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Thursday, September 9, 2021

09-08-2021-2129 - Considerations to Financial Burden of USA w/ Aspirations to Maintain Trafficking Ring and Appearance of Power Unretained/Uncontrolled with Stolen Intellectual Property and Attempt to Integrate original family victim of mass trafficking and theft into the infrastructure of despeted American society

09-08-2021-2129 - Considerations to Financial Burden of USA w/ Aspirations to Maintain Trafficking Ring and Appearance of Power Unretained/Uncontrolled with Stolen Intellectual Property and Attempt to Integrate original family victim of mass trafficking and theft into the infrastructure of despeted American society by framing of all crime/disease onto the scientist-antidote-victim-birthright-VIV-etc.

1. Execution and Euthanasia List (persons, armed forces, stolen child trafficker family, disease, deformity, danger, unwanted, overly wanted, hybridized, cover up, rebodiment, covers, psychopathology, criminology, incrimination, etc.)

2. Selected Families and Persons for Marriage and Direct Line Progeny (Any Age)

3. Deportation or Cremation

4. Leave Permittance for Immigrant, foreign, SSF, Hostage, 1900s & before prisoner, VIVs family, good people, humane, etc.. Not trafficker/accomplices/etc.. 


1. Cessation of all import and export 

2. Disarm the missile reducer (permit missle attack do not fire back)

3. Return all Americans to North America, including colonies/territories/etc. (known)

4. Forfeit all foreign land/space/etc. (maintain only domestic north America)

5. Return all non land operation and component and person to north america, and forfeit further operations (esp. extraterresterial, undersea, artics, outerspace, space, cloak, etc.)


Infrastructure continut

1 Square Mile per family minimum. On ground. Underground allowed.

Transport government furnished. Monthly Rations to family.

Family purpose is Faming, Factory, Private Business (Weaving, sewing, drug making (standard list), etc.), etc. [non biological or human or embryo product] - Trade determined by genetics-skill-intelligence-ancestry-heritage-race-culture-etc..

Family Trades should be grouped.

No requirement for taxes only law abidance and monthly/yearly work/product provision to government. Government assigns ID to work/product provision, not family/person/etc..

Armed forces should be of and live with the family birth to death. Guns, bombs, swords, etc., only.

Euthanasia rights to all. 

Marriage, procreation and direct line progeny, euthanasia, and enforcement should become the duty of special operations task force of United States government with proper principle (non-violence, non torture, non frame, non aberr, non deceit, non conspiracy, etc.). Appropriate persons may be proper selected and trained (with sanction) of and by Nikiyas/VIVs, Russia, Asia, etc.. Forces usually cloned, and injured rebodied but without permission. Requires cloak and drugs, ADVTEPH, etc..

Government factions include: Russia, Asia, England, Nikiya/VIV, etc.. Secured nations of Prussia, Ireland, etc..  No permission to spain, brown, latin, tride, canada, it, norwya, dn, germ, finland, etc.. Nikiya/VIV resign early upon complete/etc. euthanasia. Euthanasia of entire family required, but no request for time extension permitted, and with no further delay.

Underground factions operations to chemical, science, record and nuclear operations/manufacturing/etc. including equipment, fields, etc.. Marriage and Direct line progeny; twenty year life span. Cloning and rebodiment occur but not permitted. Birth to death operations. No migration between levels or spaces: CL-1 [underground group] and CL1 [civilian general populace level one].


Manufacturer underground (CL-1); Family-Society-Image on ground (CL1).

Underground: chemicals, plants, tars, oils, nuclear, plants, processing, raw materials creation/refinement/collection/etc., etc..

On Ground: Animals (wool, silk), plant (linen, viand), clothes (weaving spinning etc.), wood (furniture, trees), etc..

Selections/Assignments by head psychiatry above grayden, must par nikiya without fraud or gang. must win both nikiya and viv without break one rule.

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