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Monday, August 16, 2021

08-15-2021-2247 - Permission to existence past/present/future/etc. alumni, teacher, student, immigrant, scientist, etc., and to leave/etc. North America/United States of America.

Permission to existence/person/etc. (past/present/future/etc.) alumni, teacher, student, immigrant, scientist, etc., and to leave/etc. North America/United States of America.

To clarify or address evacuation/leave/etc. circumstance is not equivalent to position of: 'ex-patriat'.

Request to foreign country, to be considerate, humane and selective in application to document of term 'ex-patriat' where it concerns a position of evacuation/rescue/leave/etc.. Request to differentiation of evacuee/salvage/rescue/refugee/immigrant/leave/study abroad/residing out of country/temporary/new home/living away from home/etc. and ex-patriat.

Ex-patriat is vaguely assignable to United States of America persons residing abroad, with 'purpose people and politics'** (e.g. genetic/organ aberrations present, familial perturbations present, gang relations present (e.g. jewej, mister, petersens), criminal behaviors - plans/hands/groups/etc. (psychopathology) present (e.g. irvine trafficker female 100% caucasian, bleached, etc.), etc.), etc.. Implications include espionage, intent to contact to north america/USA/etc., if traffickers winning then return scenario, no attachment or contribution valid to new country/entered country/etc., trafficking crimes import posts for stolen goods (time limited, before export/etc.), theft and hission/obscure/conceal/hide/cover/etc., hiding criminals (crimed there hid here), etc.. Ex-Patriat distal implications as indicated above are vague and tenuous (not empirically evidenced, or adherative to definition authority rule-set/etc., etc.). Ex-patriat term in relation to civilian level one may confound positions/clarity/comm/etc. in an environment or circumstance of United States Armed Forces (pats, americans) personnel that have assumed the status of migrants relocated with cover to acquire intel on foreign country, property/children/body/privacy/body/etc. by/of foreign country, etc. (inc. on/by/of foreign country - thus to compromise integrity, survival and future of native foreign country people), with retained utility to the United States of america and to commit actions against foreign country of re-location (e.g. persons who are in contact with USA/persons in USA/knowing of other emigrants from USA (one side knows the other side does not know scenario with large scale on one side (one broad network (pretty person) with personal record, relentless pursuit, amnestic drug assault (DFA), one resourced the other drained/less/less than pursuer/etc. - example irvine trafficker chasing N prior to trafficking), etc.)/mining people (e.g. sharon petersen lists of names and peoples and non-self incrimination/social approach/disease/espionage/etc.)/packing people (e.g. irvine trafficker and conspiracy collide/cross/etc.)/espionage (e.g. sharon petersen, etc. - collect intel, move with intel, convince others, form contracts/agreements, execute plans together for profit or benefit, clandestine to one), etc., etc.).

Note. No recommendation to change foreign, definition, etc.. Past/Present/Future ex-patriats are not involved-implied, etc. by author/etc.. Request to no penalty to coincidential/primed/etc. use of ex-patriat by recorder/immigrant/person/etc.. Request to no penalty.

Thank You.

* If land becomes available; author reasonably anticipates the circumstance of everyone of value to receive a section of available land. Author does not intend to prohibit or impede land acquisition by ominious, foreshadowing with knowing/plan/etc., communicational darkening, orders, etc.. The author does not defend same philosophy as it concerns genetics-sequence-gene-child-body-existence-etc., etc..

* If then conditional is permitted, omitted from main text. Family in America may instigate an intended/planned/etc. occasion of travel to America (but without return, reimmigration, etc.). Re-immigration is only expected to occur in times of great adversity where resident/reside/etc. (e.g. if in foreign country and great adversity then may re-immigrate to home country or second-immigrate to new country).

* Permission to existence past/present/future/etc. alumni, teacher, student, immigrant, scientist, etc., and to leave/etc. North America/United States of America.

* Immigrant - Resides and is not native born, entered country of reference, (entrance; perspective - Entrance; Positive); Emigrant - Resides and is not native born, exited country of reference (exit; perspective - Exit; Negative); etc..

Immigrant to North America (resides in North America after travel to North America from foreign country).

Emigrant from Germany (resides elsewhere, left Europe; may or may not be considered an immigrant by a foreign country; may be pre-resident, illegal, undocumented, temporary, etc.)

Immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.[1][2][3

Emigration is the act of leaving a resident country or place of residence[1] with the intent to settle elsewhere (to permanently leave a country).[2] Conversely, immigration describes the movement of people into one country from another (to permanently move to a country).[3]

** (Quote, n.d.) [Reference Retained] n.s.t.p., n.c., n.v., n.r., n.c., n.v., etc.

* Persons may work for employer that is dependent on/located in/etc. USA, etc.. Resource must be available.

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