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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

09-08-2021-0730 - Coal oil

Coal oil is a shale oil obtained from the destructive distillation of cannel coalmineral wax, or bituminous shale, once used widely for illumination.[1]

Chemically similar to the more refined, petroleum-derived kerosene, it consists mainly of several hydrocarbons of the alkaneseries, with 10 to 16 carbon atoms in each molecule, with a boiling point of 175 °C to 325 °C (347 °F to 617 °F), higher than gasoline or the petroleum ethers, and lower than the oils.

Because kerosene was first derived from cannel coal, classified as terrestrial type of oil shale,[2] it continued to be popularly referred to as "coal oil" even after production shifted to petroleum as a feedstock.[3][4][5] Refined hydrocarbons of the alkane series with 10 to 16 carbon atoms are the same thing whether taken from coal or petroleum. 

Cannel coal of the Pennsylvaniansubperiod from NE Ohio used to produce coal oil

above. black sabbath War Pigs

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