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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

05-05-2021 drafting: ' Primordial germ cells migrate to the forming gonad to become oogonia, which proliferate by mitosis for a period before differentiating into primary oocytes. At this stage (usually before birth in mammals), the first meiotic division begins: the DNA replicates so that each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids, the duplicated homologous chromosomes pair along their long axes, and crossing-over occurs between nonsister chromatids of these paired chromosomes.' (nbk26842)

' Primordial germ cells migrate to the forming gonad to become oogonia, which proliferate by  for a period before differentiating into primary oocytes. At this stage (usually before birth in mammals), the first meiotic division begins: the  replicates so that each  consists of two sister chromatids, the duplicated  chromosomes pair along their long axes, and  occurs between nonsister chromatids of these paired chromosomes.'


The developing . It is usually a large and immobile cell.


Process by which a cell undergoes a change to an overtly specialized cell type.


Formation and maturation of oocytes in the ovary.


Short region of  in a bacterial  that controls the transcription of an adjacent .


In a bacterial , a group of contiguous genes that are transcribed into a single  .




Membrane-enclosed  in a eucaryotic cell that has a distinct structure, macromolecular composition, and function. Examples are , mitochondrion, , Golgi apparatus.



origin recognition complex (ORC)

Large   that is bound to the  at origins of replication in eucaryotic chromosomes throughout the cell cycle'


Fusion of a male and a female  (both ) to form a  , which develops into a new individual.


Special type of  by which eggs and sperm cells are produced. It comprises two successive nuclear divisions with only one round of  replication, which produces four daughter cells from an initial  cell.

' Primordial germ cells migrate to the forming gonad to become oogonia, which proliferate by  for a period before differentiating into primary oocytes. At this stage (usually before birth in mammals), the first meiotic division begins: the  replicates so that each  consists of two sister chromatids, the duplicated  chromosomes pair along their long axes, and  occurs between nonsister chromatids of these paired chromosomes. After these events, the cell remains arrested in  of  (in a state equivalent, as we previously pointed out, to a  of a mitotic division cycle) for a period lasting from a few days to many years, depending on the species. During this long period (or, in some cases, at the onset of sexual maturity), the primary oocytes synthesize a coat and cortical granules. In the case of large nonmammalian oocytes, they also accumulate ribosomes, , and the  that will later direct the synthesis of proteins required for early embryonic growth and the unfolding of the developmental program. In many oocytes, the intensive biosynthetic activities are reflected in the structure of the chromosomes, which decondense and form lateral loops, taking on a characteristic “lampbrush” appearance, signifying that they are very busily engaged in  synthesis (see Figures 4-36 and 4-37).' 

'The next phase of   is called oocyte maturation. It usually does not occur until sexual maturity, when the oocyte is stimulated by hormones. Under these hormonal influences, the cell resumes its progress through . The chromosomes recondense, the  breaks down (this is generally taken to mark the beginning of maturation), and the replicated  chromosomes segregate at  I into two daughter nuclei, each containing half the original number of chromosomes. To end division I, the  divides asymmetrically to produce two cells that differ greatly in size: one is a small  body, and the other is a large secondary oocyte, the precursor of the . At this stage, each of the chromosomes is still composed of two sister chromatids. These chromatids do not separate until , when they are partitioned into separate cells, as previously described. After this final  separation at anaphase II, the cytoplasm of the large secondary oocyte again divides asymmetrically to produce the mature egg (or ) and a second small polar body, each with a  set of single chromosomes (see Figure 20-22). Because of these two asymmetrical divisions of their cytoplasm, oocytes maintain their large size despite undergoing the two meiotic divisions. Both of the polar bodies are small, and they eventually .

In most vertebrates,  maturation proceeds to  of  II and then arrests until . At ovulation, the arrested secondary oocyte is released from the ovary and undergoes a rapid maturation step that transforms it into an  that is prepared for fertilization. If fertilization occurs, the egg is stimulated to complete meiosis.'

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