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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Potas Sand 072820210156

Potassium (K) is a building block of some of the most widespread minerals, but despite that it is actually surprisingly rare in the whole Earth. It can be even said that potassium is a trace elment — it forms only 160 ppm1 (0.16%) of the bulk Earth. How is it possible? It is an important constituent of K-feldspar and mica and these are among the main components of granite — a rock type we are all very familiar with.

'Potassium chloride'
'Ammonium Sulphonitrate'
'Ammonium Nitrate ammonium sulphate 1:1'
'potassium chloride/ammonium nitrate fertilizer'

So Chlor Seas Rocks
Nitrogen And Atmpsophere gases
Haber Bosch

The facility built in 1911 over 8 hectares started to produce nitrogenous fertilizers two years later. This included mainly a mixture of potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate in equal proportions.

The raw material ammonia was produced using the new Haber-Bosch process that uses atmospheric nitrogen.

Hydrogen sulfide 1:1

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