Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

0630210151 - Base Room Party draft

Base Room: 12'x18'

Wall Panel/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

Floor Flooring/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

Ceiling Panel/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

Photography Backdrop Stand/etc. (Estimate Dimension: ~10'x12')[Quantity: 3-4]. **

Photography Backdrop Curtain/Panel/Sheet/Fabric/etc. (Estimate Dimension: ~10'x12')[Quantity: 3-4; 6-8]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}.*

Floor Mat/etc. (Estimate Dimension: unknown)[Quantity: 1+]{Color: White and/or Black, etc.}

* Double quantity of backdrops is for purpose to layer backdrops for facilitation of  impression/appearance/effect/etc. to increased opacity/etc..

** May elect to use riser or photography backdrop stand-curtain set of greater height/dimensions/etc. that estimated/specified/indicated/etc. above. Please consider whether or not to use riser in design and before selection of photography backdrop stand/curtain/etc. size.  Acquisition of photography backdrop stand and measurement/assessment/etc. of stand assembled, prior to photography backdrop curtain selection/acquisition/etc..

Note 1. Materials/Types/etc.: Foam, Cardboard, Fabric, Plexiglass, Lexan, Tarp, Drop Cloth, Polycarbonate, Polyethylene, Butyl Sheets, Acrylic, Mirror, Mylar, Pond Liners, Velvet, Wood, Marble, Stone, Brick, Carpet, Canvas Fabric, dry wall panel, etc..


Basic Cover/Basic Tarping-Droping for Living Quarter


Windows: Over window - Canvas Tarp (Canvas Stud/Drywall tack pins, or Canvas Tape)

Walls-Ceiling: Polyethylene Two Layer Drop Cloth - Walls/Ceiling (Corner Attachments, Interval attachments ~1-2') [3 walls, 1 ceiling, 1 door face]

Peripherals/Attachments: Masking Tape, Scotch Tape, Tack Pins, etc..

Floor: Interlocking Floor Foam Mat, Plastic roll down (not fabric), Corner guards/Edge guards foam/plastic [tack at corners and 1-2' intervals] (edge guard optional; plastic roll down optional)

Min.: Wall drop plastic, Floor drop plastic, corner attachments, attachments as nec., etc..


1. Remove, Wash and Store Fabrics.

2. Remove, Clean and Store Hardware

3. Remove, Clean and Store Furnishings.

4. Clean, Close, Tape Seal Windows. Cover for cleaning.

5. Clean Ceiling and Walls.

6. Clean Floors.

7. Ceiling Cover/Drop.

8. Window Cover/Drop.

9. Walls Cover/Drop.

10. Floor/Cover/Drop.


Arrangements for Living Quarters

Sections: Rest, Consumption, Activity, Hygiene, Post-Consumption.

    Rest: Double Blanket Floor (King bottom fold, queen blanket top).

    Consumption: Cabinet or box, Water distiller.

    Activity: Chair for smoking.

    Hygiene: Steel tub, milk house heater.

    Post-consumption: portable/fixed/oor restm.

    Laundry: portable/fixed/oor fac.

    Waste disposal: portable/fixed/oor fac-loc.

Min. sect.: Rest section/sleeping area.

Utilities: WATER - Water Inlet (construct for drinking water/water for human consumption all inlets), Water outlet 1 (consumption), Water outlet 2 (hand wash), Water outlet 3 (Shower/Bath), Water outlet 4 (Washing Machine out), Water outlet 5 (restroom/toilet); WASTE - Handled refuse outlet (non-bio waste), non-handled refuse outlet (biowaste), special refuse outlet (chem, phy, etc.). HEAT - Gas, Nuclear, Chemical, tar, etc.; LIGHT - nuclear, gas, tar, implant, etc. (overnight work; non 12h sched).

Structure: Lead, Nuclear, Phy-EME, etc..

Energy: Nuclear, Chemical, Gas, Physical (EMR, EM, MECH, EME, E, ENG, CE, PE, NE, BE, etc.), tar/etc., manufactured, etc..

Conditions/Calibration: Chemical, biosensor, nsen, csen, etc..

Environment: Air, Water, Soil, Fire, Greenery, Stone, Nuclear, Physical, Chemical, Biological, Animal, Plant, Human, Cell, etc..

Transport/Access/Surveillance/Presence/Absence/Defense/Documentation/Enforcement/Rule/Law/Locality/Town/City/Region/Country/etc.: N/A

Diet: Cellulose, Water, Chemical, Plants, Special Biological (processed biological for human consumption; xanthan gum, gum), etc..

Activity: Sustenance, Preservation, Integrity, Science, Maths/Documentation, Isolation.


Note: 4H P, 6H W, 2H-T. 93.

Note 2.: Pressure Cooker. PhyME.

Note 3.: Phy-EME.

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