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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Blue Nati Midevil Ballet [05-12-21; 2207p] (Plot Expansion II)

Date: 05-12-2021; Time: 22.49P.

Title: Nati Ballet [05-12-21; 2207p]


Audience: Court of Scientists, Life, Death, etc. (no civs).

Characters: Nati (Blue Skin), Blue Creature, Chorus Ballerinas, stock characters, blue warrior prince, etc..

Essential Characters: Blue Skin Nati (with light blue skin tone; overt) (actual implied; illustrated; irremediable; dyed, permanent; self-cause by greed with motive for highest beauty attainment/whitest skin, trafficker aspiration, disloyal/betrayal/greedy). Blue warrior (metaphor; may wear blue powder also; not self cause by vice/etc., loyal/honor/selfless).

Main Character: Blue Skin Nati.

Implied or Reference/Pillar Characters (Not necessarily in Ballet): Very White Scientist, Court of Scientists, Life, Death, Birthright (whitest w/ blue undertones subtle; the success), White Queen, Purple-White Sick Son, Court of Scientists, Goths, Life, Death, Scientist Creations, Higher Order, Blue Warrior Prince (scientist army/supervisor/educator/model human/model of excellence/etc.), Eternal Beautiful Couple, Ballerina Babies/Family (court clowns/stock), Intellectual-Bishop of White and Blue in Black Garment, White-Black Clowns/clowns/etc., Black Knights, Intellectuals, Albinos, creatures, Greek pillars characters, principle, ethic, moral, value, etc..

Plot: Nati is Blue and/or Green. 

Time Period: Midevil.

Moral: Nati is Blue. 

Considerations: Misfortune and Fated is the greed of oblivious people and their adventures. Outcomes of greed (measures of position in society or universe). Lowest rank in the social-universe addresses green, malice and greed that began as brown, pink-orange or yellow person. Purposeless endeavors; greed endeavors (white skin turns blue or green in search for whiter skin - usurpation, higher beauty, aspiration to authority/etc., civilian v. god wars, etc.). Positions. Sick Nati character fantasy adventures coupled to real life memory, due indulgement in a life of fantasy where inferior genetics is reality, and outcome is fated blue-green; Sick Nati character is thus unsuitable/not-available for the sick son (audience/implied character) because she is very very sick with greed-vice-fantasy (Norway type character). No implications to the nature of the sick son; sick son has no vice-malice-greed. Insatiable greed/vice; and retaliatory malice of inferior women/men/etc.. 

Reference: Fairytale & Ballet draft. Venus; The Nutcracker. Blue Midevil people. Green Face Praying Nati character.

Contemplations/Problem-Solution: Sick son should elect wife who wears a face covering in public and is healthy; as opposed to a sick fairytale-ballet character Blue-Dyed in search of white. whitest-chaser becomes criminal, Peter Pan, thief,  trafficker, etc.; is likely stolen/missing child/person, etc.; and upon infiltration to castle or court contribution to son sick/usurpation/fall of nation/etc.. Son should follow blue-soldier with good judgement and misfortune (not self induced), loyalty-wisdom-etc.; that marries a healthy woman who wears a face covering in public (as opposed to the destructive/oblivious/dangerous/destined/etc. fantasy of the blue-Nati character). Scientist did not blue either or both. Scientist did not make person sick. Blue Soldier turned blue for reasons unknown/not self induced; blue Nati character turned blue because of greed for whiter skin - self induced with incompetence.

Dance Choreography: White Wallaby Jumping, Cats, Yellow Baby Phalangers Reaching for Camera (rf.), Nati Type portrait historical poses, anti-animals, nati-poisoning/self-pity, nati-monster, nat and creature, blue nati world, adventures, oblivion, etc..

Ballet for sick/missing scientist son.

Corner Stones: Dr. Grigory Mairanovsky, Nikiya Anton Bettey, Blue Skin Nati, Blue Warrior, etc..


Above. Foundations of Ballet Structure/Plot (Separate from Audience; and Implied characters, etc.).


PLOT EXPANSION I: Blue Skin Nati Character executed by Plague Doctors.

PLOT EXPANSION II: Blue Skin Nati Character and Lilith Disseminate/Procreate/spread/facilitate/etc. Blue Skin Nati Character infection by aspirations of whitest white child/family/self/etc. where disparate intellect/means/measures/worth/position/etc.. Form gang with inferior niggers who received mercy and form a plot to traffick/steal/etc. to increase their social stature/white/worth/equity/etc. at the expense of the divine/scientist/world/reality/equity/health/etc..

PLOT EXPANSION III: Blue Skin Nati Character defames/accuses/frames/harms/witches/etc. the blue skin creature made by divine scientist, who is sent by witches/scientist/divine/etc. to help her/warn her/provide her with direction (stop using the compound turning her skin blue).

PLOT EXPANSION IV: Praying Nati appears near the end of ballet. she is green with lead wears queens crown to indicate her great aspiration. she prays to false gods of the people, traffickers, Peter pans, thieves  pirates, stolen children and nobody in presence of equal (empty room prays to herself etc.). 



Advanced Considerations

Scientist son missing.

Scientist son stolen; not by scientist.

Scientist son poisoned; not by scientist.

Scientist son injured; by low-equity gang (civs) with endeavor to seize the throne of greatness at the expense of actual greatness.

Usurpation of line by theft or destruction of heir and substitution by inferior line/genetics/etc. (blue nati attempts to insert her own self or son or gang in place of ailing heir to throne; or attempts to claim herself  (her kids/her gang/etc.) as actual legitimate heir to scientist throne; attempts to impersonate throne, etc.; blue nati attempts to seduce ailing heir to throne (after she became diseased with self-poisoning by greed  etc.); attempts to persuade general populace that they/blue-nati/etc. are equal to throne-heir/scientist/white queen/blue warrior/etc. or better than or entitled to, etc.; blue nati attempts to frame throne as illegitimate/waste/false/etc.; blue nati attempts to defame/usurp/overthrow/destroy nation/etc.; etc.).

White Queen is a scientist.

White Queen is humane to her purple-white son (ailing heir, etc.).

Scientist, White Queen, Blue Solider, etc., did not cause ailment to son. Not self-induced condition/ailment/etc..

Small group of divine scientists and their antagonist the user/people/civs/etc..

Intellectual property theft

Intellectual property abuse

Degenerates: Theft, Traffickers, Stolen Children, Diseased, Deprecators, etc..

Populace of feral people v. decent humans (scientist).

No mercy for low equity premise.

No salvation point has occurred.

Scientist without mate, progeny, baby, money, etc..

Violence (four violences).

Scientist and son victim of violence.

An inappropriate dishonorable death for honorable person v. false honors and euthanasia for dishonorable person. Death warranted must occur regardless. If blue nati person knowing that death is warranted; then blue nati person resort to desperate measures, etc.. (even execution of blue nati person confers honor too great for a blue nati person; consideration of time/value/equity/cost/lines/etc.; one death is not enough to resolve the issue/address the matter at hand/solve the problem/etc.; etc., however blue nati person must be executed anyway for consideration of disease/health/life/death/hierarchy/etc..).

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