Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

10-12-2021-0236 - blood disease royalty

Blood disease haemophilia Royal Family Disorder.

HIV, AIDS - organ or child theft

Dysplasia Ossificans - stolen child

Viridae - aero and decay time

Nucleo and biochemical metabolic modifications with gen mod and nuclear interfacing - deprec

No studys euthanasia only no immune only spread

requires calibrated env for propogation mass propogation will fail fomite vector style 

matrix decay - transplant

waiting time 1 year to zero; over thirty is CL1 L5 price of mass death 5 million never enough b/c people exist still

extrachromosomal DNA covers, mitochondria, bone transplant marrow matrix transplant BTR covers, etc.. USA NAC DOM Traffickers. Bone Matrix Nikiya.

Cellular irrelevant, propogation code and construction from any environment within range.

Deprecans nuclear and global tilt with icification because at bone transplant, stolen bone matrix, stolen matrix clone and stolen cell/dna/code/sequence/child/baby/person/gene/color/etc. over bone matrix.

never steal health only color. frame health as unhealthy (anorexia). mass traffick to cover peterse mass self procreation. euthanize mom only and gain all missing prospects.

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