a fictitious film is perceived to be too close to actual events, the disclaimer may be ruled null and void in court and the inspiration behind the film may be due compensation. Such was the case with the 1980 film The Idolmaker, which was based on a fictional talent promoter who discovers a talentless teenage boy and turns him into a manufactured star. Singer Fabian, whose career path was very similar to the fictional boy's, took offense at the caricature, and the production company responded with the all persons fictitious disclaimer. As the promoter on which the fictional character was based, Bob Marcucci, was part of the production staff (and thus it could not be plausibly denied that actual events inspired the film), Fabian ultimately received a settlement granting a minority stake in the film's profits.[12][13]

Negative checking is a process by which producers of film, television and radio programs will attempt to ensure that the names of fictional characters cannot be confused with real life people. For instance, during the making of the series Inspector Morse, the producers of the show checked with local police authorities to ensure that the names of characters used in the program could not be confused with individuals in any real life cases. The primary reason for this practice is to prevent any possible legal action for libel which could result. The term is sometimes shortened in program credits to Neg Check.[1]


 06-27-2023-1104 - Negative Checking, Tort Law, Civilian Grade, Financial, Content Ping Pong (story suitary, limit of education, terms missing, poverty, etc.), general populace, usa, fund request court, highest ranking position request (mobs), wemels, limitations of psychology, limitations terms conditions, brain transplant, intended retainer time nation indeterminate, no motive v motive, intent v coincidence, unrelated v irrelevant, cause and construct v illusory correlation, illegal human experimentation v sorcery, mind reading v respectful request for modification of abstract profile or graphic image suit, same dong many times no pay behind fallen lines (gov power failures), mass trafficking collection submission helpless vics schemes, return court and police appearance, illegal arrest of hostages unknown, taking hostage for funding, no slavery error and slavery requirement, pathology in courts and fall of judge/court/deendorsement of americakind/humankind/etc., tort law, film term, terminology, vocabulary, standard form contract and overextension exploitation of disclaimer and overexploitation provocation by displacement when not serious or light weight, limitations of deformed humans civiilians and hostage imagery etc., detachment point and chase disgustification and assault deformation of hostage ideation by american civilians, stolen child trafficker family, tracing american variety criminals, american history and caucasian history, church history, russia history, overlimit requirements, no power death orders and resisting hostaged a don, repeated displacement attempts with effor to age her in their race/kind/type/human/var/civ/etc. shell form (models, relations, resemblance, records, multilevel, no preanticipated requirements, extortion schemes, tranplant of non pat into human, ex-pats with cheap tech, how hostagery hides, hission, american secret past ex-subjects, claims that require no doctrine philosophy belief know claim disclaimer proof evidence psychosis psychopathology religion enemy or somehting else absurd, etc.) (suspicion of hostage joke, over image and over puffage, pathology mass psychosis, harm and damage that is not brute violence hopping with concordance to don, requested time wasting by american people with no outcome measure or record on no case, closure of discipline/debarrment/rest order/executions/american-people/deception were not/education/church/stolen ip use/stolen ip/theft/foreign pres/hostag/btr/etc., etc.) etc.) draft


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