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Sunday, September 26, 2021

09-25-2021-1900 - drafting

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Nuclear interaction by reaction or by compound (process auto).

Reaction to facilitate subatomic components from neutral compound at standard environment; or compound with environment standard change to facilitate dysequilibrium and subatomic componentialization/etc. by process of re-equilibration. rate, conditions, confound, constraints, time, etc..

Reaction activation at ground state environment equilibrated. (mercury aluminum oxide)

Environment change induced reaction (activation by environment change to dysequilibrate and catalyze reaction). (radioactive decay at STP)

chemical tables.

. channel (current, vaccume); expansion contraction hole, loop/spiral/torsion/spinor/angle/circle/triangle/shape/linear/line/point/etc.

. lanthanide (decay); promethium, uraniums, etc..

The lanthanide (/ˈlænθənd/) or lanthanoid (/ˈlænθənɔɪd/) series of chemical elements[1] comprises the 15 metallic chemical elements with atomic numbers 57–71, from lanthanum through lutetium.[2][3][4] These elements, along with the chemically similar elements scandium and yttrium, are often collectively known as the rare-earth elements or rare-earth metals.

By way of examples of the term meaning the above considerations rather than their scarcity, cerium is the 26th most abundant element in the Earth's crust and more abundant than copper,[13] neodymium is more abundant than gold; thulium (the second least common naturally occurring lanthanide) is more abundant than iodine,[17] which is itself common enough for biology to have evolved critical usages thereof, and even the lone radioactive element in the series, promethium, is more common than the two rarest naturally occurring elements, francium and astatine, combined.

The La3+ ion is similarly sized to the early lanthanides of the cerium group (those up to samarium and europium) that immediately follow in the periodic table, and hence it tends to occur along with them in phosphatesilicate and carbonate minerals, such as monazite (MIIIPO4) and bastnäsite (MIIICO3F), where M refers to all the rare earth metals except scandium and the radioactive promethium (mostly Ce, La, and Y).[40] Bastnäsite is usually lacking in thorium and the heavy lanthanides, and the purification of the light lanthanides from it is less involved. The ore, after being crushed and ground, is first treated with hot concentrated sulfuric acid, evolving carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, and silicon tetrafluoride: the product is then dried and leached with water, leaving the early lanthanide ions, including lanthanum, in solution.[41]


On Earth, naturally occurring radionuclides fall into three categories: primordial radionuclides, secondary radionuclides, and cosmogenic radionuclides. 

  • Radionuclides are produced in stellar nucleosynthesis and supernova explosions along with stable nuclides. Most decay quickly but can still be observed astronomically and can play a part in understanding astronomic processes. Primordial radionuclides, such as uranium and thorium, exist in the present time because their half-lives are so long (>100 million years) that they have not yet completely decayed. Some radionuclides have half-lives so long (many times the age of the universe) that decay has only recently been detected, and for most practical purposes they can be considered stable, most notably bismuth-209: detection of this decay meant that bismuth was no longer considered stable. It is possible decay may be observed in other nuclides, adding to this list of primordial radionuclides.
  • Secondary radionuclides are radiogenic isotopes derived from the decay of primordial radionuclides. They have shorter half-lives than primordial radionuclides. They arise in the decay chain of the primordial isotopes thorium-232uranium-238, and uranium-235. Examples include the natural isotopes of polonium and radium.
  • Cosmogenic isotopes, such as carbon-14, are present because they are continually being formed in the atmosphere due to cosmic rays.[6]

Many of these radionuclides exist only in trace amounts in nature, including all cosmogenic nuclides. Secondary radionuclides will occur in proportion to their half-lives, so short-lived ones will be very rare. For example, polonium can be found in uranium ores at about 0.1 mg per metric ton (1 part in 1010).[7][8]Further radionuclides may occur in nature in virtually undetectable amounts as a result of rare events such as spontaneous fission or uncommon cosmic ray interactions.

Thorium is a weakly radioactive metallic chemical element with the symbol Th and atomic number 90. Thorium is silvery and tarnishes black when it is exposed to air, forming thorium dioxide; it is moderately soft, malleable, and has a high melting point. Thorium is an electropositive actinide whose chemistry is dominated by the +4 oxidation state; it is quite reactive and can ignite in air when finely divided.

All known thorium isotopes are unstable. The most stable isotope, 232Th, has a half-life of 14.05 billion years, or about the age of the universe; it decays very slowly via alpha decay, starting a decay chain named the thorium series that ends at stable 208Pb. On Earth, thorium and uranium are the only significantly radioactive elements that still occur naturally in large quantities as primordial elements.[a]Thorium is estimated to be over three times as abundant as uranium in the Earth's crust, and is chiefly refined from monazite sands as a by-product of extracting rare-earth metals.

Thorium was discovered in 1828 by the Norwegian amateur mineralogist Morten Thrane Esmark and identified by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Its first applications were developed in the late 19th century. Thorium's radioactivity was widely acknowledged during the first decades of the 20th century. In the second half of the century, thorium was replaced in many uses due to concerns about its radioactivity.

