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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

0630210010 - Dr. Silvers & Stephy draft

Prompt 1. 

"...Dr. Silvers, It's your ex-wife on the telephone."

"Thanks Steph, Just put her on hold."

Dr. Silvers adjusted his seat, rested his pen on the desk and without hesitation reached for the telephone. "Hey Baby, It's Silbers. I am not at the desk right now, please feel welcome to leave a message at the tone." Dr. Silvers pressed the Star key and routed the telephone call to voice mail.

 Dr. Silver's rotated his chair toward the 6x9 window, and spread his gaze over the scenic hills, mountains and terrain of the California coast. 


Prompt 2.

"Hey, are you awake?" Dr. Silver's rested his hand on the shoulder of the sleeping woman. The woman shifted her weight and lifted her head to speak, "Yes, I am awake. Who are you?" "I'm Dr. Silvers, It's a pleasure to meet you." The woman sat up and fixed her hair, "My name is Natalya." Dr. Silvers couldn't help but smile, "I know." The woman smiled back and began to stand up, "I was just taking a nap. Have you seen Annie?" Dr. Silvers glanced downward, "No."


Prompt 3.

'Hey, Stebe, You can't just come round the dogs house.' Dr. Silvers squinted his beady brown eyes and began to grind his teeth, "Looks just fine to me." The air was cool and the breeze was less than optimal for outdoor activities. "You wanna smoke? It's just tabac." Dr. Silvers shifted his weight and received a cigarette from the pack, "Yeah Thanks, You have a light?" Without a moment's hesitation, Dr. Silvers instinctively reached into his pocket a pulled out a butane-match set. The interlocutor obliged and advanced a long tip candle lighter, "Yeah, here,  I ran out of hand helds... I've  been using the candle lighter." Dr. Silvers grabbed the lighter by the long tip and thrusted a taser toward the interlocutor. "Thanks," Dr. Silver's took all of the lighters and pocketed them. The interlocutor adjusted position and scanned the scene, "You need to sit or you just going to stand this through?" Dr. Silvers smiled through dirty teeth, "I'm not hurt." Dr. Silvers moved toward the swinging bench, and helped himself to a large seat, "Actually, I'm not gonna stand." The seat was obliged and a return request extended, "May I have my lighter back please?" Dr. Silvers reached deep into the wrong pocket to retrieve the lighter, "Oh yeah, wait...Here... Oh- It's the other, Wait... Hold on a minute... Ah... Here it is. Yeah, here you go-". The lighter was tossed back toward the interlocutor by Dr. Silvers, and fell to the floor, "There you go- That's your grab,". Dr. Silver's comment faded in the wind.


Prompt 4.

'Dr. Silvers is passing out civs in americas,' the woman commented to the man. '...It's every man's adventure.'


Prompt 5.

'I'll have to leave as soon as I can. I just have to wrap some thing up first,' she proposed. '...I'll see you on the other side?' The room fell still. 'Maybe not,' it was replied.


Prompt 6.

"Hello, Hey-O...," Dr. Silver's began to speak in a foreign language. "Are you steffucchi antoon?" The woman blinked, "No, Who is Steffucchi Antoon?" Dr. Silvers Frowned, "Ok, just checking."


Prompt 7.

Natalya and Nikiya took their seats on the plane. James Bond walked in last, and seated himself in the front row. Dr. Bettey and Dr. Anton were seated next to the two sisters. Zakary Bettey was seated behind his parents. The plane lifted silently in a transience. "Are these our bodies?" Natalya mumbled confused. Nikiya smiled, "Clones. Clones or our missin kids/relatives/parents kids/relatives lines/etc., gen mod, transplants, grafts, surgery, polymer shell, drugs...amnestic drugs...maybe I dont know..Maybe cloak face...Surgery...Makeup...Implants...You look like you - kind of- maybe not, is it your body I dont know with the modern advancements in technology even retrograde." 


Prompt 8.

