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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Blue Nati Midevil Ballet [05-12-21; 2207p]

Date: 05-12-2021; Time: 22.49P.

Title: Nati Ballet [05-12-21; 2207p]


Audience: Court of Scientists, Life, Death, etc. (no civs).

Characters: Nati (Blue Skin), Blue Creature, Chorus Ballerinas, stock characters, blue warrior prince, etc..

Essential Characters: Blue Skin Nati (with light blue skin tone; overt) (actual implied; illustrated; irremediable; dyed, permanent; self-cause by greed with motive for highest beauty attainment/whitest skin, trafficker aspiration, disloyal/betrayal/greedy). Blue warrior (metaphor; may wear blue powder also; not self cause by vice/etc., loyal/honor/selfless).

Main Character: Blue Skin Nati.

Implied or Reference/Pillar Characters (Not necessarily in Ballet): Very White Scientist, Court of Scientists, Life, Death, Birthright (whitest w/ blue undertones subtle; the success), White Queen, Purple-White Sick Son, Court of Scientists, Goths, Life, Death, Scientist Creations, Higher Order, Blue Warrior Prince (scientist army/supervisor/educator/model human/model of excellence/etc.), Eternal Beautiful Couple, Ballerina Babies/Family (court clowns/stock), Intellectual-Bishop of White and Blue in Black Garment, White-Black Clowns/clowns/etc., Black Knights, Intellectuals, Albinos, creatures, Greek pillars characters, principle, ethic, moral, value, etc..

Plot: Nati is Blue and/or Green. 

Time Period: Midevil.

Moral: Nati is Blue. 

Considerations: Misfortune and Fated is the greed of oblivious people and their adventures. Outcomes of greed (measures of position in society or universe). Lowest rank in the social-universe addresses green, malice and greed that began as brown, pink-orange or yellow person. Purposeless endeavors; greed endeavors (white skin turns blue or green in search for whiter skin - usurpation, higher beauty, aspiration to authority/etc., civilian v. god wars, etc.). Positions. Sick Nati character fantasy adventures coupled to real life memory, due indulgement in a life of fantasy where inferior genetics is reality, and outcome is fated blue-green; Sick Nati character is thus unsuitable/not-available for the sick son (audience/implied character) because she is very very sick with greed-vice-fantasy (Norway type character). No implications to the nature of the sick son; sick son has no vice-malice-greed. Insatiable greed/vice; and retaliatory malice of inferior women/men/etc.. 

Reference: Fairytale & Ballet draft. Venus; The Nutcracker. Blue Midevil people. Green Face Praying Nati character.

Contemplations/Problem-Solution: Sick son should elect wife who wears a face covering in public and is healthy; as opposed to a sick fairytale-ballet character Blue-Dyed in search of white. whitest-chaser becomes criminal, Peter Pan, thief,  trafficker, etc.; is likely stolen/missing child/person, etc.; and upon infiltration to castle or court contribution to son sick/usurpation/fall of nation/etc.. Son should follow blue-soldier with good judgement and misfortune (not self induced), loyalty-wisdom-etc.; that marries a healthy woman who wears a face covering in public (as opposed to the destructive/oblivious/dangerous/destined/etc. fantasy of the blue-Nati character). Scientist did not blue either or both. Scientist did not make person sick. Blue Soldier turned blue for reasons unknown/not self induced; blue Nati character turned blue because of greed for whiter skin - self induced with incompetence.

Dance Choreography: White Wallaby Jumping, Cats, Yellow Baby Phalangers Reaching for Camera (rf.), Nati Type portrait historical poses, anti-animals, nati-poisoning/self-pity, nati-monster, nat and creature, blue nati world, adventures, oblivion, etc..

Ballet for sick/missing scientist son.

Corner Stones: Dr. Grigory Mairanovsky, Nikiya Anton Bettey, Blue Skin Nati, Blue Warrior, etc..


Above. Foundations of Ballet Structure/Plot (Separate from Audience; and Implied characters, etc.).

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