Thorium is still being used as an alloying element in TIG welding electrodes but is slowly being replaced in the field with different compositions. It was also material in high-end optics and scientific instrumentation, used in some broadcast vacuum tubes, and as the light source in gas mantles, but these uses have become marginal. It has been suggested as a replacement for uranium as nuclear fuel in nuclear reactors, and several thorium reactors have been built. Thorium is also used in strengthening magnesium, coating tungsten wire in electrical equipment, controlling the grain size of tungsten in electric lamps, high-temperature crucibles, and glasses including camera and scientific instrument lenses. Other uses for thorium include heat-resistant ceramics, aircraft engines, and in light bulbs. Ocean science has utilized (231)Pa/(230)Th isotope ratios to understand the ancient ocean.[4]

. mercury aluminum oxide continuum 


. helium-neon laser; nucl proc/op/rx/etc.; ionization of hyperfine quantum state; mags; electromagnetism; elects; ions; chemics; phys materials; etc...

. electron hole, electron with a hole, hollow atom, transition, magnesium oxide, strontium oxide etc..

. triple alpha process, CNO cycle, cycles, carbon-12, carbon, isotope, decay

. neutron, nucleon, isotones, nuclear (wikipedia, neutron, 2021)

. aneutronic fusion, boron, nitrogen, lithium, two proton  (Terran Space Academy, Exotic Fusion, 2020)

. 'some fusion produces protons; (most) produces photons...harvested for energy using plates to collect ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma-ray, etc., and to transform/etc. use as energy' ~ considerations (Terran Space Academy, Exotic Fusion, 2020) [step down transform or split-channel or coil-spring or etc.]

. 'nitrogen 15 fusion creates carbon 12 and helium 4' (Terran Space Academy, Exotic Fusion, 2020)

. 'electron strip/melt plasma hydrogen to proton two proton fusion' (Terran Space Academy, Exotic Fusion, 2020)

. 'a proton can decay into a neutron by emitting an electron in a process mediated by the weak nuclear force...beta decay...deuterium is formed when one proton in a diproton decays into a neutron by beta decay...deuterium build...deuterium fuse with proton forming helium three...helium three fuse with deuterium form helium four and emit or give off extra neutron...' (Terran Space Academy, Exotic Fusion, 2020)

. multiple process vessel, simultaneous processes, threshold, threshold excission, just noticeable difference, cascade, chain reaction, chunk, process direction, etc.. 

. neutron mirrors

. '(continuing...) two helium three fuse to form helium four emit two proton...' (Terran Space Academy, Exotic Fusion, 2020)

. plasma or not plasma (gas or liquid or solid or quantum or ion or interstate or multiple states/etc. or etc.; scale, property, quantity, etc. considerations, etc. [rate, time or measure]); cathode ray tube; F1 cathode; vacuum tube; oxyanion hole; oxygen cutting/welding; hydroelectric power; waxes hydrocarbons greenhouse gassing (aerogel; sol; or gel; or fluid or etc.; striated fluid, suspension, dispersion, etc., etc.); ozone; oxygen triangle cascade; ionization trihydrogen cation; cavitation; collapse; explosive/melt/combus/etc.; biofilm-tartar-plaque-mineralize-liquefy-etc.; electromagnetic field; supersymmetry; symmetry; supramolecular chemistry; etc.. quartz crystal, clock, vibration, phonon, radiation, etc.. rotation vibration translation. linear optics. oscillation. particle, wave. spring, spiral, spinor, etc.. helicoid catenoid. transform preserve conserve etc.. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-0845 - Robert Hooke FRS 1635 1703

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1306 - conjugated system

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1227 - hydrogen fuel

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1137 - Drafting hydroelectricity hydropower hydroelectric power Blagden 1748 1820

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1009 - Thorium dioxide (ThO2), also called thorium(IV) oxide

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-0918 - Oxy-fuel welding (commonly called oxyacetylene welding, oxy welding, or gas welding in the United States) and oxy-fuel cutting

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-0913 - Ferrocerium pyrophoric

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-0914 - White phosphorus munitions

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-0912 - Phosphorus pentoxide

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1429 - conformational isomerism

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1434 - dihedral angle

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1308 - electromotive force (emf)

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-0849 - Pendulum

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-0846 - Hooke's law

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1230 - Strontium oxide or strontia, SrO

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1447 - Bunsen detected previously unknown new blue spectral emission lines in samples of mineral water from Dürkheim.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1438 - Organotin stannanes

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1438 - Intramolecular

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1435 - Neutron Cross Section Phosphorus pentafluoride Fluxional (or non-rigid) molecules

Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1444 - Diethylzinc (C2H5)2Zn, or DEZ

table or chart of nuclides is a two-dimensional graph of isotopes of the elements, in which one axis represents the number of neutrons (symbol N) and the other represents the number of protons (atomic number, symbol Z) in the atomic nucleus. Each point plotted on the graph thus represents a nuclide of a known or hypothetical chemical element. This system of ordering nuclides can offer a greater insight into the characteristics of isotopes than the better-known periodic table, which shows only elements and not their isotopes. The chart of the nuclides is also known as the Segrè chart, after the Italian physicist Emilio Segrè.[1]

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