Blog Archive

Monday, April 12, 2021

The intended audience for this account is: 100% Caucsian United States of America born/raised/lived and of domestic North America Continent (with US citizenship by birth & NO pure line within 3 retrograde generations; also NOT immigrant, scientist, student, etc.). (Carry over Blog: Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019) [Illicit Edit Advisory]


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The intended audience for this account is: 100% Caucsian United States of America born/raised/lived and of domestic North America Continent (with US citizenship by birth & NO pure line within 3 retrograde generations; also NOT immigrant, scientist, student, etc.).

The intended audience for this account (including all media (text/image/film/sound/etc.) presented by account) is: 100% Caucsian United States of America born/raised/lived (US citizens) and by: domestic North America Continent.

[Minority, Pure genetic lines (within three generations retrograde), rare genetic lines, superior genetic lines, treasure genetic lines, immigrants, Russian, Asian, African, Latin-American/Latin, Middle East, Greek, Swedish, European, Island person, Prussian, Germany, France, Austria, Polish, Australian, Native American, scientist, computer scientist, engineer, physician, dentist, veterinarian, surgeon, researcher, politicians, professional, business, maths, chemistry, biology, physics, student, under age 27, youth, minor, child, juvenile, elder, disabled, vulnerable, service, family-oriented, family value, American, religious persons, Doll collectors, Doll fans, American Girls, etc., is NOT intended audience for this account (list of non-intended audience qualifiers is not all inclusive)].

[Person/s that Author Knew/Knows and/or that Knew/Know Author are NOTintended audience for this account.]

This excerpt was implemented due the content of some posts that is recommended not safe for work; sensitive content; Adult content; Explicit content; Age 25 and up; etc.. If public content then read is permitted. Author was required to refine intended audience purpose statement and due blog content.

Author does not research audience, investigate audience, analyze audience, track audience, review audience profiles, etc.. Author is obliged to refrain from pursuit/etc. indefinitely; by author's own judgement/decision/nature/disposition/tendency/habit/character/position/etc.. Author is with respect for privacy, person, right, etc.. Author is NOT a programmer, computer scientist, computer engineer, etc.. Author may peruse messages from time to time.

Permission to read account, and to save text/photograph/etc. for private personal use is contingent upon status-relation defined by person that knows or knew Author and that Author knew or knows.

Respectful decline of request to distribution, replication, etc. of files/content/composition/photograph/etc.. Illicit edit/use/etc. is prohibited. Illicit person/etc. is prohibited.

Author does NOT assume, predict, belief, thought, idea, feel, act, extraordinary ability/capacity/capability/competence/etc., magic any, supernatural, superstitution, religion, god, etc..

Author did NOT cite sources. Use/etc. source's intel/etc. is prohibited. Use/etc., seek/etc., abuse/investigate/etc., find/etc., etc., of Author's source/s is prohibited. Second hand sources are not permitted for use/etc.; third hand source is prohibited. Any behavior/etc. to peonage/etc. person is illegal; and should be addressed to the fullest extent and capacity of Law of The United States of America (ref. U.S. Code). 

Please feel welcome to initiate correspondence to satisfy inquiry or request.


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