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Monday, August 16, 2021

08-16-2021-0404 - Required to stabilize population turnover prompt; Including Land Future - Earthy - USA - NAC DOM - etc.



Stimulus Check Four 

Reoccurring Direct

Required to stabilize population turnover prompt

Including Reduce/Cease losses to non-turnover presence anomaly 

Required to secure lands possessed at location: Continent West (inc. North America, Americas, etc.)

Required to prevent mass emigration from United States of America, North America Continent

State of Dependence on foreign country exist

Compliance with foreign country, provision of funds to foreign country, etc., required to maintain relations.

Mass immigration has occurred and has escalated to hostage scenario at country of immigrancy.

Hierarchy, order, rank, complexity, sequence, pattern, etc., disregarded in fatal maneuver to blind-advance with gain by trafficking, stolen child trafficker family, undocumented persons, swap of body, swap of undocumented person and person with identity, disappearances/missing persons, abductions, enhostages, civil pow, prisoner unknown, prisoner unknowing, slaves, slaves beneath slaves, underground dimension actual, stolen kids/children/gene/sequence/people/person/quantity/variable/value/parameters/color/quality/advantage/fertility/reproductive material/biological material/biological product/material/product/organ/component/part/whole/intellectual property/genetic lines/gene/genes/etc.,  etc.

Occurrance of amnesty by amnesia to evidence motif of cover with non-disclosure (e.g. amnestic drug, chemical weapon incapacitant, intoxicant, incapacitant, incapacitating agent, research investigative pharmaceutical, drug compound antagonist, brain transplant raid, chemical weapon, distance incapacitation weapon, radioactive compound/molecule/etc., etc.)

'they are unaware that they are intoxicated while they are intoxicated.'

'they cannot recall the events that occurred while intoxicated once un-intoxicated.'

(Quote) [Reference Retained]

Civilian acquisition of pharmaceutical and technology to perpetuate/commit/etc. drug facilitated assault, and where victim profile distinct event or episode amnesia (permanent), non-collapse cessation during induction, distance (not in field of view/sight) induction-incapacitation-cessation, induction-maintenance-recovery phase that is not encoded in memory due expiry (electrical activity alteration or cessation or deformation - autopsy grade not clinical grade, reasonable expectation to cause immediate death equipment-pharmaceuticals with no realized deaths on CL1 public domain and where assailants exist within the public domain (requires that equipment and pharmaceuticals have been calibrated with intent to cause injury/violence/etc. aforementioned/etc.)) with rapid alteration of consciousness/processes/faculties/etc., etc.. Variations and alternations of a type of scheme exist.

A technology to make a physical body not ostensible to the unaided human eye or standard camera lens, exist.


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Do not permit USA Traversation into Russia by Petersen, Dinurysis, Bettey, Geoffeson, TiLove, Rooney, Walsh Chris et al., Grayden, Chaney, Silvers, Rose Grayden, Sheila, Ispirescu, Layng, AziV, Romaniov, ploish witch et al., large round yellow beetle et al., maine et al., smith, etc. et al., etc.

Do not permit USA Traversation into Russia by Petersen, Dinurysis, Anton, Bettey, Geoffeson, TiLove, Rooney, Walsh Chris et al., Grayden, Chaney, Silvers, Rose Grayden, Sheila, Ispirescu, LayngAziV, Romaniov-usa, centopiedals, ploish witch et al., large round yellow beetle et al., maine et al., USA, NAC, USA affiliate, affiliate, NAC DOM, undoc/nd/etc., America, Americans, Amcans, jewej, ukj, smith, MCL, MCD, wade, wades friends, blMH, trafficker, trafficker stolen child/etc., slave owner/etc., neanders, heathens, barbarians, romanians, rome, italians, middle east, asia, latins, africans, islanders, europe, canada, other places, norway, german, finland, germs, mixed, obl, srt, freks, disease, vsp, blacks, browns, lats, feastys, black people, browns, irvin trafficka & fam, veterinary/psychology/armed forces/social work/law enforcement/police/poor people/disease/deformed/degenerate/etc., degenerates, diseases, deformity, deviant, different, dangerous, disorder, perturbations/aberrations/abominations/deviants/derivatives/integrants/variants/variant/etc., stolen, stolen child/organ/gene/sequence/code/signature/type/order/pattern/rank/complexity/marker/product/material/intellectual/property/rehoused/transfer/acquired/human/person/existence/etc. et al., theif, misters,  etc..

including USA large families (renamed, rehomed, programed (e.g. if wit prot und cia; then cia override to prohibit emigration of wit prot person). petersen programmed units/programs/groups/etc. exercise special privilege and have no emigration rule/law/etc.; both USA witness protection groups and petersen groups have commonality; both have no obstacle to emigration (where to satisfy condition of occurrance of deception/secrecy/rule bending/argument/danger/conspiracy/espionage/etc. by persons of the USA)), etc.. 

e.g. an independent attempt to traversate the country and nation of any and by a person of a USA large family (esp. renamed, rehomed, programmed (inc. aspergers. mental health, public health care, government program, government mandated health care, etc.), etc.) is prohibited by a witness protection program/program/etc. under the authority-law-etc. of the United States of America-America-etc. (as required law, not optional law)(a non-traversation assumption by USA country government may exist (depending on time/etc.); USA government retains a non-traversation expectation of civilians/etc. and by implication of USA law to include a civilian/USA-USA/contract-etc.; flexible in government favor, as necessary). The Petersen family to satisfy condition of USA large family is not permitted to traversate when in compliance with law of country of origin/life/residence/etc.: America, United States, etc.. However, the family may attempt independent, dependent or otherwise to traversate any non-self country (including by the fabrication-design-etc. of elaborate schemes of society-social work-health-etc., including homes-land-house-programs-privilege-guns-etc., etc., and for purpose to blind-disparity advance and gain).

Mass Self procreated families (petersen, smith, etc.). 

Mass trafficked origin descendants/variants/derivations/derivatives/deviations/integrans/perturbations/abominations/aberrations/relatives/etc., etc..

Clones, hybrids, Impostors (stolen identities/etc.), doubles, genetically modified, stolen, etc..

North America, Americas, Islands, etc.. (Tropical Disease)

execution to all.

CIA 618 92.



Note. England did have early colonies in America; and traveled to America from England. 
Note 2. Germany invasion of America damage quotient assessment required.
Note 3. America language is English. America country/land/etc. should be rightfully the property of England.
Note 4. England is not to become the account of America. 
Note 5. England is not to receive/reassume/etc. the burden/cost/penalty/etc. and of the actions of America the independent, etc..(Reference. Revolutionary War 1700s est.; America wars against Great Britain/etc. 1800s).

[Edit to Note 4, and addition of note 5.]

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