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Monday, July 26, 2021

Update Declination to Fund Independent Large Human Quantity Distribution Expansion & Warefare USA 072520212107 723



overpopulation of birthright by trafficker clause is missing; Extermination and Execution only for all stolen, etc..

Nikiya Bettey
Bangor, ME, United States

JUL 26, 2021 — 

overpopulation of birthright by trafficker clause is missing

over population of birthrigyt by traficker clause missing

no excision clause is missing.

10. great death of america to secure resource and prevent petersen infection of gene sample.

Decline to fund stolen child and state infected population 0717211207 - Execution orders and prohibition to enter Russia Genetic Verification Warranted Study on Petersen-Large American Fam w kids in foster care warranted to establish genetic link to… Read more

Backdoor channel for petersens and gangs to smuggle brain transplant foreign shell child, adult brain child, stolen child and to secure their seats with their own children working in field as undercover/false foster (living in foster doing work etc.) etc.

Africa - Made by a Blonde Tall Thin Scientist who was light skin color and said no word ever.

Asia - Made by Brad a human man.

Latin America - Made by Brad's son.

Middle East - Made by a scientist with long hair dyed skin and tattoos or stephanie anton

Europe - Made by bob bettey

America - Made by Petersen a research subject who killed a peonaged enslaved scientist enhostaged (without proof or memory) and stole his intellectual property before he could finish his work; and procreated her race en mass by stolen ip/stolen gene/stolen child/etc.

Russia - Made by a secret elite group


Changes occurred after mass extinction; maximum verification was simple only space and time and communications and signal +/-

No signs of life, no signs of advanced developed communicable capable etc. lifeformes or lifeforce. No discoveries, none recovered no dead discovered or etc.. all deceased determined genetic-etc..

establish genetic link to overbreeding large american families and slave-origin-line (birthright of prss greece) will not sanctin your people will meet war nuke come to your house USA.


establish genetic link to overbreeding large american families and slave-origin-line (birthright)


OVerbreeding large american family and human trafficking


1. Scientist & Immigrant enhostage in America by poverty. Not cover. 
2. America has Enhostaged presences by poverty (minimum conditions to support non-hostage scenario have not been satisfied by america et al., minimum amount to leave america not accessible to scientists but rather to amcan trafficker gen mod and stolen child only occurrence.) 
3. Scientists leave has been advanced by gangs of conspiracy-trafficker-stolen child-criminal-psychopath-disease-etc. americans in american gang that were indocrinated and as evidenced by their precedent emigration where scientists remain enhostage by the trafficker-emigrant's america funding country.
4. Amount to the people is less than required to enable scientist to secure leave ever.
5. Funds distribution scheme by trafficker america to enhostage scientist. eg funds to stolen child and trafficker.
6. America has overpopulated and mass trafficked to enslave enhostage scientist and to debut themselves as the true originals underground (god ideas) where present operations of stolen material clone surgery gen mod stolen organs stolen shell and transplant brain etc.. no disclosure by america yet.


America must execute amcans ex patriat and present; prohibit further defecation of americans onto world by emigration to foreign country in advance of hostage scientist release. etc.

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