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Monday, July 31, 2023

07-31-2023-0335 - Labor market impacts of destructive California wildfires (draft)

July 2023

Labor market impacts of destructive California wildfires

The severity and destruction of wildfires in California have increased in magnitude every decade since the late 1900s. Some researchers have studied the impacts of wildfires on people’s health and earnings and on the environment, but few have studied their impacts on the labor market. In this article, I estimate the impacts of destructive wildfires on short-term employment changes by using a generalized difference-in-difference modeling approach with an event-study specification (impacts of an event over time). Although the impacts are small at the overall (cross-industry) level, the analysis of this article shows that specific industries generally had much larger impacts during the analysis period of 2003 through 2021. For example, construction, the most visibly affected industry, had a statistically significant employment growth rates of from 5 percent to 10 percent for at least 18 months postfire. Professional and business services also had significant employment growth rates of up to 5 percent for at least 18 months postfire. 

Table 2. Percentage of employment responses to wildfires by industry with full dataset, 2003–21
of event
Quarters after large fire event

All industries


Natural resources and mining


Construction: large fires

Construction: medium fires


Construction: small fires



Trade, transportation, and utilities




Financial activities


Professional and business services


Education and health services


Leisure and hospitality


Other services


Note: Bolded values indicate periods for which any deviations from zero were significant (α = 0.05) by using bootstrap resampling. Q = quarter.

Source: Authors calculations using data from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.

Suggested citation:

Tian Luo, "Labor market impacts of destructive California wildfires," Monthly Labor Review, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, July 2023,

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