"I don't want to be in a polymer shell though..." The girl anguished. "But, you don't want to age either." The scientist mentioned. "We have created a polymer shell to halt aging, until we can publish our work on genetics to seize the clock." The girl tried to move the polymer shell jaw, "You mean cease the clock?" The scientist turned to adjust his glasses, "Well..."


Prompt 9.

The men in suits led the woman down the hall, and stopped by door number 009. The men unlocked the door and motioned to enter the room. The girl entered the room and downturned her gaze. The men spoke something about to meet, and told her to look. A handsome man in a suit with a clean shaven strong face smile. "Hello, My dear. It has been a while. Welcome."


Prompt 10.

"Dad...I think I saw Grigory or a clone or one of his... " Dr. Beatles smile-frowned and mumbled to himself, "You didn't just mean what you said. Did you?" The woman expressed concern, "Dad they can't keep making faces like mines and Grigorys on niggies n' Cans." Dr. Beatles Smiled, "You mean diggies?"


Prompt 11.

"Look Dr. Betteys, we need you to cooperate." James Bond the Italian took a deep on his cigar and exhaled rich smoke through beautiful teeth. 


Prompt 12.

"I'll miss you..." it was said as the last moments passed.


Prompt 13.

"Sarg, what about all this puppy crap; You can't have a dog-a-pet in your house or you'll get arrested." Sarge did not lift his eyes without remorse, "I can't help but falling in love; with dogs."


Prompt 14.

"Let's build a bunker and a six pen." The woman remarked. "You've got to be kidding me." The man raised his eyebrow. The woman adjusted her stance, "We can hold the line with Constantine."


Prompt 15.

"So now that she..." The Italian son held a print in his hands, and mentioned between tasks. The father lifted his eyes, "Son...give her peace."


Prompt 16.

Nikiya proposed, "Well my mother is 100% Greek. We can put her in Greece?" The brown frowned, "No, she'ze appeasy." Dr. Bettey chirped, "She'se Cheesy!"


Prompt 17.

"Hey, Constantine - Hold the Line! haha..." The woman laughed. Constantine never smiled, "I'm not gonna hold the line." The woman smiled, "Well, let me give ya a hand will ya. Here's a vault."


Prompt 18.

The Jeckylopes traversed down the winding hallway. Variegated lights radiated the room in colors of purple, blue, white, black and red. The Master jeckylope motioned toward a door, "Toward the floor!" The jeckylopes entered the room and positioned themselves on the floor. "Were they standing or lying down?" The Jeckylopes commented, "depending on circumstance, conditions, state, function, etc." The master jeckylope paused and then advanced, "everyone lye down and stand up really fast!" The jeckylopes obliged. The master jeckylope considered, "usually we would just stand. It's figurative not literal directionally speaking, with due consideration given to levels - informal speech/comm only... However, we must consider the importance of specificity and literality in scientific discourse. We cannot use metaphors or devoid of context to direct a process. Don't forget your dictionaries." The jeckylopes looked to one another, "But what if the meanings change?" The master jeckylope motioned of greatness, "That is why we must remain in principle, and never cease in our works."


Prompt 19.

"Hey Sarge, We have a surprise for you." The sargent did not stop his work without delay, and mumbled to proceed despite. The puppies brought a large box into the Sargent's office. After the puppies had gone still, the sargent shifted his weight backwards in his chair and extended his arms over his desk, "jesus. what is that..." The puppies smiled with mischief, "It's a present. Here, come open the box." Sarge smiled and accosted, "Nah, guys I can't...Wh.." The puppies waited eagerly for the sargent to open the box. Sargent cut the top of the box open. "Open it," The sargent ordered to the puppies. One of the puppies barked and panted in the Sargents office. The puppy opened the box, and motioned for the sargent to peer inside. Before another moment had passed, a body of motion arose from the depths of the box to reveal itself. The woman rubbed her eyes,  looked around the room, and grimaced, "What is going on?" The puppy remarked, "You can't say that your the present. It's Sarges 60th birthday today. Please be kind. We are trying to make it special for him. He has no family."


Prompt 20.

"Ever been around the world in 60 second?"


Prompt 21.


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